The Witch: Book Two of The Sorceress Saga

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The Witch: Book Two of The Sorceress Saga Page 1

by Taliesin Govannon

  The Witch Copyright © 2021 True Alternatives Media

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead, or undead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by True Alternatives Media

  Edited by Lilith Wayland

  Cover Art by Biserka Design

  Be sure to follow me on social media!


  (This is where you’ll find me the most.)



  Praise for The Sorceress

  "If you're a fan of shows like Buffy and Supernatural like I am, you're in for a treat... "

  M.W. Arita, author of the "Vampireaper" series

  * * *

  "Charming Supernatural Fantasy (with) engaging characters... (I'm) ready for the next one."

  Ian Corrigan, author of "Sacred Fire, Holy Well"

  * * *

  "I had a whole lot of fun reading this one and for sure I want to read the next one, too!"

  Laura Maybrooke, author of the "Dulcea's Rebellion" series

  * * *

  "Such a good book!"

  Azaaa Davis, author of the "Nadira Holden, Vampire Hunter" series


  This book is once again dedicated to my wife, Willowe

  And to the best kids a Dad could ever ask for, Anikin and Anya

  This past year has shown me how lucky I am to have the family that I do.

  Also by Taliesin Govannon

  The Sorceress Saga:

  The Sorceress

  Chapter One

  From the diaries of Angelique Dupre


  The coast of the New World

  We arrived in the early dawn, Ali's men making haste with my landing.

  Even though they all made the passage unharmed, they are anxious to get me off of their ship.

  Little do they know who will be making the trip back with them.

  The land was wild where we came ashore. I could sense the traces of the local inhabitants as soon as I neared the land... some had hunted here recently, and I could also smell the panic and fear in the animal that they killed at the apex of their hunt.

  Venison blood tastes as sweet as the meat always did to me, I have found.

  Now I must find a place suitable for both refuge and for a turning. I don't mind paying the price for my passage, I only hope it was worth it.

  * * *

  The last thing I expected to stumble across on my morning walk was a lake. I had grown to know almost every path and trail on the expansive property where my current residence was located, and while it may have sported a couple of small creeks, it was never home to any standing body of water.

  Until now.

  It was an impressive lake as well. I could just see the far shore, partially obscured by a morning fog absent from every other part of the property. Tall reeds gathered near it's edges, and pussy-willows waved in the slight morning breeze. I could even smell the wispy scent of decaying vegetation that was a part of every aquatic ecosystem. If I didn't know better, I would say that this lake had been here since the glaciers receded at the end of the last ice age.

  That is, if I hadn't just walked through here two days ago when the area was completely dry.

  I skirted the edge of the lake and found where my trail continued on the other side. I continued on as if nothing was out of the ordinary, because nothing really was.

  Living with two ancient vampires was enough to turn one's world upside down. I had only recently discovered that the world that I thought was real was only a thin veneer of normalcy that obscured a much larger, unseen world filled with legendary creatures and beings that I had never before imagined existing. Finding out that my boyfriend was over four hundred years old, and that his ex-lover/adoptive sister was sixteen hundred and counting, was just the beginning. Soon my friends Raina, Jack, and myself were knee-deep in a world where we didn't always understand the rules nor were aware of potential consequences for seemingly innocent actions.

  All to prepare for the coming of a legendary magickal figure called 'The Sorceress', who turned out to be me.

  Since my transformation one month prior, I had spent my time trying to get the hang of my new reality. I was now connected to a line of magickal women stretching back to the dawn of human existence, and possibly all of existence. My magick flowed not from sigils and symbols like traditional human magick users, nor from Fae crystals or other exotic sources. No, the source of my magick, so I've been told, is the power of creation itself.

  It sounds awesome, but I hadn't yet had the chance to really explore things. I had been told by Angelique... as well as Raina, Vincent, and several Fae advisers that I had discovered lurking nearby recently... to just relax and let things happen. I needed to let my magick flow naturally.

  That's what my morning walks were about. I would walk through the woods back behind the house and just feel the energies of nature, and life, all around me.

  And that's what this walk is about, as well! I thought firmly. I would bring up the new lake with Vincent once I got home.

  I walked around a now-familiar bend and came upon some yarrow growing in the partial shade by the trail's edge. It was wilting, and looked like it would be dead by the next day. This was rather upsetting in that I had planned on making some old-fashioned I-Ching divining tools for Raina, and yarrow was essential in their construction.

  I knew just what to do. Crouching by the ailing plant, I put my hands up in front of me and concentrated. I visualized the loving, nurturing energy of the earth flowing into the plant, and then saw it growing strong and vibrantly.

  I used to have to close my eyes to visualize, but I was experienced enough to do it with my eyes open. Besides, I always loved this part, and didn't want to miss it.

  The ground by the yarrow stalks started glowing with a faint green shade, pulsing in time to a heartbeat that no human but myself could hear. The light started pushing itself up into the plant's stalks, going a bit further with every pulse. Bit by bit, the yarrow was filled with the green energy, and the leaves started to perk up and return to normal.

  I took my hands away, and the green light faded. Where before there had been a sick and dying plant there was now a healthy, beautiful yarrow patch.

  Smiling, I stood up and admired the plant. “Now take care of yourself.” I told it before turning and continuing on my way.

  Another hour, and I came upon a local playground that normally marked my turn-around point. I hadn't been around people very much since I became the Sorceress, because I could sense emotions and thoughts much more sharply than any human alive. I wasn't quite able to read minds, but I could sense moods, and that was almost the same. I had spoken to my Mom over the phone, and had been promised a dampening spell that Raina could cast to deaden my senses for a little bit so we could get together in person sometime soon. Until then it was better to stay with those aware of my true nature.

  I stopped, however, when I saw a group of children standing in a circle over by the s
wing-sets. There seemed to be about five or six of them, and they were staring at someone in the center of them.

  I couldn't see the focus of their attention, but I could feel him. His abject terror at his situation radiated off him in waves, and my stomach flipped in sympathy with his.

  “What's wrong, sissy?” one of the taller boys taunted him. “Afraid?”

  A red-headed boy to the first one's left joined in. “Afraid that we'll turn him down for a date, maybe!”

  “Yeah, sissy,” a blonde boy said, “We're not perverts like your sorry ass, you faggot!”

  As soon as I heard the 'f' word that I despised so much, I knew I had to do something. I wanted to use my magick to pick the bullies up and dangle them for a while, but I wasn't ready to reveal myself to the world just yet. Instead, I hatched a different plan.

  I closed my eyes and stretched out with my senses, searching for an energy that I knew was out there. I soon heard it's familiar buzzing, and sent out some clear instructions for what I wanted. I opened my eyes and waited.

  I didn't have to wait long. I saw one of the bullies absentmindedly swat at something flying near his head, and then another one did the same. Soon they were all looking around, waving their hands at the bees that were diving at them left and right. Outnumbered, they quickly took off running, trying to get away from the stinging menaces attacking them.

  The boy that they had been bullying covered his head, fearing that he would be next. The bees ignored him, however, instead flying after his assailants. I walked quietly over to the huddled, quivering child and knelt next to him.

  He couldn't be over nine years old! I thought. Those other kids looked to be in their teens. Oh, how I hated bullies!

  “It's okay, they're gone.” I said softly, not letting my inward anger show.

  He looked up at me timidly. I smiled, and he relaxed a little.

  “What happened?” he asked. “Where are the bees?”

  “They... some bees are attracted to sweat.” I said, thinking quickly. “And those boys were particularly sweaty.”

  “And stinky?” he asked, grinning.

  “And stinky, yes.”

  He picked himself up and brushed off his clothes. “I never liked bees before, but I do now!” he said enthusiastically.

  “They're helpful in a lot of ways.” I told him. “Do you live far?”

  “Only a block from here.”

  I closed my eyes again, but could sense no sign of the boy's attackers. “Well, run on home. The coast is clear for now.”

  “Thank you.” he said quietly, and then turned and ran for home.

  * * *

  I exited the woods behind the mansion and walked up to the patio. Angelique, as pale as ever and looking ethereal in her body-hugging black dress, was outside tending to the remains of the seasons roses. It had been a good year for her roses, what with all of the magickal energy flying about.

  “Did you have a pleasant walk?” she asked without looking up.

  “Gorgeous as always.” I replied. “Oh, by the way, we have a new lake on the property.”

  “Are the lowlands having draining issues again?” She snipped a dead flower stem from the bush she was working on, getting the bed ready for winter.

  “No, it's a lake. A real lake. Just down the path there.” I pointed down the way I had just come.

  She stopped tending and looked where I was pointing, her long straight black hair swaying as she turned. “Hmm. That's strange.” she said simply. Shrugging, she returned her attention to the plants. “Mention it to Vincent, will you?”

  “Will do.” I said, walking away towards the back door.

  I found Vincent in the kitchen, fixing food for my breakfast. The smoky scent of bacon hung heavy in the air as he used the leftover grease to cook some eggs to perfection. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Good morning, my love.” I said, hugging him from behind. He had his long black hair… though his was wavy whereas Angelique's was perfectly straight… tied back for cooking, and it smelled of nightshade and roses against my face.

  “Good morning.” he replied with a smile. “Hungry?”

  “Famished.” I answered.

  “Well, have a seat. Everything should be ready in a few minutes.”

  I sat down and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I unlocked the screen, saw that I had no messages, and turned the screen back off. “I found a new lake today.”

  “How far did you walk?” he asked, confused.

  “Not far.” I replied. “It's on the property.”

  “But we don't have any lakes on the property.”

  “We do now.”

  He just shrugged at that and went back to flipping the eggs. I was going to say more, but then Raina entered the kitchen.

  Raina was one of my longest running friendships. We had met in Elementary school and remained close through everything that had happened since: puberty, public school, Raina coming out as gay, and oh yes... my transformation into an uber-magick user. Though Wiccan, she had expanded her own magickal abilities over the past year, mastering Fae magick that few mortals could imagine wielding. That there was someone else as new to things as I was made us even closer.

  She was in a great mood that morning. Her face was as bright as the purple of her matching sweat pants and hoodie, though her tight, bright red spiral curls were still messy from her pillow. “Hey fam.” she chirped. “What's for breakfast?”

  “A vegan's worst nightmare.” Vincent answered, showing her the bacon on the counter and eggs in the pan.

  “You always did know how to make someone grateful for being an omnivore.” Raina plopped herself down next to me at the kitchen table. “So what's new?”

  I swear, that woman can wear anything! I thought. There were some colors… especially yellow, orange, and tragically purple… that I thought just didn’t go with my pasty white skin. I wasn’t sure if it was Raina’s mixed Latinix and black Jamaican heritage or her unending confidence, but she looked good in everything.

  “Nothing much.” I answered finally. “A new lake appeared on the property overnight.”

  “Does it have a beach?” she asked.

  "Nah, it's pretty swampy."

  “Figures.” She looked around the table. “Do we have any...”

  In a flash, cups of coffee and glasses of orange juice appeared before Raina and I. Vincent stood at the stove as if nothing had happened.

  Raina smiled. “Gotta love vampire speed.”

  I took a sip of my coffee. “So, conjure anything new last night?”

  Raina drank some juice. “Nothing at all, why?”

  “That lake appeared on the property out of nowhere, remember?”

  “Did you see it appear?”

  “No, but it appeared directly over one of the trails I use regularly.”

  Vincent sat a plate of wheat toast in between us. Raina picked up one of the pre-buttered slices and crunched into it. “Hmm. Strange. Maybe I should talk to Rini about it.”

  “And how is our favorite Fae magick teacher doing these days?” I asked, picking up my own piece.

  “As instructive as ever.” Raina grinned.

  Before I could probe her answer, Jack came sliding into the room. He was wearing the same stained My Chemical Romance t-shirt that he'd been wearing the night before, as well as the same jeans. His dark brown hair was tied tightly back and hung halfway down his back.

  “Good morning!” Raina greeted him.

  “Ugh, what's so good about mornings?” he asked, sitting down at a chair where coffee and orange juice had also just suddenly appeared.

  “I'm surprised to see you up this early.” I said.

  “I passed out in my computer chair last night while debugging code.” he said, rubbing his neck. “Damned chair cost more than my car, and it still didn't stop me from getting a stiff neck.”

  “That's what you get for doing bong hits while you work.” Raina said stiffly, grabbing another piece of toa

  “Yeah, and that's what makes me do bong hits before walking upstairs.” Jack replied, flicking a crumb at her.

  “Well maybe you can turn that massive computer brain loose on doing some research after breakfast.” she replied, tossing a crust at him.

  "A good-sized lake appeared in the backwoods in the last couple of days." I informed him.

  Jack shrugged. “Sure. Research materializing lakes. Got it.”

  Plates of bacon and scrambled eggs appeared in front of us, with Vincent standing nearby. “Bon Appetite!” he said, and the three of us dug in.

  * * *

  “Hey, kid...”

  The voice was insistent, but I tried to ignore it anyway. I needed my sleep.

  I found that I took a lot of naps, post-Sorceress-becoming. Raina assured me that her Fae sources told her that this was entirely normal, that my body was channeling more energy than normal humans and needed to rest more. I had even put a daybed into the meditation room I shared with Raina, in case I needed to get some sleep while the rest of the house was noisy.

  And now this voice was insisting that I wake up.

  I opened my eyes, only I didn't see my meditation room. Instead, I was in a somewhat-familiar stone room. I had only seen this room once, during a meditation that had been hijacked by a couple of spirits. One of them, who I had come to call Penelope, had made contact with me several times since. The other one...

  “Hey there, kid.”

  The other woman from that meditation was standing in front of me, looking down and smiling. Her olive skin was bathed in firelight, and her long black hair almost shined in the dark.

  “It's you.” I said out loud, the surprise evident in my voice.


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