Unconditional Love

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Unconditional Love Page 24

by Kelly Elliott

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. “I thought you were dating him.” She shook her head.

  “He was my rebound fuck. That’s what you need and trust me…he is worth it.”

  I stopped and dropped my mouth open. “What?” I screamed out.

  She wrapped her arm around my waist and said, “Don’t be all innocent. Trust me—the rebound fuck is important. It has to be good. You need something to push Lark out of your head.”

  “Did it push Tristan out of yours?” She stopped and looked at me. Then she shrugged and said, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m not ready to give up my rebound fuck.”

  “Oh. My. God,” I shouted as she threw her head back and laughed.

  As we made our way over to Dodge, or who Ryn was now affectionately calling RFB, I was taken by how handsome he was. The way his eyes moved up and down my body made my stomach dip a little. I liked the way he was taking his time looking my body over from head to toe. He smiled and that was it. My heart began to race and I leaned over and said, “Too late. RFB is mine tonight.” Ryn wiggled her eyebrows up and down and winked at me.

  “He’s got a big dick too!” she shouted and the girl standing next to us looked at us.

  I glanced back at Dodge. He had piercing blue eyes that almost appeared to look right into my soul. Almost as if he knew what he needed to do for me to forget everything else but how he was admiring my body.

  I licked my lips as I looked up at his blonde messy hair. Both of his ears were pierced with a small diamond stud in each one and for some reason it turned me on even more.

  “Dodge, this is my friend Azurdee. She needs to be shown a good time tonight. Can you take her under your wing, please?”

  Dodge smiled and nodded his head as he held his hand out. I placed my hand in his and he started to walk out to the dance floor.

  I was hoping to God that my right hand wasn’t sweating like my left one was. I turned back and looked at Ryn who was giving me a thumbs-up as another guy was whispering something in her ear.

  Usher’s “Hot Tottie” began playing as Dodge smiled and pulled me close to him, but not too close. The way his body moved was quickly beginning to make my body react in a way I was not too sure about. Was I just that desperate to forget about Lark?

  As the song finished, he pulled me closer and put his lips to my neck right under my ear. “That dress should be illegal. I’m going to have to take my job serious tonight.”

  I pulled back slightly and smiled. When he pushed one of my curls behind my ear I let out a giggle. His touch didn’t affect me the way Lark’s did, but it certainly caused my libido to come to attention.

  We walked back to the bar and Dodge pulled out a stool for me at the end of the bar and walked around to the other side. “What will you be having tonight, Azurdee?”

  The way he smiled at me caused me to suck in a breath of air. For the first time in a month, I actually felt alive. Maybe Ryn was right. Maybe I needed my own RFB.

  “Bud Light.”

  He smiled that big bright smile and said, “A simple girl. I think I’m ready to marry you already.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, not what I’m looking for.”

  His eyes darkened as he handed me the beer and shouted over the song that was now playing.

  “What are you looking for?”

  I bit down on my lower lip and smiled slightly. “To forget about him.”

  His eyes moved down to my lips as he licked his own lips and said, “I’m your guy then.”

  The rest of the night Dodge showered me with attention…and drinks. I wasn’t drunk, but I was well on my way to feeling pretty damn good. The whole night I felt like someone had been watching me. For a moment I panicked thinking Lark could be here, but I knew he was at his parents’ party. Even though it was in Austin somewhere, I knew he wouldn’t be going out tonight. It was the main reason Ryn and I picked tonight to go out. Zero risk of running into the Williams boys.

  Dodge pulled me out to the dance floor and we began dancing to “Don’t You Wanna Stay.” I instantly buried my face into his chest. Jason Aldean was one of Lark’s favorite singers.

  “Azurdee, I don’t really get the feeling that you’re the kind of girl who just goes home with guys.”

  I pulled back and looked at him. The alcohol was begging to settle in and I was feeling tipsy.

  “I’m not but…”

  He smiled so sweetly at me as he placed his hand on the side of my face. “How about if I take down your number. We can take this slow.”

  I was relieved and then pissed. “Do you not want me?” I asked, surprising myself at how bold I was being.

  His eyes lit up and he pulled me into him. I felt how much he wanted me and I was instantly turned on. I needed this. I needed to forget about Lark for just one night.

  “Baby, you have no idea how much I want you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and whoever he was…he didn’t deserve you if he let you go.”

  I swallowed and reached both my hands up and around his neck. “Please…”

  He quickly grabbed my hand and began walking through the crowd. My stomach was in knots and I prepared myself to have sex with another person besides Lark.

  Dodge walked up to the bar and shouted, “Lisa, I’ll be in my office.”

  She nodded her head and kept talking to a customer sitting at the bar. I looked around for Ryn. She was sitting at a table and our eyes met. She smiled and nodded her head. Oh my God. She knows what we’re about to do.

  Dodge walked down a hallway and the further we walked the more the music faded. He stopped at an office that was marked Dodge, General Manager.

  He opened the door and led me in. Once he shut it, I couldn’t hear the music.

  “Talk about soundproof. So if I wanted to scream…I could?”

  He smiled and said, “Only if you’re screaming in pleasure.”

  I felt a tug in my lower stomach as I walked over to the desk and leaned against it.

  Dodge walked up to me and used his hands to push my dress all the way up. I let out a gasp as he let out a moan.

  He stared down at my silver lace panties and said, “At any moment you want to stop…” He looked into my eyes. “We’ll stop.”

  I nodded my head and whispered, “Okay.”

  He began to unzip his pants and push them down. When his dick sprung free I just stared at it.

  I want this.

  He placed his hand on my thigh and I jumped. “I’m going to touch you, Azurdee.”

  I nodded my head and as he moved his hand further up, my heart began beating harder in my chest.

  He slipped his finger along my panties and my mouth parted slightly open. It felt good to be touched.

  I need this.

  He reached his hands around and I lifted up as he slipped my panties off. He pushed them down to where they pooled at my ankles. I kicked them off and sucked in a breath of air when he pushed my legs apart. Exposing me to him.

  “Fuck, I bet you taste amazing.”

  Oh God…I closed my eyes and all I saw was Lark, so I snapped them open and said, “Touch me.”

  He slowly moved his hand along my inner thigh. He reached behind me and pulled my ass to the edge of the desk.

  He slipped two fingers in and I let out a long moan as he moved in and out of me slowly. “You’re so wet.”

  I have to do this.

  He pushed another finger inside me as he buried his face in my neck. “So. Damn. Tight. How do you want this?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you want to play nice or do you want me to fuck him out of your mind?”

  He reached for a condom and began to roll it on.

  I can’t do this.

  He looked at me and stopped putting the condom on. He took a step back and pulled it off and then reached down for his pants. I looked at him confused as hell.

  I shook my head and asked, “What’s wrong? Why are you stopping? I
just need…I just need a minute…”

  He zipped up his pants and leaned down and picked up my panties and began slipping them back on and pulling them up as he helped me stand up and push my dress back down.

  He closed his eyes and said, “Azurdee, I’ve never wanted anyone so badly in my life, but this just doesn’t feel right.”

  “What? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?”

  He smiled and placed his finger on my chin and lifted my eyes to his.

  “Baby, as much as you think you want this. I can see it in your eyes—you don’t.”

  I felt the tears building as he leaned over and grabbed something off his desk. He took a step back and handed me his business card.

  “I really like you and I’d really like to see you again. Maybe dinner? Take things slowly?”

  I took the card and smiled as I began to chew on my bottom lip. He reached up and pulled it from my teeth and then leaned down and kissed me. It wasn’t the most dramatic kiss but it was enough to leave me possibly wanting more.

  There was a loud knock on the door that caused both of us to jump.

  “Shall I call y’all a cab?”

  I nodded and said, “Please.”

  He turned to head to the door, but before opening it I said, “Hey Dodge?”

  He turned around. “Yeah?”

  I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  He smiled back and I had to admit it: my knees went weak.

  He opened the door and another guy was standing there. “Sorry Dodge, but some guy out here is flashing around some sort of badge saying he needs to talk to you.”

  Dodge stepped to the side and I walked out and headed down the hallway. When I popped out and made my way over toward Ryn, she frowned. I shook my head no and she smiled slightly. I sat down and she yelled across the table.

  “Too soon?”

  I shrugged and looked away. The moment my eyes met his I sucked in a breath of air. Dodge walked up and leaned down and yelled. “I called a cab.”

  Ryn sat up straight and said, “Wait! We’re leaving?”

  I glanced behind Lark and saw Tristan. I snapped my head at Ryn and yelled. “They’re here!”

  She narrowed her eyes at me confused as she said, “Who?”

  I just looked at her and her eyes widened. “No!”


  We both turned and saw Lark and Tristan standing there, staring at both of us. We both turned and looked at each other and said at the same time, “We’re leaving.”

  Dodge took a step back and said, “I don’t think the cab is here yet.”

  I looked over his shoulder and saw Lark talking to some bleached blonde. He was smiling, but kept glancing over our way. Tristan was with a girl and I was guessing it was Liberty.

  Ryn grabbed my arm and put her lips up to my ear. “Oh God, Dee. Do you think that’s Liberty?”

  I nodded my head and shouted toward Dodge. “Will you walk us outside?”

  He smiled and said, “Sure.”

  I pointed to cut across the dance floor. He looked confused but then recognition crossed over his face. “He’s here?”

  I mouthed yes.

  As we made our way across the dance floor and down the other side of the club, Ryn and I both started looking behind us. The second the fresh air hit my face I let out the breath I had been holding. Dodge held up his hand and a taxi pulled up. Ryn immediately jumped in. I turned to face Dodge and said, “Thank you again for being so understanding.”

  He smiled and winked. “Dinner though, right?” I laughed and said yes. He leaned down and kissed me gently on the cheek and turned and headed back into the club. I went to turn and get into the cab when someone bumped into me and knocked my clutch out of my hand and to the ground. He kept walking as I called out. “Excuse you, asshole.” I bent down and went to reach for my purse when another hand grabbed it.

  I stood up and came face to face with Lark.

  My heart was pounding so hard in my chest it felt like it would pound right out. The way she looked at me almost had me in tears. I wanted to ask who the fucker was she went into the back with. They hadn’t been gone long enough for anything to have happened, but my mind was going crazy with thoughts.

  “Azurdee,” I whispered.

  She turned and looked at the cab and then back at me. “What…I thought your parents’ party was tonight?”

  I gave her a weak smile. “It was. Tristan and I left early. Nothing but a bunch of old people sitting around telling stories.”

  She didn’t smile and my heart broke even more.

  “Is that Liberty?”

  I looked at Ryn sitting in the cab, then back at Azurdee, and slowly nodded my head. “Yeah.”

  “Must be nice to just brush someone aside and go about your life with no thought to the person left behind hurting.”

  I swallowed hard. “Who was the guy you were with?”

  She looked shocked and her mouth opened a little before she tightened her jaw and said, “He’s a friend of Ryn’s. The manager here.”

  I nodded my head and said, “You went back to his office. What for?”

  She squared off her shoulders and said, “That’s none of your business. You made that choice when you let me walk away from you.” She turned and headed to the taxi before turning back and walking up to me. She took her finger and began poking me in the chest.

  “You’re a liar, Lark. You never fucked Sherry because she was in France. She wasn’t even in town when you left town. You lied to me.”

  I pushed my hand through my hair and said, “Listen, Azurdee, I just need…”

  “Need what, Lark? Space? Freedom? A good fuck from a strange random girl?”

  “No. I haven’t been with anyone since before our first night together. There was never anyone else, Azurdee. I’m so sorry I lied to you. I just need some time.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Did you ever even love me?”

  I stood there shocked by her question. I looked around. Anyone could be watching us or listening to us.

  When I saw the tear slide down her face I took a step toward her as she took a step back.

  She slowly shook her head and whispered, “I hate you.”

  She turned and got into the taxi, as I stood there frozen. I watched as her taxi drove off. I shook my head and felt my phone go off in my pocket. I took it out and was hoping like hell it would be Azurdee.

  I read the message and said, “Fuck.” I made my way back into the club and started looking for Tristan. When I walked up to him, he looked pissed.

  “Where is Liberty?”

  He looked behind him and said, “Bathroom. Who do you think the fucker was who had his hands all over Ryn?”

  I let out a gruff laugh and said, “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re upset because Ryn was at a club, with another guy?”

  “You can’t tell me you weren’t pissed off watching Azurdee walk to the back with some guy.”

  I tightened my jaw and said, “I’m going home. Are you staying?”

  He shook his head. “Liberty has a headache.”

  I laughed and said, “Have fun with that.”

  He shot me a dirty look and said, “I’ve tried calling her. She won’t return my calls.”

  “Who? Ryn?”

  He nodded and looked toward the restrooms. “I’m so fucking confused. Ryn was supposed to be the girl I had fun with. The one I wasn’t going to have to worry about feelings and shit. I should have brought Liberty home at Christmas. I can at least deal with her.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Yeah, ‘cause she makes you so happy.”

  He snapped his head over and said, “She does, in her own little way.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, Tristan. I’m leaving. You taking a cab or what?”

  He let out a sigh and said, “Nah, just go on. I’ll wait for Liberty and just stay at her place tonight.”

  I shook my head. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


  As I walked out of the club and to my truck my heart grew heavy and the feeling that I was being followed grew even heavier. I stopped and pulled out my cell phone and hit Skip’s number before turning and seeing someone leaning against a building.

  “Lark, what’s going on?”

  I began walking again as I asked, “Any new leads?”

  “No. None. It’s like Vazquez’s brother vanished into thin air. We have gotten a few informants to talk though. Looks like there is talk of something going down to where he might be present.”

  I closed my eyes and said, “Azurdee?”

  “They haven’t been able to tell if she’s being followed. Right now we don’t think so.”

  I opened my eyes and looked to see that the guy who was leaning against the wall was now walking behind me texting someone.

  “Well, that’s a negative for myself at the moment.”

  “Fuck. You carrying?”

  “Hell yeah I am,” I said as I reached and felt the pistol tucked into my holster.

  “Check in when you get home. Looks like we might be heading out in a few days.”

  I nodded my head and said, “Right. Got to go—at my truck and I’m just ready to get the hell home.”

  “Lark, she’s gonna be safe. You did the right thing.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out. “I know I did. I just wish keeping her safe wasn’t breaking her heart and making her hate me in the process.”

  I stood down and looked at the report. Azurdee had been out with this Dodge guy twice in the last two weeks. I stripped out of my uniform and changed into jeans and a T-shirt. I started to make my way out to my bike when I turned and punched the wall.

  “Motherfucker!” I cried out as my fist slammed into the wall.

  “You know you need your hand to do your job, right?” Jason said from behind me.

  I glanced over and said, “Fuck off, Philips.”

  He lifted his hands and said, “Hey. I’m not the one who has a crazy guy after me trying to kill me. I just thought you’d want to make sure your shooting hand wasn’t damaged when we got the call.”


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