Returning to Rockport: A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Returning to Rockport: A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 15

by Kelsey Clayton

  When I walk out to the car, Colton goes around to the passenger side, opening the door like a total gentleman. He greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

  “I missed you.”

  I chuckle. “I saw you like six hours ago.”

  “Five hours and 59 minutes too long.”

  After I get in, he shuts the door and goes back around to the driver’s side. He pulls out of the driveway and starts heading away from town. I had expected him to go towards Boston, but instead, we’re going North.

  “Where are we going?”

  He smiles and reaches over to place one hand on my leg. “Now, what fun would it be if I just told you?”

  “Plenty. I hate surprises.”

  “Some things never change, but you’ve always loved my surprises.”

  I roll my eyes because he’s right. No matter how much I used to beg him to tell me where we were going or what it was that he had for me, he never gave in and I always loved it anyway. I kick off my flip-flops and put my feet up on the dashboard, knowing he’ll hate it but getting under his skin is one of my favorite pastimes.

  “Ay.” He lightly taps my leg. “Feet down.”

  “Nope.” I pop the p just to dig it in a little more. He turns his head to glare at me. “Eyes on the road, Brooks.”

  His amusement is all over his face. “I’ll remember this.”

  FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER, we pull up to a beach that’s only illuminated by streetlights and the moon. Completely bewildered, I climb out of the car and meet him at the trunk. He opens it, pulling out a blanket, lantern, and a picnic basket – like something out of a damn movie.

  “A picnic? Seriously?”

  He smirks. “Do you have something against picnics, Princess?”

  I shake my head. “Not at all. I just never took you for a picnic planning kind of guy.”

  “What can I say? You bring out the best in me.”

  “Wow. You’re laying it on thick tonight.”

  His head falls back as laughter bellows out of his mouth. “Alright, brat. That’s enough out of you. Let’s go.”

  I follow him onto the beach and towards the water. He lays the blanket down on the sand, then turns on the lantern and places it in the middle. We sit across from each other and he takes two subs from my favorite deli out of the basket, along with a bottle of my favorite wine and two glasses.

  “You really put some thought into all this.”

  He looks up from what he was doing and tilts his head to the side. “That surprises you?”

  “Honestly? Yeah. I’ve never seen this side of you. Well, at least not when there wasn’t a bed involved.”

  “Okay, fair enough.” He finishes pouring a glass of wine and hands it to me before filling his own. “I just wanted to show you how serious about this I am.”

  My heart pounds inside my chest as I ask the question I’ve been thinking all day. “And what is this exactly?”


  “Colton.” I say his name as a warning. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  He leans back on his elbows as he finishes chewing the bite of his sub. “It can be anything you want it to be.”

  “So, if I wanted you and I to get married tomorrow?”

  I expect him to panic as I call his bluff, but he remains indifferent. “I designed a house for a pastor once. I’m sure he’d do it if I asked him to.”

  Good god, it’s all too much. The way he’s looking at me, the picture-perfect date he set up, the things he’s saying – it’s everything I’ve always wanted and it’s four years too late.

  “Why couldn’t you have been like this before I left?”

  My words aren’t meant to ruin the mood, but I watch the playfulness fall from his face. He looks up at the stars and takes a sip of his wine as he figures out how to answer my question. When he finally looks back at me, all I see is sincerity.

  “I was a stupid, naïve, little boy who was too scared of what his best friend would think to realize what was standing right in front of my face.”

  It’s brutal, and honest, and real. He’s not saying it as an excuse or to justify his actions. He simply wants me to know that he understands the mistake he made. I can’t help myself as I lean over the lantern and give him a quick kiss, but then I sit back because I need to lay this out.

  “I’m not leaving Parker.” He opens his mouth to speak but I put one finger up. “Not yet, anyway. I meant what I said about not going anywhere. You want the chance to fight for us, and I’m giving it to you. But I’m not going to leave him until I’m sure.”

  Colton breaks our eye contact and looks over at the ocean but nods. “Understandable. You need to learn to trust me again.”

  “So, you’re okay with it?”

  “Well, I’m not saying I like it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to see someone else’s hands on you and not want to rip them to shreds. But, I want you and if dealing with that for now gives me the chance at that, then I guess I’m going to have to be.”

  AN HOUR AND A half into our date, the food is long gone and we’re just lying on the blanket – listening to the waves and talking. I tell him stories about Julia and me in college, and he tells me all the things I’ve missed since being home. That’s one thing I’ve never forgotten about him. Anything I talk about, he listens with 100% of his attention, not to be polite but because he’s genuinely interested.

  As the conversation starts to die down, there’s one thing on my mind I’ve been dying to know.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He looks over at me and his eyebrows furrow. “Anything. What do you want to know?”

  “Why won’t you let anyone see the plans for the house you’re building?”

  “Ah, going straight for the jugular.”

  I giggle and turn my head back to the stars. “I know it’s not because you’re self-conscious about it. You run all your ideas by those closest to you. Why is this one different?”

  “Because this one didn’t need anyone else’s opinion. It’s perfect just the way I designed it.”

  “Can I see it?”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Maybe one day, but not any time soon. And besides, what if I am self-conscious about it?”

  “Oh please. I’ve seen the houses you’ve designed. Hell, I live in one of them.”

  “Caught onto that, did you?”

  I smile. “Parker saw your name in the paperwork. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “You were still in that ‘stay the fuck away from me or I’ll kill you’ phase. I was afraid if I told you, it would ruin the place for you.”

  My arm covers my eyes as I laugh. “You make me sound so violent.”

  “Hey, I watched you punch a girl in the face once.”

  “Oh my god. That was eight years ago and she cut off my hair!”

  “Still happened.” He teases and chuckles when I smack his side.

  There are a million things that should be going through my mind as I lie here with him - one of which being my fiancé - but as I listen to the waves crash against the shore and cuddle closer into Colton’s side, I can’t be bothered with any of it. Tonight, I’m giving myself what I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. Tonight, is perfect.



  I go through my closet, tossing everything that won’t suffice onto the bed. My room is starting to look like an absolute wreck but I don’t care. Instead of going shopping for my interview like I was supposed to, I went on a date with Colton. And instead of going the next day like I planned, I met up with Colton on his lunch break. Needless to say, as much as I love spending so much time with him – it’s distracting. Now, I’m stuck finding something to wear out of the things I already own.

  “Bloody hell, what happened in here?” Parker asks as I toss another sheer shirt across the room. You can’t wear sheer to an interview. Especially not one at an elementary school.

  “I can’t find a single thing to wear an
d I forgot to go shopping.”

  “Ah.” He walks over next to me and holds up a tight fitting black dress. “What about this one?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m trying to get a job as a kindergarten teacher Parker, not a damn prostitute.”

  Placing the dress back where he got it, he raises his hands in surrender. “I’ll just stay out of your way then.”

  “Probably a good idea.”

  I take out my phone and send an SOS text to Ivy, telling her I need something to wear for my interview, stat. My mouth is dry and I realize that in the midst of my freak out, I forgot to have anything to drink this morning. I go downstairs just as the doorbell rings. My eyebrows furrow as I pull it open to reveal a flower delivery man.

  “I have a delivery for Miss McKenna Taylor.”

  “That’s me.” I tell him and take the paper to sign for the beautiful arrangement. Once I’m done, I hand it back to him and he hands me the vase.

  “Have a nice day, ma’am.”

  “You too.”

  I bring the flowers into the kitchen and place them down on the island. When I spot the card sticking out of them, I pull it off so I can read it.

  Good luck at your interview, Princess. They’re going to love you. – Colton

  “McKenna? Was there someone at the door?” Parker ask as he walks into the kitchen and spots the flowers. I quickly shove the card into the waistband of my yoga pants. “Oh, someone got you flowers?”

  I nod. “Ivy wanted to wish me luck on my interview.”

  “That was very kind of her. She’s a good friend.”

  “The best.” I murmur, trying to calm myself from that close call.

  God forbid I had decided to get in the shower before getting a drink. Parker would have been the one to sign for the flowers and he would have seen the card. Either Colton is just downright stupid, or he did it on purpose. Regardless, I’m pissed.

  I grab my phone from the counter and open mine and his text thread.

  McKenna: Are you out of your fucking mind?!

  While I wait for his response, I take a few sips of water and try to calm myself down but it’s no use. Between my nerves about this interview and the way Colton almost just blew our cover, I can barely handle anything this morning.

  Colton: Uh, what?

  McKenna: The flowers. Are you insane?

  Colton: You don’t like them? They’re your favorite.

  Leave it to him to play dumb in this situation. He’s a multi-million-dollar architect. He’s anything but idiotic.

  McKenna: I see that, and they’re beautiful, but Parker almost saw the card. Why on earth would you think delivering flowers to my house is a good idea?!

  Colton: I just wanted to wish you luck.

  McKenna: No, what you WANTED was for Parker to find the card and see that they came from you.

  Colton: …

  I scoff.

  McKenna: Unbelievable. YOU are unbelievable.

  The three dots show he’s typing for an excessive amount of time before his text comes through.

  Colton: What do you want me to say? Do you want me to tell you that you’re wrong? Ok, you’re wrong. I didn’t send them with the intention of Parker seeing the card, but if he had I wouldn’t be upset. He doesn’t deserve you.

  My fingers move violently across the screen as I type my response.

  McKenna: Oh, and you do?! Save it, Colton. I don’t want to hear it.

  I throw my phone onto the couch with more force than necessary and it ricochets onto the floor. Great. That’s exactly my luck. I pray it’s not broken as I walk over to where it landed. Just as I go to pick it up, I hear the front door open.

  “Interview outfit crisis team!” Ivy jokingly yells through the house.

  I walk towards her and throw myself into her arms. “You are my lifesaver.”

  “I know. Now come on, you need to get ready.”

  THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOOKS exactly like I remember it. The walls are still painted the same powder blue. The lockers are still a dark yellow that looks like a failed attempt at gold. You can see where they renovated certain things like the floors and crappy ceiling tiles, but for the most part, it’s still the same place I spent six years of my life.

  I walk up to the front door and hit the button for the intercom.

  “How can I help you?” A voice echoes through the device.

  “My name is McKenna Taylor. I’m here for an interview with Principal Jackson.”

  “Okay, great. Please come to the office. Through the door and to your right.”

  As soon as she stops talking, a buzzer sounds, signifying the door is unlocked. I walk inside and straight to the office as directed. The woman behind the desk is older with ash blonde hair that goes down to just below her ears. She looks sweet enough as she smiles at me and tells me to have a seat.

  After a few minutes, a man comes out of an office in the back. He’s taller, probably around mid-forties, with black hair that’s styled into a military cut. He looks like someone who doesn’t just ask for respect, he demands it.

  “Miss Taylor?”

  He extends his hand towards me and I stand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you, Principal Jackson.”

  “You as well. Why don’t you follow me back to my office?”

  The two of us walk through the swinging half door that blocks off the administration side. He gestures for me to enter the smaller room and he follows behind, shutting the door after we’re both inside. There is a football jersey hanging up on the wall with his last name and the number 14 on it.

  “You played for Ohio State?”

  He nods. “All four years. I was on a scholarship. Almost went pro.”

  “How did you end up becoming a principal?”

  “I tore my ACL during my senior year of college. By the time I was healed, the season was over and I had missed my chance.”

  I can’t help but frown at the loss of his dream. “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”

  Walking around to his desk, he takes one last look at his jersey and then sits down. I take the seat in front of him and fold my hands over my lap. It feels like my stomach is in my throat as I wait for him to begin.

  “So, Pamela has nothing but great things to say about you.”

  The corners of my lips turn upward. “That’s very nice of her. We’ve known each other since we were younger.”

  “I take it you’re close then.”

  “We used to be. Our schedules haven’t been in our favor for us to get together since I’ve been back, but I’m hoping to see her soon.”

  He grabs a folder from the side of his desk and opens it to pull out my resume. “I see you’re a recent graduate of New York University. Magna Cum Laude, that’s impressive.”

  “Thank you. My studies were always very important to me.”

  “As they should be. Do you plan on working toward your Master’s Degree?”

  A part of me wonders if that’s a trick question. If I say no, I look like I’m not someone who’s content with only a Bachelor’s, but if I say yes, he might question if I’ll be able to juggle both a full time teaching job and schooling.

  “Right now, I’m primarily focused on starting my career, but it’s not something I’m opposed to doing in the future.”

  He looks pleased with my answer as he grins broadly. “And what are your plans for upcoming years? Do you intend on staying in Rockport?”

  “Yes, sir. My fiancé and I just recently purchased a house over on Seagull Street.”

  “That’s a great area.”

  “It is.” I confirm.

  “Well.” He claps his hands together and leans back in his chair. “You seem like a great fit and I have a feeling you’ll do very well with the kindergarteners we have coming in this fall. So, if you’re interested, I’d like to offer you the teaching position.”

  My head nods vigorously as my smile widens. “I graciously accept. Thank you so much for the opportunity.”

p; He grins in return. “I’m looking forward to having you join us. How about we go see your new classroom, shall we?”


  I toss my phone onto the island as I enter the kitchen. McKenna is probably halfway through her interview right now, but I wouldn’t know because she hasn’t been speaking to me since her outburst this morning. I knew it was risky to send her those flowers, but I genuinely believed Parker would be at class. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I pop off the cap and flick it across the room, into the garbage.

  “You know, your accuracy with that should be alarming.” Tatum says from where she’s seated at the table in the corner.

  I chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

  “How could you when you’re on a war path?” She eyes the beer in my hand. “It’s two o’clock on a Thursday and you’re already drinking?”

  “It’s been one hell of a morning.”

  She shuts her computer and gets up, motioning for me to follow her into the living room. I leave my phone on the counter and exit the room. I fall back onto the couch as I hold my beer steady to prevent it from spilling. Tatum rolls her eyes and joins me on the other side.

  “So, what’s got you all out of sorts?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  She smiles. “Oh, so it’s a McKenna thing.” My eyes widen as I quickly look around for Maverick but she giggles and shakes her head. “Don’t worry. He’s not here. He took my car to get an oil change.”


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