Happy Ever After

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Happy Ever After Page 22

by Kitty Wilson

  ‘Are you busy now?’ she asked.

  Okay. He would’ve chosen something more dramatic, something along the lines of ‘I was crazy to put an end to us. Let’s start again; move back in this afternoon and we can be together forever.’

  But he could definitely work with ‘are you busy now?’ Although he did hope this wasn’t one of Marion’s old tricks where he said no and then was landed with a hideous undertaking no one else wanted anything to do with.

  ‘No, my day is free. I didn’t know if you had any plans so I thought I’d keep things open just in case you needed me.’

  Please need me. Any way will do.

  ‘What were you thinking?’ he said instead.

  ‘I was thinking it seems a shame to end the day. Serena needs to get off – Rob had taken Josie out this morning and to the cinema this afternoon but she feels she should head back and do mother things. But Jenny and Sophie were planning to have some beach time today before Rafe highjacked their plans and I thought, maybe…’ Tentative Marion; very interesting. ‘Maybe we should make the most of the beautiful weather, a free day and all of us here. What do you think? Do you fancy spending the rest of the day on the beach with me and the boys and some of the others?’

  Well that was a yes.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Lying out on the sand, Richard was at his most relaxed. Jenny and Alice were sitting up on towels and discussing a book they had read lately, Marion listening intently and cracking jokes; the boys had a blanket spread out as a central point but they were racing around. Rafe and Rupert had lost their pre-adolescent ennui and were happily burying Rufus under a pile of sand and stones, using their hands as spades to the background of Sophie’s cries: ‘Be careful of his head!’

  He could hear the caw of the seagulls and watched them soaring down to the water, swooping on an empty chip packet seconds after it was discarded by its owner.

  The others began to drift off as the day got later, and soon it was just him, Marion and the boys. Everyone was languid, heavy-lidded after an afternoon in the sun and a long, long lunch.

  ‘Thank you for going back to the house to get all the beach stuff.’ Marion rolled over onto her side; he concentrated on keeping his eyes on hers, resisting the desire to glimpse down at her chest where the angle of her sundress now revealed the curve of her breast, peeking from its bikini. Okay, he had had a quick look; it was hard not to notice with her lying next to him all afternoon.

  ‘No problem, it’s been a really nice way to finish the day.’ His head was lolled over to the side, his eyes still on her, his mouth curving up of its own accord. Pure pleasure washed over him, matching the rhythm of the waves.

  ‘Who says it’s finished yet? I do hope you’re not planning on short-changing me on my birthday.’ Marion quirked her face in her minxiest way.

  ‘I wouldn’t dare.’ Richard’s heart was racing although he kept his voice relaxed.

  ‘Glad to hear about it. I’m getting a bit dopey now though. A touch too languorous.’

  ‘I know what you mean.’ He did. Although she had thoroughly managed to awake all of his senses with just a few words.

  ‘Know what we should do?’

  ‘Really?’ Richard knew what she was talking about; was he feeling brave enough? It was pretty lovely lying here.

  ‘Oh I think so – shall we see if the boys are keen?’ Pure Marion. Steel. Her mind alight by a good idea. What she believed to be a good idea.

  He couldn’t say no to her.

  ‘Can do.’ Keeping it cool. Good work, Richard.

  Marion had always liked swimming at the end of the afternoon, whereas Richard was a crack of dawn person, before the beach became crowded. But his wife – ex-wife – was adamant that the best time was when the sun had spent all day warming the water, when families were beginning to leave the beach to head home for dinner; that was when Marion liked to splash in the waves.

  When he had first brought her to Cornwall she couldn’t get enough of the sea and the sand. They’d be down here day and night, living off fish and chips, pasties, ice cream, cheap bottles of wine and the occasional joint. Somehow, that happy-go-lucky young thing had grown into a woman who worried more about getting sand in her clothes, smudging her make-up, having other people watch her and judge.

  Today it would seem carefree Marion was back. He was pretty sure the sparkle in her eye was down to this rediscovering of her old spirit. Although it could be the peach Bellinis at lunchtime.

  ‘Oi, boys. Are you coming in?’ She nodded her head waterwards as she called across to their sons.

  Oi? Ha! Who was this woman and what had she done with his wife?

  ‘Nah, you’re okay. We’re happy here,’ Rupert shouted over to them, answering for both of his brothers. Neither of whom seemed to mind. Their heads were bent over one of the graphic novels that Rafe had been reading. One that Rufus probably shouldn’t be looking at if he wasn’t going to grow up with the idea in his head that most women kept nunchucks in their boots and had boobs so elephantine they risked falling over.

  Before he could try and distract his youngest son, his attention was grabbed by a woman racing past, wearing nothing but a scarlet bikini and a grin. No, she wasn’t racing him? And without fair warning?

  Of course she was. Cheeky mare.

  Within minutes the entire Marksharp clan were in the water, the lure of both their parents laughing and jumping in the waves proving too much to resist. They splashed and kicked water at each other. The ball that Rupert had found abandoned in the cave earlier in the day came out and they played water volleyball. They spotted mini schools of fish swimming past, Rufus overjoyed that they would change direction based on his actions and captivated by the fact that if he stood still long enough they would swim through his legs as if he were a tunnel.

  It seemed like only minutes had passed and yet at the same time as though this magical day had lasted forever. Eventually, as Rufus’s lips had practically turned blue, they put their sensible parent heads on and dragged the boys back out of the water and made them dry off and warm up. Richard had had the foresight to pick up a disposable barbecue when he’d returned to Marion’s house to collect beach things, and he began cook them all burgers now they had the beach practically to themselves. Marion had a point; this was a good time of day.

  By the time the barbecue had burnt out, the boys were shattered. Richard scooped a sleepy Rufus up once all their stuff was packed away, while the older boys were sent off to grab a couple of pieces of litter that Marion had spotted on the beach. Normally people not taking their rubbish with them had her in a gibbering fury but today she just shook her head as she sent the boys off.

  As they set off back from the sandy beach to the house, the boys walked ahead and talked about what powers would be the best to have in an everyday scenario. Would you rather be The Flash or Green Arrow? Marion and he walked side by side, wordlessly, and Richard knew that it might not be his birthday but still, it had been the best day he had had in a long time.

  Marion turned the key in the lock and he prepared himself for the emotional stab when he had to turn away and head back to Chase’s home. First, though, he gently carried Rufus to bed, stripping him down to his pants and patting the duvet into place around his youngest son’s drowsy form as the older boys also prepared themselves for bed, their yawns contagious as they groggily brushed their teeth.

  Coming back down the stairs he was surprised to see Marion relaxed on the sofa, Darcy in his bed by the side of her, a glass of wine in her hand and another glass poured for him.

  ‘Stay and have a glass of wine with me?’ Her question was unsure; his heart leapt. He slid down onto the sofa next to her in answer and reached for the glass.

  ‘Happy birthday, love,’ he said, the endearment slipping out naturally, as if just for a moment he had forgotten his exile.

  Marion neither flinched nor protested, instead sinking her head back into the softness of the sofa. ‘It’s been an amazin
g day.’ She let out a little laugh. ‘Not what I expected at all to be honest.’

  ‘In a good way?’

  ‘Oh yes.’ She now lolled her head to face his direction. ‘Quite easily the best birthday in ages. I don’t want it to end.’

  ‘You’re not tired?’

  ‘Yes, but good tired, you know. Where you don’t mind but don’t really want to move.’

  ‘Well don’t move then,’ Richard said and Marion made a nuzzling noise and closed her eyes.

  ‘In all the hubbub earlier, I forgot to give you your gift.’ He kept his voice quiet, reluctant to burst her calm.

  ‘You got me a gift.’ The smile widened on her face although she kept her eyes closed.

  ‘I did. I wasn’t sure of the etiquette but thought I’d risk it. Stay there.’ Richard got to his feet and fetched the present from the side table he had popped it on earlier.

  ‘You’re a funny man. So stable and yet fond of risk.’

  ‘I’m not fond of risk.’

  ‘Sometimes you are.’ The grin was radiating from her face now, head still back. ‘Sometimes you like a little bit of danger.’

  Five or six scenes of him and Marion being Very Risky flashed through his mind. He couldn’t find any words. How to respond to that?

  He didn’t need to; Marion hadn’t finished. ‘I suppose that’s what makes you so good at your job. Steady without being risk averse.’ She paused. ‘And what made you such a good husband.’ Her delivery was matter of fact.

  Had she just said that? Was she regretting asking him to leave? He sat down on the sofa, the gift on his knees. How to answer this best? He didn’t want to screw things up, and misinterpreting the mood may well do that.

  ‘I think… um, I’m glad that you—’ His words cut short as Marion suddenly sat up, opened her eyes and looked directly at him. Her gaze was inscrutable.

  ‘You’re a good man, Richard. You really are. Now is that for me? Hand it over.’

  He passed her the present and wondered if he should have included the WhatsApp printout Serena had given him. Would it have been the right time? Would it have spoilt the vibe that was now in the room, that had been building between them all day? Would he have changed Marion’s birthday by making it about him and what he wanted? He had the paper in his back pocket; he had moved it from pair of jeans to pair of jeans since he had been given it.

  No, this was not the time. She had just said what an amazing day she’d had. He wasn’t risking that changing.

  Marion put the gift to the side of her and reached over to him. She dropped her fingers onto his arm, lightly tracing the length of it with her finger whilst looking up at him. The sexual chemistry was off the scale. She flicked her hair and moved closer. She didn’t seem that interested in her birthday gift. She did however have a very fixed look in her eye. What was going on in her head? What was she thinking?

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Marion was thinking of the hairs on his arms. She was thinking of how, further up, his upper arms had the most beautiful shape to them and led to his strong, solid shoulders. Shoulders she had laid her head on more times than she could possibly count.

  Heat was rushing through her and the compulsion to reach out and touch him, pull him into her was strong. This man was amazing. He was patient. He was good. He never wanted more from life than to look after those he loved, to be a better parent, a better husband, a better person than his parents had been. It was one of the things that bonded them.

  And he knew her like no other man did. Like no other human for that matter. He knew how her moods could be mercurial, he knew how she created a mask that she hid behind and he didn’t judge her harshly for it. No, he supported her, built her up, made her feel strong, helped her believe there was nothing she couldn’t do if she put her mind to it. And she did believe that.

  What was more, he knew every inch of her body, where exactly his touch could make her tremble. Exactly the pace her body craved at any given moment, slowing down or speeding up in a way that was so attuned to her, like a sexual telepathy. Telepathy that only comes after a lifetime of loving. She knew if she ever were to find another partner the chances of them knowing her body so intimately was zero.

  Her hand was now under the top of his T-shirt sleeve and he wasn’t moving. He appeared frozen. That would not do. She could not bear to think that this man was no longer comfortable with her, was no longer her best friend who knew that he could, should be relaxed in her company. That the two of them were always meant to be. She was his harbour, and vice versa.

  In this moment she didn’t give a shit about Claudia but she did care about this man sitting in front her right now. The very core of him.

  Her whole body was in a state of anticipation, nerve ends fizzing, memories of the way he had made her feel before coursing through her body as if they had a life of their own, as if her body were in charge here, not her head, not her heart.

  She reached around with her other arm, placing it parallel, pushing his T-shirt sleeves up, her hands up, round and down. Reaching to stroke his shoulders, the top of his torso, that very part of him that gave her so much security.

  This was no good; she needed more than this. She pulled her arms back down, taking care to trail her fingers as she did so.

  She leant forward, grabbing the hem of his T-shirt. She locked eyes as she pulled it up, revealing his stomach, his chest, a tight smattering of curls, sandy blonde with a little bit of grey threaded through. Grey that signified all the years of their lives they had lived and grown together.

  Wordlessly Richard lifted his arms up, allowing her to pull his T-shirt over his head, freeing him for her. She balled the fabric and threw it behind her, rising up a little from the angle she had been sitting at as she leant forward and ferociously claimed her husband’s lips.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Richard was still on cloud nine several days later and floating from his temporary – hopefully very short-term – bedroom in Chase’s house down to the kitchen where Chase, Angelina and Matt were all sitting around the kitchen table and chatting nonsense, a little get together to celebrate Matt’s last night as a single man.

  ‘Stop nagging!’ Matt was saying to Angelina. ‘I was really clear with Marion that I didn’t want a stag party. I’m too old. If I can’t be at home then sitting here, with Chase’s den down the hall and my mates around me is a pretty good option. Much more civilized than a night in The Rat’s Arse with Mickey and Andy trying to encourage me to drink twenty shots in as many minutes with Roger scowling at me over the pumps because I wasn’t born here. It would be different if I was in my early twenties but my idea of a perfect evening is curling up with Rosy and Scramble and watching something together, not going from bar to bar in Newquay and vomiting on the beach.’

  A woof came from under the table, where Scramble, Matt’s dog who was never more than three steps away from his dad, vocalized his approval.

  Angelina harrumphed. ‘You can shut up. You’re lucky I let you have him in here. Honestly, Chase, you should see the number of shoes that dog has eaten, I don’t think…’

  ‘You have mentioned it before.’ Chase blew a kiss at his beloved. No one was in any doubt as to Angelina’s opinions on Scramble and enforced euthanasia. ‘I believe he caused indescribable carnage.’

  ‘He did.’ Matt joined in. ‘Did things to her shoes that would have made Charles Manson blush.’

  ‘Oh, you’re all horrid. This really is the world’s dullest bachelor party.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ Richard said once he had grabbed a beer from the fridge and joined them at the table.

  ‘It really is,’ she assured him. ‘Not like when Chase and I get married. Then you’ll be having the biggest stag do known to man, won’t you, darling? Paparazzi everywhere.’

  ‘Will I?’ he asked, not looking terribly committed.

  ‘You will.’ She nodded.

  ‘Will he be allowed to burn that atrocious painting?’ Matt asked.<
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  ‘Ooh, yeah, okay, I’ll have the biggest stag do known to man if we can burn the painting,’ Chase teased his fiancée.

  ‘Oh, I don’t like you sometimes. Richard, tell us how things are going with you. Have you won back your wife yet? Presumably not or you wouldn’t be here…’

  Ouch. Angelina didn’t even pause for breath as she continued. Probably just as well, as he had no idea what the answer was right now. ‘Or is she too busy planning the most glamorous engagement and wedding the world has ever seen?’

  ‘Erm… don’t think that’s my wedding she’s talking about? My wedding that’s tomorrow and the focus of this evening?’ Matt asked devilishly, his lips playing on the top of his water bottle.

  ‘Oh no, don’t think so. Think it’s the most glamorous wedding in the world, mate; that has to be hers, definitely not yours.’ Chase chuckled.

  ‘You’re such arses. You wait, it’s going to blow your minds! Anyway, my party has kept Marion very busy so I have found a way to make it up to you, Richard.’

  ‘To me? That’s very sweet but not necessary. Although I am a bit confused about your engagement thing, as I think is Marion. She’s doing what you asked but felt getting her to invite everyone she knows was bizarre. Ah, perhaps I shouldn’t have said that.’

  ‘Oh, I’ve been so clever,’ Angelina crowed, not making much sense but clearly not minding Richard’s cock-up. Chase looked at her lovingly.

  ‘As riveting and bordering on unbelievable as that might be, you’ll have to excuse me.’ Matt pushed himself up from his chair. ‘The world’s dullest bachelor needs to collect his best man from Newquay Airport. Jean-Jacques’ flight should be in shortly; in fact he could well be flying over now. Wave, everybody.’

  Everybody obediently waved skywards, bar Angelina.

  ‘Stay and hear about my cleverness,’ she said.

  ‘Oh, sis, if I were to do that then by the time I got to the airport it would be time for him to leave again.’


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