Dog Tags: A romance anthology featuring military and canine heroes

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Dog Tags: A romance anthology featuring military and canine heroes Page 2

by Kate Kinsley

  “Really?” This seemed to please him. “My mom’s a retired teacher.”

  “It’s a wonderful profession. Tough, but I love it.”

  “So did she.”

  Several seconds of awkward silence passed between them before Nick finally started talking again.

  “So, listen. I noticed you still have several boxes in the truck. I’d be happy to help you carry your stuff inside, if you’d like.”

  “Oh, that’s really sweet of you to offer, but I don’t want to impose. I mean, it’s Friday, and I’m sure you already have plans, and—”

  “It’s no trouble,” he assured her. “I was just going to hang out with Lucky tonight. Probably have a beer or two, and then flip through the insane number of channels my satellite package offers, and still not find anything decent to watch.”

  Paxton chuckled…something she imagined herself doing a lot around this man.

  “Seriously, though,” Nick continued on. “Between the two of us, I’m sure we could get that truck unloaded pretty quickly. I’ll even order a pizza or something so you don’t have to worry about unpacking your pots and pans tonight.”

  She considered his offer. “Pizza is my favorite…”

  “Mine, too. So, what do you say?”

  Just her luck. She buys a house next to a hot, presumably single, former SEAL who loves dogs and pizza, right after she decides to swear off men forever.

  Paxton must’ve taken too long to answer because Nick quickly began apologizing right as she opened her mouth to respond.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to presume or make you uncomfortable. You probably have a boyfriend, and I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate me offering to buy you dinner and—”

  “No!” Paxton blurted without thinking. A bad habit she had, especially when she got nervous. “I mean, I don’t have a boyfriend. I did, but then he cheated on me with my friend who was also one of my fellow teachers, and—” She cut herself off to keep from rambling on even more. Another habit you need to break. “You know what? Never mind. We just met, and I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my pathetic excuse for a love life.”

  Or…lack thereof.

  “Don’t be so sure about that,” Nick teased with a smirk. “We could make it a competition. Compare notes while we work. Winner pays for the pizza.”

  Paxton laughed. “I’m pretty sure my version of dating-gone-wrong would beat yours by a long shot.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Nick gave her a challenging look. “Ever hear of a ‘frog hog’?”

  An unattractive snort escaped the back of Paxton’s throat before she could stop it. “A what?”

  “That’s what I thought.” He glanced down at her smugly. “Trust me. I’ve got some stories that would put your douchebag ex to shame.”

  Her smile widened. Though it was probably wrong, Paxton enjoyed hearing this man she barely knew refer to her previous boyfriend as a douchebag. But as their laughter died down, she decided it was only fair to be upfront and honest with her new neighbor.

  “Listen, Nick. I just moved here.” She glanced around the box-filled room, and then shook her head at herself. “Obviously. And I’m busy with the new job and getting settled in, plus I just ended things with Andrew, and I…I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m not really looking for anything more than friendship right now.”

  “I’m not either. And I apologize if I came off like I was hitting on you. I honestly just wanted to help. You know, neighbor to neighbor.”

  “Oh.” Paxton offered him a nervous smile. “Good.”

  She’d meant what she said. She wasn’t ready to get romantically involved with anyone. Even a sexy former SEAL like Nick.

  Really? Then why are you so disappointed?

  Ignoring the tiny voice in her head, Paxton shook it off and smiled a bit wider. “Well then. Now that we’ve cleared that up, why don’t we get started on that truck?”

  The tension in Nick’s shoulders eased a bit. With a relaxed grin, he nodded and pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’ll order the pizza. Pepperoni and mushrooms okay?”

  Her heart skipped inside her chest. “It’s my favorite.”

  Chapter One

  “I’m callin’ bullshit.”

  Nick Hayes tore his eyes from the beauty on the dance floor to look across the table at Derek West, one of his former SEAL teammates. “About what?”

  “Your lame-ass claim that there’s nothin’ goin’ on between you and your pretty neighbor.”

  Nick’s chest tightened even as he gave his friend a casual shrug. “It’s the truth.”


  Despite the claim, his wanton gaze returned to the woman he wanted far more than he should. He and Paxton had been friends for nearly a year, now. Ever since she first rented the house next door to his.

  Just. Friends.

  Yes, the kindergarten teacher was smart, funny, and adorable as hell. Sure, she also happened to have the same taste in music, movies, and food as he did. And so what if Lucky—Nick’s German Shephard—liked Pax, too?

  Truth be told, Lucky didn’t just like Pax. He’d fallen head over paws for their pretty neighbor. Hell, any time the woman was around, his dog immediately turned traitor. Always wanting her to rub his belly instead of Nick.

  Can’t say I blame ya, pal.

  And okay, fine. Maybe Paxton’s gorgeous brown waves, which fell halfway down her back in a waterfall of silk, didn’t hurt matters any. Neither did the woman’s mouthwatering curves.

  Speaking of curves…

  Nick’s focus lowered slightly, taking in the way her body moved to the beat of the music. Though he’d never been lucky enough to find out for sure, he was certain those luscious breasts of hers would fill his large palms perfectly.

  Not that he’d given it much thought.

  Because they were just friends.

  Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

  “Right.” Derek’s snort snapped Nick out of his lust-filled fantasies. The guy took a swig of his beer and smirked. “Except, I don’t ever remember you drooling over any of your other friends this way. Is this a new thing you’ve developed since you got out? Some sort of coping mechanism or something?”

  “I’m not drooling, dipshit.” Despite his words, Nick resisted the sudden urge to wipe his mouth. “The dance floor is crowded, that’s all. I’m just keeping an eye on Pax and your wife.” Nick swallowed a long draw of his own beer. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

  “Is that why you brought her here with us tonight, like some sort of double-date? Because she’s your friend?”

  “Yeah, asshole. Between teaching during the day and making lesson plans most evenings, she hasn’t had a lot of time to socialize outside of school. I thought it would be nice to take her out so she could meet some new people. Sue me.”

  Derek gave him a knowing grin. “If you say so.”

  Irritated—mainly because his former teammate was spot fucking on—Nick leaned his elbows on their small table and attempted to set his buddy straight.

  “Nothing has happened between Pax and me.”

  “I believe you.” Derek put his hands up.


  “But you want it to.”

  Nick opened his mouth to lie, but Derek cut him off.

  “Don’t bother to deny it, brother.” He smiled. “I know what a man in love looks like. Hell, I see one every time I look in the mirror.”

  Shit. The dickhead would pick up on everything Nick had been trying to hide. Even if Derek wasn’t a bona fide genius—which he was—the former SEAL also had an incredible knack for reading people. Nick, included.

  “Even if I did want more with Pax, now’s not the time.” Excuses are like assholes, dumbass.

  “More bullshit.” Derek leaned forward. “Right now is the only time you’re guaranteed with her. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now.” A haunted look flashed across the man’s eyes. “Trust me on that one.”

  Nick watched as Derek’
s head swiveled to where his wife, Charlie, was dancing beside Paxton. When the two women glanced back in their direction, Derek gave his wife a quick wink and a smile.

  Pinpricks of jealousy—not of Charlie, but rather Derek’s and Charlie’s relationship—began prodding their way inside Nick’s gut. He quickly changed the subject.

  “Speaking of you two, I’m sorry I missed the wedding.”

  “You were still with the Teams.” Derek waved the apology away before emptying his beer. He set the bottle on the table. “And I know when you’re tryin’ to deflect. Nice try, but you should know better than to think that shit would work with me.”

  Fuck. “I wasn’t—”

  “Listen, Hayes,” Derek cut him off again. “I wasted a lot of fuckin’ time with Charlie. A. Lot. And when I finally did get a second chance with her, I damn near lost her for good.”

  Nick’s chest tightened, his blasé expression faultering as he thought about what Derek and Charlie had endured in order to be together. “I know, man. I’m sorry you guys had to go through all that.”

  Before she and Derek got together, Charlie had been married to an extremely abusive man. With Derek’s help, she was finally able to free herself from him, but not before the bastard nearly killed her.

  Thankfully, R.I.S.C.’s Alpha Team—the black ops security team Derek worked for—found Charlie just in time. They not only saved her life, they also ended the abusive fucker once and for all.

  “All I’m sayin’—”Derek continued on—“is if you don’t act now, you may never get another chance.”

  Nick’s gaze settled back onto the first woman to ever make his heart do that weird sort of flipping thing he’d heard other guys talk about.

  Paxton smiled to no one in particular as she swayed her hips back and forth to the music. The move wasn’t overtly sexual, which made her even more appealing. His cock twitched behind his zipper, the damn thing always swelling painfully whenever she was near.

  “It’s tough with Pax,” Nick tried to explain. “Her last boyfriend was a cheating fucknut who hooked up with another teacher at her old school. So she’s pretty gun shy when it comes to relationships.” Something she’d shared with him the day they’d first met. “And fine. I’ll admit, I’d love to take things to the next level, but her friendship is too important to risk.”

  As if she knew he was talking about her, Paxton turned in his direction again. Her smile brightened when their eyes met.

  The woman had absolutely no idea what she did to him.

  “So she went through a bad break-up.” Derek shrugged. “Who hasn’t? Besides, how long as she lived next door to you?”

  “A while.”

  Nine months, two weeks, six days. But who’s counting?

  Nick still remembered the first time he’d seen her from his kitchen window. She’d been struggling to carry a box into the cottage-style house beside his, so he’d jogged on over to offer her a hand.

  He’d been shocked as hell when Lucky went right to her, letting the strange woman love up on him as if they’d known each other for years. As a former military dog, it was second nature for him to be weary or even suspicious of new people. But with Pax, it had been love at first sight for the well-trained K9.

  The dog’s not the only one who fell like a ton of bricks.

  No, he and Lucky both lost their hearts to their gorgeous new neighbor that day. It was also the same day Nick had realized man’s best friend was a total misnomer.

  From that point on, if Pax was around, he seemingly ceased to exist—at least where Lucky was concerned. But Nick was okay with that.

  The close bond he shared with his dog would probably seem odd to some, but Lucky had been by his side through hell and back. What some couldn’t comprehend was that Lucky wasn’t merely a pet. He was a brother.

  As much as any other member of his SEAL Team had been.

  With that in mind, Nick always made it clear to the women he dated that he and his dog were a package deal. Any who didn’t understand that—and there had been a few—was not the woman for him.

  Knowing Paxton loved Lucky as much as he did…that shit meant a lot.

  Add it to the long list of reasons she’s perfect for you.

  And she was perfect. In every single way. Nick just wished he was as ballsy as his dog and could show Paxton how crazy he was about her. But like the chickenshit he was, Nick had kept quiet about his feelings, terrified he’d scare her off and lose her forever.

  “See?” Derek’s pointed voice broke through his thoughts again. “This is exactly what I’m talkin’ about, brother.”

  Nick scowled at his friend. “What?”

  “You can’t keep your eyes off her for more than two seconds. You really want to live the rest of your life wonderin’ what if?”

  Nick pondered the question as he watched a guy ask Paxton to dance. She politely turned the stranger down, immediately easing the tension building up in Nick’s tightened muscles.

  When she glanced his way yet again, he forced a grin, acting as if seeing other men hit on her didn’t bug the shit out of him. She rolled her eyes, presumably at the guy’s lame attempt to pick her up, making his smile grow.

  Dancing beside her, Charlie leaned in to say something in her ear, and Nick’s heart—and something further south—swelled even more when Paxton threw her head back and laughed.

  Jesus, she’s beautiful.

  “Those two seemed to have hit it off pretty well,” Derek remarked, motioning to the server a request for another round.

  “Yeah.” Nick looked back at his friend. “I’m glad you guys found time to visit.”

  “So am I.” Derek paid the server for the fresh beers before handing Nick another. “Charlie and I love Dallas, but it’s good to get away sometimes. Figured Florida’s nice in the winter, so why not drop in and see you while we’re here?” He gulped back some brew. “Luckily, things have calmed down long enough for us to actually take a vacation. Between kidnappings, babies, and weddings, there always seems to be somethin’ crazy going at R.I.S.C.” Derek chuckled. “I swear, I have to go on an op just to get some fucking rest.”

  “And you wouldn’t have it any other way.” Nick clinked his bottle with Derek’s. “But I’m glad you’re happy, man. Seriously.”

  “Speaking of being happy, how’s the new gig?”

  There was a time when all Nick wanted was to be a SEAL. But as the man sitting across from him understood, eventually it came time to hang up the Trident.

  For Nick, that time had come when he’d received an offer to join Overwatch, Inc., a world-renowned private protection company owned by a former British Intelligence officer.

  “I like it. Edwards is a solid boss. Knows his shit.”

  Though he sometimes missed being a SEAL, Nick loved the freedom and flexibility of working the private sector. Now, if he could just man up and tell Paxton how he felt about her, life would be perfect.

  Unless she laughs in your face.

  Nick glanced over as the guy she’d turned down a few minutes earlier tried dancing with her again. This time, he didn’t seem to be taking her polite rejection quite as well.

  “Seriously?” Nick continued to watch the jackass closely. “Pax already told the dickhead no once.”

  Derek followed his gaze. “Yeah, he could become a problem.”

  When the metrosexual blond sidled even closer to Paxton, she shot Nick a nervous stare.

  That’s right, baby. I’m right here.

  “Pretty sure he already is a fucking problem.” Nick stood abruptly, the sound of the chair crashing behind him catching the asshole’s attention.

  The dickhead finally got smart and muttered something before turning away and vanishing into the crowd. Both women left the dance floor, then. Their faces a mixture of relief and annoyance.

  Charlie walked straight over to Derek. “Did you see that? That guy kept pushing Paxton to dance, even after she said no. Jerk.” She huffed a breath, crossing her arms
at her chest. “He’s lucky he walked away when he did.”

  Derek gave his wife a teasing smile. “Would you have beaten his ass if he hadn’t?”

  With her shoulders shaking with silent laughter, Charlie wrapped her arms around her husband’s waist. “Hell yeah, I would have. You didn’t teach me all those self-defense moves for nothing, did you?”

  Nick turned his focus onto Paxton. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She tucked some hair behind one ear. “Charlie’s right. The guy was just a jerk.”

  She’d blown the incident off casually enough, but Nick didn’t miss the way her front teeth were suddenly pulling on her plump bottom lip. It was a telltale sign she was upset.

  And it also drove him fucking insane with need.

  Right on cue, the music suddenly transitioned to a slow, sensual ballad. Paxton turned toward the dancing crowd. Then, almost subconsciously, her darkening green eyes looked back to him.

  Was that desire he saw there? Nick’s zipper pressed painfully against his throbbing shaft.

  Fuck it.

  He took her hand in his. “Dance with me?”

  Paxton blinked with surprise, but then linked her fingers with his and smiled. “Sure.”

  “Come on.”

  She looked more than a little pleased when he led her onto the dance floor. Because she wanted to warn off the asshole from earlier?

  Or maybe she’s been wanting to dance with me.

  When they found an open spot, Nick decided to push the envelope a little further. Pulling her close, he rested his hands on the slight curve of her hips. It was a simple embrace, but just feeling her beneath his palms made him burn.

  “What are you doing?” Paxton sounded confused even as she wrapped her arms behind his neck.

  The move pressed her breasts against his chest, and Christ. It took everything he had not to slam his mouth onto hers right there in the middle of the fucking dance floor.


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