King of Knights

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King of Knights Page 5

by Bebe Lightsmith

  “Appreciate it, love.” He winked.

  Ryker and I walked out of the gym. Together we walked down a few hallways until we entered a crossroads. Ryker had to go left to Morgana's tower, and I needed to go right to the magic shop. I started to just casually wave and walk away, but Ryker grabbed my wrist.

  “You know, you punched a guy once for doing that.” I teased him. He gave me a smile, one that made my heart flutter.

  “What are you doing tonight?” He asked, stepping closer to me. Sometimes, I wanted him so bad that my chest ached. He was the boy of my dreams, and yet, I couldn’t have him right now. Sometimes the universe could be so cruel.

  “Hanging out with you, I guess.” I smiled up at him, leaning towards him.

  “Yeah.” He took a moment to carefully tuck my hair behind my left ear. Though I had spent a great deal of time studying his face, I had never quite seen that expression. It was thoughtful, yet he looked anguished about it. I could see the turmoil in his honey colored eyes “I’ll see you tonight.” He then said and walked away. I couldn’t keep this up any longer. Whatever Ryker had to say to me, it would doom all of Grams’ plans, and I was to the point that I didn’t care anymore. If Ryker told me he was ready for me, then I would drop everything to be with him.

  The entrance to the magic shop was small and cramped. There was room for maybe two people to stand in line, and then a large wooden counter separated the customer section from the vast storage of magical supplies. Students couldn’t just walk in and browse. Giving teenagers endless access to powerful magical materials was probably a bad idea, so we had to go through the person that worked there. That also created a paper trail, so that the higher-ups knew who had what.

  An old man sat at the counter. He had beautiful long white hair and an equally impressive beard. His skin was so pale that I could see the blue veins on his face and arms. He wore an odd blue tunic with a belt around the waist.

  “Hello young one, how can I help you?” He asked. His eyes were ethereal blue.

  “I’m looking for some sort of conduit to help me with combat magic.” I started. Though my dimensional powers were badass and super impressive, I really couldn’t do much in a fight. I wanted to help my team more and had been looking for ways to do it. Morgana suggested getting a small conduit that was built just for manifesting magic.

  “I see, young one.” The old man winked, “May I see your left palm?” He then asked. I wasn’t sure what this was about, so I stretched out my hand. He rested my hand in his while he studied the lines of my palms, making little grunts and noises of interest as he did.

  He traced a line across my palm. “So much magic, yet so constricted. One day she will let you free and then we will really see who you will be.” The entire time he spoke, he stared at me, seemingly hypnotizing me with his light blue eyes. I had no idea what he meant and I gave him a look of confusion with a small smile.

  “I have just the thing for you, my lady.” He gave me a small bow. Though I had inherited my Grams titles, no one called me that yet.

  The old man disappeared behind the curtain separating the customer space from the storage area. After a moment he emerged with a small wooden box. Setting the box on the counter in front of me, I immediately felt the magic within. The box was beautifully decorated, with flowers and roses engraved into the wood. There was also some sort of runic writing across the top. Carefully, he lifted the lid. Inside, nestled in green velvet, was a small dagger. The blade was short, maybe the length of my finger, with two gleaming sharp edges. The handle had roses engraved into the metal, with a large green emerald embedded into the top.

  “It’s beautiful.” I gasped.

  “Go ahead, pick it up.” The old man encouraged.

  As I wrapped my hand around the handle, I instantly felt the connection. This weapon was mine and had always been mine. The magic surged within me, causing little green lightning bolts to spark on the small blade. I gasped at the magnificence of it all. Carefully, I set the knife back in its case, and the old man closed the box.

  “The knife chose you, my lady.” He said.

  “Chose me? Like it’s sentient? Like Excalibur?” I asked. The old man gave me a long look. I could see the thoughts processing through his light blue eyes.

  “Not quite.” He replied, giving nothing more. I gave him a long look but ultimately decided that the knife definitely did allow me to manifest more magic than before.

  “Alright, I’ll take it.” I nodded, reaching for my wallet. “How much?”

  “It is yours, my lady. It has always been yours.” He pushed the box across the counter to me. I stood in shocked silence.

  “Thank you.” I finally got out, placing my wallet back in my bag. I picked up the box and gave him a smile. Offering a goodbye, I turned to leave. Then it occurred to me to ask him what these runes meant on the box.

  “Oh by the way,” I turned, but he was gone. I glanced around for a moment, wondering if he had gone into the back.

  “Hello?” I called. The curtain fluttered, and a portly middle-aged woman emerged. She was the one who always worked in the shop.

  “How may I help you, dear?” She asked with a broad smile.

  “Oh, I was just talking to the man who works here.” I offered. She gave me an odd sort of expression.

  “Well, dear, there is no man who works here. I am the only one.” She explained. I stared at her and then glanced down at the box in my hands.

  “Oh, alright, thank you,” I said and then hurried out of the door. What the hell just happened?

  Keeping the box under my arm, I rushed down the hallway towards the tower entrance. Taking the stairs two at a time, I bounded through Morgana’s office door. Morgana sat at her desk, looking at papers, while Ryker sat across the room, shirtless while balancing some sort of stick on his nose.

  “What are you doing?” I found myself asking him.

  “What are you doing?” He demanded.

  “Grams.” I turned to Morgana and rushed towards her. Taking the box out from under my arm, I offered it to her. Her eyes widened, green magic sparking from them, and she backed away as if terrified of it.

  “Have you seen this before?” I asked.

  “Where did you get that?” She demanded through clenched teeth. I had never seen her afraid before.

  “That’s what I came up here to tell you guys.” I started. “There was this old man who works in the magic shop.”

  “There are no men that work in the shop, just Miss Becky,” Ryker stated.

  “Yuh, I didn’t know that.” I snapped. “But anyway, an old man was there, and he gave me this.” I pointed to the box. Morgana gave me a long look. Ryker stood next to me, admiring the box over my shoulder.

  “What do these runes say?” He asked.

  “To my Beautiful Fairy.” Morgana didn’t even look at the box to read the inscription.

  “Fairy?” Ryker asked.

  “It was an expression, back then.” She waved off. Then she turned, facing her wall of books and supplies. A carpetbag appeared next to her and objects started flying into it.

  “That knife was mine, and if he’s giving it to you, that means that I have less time than I thought.” She muttered.

  “What are you talking about?” I demanded. She turned then, the objects in the room flying around us and into the bag. Grams grabbed my hands, staring up at me with wide, worried eyes.

  “I have to go for a bit, Ivy Rose. There are some things I have to take care of. The three of you are progressing well in your training. Just keep doing your exercises, and you’ll be fine. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She promised.

  “What?” I demanded again. Reaching forward, she gently cupped my face with her hands and pulled me towards her, resting her lips on my forehead.

  “Just stay safe, my sweetling,” Morgana said as she pulled away. “And stick close to your knight, he’ll protect you.” Before I could question her more, she turned on her heel away from me, grabbed t
he bag and was gone, vanished into thin air.

  I stared at the empty space in which she once stood, my mind trying to comprehend what just happened. All the shelves on the back wall were empty, as well as most of the tables and supplies around the room. Grams had always been eccentric, but not quite like that. I glanced down at the box, wondering what about this knife had brought on such a reaction.

  “Can I see the knife?” Ryker asked. I was so stunned I almost forgot he was there. With a nod, I set the box on the table and opened the lid. It was magnificent. Ryker leaned in, not touching the weapon, but rather just assessing it.

  “Maybe Owen will know what it is.” Ryker shrugged after a moment. “It just looks like a knife to me.”

  “I can feel the power coming off of it,” I told him. He gave me a long look and then stared back at the knife.

  He turned then, pulling on his shirt and making quick work of the buttons. It was a shame to cover up something so striking. Over the past year, he had grown in muscle and brawn, his pectorals were more prominent now, creating two large squares. A light spray of golden brown hairs covered it. I wanted to run my nails through them. Instead, I turned, giving him some privacy. Once he was dressed, he grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs of the tower. I assumed we were going to talk to Owen, but then he led me down the opposite hallway, towards the gardens.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “You’re going to think I’m nuts.” He gave me that easy grin that melted my heart. Pushing open the glass door to the greenhouse, as there was a large blanket of snow on the ground, the warm, humid air blew my hair back as we entered. Flowers, herbs, and plants of all sorts grew in the gigantic atrium. A large waterfall was to the side and birds, bees, and butterflies flew overhead. Excalibur sat in the center of the building; a beam of sunlight illuminated the sword. The weapon was surrounded by flowers and was directly in front of the waterfall.

  “Agent Rogers suggested I put it in here for safe keeping,” Ryker explained, leading me towards the mighty weapon.

  “Why are we here?” I asked. Ryker gave me a long look.

  “I have to tell you something.” He replied, setting his hand on the handle. He looked nervous as he took a moment to gather his thoughts.

  “She can . . . talk to me.” He said after a moment.

  “She?” I asked with a wide smile. I had a suspicion that the sword could communicate with him. He had mentioned at the hospital that Excalibur had told him we were in trouble.

  “I asked her what pronouns she wanted me to use. She chose female. Besides, she has a female voice.” He tapped on his head.

  “This must be difficult for you,” I said, sitting on an iron bench in front of the sword. Ryker wasn’t a creature of the universe.

  Knights could tap into the magics of the Earth to enhance their physical capabilities, but wizards harnessed the power of the universe in order to manifest their magic. It was an entirely different sort of system between the two groups. Therefore, the knights didn’t understand the speaking of the universe like wizards did. Now, a magic sword was talking to him while my Grams was actively teaching him to open himself to the universe. What a crazy ride this must be for him.

  “I’m having difficulties understanding the universe, and therefore, understanding Excalibur.” Ryker offered. The same magics that flooded into our souls was what Excalibur used to communicate. The more Ryker opened himself up to the energies of the universe, the more he could understand Excalibur.

  “The meditation isn’t helping?” I asked. Ryker exhaled a deep breath.

  “Ivy . . . “ He trailed off, looking like he wanted to say something but was worried about saying it. I waited patiently for him to give one. With a loud exhale he shook his head. “Will you hand me the knife?” I knew that wasn’t what he wanted to say, but I let it go and handed him the box. Carefully, he opened the box and held it in front of Excalibur.

  “What do you think about it?” He asked the sword out loud. In any other situation, I would have found the demonstration hilarious, but I knew if I laughed it would hurt Ryker. He was already so sensitive about his use of magic.

  “She says she’s seen it before,” Ryker replied. “And that it is yours.” A broad smile expanded over his handsome face as he listened. “She also likes you.”

  “Well, I like her too.” I smiled at the sword. I wondered if it could see.

  “Anyway,” Ryker stepped away from Excalibur and handed me the box. “I think the knife is fine. Whatever Morgana was freaking out about had nothing to do with it.” I agreed with him.

  Ryker sat next to me, resting his arm on the bench behind me. We hadn’t sat like this, just the two of us, in I don’t know how long. In fact, this was probably the first time in months that we had been together casually and not broken out in a fight. I placed the box in my bag and then set it away. Unable to help myself, I scooted closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder as we both listened to the waterfall and contemplated our own thoughts. I missed him. I never thought I could miss someone who I saw every day, but this rift between us had caused a terrible divide. I didn’t know how to fix it, and I didn’t think Ryker knew how either.

  After a while, I glanced down at my watch. I had a date with Malcolm that night, which I neglected to tell either Ryker or Owen. I was tired of hurting them. Though I needed to meet Malcolm soon, I made no effort to move, my body wanting to stay near his as long as possible.

  “Why do you date other guys?” He asked me in a calm voice, still staring off at the waterfall. I could tell by the tone of his voice that this was genuine curiosity.

  “Why did you move out of the cabin?” I countered, not wanting to answer the question. It was a technique I had picked up from Owen. He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger.

  “I’m going to be officially a knight soon.” Ryker started. The knight ceremony had been postponed because of the fire. “Once that happens, other aspects of my life will change.” I wasn’t sure what he was saying. In response to my confused look, he went on. “I mean, I just, I’ll always be assigned to the Team, but I’ll have my own missions and trainings to attend to as well. So I guess what I’m saying is, well, I’m done being angry with you.” That shocked me. “I mean, you can go out with other guys, whatever, while I get my life together, but eventually, it will be together, and then I’m coming for you.” He squeezed me to his side. This was the closest he had ever gotten to admitting that we are supposed to be together, that it’s the universes will.

  I hated myself at that moment. He was rationalizing that I didn’t feel this nagging need to be with him. That I could just so easily go out with other guys and enjoy their company without comparing them to my perfect knight. It was ridiculous and a little insulting. I wanted to tell him the truth, but I couldn’t. So instead I hugged him. I pressed my body against his and hid my face in his neck and held on for as long as he would let me because there was no guarantee that we would end up together. I knew I was hurting him with my suitors and maybe, one day, he would decide I just wasn’t worth this much hassle.

  As we sat alone in the atrium, with our arms around each other, I wondered if this was all I’d get of him? Was the universe so cruel? I fought the tears as I pulled away and smiled. I really had to go meet Malcolm, even though all I wanted to do was stay there with Ryker.

  “I don’t want to fight anymore.” He said so sweetly I almost lost my battle with my tears.

  “Me neither,” I replied, giving him a smile.

  With that, we went our separate ways, and I felt like the lowest of scum in the universe. When Grams came back, I would tell her I was finished. Malcolm would be the last one I spied on, and that was it. Ryker was too important for me to keep hurting like this and I refused to do it anymore.

  Chapter Four:


  One month later:

  Magic was ultimately, at its root, a science. Much like chemists took the elements of the earth and made something n
ew, so do magicians. I had my way mostly through the list of ingredients Merlin had left me at the hospital. I now not only had explosive cookies, but also ones that turned into bubbles, a batch that invoked sleep, and one that turned the consumer pink. I had ones that blasted energy, that slowed time for a few seconds, and that gave a person temporary amnesia. All of which were made and tested in my new advanced magic facility. It was a warehouse with a blast-proof box inside and a kitchen. Since the fire at the dorms, I was only allowed to experiment with magic there.

  At that moment I had added basil to my cookies. I didn’t know what it did, but according to Merlin, the effects were essential. Taking them into the vault, I shut the blast doors and turned to my cookies. Stepping back, I waved my hand over the baking sheet and mumbled the incantation. Last time I did this, a group of cobras emerged, and I had to press the panic button. I held my breath as the magic infused into the cookies.

  They glowed a light blue for just a moment and then nothing.

  I stared at them for a long moment, waiting for something, anything to happen, but nothing. Carefully, I stepped forward, cautiously picking one up in my hand. It was just a cookie. I flipped it over and over again, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do. There were a few that had to be eaten for the effects to work. I’d take it to the lab for analyses. Opening the vault, I grabbed a plastic zip bag and threw the cookies in, setting them in my bag.

  Alright, onto the next recipe.

  “Hey, are you sure you should be up and around?” A voice carried over the blasting music I had in the background. Turning, Ivy was standing behind me.

  “I’m fine.” I waved off. A little shrapnel in the gut wasn’t enough to stop me. I was going to get that codex and, like any scientist committed to their work, I was willing to get a little beat up doing it. Since Morgana’s disappearance, we had been on our own for magical training. Ivy has been coming to the vault to practice her offensive magic with her knife.


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