Bad Princess: A Mafia Romance

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Bad Princess: A Mafia Romance Page 26

by N. E. Henderson

  “If Dom finds out before I execute my plan, he will jump the gun and go after my father himself. He won’t be able to hold back, Sienna. You know your brother.”

  I do know him. I know both of them. Ren is dark, but he holds things in better than Dom. Domenico’s emotions, though he hides them well, are wicked when he sets his sights on something. But he has a reckless streak too. And when he finds out who killed our mom . . . I don’t even want to fathom the destruction, the hell he is going to rain down on our grandfather.

  “When it comes to the people Domenico loves, he doesn’t think straight. His judgement is clouded. If I’d been thinking with a clear head after your mother was killed, maybe I would have put it together that my own father murdered my wife because I decided to take this family, my family, in a different direction than he wanted. Because I wouldn’t step back down.”

  I look my father in the eyes, promising him before the words leave my lips. “I’ll stay quiet, but will you at least tell me what you are planning?”

  He shakes his head, and I know he won’t give an inch—not on this.

  Pulling me forward, he places a warm kiss on my forehead. “I love you, Princess, but I need you to leave. I have too much hate coursing through me and I don’t want you to see it.” He pulls back, but he doesn’t release my shoulders. “I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. I need a solid plan and I won’t have one tonight. I may not even have one tomorrow, but once I do, you better believe I will avenge my wife’s death. She’s the mother of my children, my best friend. That’s a promise, daughter.”

  With those last words he steps away from me. Turning his back, he walks out, leaving me in his office, alone with my thoughts, my fears. How the hell am I supposed to keep this from my brothers, let alone Matteo? At least he doesn’t know me like Dom and Ren, so I have that going for me. Ren is AWOL so much lately that I can skirt around him, but Domenico? He’ll see right through me.

  I’m fucked. Which means we’re all fucked.

  Maybe I should just handle Raffaele Caputo myself. The monster killed my mother, he deserves to die. I can’t put that responsibility on either of my brothers, and Matteo? If Dad didn’t already make him run for the hills with all that mob ritual BS, this certainly would. Besides, I couldn’t take that from my Dad even if I wanted to. If it were me and someone gunned down the love of my life, I’d want to be the one to drain the life from their body too.

  Work will have to wait. There is too much tension and confusion and hate building inside that I need to expel it all. But I can’t call either of my brothers. I’ll cave and spill everything, so instead, I go in search of my phone and send a text to my personal trainer, begging him to fit me in his schedule now instead of later this evening like I’d originally asked when I blew him off this morning.

  One thing is for sure, Grandfather’s time is limited. His card has just been pulled; I only wish it were me throwing the punches, squeezing the life from his eyes.

  Caesar’s response comes quicker than I expected. He can fit me in if I come now, so that’s what I’ll do, already grabbing my purse and heading for my car. I keep gym clothes in my trunk, so there is no need to change.

  Instead, I speed, getting to the gym in record time.

  Chapter 38


  After my meeting with Tony, I threw myself into training harder than I typically do to get my mind off his test. That was a week ago today and I still haven’t been back to his house or seen him since. I’m still just as mad over the situation as I was when I stormed out of his house.

  I got out of dinner because at the last minute he canceled. The only reason I’d planned to go over there in the first place was to get my girl. I meant what I told him. Sienna was staying with me. For all I cared, he could get the fuck over his issue. She’s a grown woman. She can sleep in my bed and stay through the night if she damn well pleases—and she has. Si has been with me every night since I pushed through her virginity.

  Tony hasn’t shown up or threatened to shoot me again, so maybe I really did pass his fucked-up, bizarre test of loyalty and trust. He has texted me each night, asking if his daughter was here. That’s been our only mode of contact, and I didn’t lie. I told him she was here with me.

  Something tells me he already knew she was at my house, but I didn’t question him or ask Sienna if her father tracks her whereabouts through her phone. I wouldn’t put that past him, seeing as he knew where she was the first night she stayed over when she fell asleep in Brooklyn’s bed, and then again the next night she slept over when all we did was sleep.

  Can’t say that’s happened again. Sienna’s appetite for my dick is almost as insatiable as mine is for her pussy. We go at it for hours. I’ve never met someone whose stamina matches mine in and out of the bed, but hers does. She’s been joining me in my home gym for a few hours after her early morning training sessions with Caesar. The woman has more strength and willpower than I’d given her credit for weeks ago.

  Had you asked me if I thought she’d win a kickboxing match against Sasha Nikolayev a couple of weeks ago, I would have said no. Now, I’m not so sure. It’s usually not good for a fighter to overtrain, but the effect it has on most is not the same as it has on Si. Every day, something she did the day previous only improves, whether that’s her stance, her footwork, or her throws. She’s got a mean elbow, and I almost pity that loser that was on the receiving end of it the night she walked into Raymond’s.

  Placing bets on fights has always been more lucrative than a boxer or any fighter winning the actual match. I’m even considering putting my money on Si. I’m typically not a betting man; I don’t get off on it. For me, there is no adrenaline rush that gambling ignites like it does in others.

  “Fuck,” I draw out as pleasure flows through me at the feel of Sienna’s walls convulsing around me. “You ride my dick so good.”

  She throws her head back, our eyes disconnecting. Her top teeth sink into her bottom lip as Sienna’s orgasm crests and she tries to suppress the moan I know is struggling to leave her throat, all so that Brooklyn doesn’t wake up. I’ve told her over and over there is no amount of screaming she could do that would wake my daughter from a deep slumber, but she doesn’t believe me.

  I buck my hips to jolt her, and my efforts work. Her lip slips loose, and a gasp escapes her mouth. She’s been moody, sad even; at least I think that’s the way she’s been feeling since she showed up last week, the night dinner was canceled at her father’s.

  Once her pussy slows its milking mission, I lift my back, coming up onto my elbows, then my palms. “Woman, I know how to make you scream.”

  Placing my hand on her lower back, I fan out my fingers then I flip our positions, putting Sienna on the bed with me above her.

  “Matteo,” she pants, and my lips tug on both sides.

  Pulling out, I grit my teeth together at the loss of her heat, her tight walls that fit me better than my specially made boxing gloves. Lightly smacking her outer thigh, Si swings her leg around and within seconds, she’s on all fours. Grabbing her hips, I slam back inside, a yelp falling from her lips a heartbeat later.

  Quickening my pace, I meet her thrust for thrust. She isn’t a woman that takes what I have to give. She fucks me just as hard as I fuck her, and I fucking love every second of it. Before Sienna, I got off the quickest and easiest ways at my disposal. Now, I find myself prolonging the pleasure, drawing out every ounce I can muster.

  I’m no Boy Scout. I’ve been banging girls since I was fourteen. Never did I imagine sex could be anything close to this good. She makes every fuck before her dismissible. She makes me question what the hell I was actually doing with my dick, because this . . . this isn’t something I can compare to anything else. And I’ll be damned if I ever let this go. Someone would have to pry her from my cold, dead hands.

  This woman is mine—for now and for always.

  Letting go, the rippled current takes me over and I ride the wave of ecstasy, coming
inside her like I’ve done every time since learning she was a virgin. That piece of knowledge was better than any surprise Christmas present I’ve ever unwrapped. There’s no amount of lottery I could ever win that will top the gift she gave me.

  There’s a part of me that knows I shouldn’t be reckless with her, but every time the thought of using a condom with her crosses my mind, it’s quickly squashed. By the angel on my shoulder or the devil, I don’t know. Either way, wearing one feels wrong. With Sienna, there should be no barriers; not during sex and definitely not with our feelings.

  If she were to ask me to suit-up, I would, no questions asked. But she hasn’t and every time that realization hits home it makes me wonder if she’s as frenzied and crazy as I am, or if her feelings are in line with mine—no barriers.

  Falling forward, I push her flat against the bed with me lying on her back. I brace myself with my hands pressing into the mattress so that my full weight isn’t on her; even though I have no doubt that she could handle it.

  My sweat mingles with hers as I continue pressing my body against her. I don’t want to pull out of her despite my dick softening. It’ll fall out any second if I don’t get up. But getting up means she’s going to leave me, even if it’s only for a few hours, and I’m not ready to be without her.

  Leaning down, I graze her glistening shoulder with my lips, kissing her, thanking her, or hell, I’m not even sure what I’m trying to convey. After a long beat, I push off and out of Sienna and fall to my back, my head landing on the pillow that she’s been sleeping on.

  Turning around, she plants a chaste kiss upon my lips, and without words she crawls off the bed, her feet padding into the bathroom where she closes the door. While she’s cleaning herself up, I keep lying in her spot, my mind going ninety miles an hour, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.

  Is she going to come back again tonight?

  Do I want her to? Fuck yeah, I do.

  My mom still doesn’t want to formally be introduced to her. I haven’t the first clue how to get my mother to bend. You’d think she would be ecstatic that Kennedy can’t sink her claws into me anymore. That’s been a worry for her since Brooklyn was born. She thought with a baby that Kennedy would wear me down and the need to be present in my daughter’s life full time would win out. But with the shitty mother Kennedy turned out to be, that was never an issue.

  Then there is Sienna’s father; her family. There wasn’t any hesitation on my part. I would have gone through with Tony’s ritual, his weird fucking mafia seance with the religious cards. I had to Google that shit. Turns out, it’s legit.

  Si and I briefly talked about it. She brushed it off like Tony was fucking with me, but the thing is, I don’t think he was. Not even a little bit. I think he was one hundred percent serious and I surprised him with my willingness to go through with it. I threw him for a loop. He wasn’t expecting compliance.

  If I’m honest with myself, I shocked myself too.

  The bathroom door opening jars my thoughts and pulls my eyes to where Si is walking out. She’s dressed in her typical workout attire and it makes my chest deflate a little, disappointed that she isn’t going to get back in bed and sleep for another few hours. I never thought I’d enjoy bed company this much, but I do. I look forward to it more than fucking and lovemaking, and we do a lot of both.

  “Do you have to go so early?” My question comes out grumpy but I couldn’t care less. The fact is, I want her in my bed next to me while I sleep. I want to snuggle my junk against her ass. It’s his safe place. He enjoys it just as much as I do.

  “I have too much work to complete today, which is why I have to get my sessions done before work. I hate training at night, and if I can avoid it, I will. I’ve spent too much time here with you, only going into the office half-days. I have to stop or Dad’s going to notice shit isn’t getting done.”

  “I hear ya, but I don’t like you driving on the road this hour of the morning. Anything could happen and no one would be the wiser.” That thought has plagued me the last two mornings. I don’t know why last week was different, but something about her leaving yesterday didn’t sit right with me and neither does today. It’s nearing four o’clock. It isn’t even daylight for another two hours.

  “Matteo.” The way my name rolls off her tongue has to be one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard. “You do realize I’m capable of handling myself, right?”

  “I know you can. But that doesn’t mean I have to like or be okay with knowing you’re off alone when very few people are on the road.”

  “Exactly. It’s safer this time of the morning.” She says it matter of fact like she believes that down to her bones.

  “Maybe in some ways, but not in others.”

  “Just give me a kiss so I can get out of here before I’m late.” I comply by reaching up and guiding her lips to meet mine when she leans over the bed. Pulling away she says, “Besides, Ren will be there by the time I arrive.”

  “He was supposed to be there yesterday morning too, but the fucker wasn’t,” I remind her, my irritation at the fact that her twin has blown her off every time he was supposed to meet her at the gym. Disappointment mars Sienna’s facial expression, furthering my growing dislike for her brother.

  “I know. But he promised last night when we texted that he’d be there this morning. Ren doesn’t break his promises, at least not to me. He’ll show. You’ll see.”

  “If he doesn’t, I’m going to kick his ass.”

  She laughs, but I’m dead serious. If I find out he’s a no-show again, his ass is mine. I don’t give a shit if his father is the Boss of a Mafia organization that may or may not be connected to criminal activity.

  “Text me after you drop Brooklyn off at preschool, okay?” she asks, backing away from me. “Maybe we can grab a late lunch after your training.”

  “Training won’t be the same without my new manager,” I holler as I roll away from her and pull the covers over my torso.

  “I’m not your manager,” she singsongs at a low tone. “Not happening, De Salvo.”

  I already anticipate a legal battle on my hands after my fight in four weeks. There is no doubt in my mind that Tony put the fear of God into Jimmy Lightheart, but when I win, and pull in the amount I do, he’s going to expect a piece of the pie. Tony told me he’d deal with the legal shit and to just make sure I win, but until now, I hadn’t thought of the fact that my former manager had almost fucked me over. My dumbass knew better than to trust him, but he talked a good game. He’d been my manager from the beginning. I had blind faith in him, and if Sienna had not been nosy, I would have lost my ass.

  The motherfucker is lucky she caught it before I signed on the dotted line. The thing is, when I step into a ring, I go in beast mode. It’s how I got that nickname. My opponent does not stand a chance. It’s like my mind flips and the only thing I’m focused on is winning. Had Jimmy fucked me over, I would have lost my shit on him, and I’m not sure I would have been able to control myself enough not to cause permanent damage.

  After forty-five minutes of tossing and turning, my thoughts not shutting off and a strange feeling filling my gut, I pull myself out of bed and head to my home gym. It’s where Si should be instead of across town. She could have worked out with me or she could have told her trainer to come here. I’m not sure why she thinks Caesar is more qualified than me. I can help her prepare for her match with Sasha better than anyone can.

  And tonight, I’m going to tell her just that. I’m not trying to take money out of Caesar’s wallet, and if that’s the case, I’ll pay him whatever amount to make sure I’m the one prepping her and no one else.

  It’s early, and I feel like shit. I know hitting the heavy bag is the only thing that’s going to get my head straight without her here, so that is where I head.

  Chapter 39


  I haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep in over eighteen years. At this point, I’m not sure if I remember
if I was able to sleep through the night when Ari was alive. I do know that sleeping next to my wife was the only moment of pure peace I’ve ever felt.

  We married when I was nineteen and she was only a week past her seventeenth birthday. She was still in high school, but that didn’t stop me from claiming her. I knew from the minute we met that she would be mine no matter what it took to ensure that would happen.

  I would have changed. I could have done a nine to five desk job. I could have done hard labor. In hindsight, that’s exactly what I should have chosen, even if it meant running from my father.

  Arianna never asked me to get out of this life. Like me, she thought I could change it; make it different for our children. She wanted me to legitimize my income, so that’s what I set out to do.

  I knew from a young age that when you are born into certain families then there are things that are expected when a boy becomes a man. You will rarely hear the term Mafia come out of my mouth, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know and understand that’s exactly what my family is and has always been part of for my entire life and longer. In the old country, as my father refers to Italy, the Sicilian Mafia is called Cosa Nostra, meaning our thing.

  Before Ari, I thrived as a full-fledged member of my Italian-American mob family. My father started me out as a soldier from a young age. I became a made man upon my seventeenth birthday, and within six months I was a caporegime, a captain, running my own crew. At the time it was the happiest days of my life. I thought I was a real badass. I thought I was invincible.

  Looking back now, it disgusts me. I was a stupid kid following ideals I didn’t really understand. It was cool to be the son of one of the five bosses. My father ran New York City like he was the President of the United States. For a time, he was untouchable, and I wanted to be him.


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