Full House Seduction

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Full House Seduction Page 12

by A. C. Arthur

  Hours later Brock was still awake, watching as Noelle’s head lay against one of his pillows. And as he was just about to give in to his own fatigue it hit him. More like touched him, a featherlight stroke over his shoulder, down his chest, circling over his heart until the warmth there was steady and intense.

  Despite the distance he’d purposely kept between himself, women and serious relationships, there’d obviously been a glitch. One that Noelle and her pretty smile, intense eyes and optimistic spirit had fully exposed. There was no denying it—looking away from her and back again had the same emotions swirling quickly in the pit of his stomach.

  He was in love with Noelle Vincent. And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  Nor did he want to.

  Chapter 18

  “Mr. Donovan, you’re a hard man to catch up with,” Brock said, leaning back in his chair with his cell phone to his ear.

  He’d waited until Noelle had gone out for her swim to make this call. She’d be against what he was doing, Brock knew that for sure. But he’d deal with her wrath later. It was time to do what the men in his family did best—get down to business.

  “Hey, cousin, long time no hear from,” Trent Donovan answered in his deep voice. Normally that voice was no-nonsense and ready to argue, but today it was more laid-back. Brock assumed that could be attributed to Tia.

  The news of Trent’s fall into the whirlwind of new love had come directly from Brock’s brother, Brandon, who’d had the pleasure of meeting Tia at Jade’s baby shower. At that time Brandon had also seen Tia have what could only be described as some sort of breakdown and Trent literally sweeping her off her feet and carrying her away to safety. According to Brandon it had been a sight none of the Donovan men would ever forget. And now, the infamous Trent Donovan, the last of the “Triple-Donovan,” was happily engaged and waiting for his gorgeous fiancée to give birth to their first child. That thought made Brock smile.

  He’d been thinking more and more about family and friends and lasting connections in the last day or so, and talking to Trent was only bringing those yearnings more to the forefront.

  Still, there was another matter that needed to be dealt with first.

  “That’s because I haven’t been able to track you down,” Brock answered with a smile and a genuine feeling of familial connection with the man on the other line. That, too, was something Brock hadn’t felt in a long time. “Your new woman been keeping you tied down?”

  Trent laughed. “Come on now, Brock. You know me better than that. I’m not one to be tied down by a woman.”

  In the background Brock heard guffaws and laughter and comments that quickly discredited Trent’s words.

  “All right, all right. I’ll admit that I’ve been incommunicado here and there, but Tia’s still trying to get in modeling gigs and I’m not about to let her travel alone.”

  “I hear that and don’t blame you one bit. She’s a gorgeous woman. I’m happy for you both.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m telling you I never expected to find a woman that could turn me inside out like this.”

  Brock nodded and gazed out the window. From his office he had a view of the bottom end of the pool. Every few minutes he’d catch a glimpse of Noelle ending one lap and beginning another. Trent’s words couldn’t have been more true if Brock had said them himself.

  “So since I’m calling you at the office and I hear voices I’ll ask if I’m interrupting anything work related.”

  “Of course not. Linc, Max and Adam just stopped by to see what we’re going to do today. We’re trying to have a men’s day out since the ladies are cooped up at Adam’s place doing who knows what.”

  “So the gang’s all there.” He smiled, missing that closeness of family. “Wait a minute? Where’s Ben?”

  “Italy,” Max responded giving his younger brother’s whereabouts.

  “What’s he doing there?”

  “You know how Ben is about his work. He’s building a house for some heiress in Monterey and she wants it to resemble an Italian villa. Ben’s all about the details. It’s a shame both of you have to miss out on this men’s day. We don’t get a chance to get together like this often,” Max said.

  Brock chuckled, knowing that a men’s day out with his cousins could lead to any matter of dangerous excursions. “In that case I’ll just take a minute of your time.”

  “Man, you’re family, take as much time as you like. Is something wrong?” Trent asked.

  Brock rubbed the day’s growth at his chin. “I think something’s brewing and I sort of want to head it off before it gets too bad.”

  “I see,” Trent said. “Hey, quiet in the peanut gallery. Brock’s got something going on,” he heard him say to the fellas in the background.

  “Put him on the speakerphone,” Brock heard Linc say.

  “Brock, I’m going to put you on speaker since we’re all family here. Is that cool?”

  Family. There was that word again. There had always been a one-for-all-and-all-for-one mentality to the Donovan clan. Funny how being miles away and submerged in his own pity party Brock had forgotten how good that felt.

  “That’s fine,” he said, allowing the warmth of the connection to run its course.

  After a few clicks Trent said, “Okay, what’s up?” His voice echoed and Brock knew he’d hit the speaker button and that now everything he said would be heard by the men of the Donovan family, his family.

  “It’s about Noelle,” Brock started.

  “I told you to keep your hands off her,” Linc interrupted instantly.

  “Come on, Linc,” Brock replied. “Have you taken a good look at her? What man in their right mind could keep his hands off her?”

  Maxwell Donovan, the son of Everette and Alma Donovan, Everette being the middle brother of Henry and Albert, Brock’s adoptive father, spoke up then. “I know exactly what you mean, Brock. Noelle was attractive when I first met her and Jade, but in the past couple of years I’ve watched her morph into a beauty men line up to get near.”

  “Both of you need to keep your eyes on someone else. Noelle’s off-limits,” Linc insisted.

  “I agree,” Brock stated. “She’s off-limits to you, Max, and to any other man who even thinks of getting close to her.” Then he took a breath and said, “Except me, of course.”

  There was a moment of silence on the other end, then Adam laughed. “Man, I tell you the Donovan men are falling like dominoes.”

  “What? Brock, you and Noelle are supposed to be doing business,” Trent stated.

  “We are. Some very personal business.”

  “I hear you, man. I definitely hear you on that,” Max added.

  Linc groaned, “Jade’s going to kill me.”

  “Relax, Linc. She knows Brock is one of us. Noelle couldn’t be in better hands,” Trent added in Brock’s defense.

  “If that’s the case, then what are you calling for, Brock? You can’t handle the feisty Noelle on your own?”

  This was from Linc, and on a normal day Brock probably would have gone right along with his ribbing and the testosterone-filled conversation about the woman in his life. But today wasn’t the day. Things were too strained for that.

  “She’s in trouble,” Brock stated solemnly.

  “What kind of trouble?” Linc asked first.

  “What do you know about the guy she was seeing a few months before she left Vegas? She said his name was Luther.”

  “Luther Simmons. Jade told me about him. He’s some real estate mogul out here that she met at the casino. I found out later that he was married and Noelle dropped his ass when she found out. I didn’t tell Jade that part.”

  “Well, apparently Luther isn’t used to being dropped. He called her last night and had her so upset she was trembling.”

  “So he’s stalking her?” This was Trent, the lethal tone of his voice a stark contrast to the jovial tone of a few minutes ago.

  “I’m thinking that’s probably what he’s b
een doing for the last few months. But last night he stepped up his game.”

  “Please tell me he threatened her,” Trent began. “I haven’t had any good action since that lunatic woman tried to come after Tia.”

  That was just like Trent. He’d officially retired from the Navy SEAL team he’d been with for more than ten years, but that combative edge was a permanent part of his persona.

  “Not exactly. He and his wife are attempting to blackmail her.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Max muttered. “Him and his wife? Are you serious?”

  “That’s what Noelle said when I made her tell me about the phone call.”

  Linc gave a dry chuckle. “You made Noelle do something? Yeah, you two must be involved, otherwise she would have cut your balls off and served them to you for dinner.”

  Brock had to agree. “Yeah, a couple of times it looked like she was considering doing just that. But she told me about the affair and how she ended it. She said he’s been calling her a lot, and last night he made a proposition—either she pays him and his wife a half million dollars or some pictures the wife snapped of Noelle and her cheating husband will go public.”

  “So the idiot and the scorned wife are teaming up. That’s real cute,” Adam added.

  “Noelle doesn’t have half a million dollars. Why would they even ask her for that type of money?” Max asked.

  “Because she’s the manager of the Gramercy, which is owned by one of the infamous Donovans, who just happens to be married to her sister. You get the picture?” Brock stated.

  “I get it loud and clear,” Trent said. “Luther needs his ass kicked and his wife needs to find another way to make her money. Donovans don’t take kindly to extortion.”

  “Donovans don’t take kindly to men messing with their women,” Linc added.

  “Exactly,” Brock piped in. “So what I need you to do, Trent, is find out who this guy is. I mean everything. I want to know how many teeth he has in his mouth, just so I can keep count when I knock them out.”

  “Yeah. I’ll do that. And I’ll find out about his wife, too,” Trent replied.

  “Linc, you have to keep this from Jade for as long as possible. If she finds out she’s going to call Noelle and then—”

  “Noelle’s going to rain all over your hero parade,” Linc finished. “I know. I’ll keep it quiet. But you keep her safe.”

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to her,” Brock promised, and meant each word with an intensity that was changing his mind about a lot of things.

  “I figure they’ve given her a deadline, but she hasn’t shared that with me, so sooner rather than later on the background info on this guy. We need to know exactly what he’s capable of before we handle him.”

  “He’s got his hands pretty deep in the real estate market here so he’s got some cash of his own,” Adam said. “But I can make some calls, see what his portfolio is looking like. I don’t know much about the wife.”

  “They just bought a huge place over in the Palisades. The one we were looking to buy and convert,” Max, who was also Adam’s business partner, added.

  “Yeah, that probably put a pretty big dent in his capital.”

  “I’m thinking the wife might be looking for some type of financial settlement as payment for his dallying,” Brock said thoughtfully.

  “It’s a shame. For some people it’s all about the money.”

  Linc sighed. “Sad but true.”

  “Noelle and I have a cocktail party some local politicians are giving in honor of the new casino to attend tonight so I’m hoping that will get her mind off the situation for a while. Can you guys get back to me tomorrow with a status and we’ll go from there?”

  “Sure thing,” Trent said.

  “And, Brock…” This was Linc again with that warning tone in his voice.

  “Yeah?” Brock answered, not sure he was going to take kindly to another warning from his cousin, as if he were the bad guy.

  “I’m glad you’re the one she’s opening up to.”

  The smile that touched Brock’s lips was small, but the warmth that spread throughout his chest was massive. Never had he needed approval from anyone for anything that he did. But this time, from this man, it felt good. “Thanks, cuz,” he said, then disconnected the call.

  The wheels were in motion now and Luther Simmons was going to be very sorry he’d ever bumped into Noelle Vincent. Brock was personally going to make sure of that.

  Chapter 19

  Everybody who was anybody was decked out in evening elegance in the main ballroom of the Gramercy II. For tonight’s function the gaming was just for fun. It was an unofficial opening that allowed all the political figures and St. Michaels’s elite citizens to peruse and get a taste of their newest attraction.

  Brock walked in and for the first time wasn’t disturbed by the fact that all eyes suddenly turned on him. That was most likely because those eyes weren’t really on him but on the gorgeous woman that stood beside him.

  She wore an orange dress that on any other woman might have looked gaudy or even ridiculous. But against Noelle’s honey complexion and highlighted by her hazel eyes and exotically tinted hair it was a perfect combination. Her shoes—another pair of something designer that he couldn’t remember the name of—were gold and slinky, matching the two barely there straps at her shoulders that held the dress in place. The shimmering material hugged her curves until Brock felt as if he were choking.

  She was beaming and bubbling with excitement, having chatted all the way on the ride from his house to the casino about the opening and the décor and layout. She was nervous, he knew. But she hid it well. She was also weakening to him, just a little bit.

  After his call to Trent late this morning, Brock had fixed lunch for him and Noelle, taking it out by the pool where she was. When she’d finished her laps, she joined him on the lounge with the table between them and they’d shared a pleasant meal together.

  Brock hadn’t broached the subject of their relationship again because she’d stated what she needed and he knew what he wanted. Now, he would make it happen.

  As he’d told himself before he’d let his body rule his common sense, the seduction of Noelle Vincent would be slow but in the end, more than worth it.

  The duration of their afternoon had consisted of fine-tuning last-minute details for tonight’s party. Noelle was a perfectionist when it came to business, which suited Brock just fine.

  It was good to see that all their hard work had paid off. Not only was the Gramercy II a structural beauty, but its theme and décor provided more than your normal gaming fantasy. Noelle and Josette had been absolutely right about the colors. Muted beiges, soft yellows, sage greens created a stylish seashore haven. The lights were dim, spotlighted in strategic corners in fierce golds. The waterfall in the main entrance was entranciing, its sound lulling as guests moved from room to room. Up three levels the resort rooms were even more spectacular in a soft, understated way. The VIP sections were in regal red, forest green and gold, whereas the general public suites carried burgundy and gold throughout. It was a masterpiece, their masterpiece. His and Noelle’s.

  The stream of well-wishers that approached Brock and Noelle was growing thicker. Having already spoken to the mayor and his wife and the two congressmen that had pushed for the legalization of gaming in the state, Brock and Noelle were all smiles for the rest of their guests.

  Next up were the pillars of the community, or should he say the wealthy socialites that would no doubt be dropping lots of cash in the Gramercy II. For this reason alone Brock and Noelle continued to smile, to talk and to endure the grueling task of networking.

  “Brock Remington,” an older woman, whose silver-gray hair was pulled back so tightly that her eyes slanted drastically upward, said as she approached them, holding her hand out for Brock.

  Almost mechanically, Brock took her hand, kissed its back then proceeded to shake the man’s hand beside her. He held on to that
man’s hand just a bit stronger when he noticed his eye cutting over to Noelle. More than one man had perused her in that mouthwatering dress, and on more than one occasion Brock had felt as if he could actually commit murder.

  “And who might this lovely young lady be?” the woman asked.

  “I’m Noelle Vincent, site manager for the Gramercy II. And you are?”

  The woman clenched a gold sequined bag. “My name is Marilyn DeSalvo and this is my husband, Enrique. We knew Brock’s parents.”

  Noelle felt Brock stiffen the moment the woman’s words were out. They’d been enjoying themselves the past hour at this party they’d had no choice but to attend, and now this. Already knowing how Brock felt about the story of his parents, she touched a hand to his elbow for reassurance.

  “Have you had a chance to walk around and see the magnificent building that Brock has built?” Noelle asked Mrs. DeSalvo, whose slanted eyes held a hint of malice.

  “If you’ve seen one casino, my dear, you’ve seen them all,” was her blithe response.

  “I beg to differ,” Brock jumped in. “The Gramercy II has several different attractions, not to mention our world-class resort. There are two rooms ready tonight. If you and Mr. DeSalvo would just step over here, we’ll have you set up for a tour.”

  Marilyn only smiled. A slightly chilling sight, Noelle thought.

  “No, dear, that’s of no interest to me. When I received this invitation, it was among so many others like it, but your name caught my eye and my memory came rushing back. Or should I say the memory of the scandal your parents created returned.”

  “Thank you,” Brock said, standing rigidly. “I’m glad that the memory could bring you out tonight. Are you a resident of St. Michaels or just visiting?”


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