Made for Him

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Made for Him Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  “I haven’t had any real time to talk to you,” he said to Rudy. “Tell me you’re not homeless.”

  Although the human was supposed to return the night after he tried to mug Reese, it hadn’t been until a week ago that Rudy resurfaced, looking for a meal.

  Instead, Reese had gotten the guy a job.

  “No, I have a place.” Rudy flipped the burgers, and Reese wasn’t so sure the human was telling him the truth. It wasn’t as though Reese could offer him somewhere to stay. Both rooms were occupied, and Aiden slept on his couch most nights.

  “If you ever find yourself needing someplace to crash, let me know.” Reese could always make a pallet on the floor for Rudy. That would be better than sleeping on the streets.

  He worked side by side with Rudy to get the orders complete. It was Friday night, and the place was packed. Reese worked to get the fish orders taken care of since it was Fish Night Friday. God, he hated the smell of fish.

  As Rudy slid the orders on the chrome worktable for Lacey to grab, Reese took the trash out. It was mid-October, and the air was crisp as he tossed both bags into the dumpster.

  Reese stilled when he heard something to his right. All he managed to catch was a blur before he was knocked backward, hitting his head on the brick wall of the tavern. He saw stars as he shook his head and tried to get back on his feet.

  “If you know what’s best for you, stay down.”

  Clearly Reese didn’t know what was best for him because he got back up. He felt something warm and wet slide down his scalp. This asshole had made him bleed, so Reese was determined to return the favor.

  He took up a boxing stance, narrowing his eyes as he had his first look at who had attacked him. He froze as he stared into the face of the man who had killed Thomas.

  He was too stunned to avoid the next blow. Reese once again flew off his feet, but this time, he didn’t hit the wall. He skidded to a stop then stared up at Viktor. Reese’s brain must’ve been rattled loose from hitting the brick wall. There was no way Viktor stood over him.

  “Never thought I’d see you again.” Viktor’s smile was downright bone-chilling. “How’s your little brother?”

  With a snarl that was ripped from his throat, Reese got to his feet. This had to be the vampire sent to kill Jude. There was no other explanation for Viktor being there.

  Although Reese was stunned beyond words, the pain of his loss fueled his rage. It had taken years of practice for Reese to get his anger under control, to become the laid-back guy he was today. But all that hard work flew out the window as he stared into Viktor’s soulless eyes.

  He rolled his shoulders then took up his boxing stance again.

  This time around Reese was determined to end Viktor’s life. There was no way he would allow the vampire to walk away.

  Viktor smirked. “Fine, let’s do this.”

  Reese was no longer in a shocked state. When Viktor rushed him, Reese slammed his fist into the man’s solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him. Viktor stumbled back then hissed, baring his fangs.

  He came at Reese again but ducked and avoided the deadly blow Reese tried to deliver. On his way past Reese, Viktor slammed his fist into Reese’s side.

  Pain exploded in Reese’s body, but he stayed upright and spun to face his attacker. He wasn’t foolish enough to think Viktor would be easy to defeat. Reese knew he had a battle on his hands.

  Viktor, tall and lean with muscles, took up his own stance. Reese knew from their encounter years ago that Viktor was an assassin. The only reason they’d fought back then was because Reese had tried to stop Viktor from killing some poor shmuck.

  His interference had been futile. Not only had the stranger been killed, but so had Thomas.

  Viktor used his inhuman speed to land three blows to Reese’s midsection, temporarily knocking the wind from Reese’s lungs. He recovered but not as quickly as he needed to.

  The vampire landed two more blows, this time to Reese’s kidneys. He was getting his ass handed to him, which infuriated Reese. He shifted, letting his rhino out. He armored skin would help deflect the pummeling he was taking.

  Viktor grinned. “Cheater.”

  Reese rushed him, but in his large form, he wasn’t as fast as the vampire, and Viktor moved easily out of the way.

  The back door crashed opened, and Jude raced out, a horrified look on his face. “No!”

  It was evident Jude knew who Viktor was. He paled as he looked between them.

  Reese shifted and raced toward Jude, but Viktor reached him first. He slung an arm around Jude’s waist and lifted him off his feet. Viktor rested his chin on Jude’s shoulder and smiled. “This was too damn easy.”

  Reese closed the distance as Viktor laid his hand on Jude’s head, as if he would snap Jude’s neck. Horror filled Reese that he wouldn’t get Jude away in time.

  Mike walked out then shot forward, snatching Jude from Viktor’s clutches. Reese reached Viktor and landed a series of blows onto the vampire’s body. When he cocked his arm back, ready to plunge his hand into Viktor’s chest to rip his black heart out, Viktor raced toward the edge of the building.

  He stopped long enough to grin. “This is far from over, shifter. When we meet again, not only will I kill you but I’ll kill Jude, too.”

  Reese snarled. That was all he could do. There was no way he could catch the vampire. Not when Viktor had inhuman speed on his side.

  When the guy disappeared, Reese turned and pulled Jude into his arms, holding his mate tightly, although Reese was still in pain from the body shots.

  “What’s going on?” Mike demanded. “Who was that guy?”

  Jude trembled in Reese’s arms. He couldn’t seem to hold Jude close enough. Add to the fact that Reese had just seen the vampire who had killed Thomas and he was a damn wreck.

  “An arch enemy,” Reese told Mike. “He’s got a ten-year killer boner for me.”

  Mike cocked his head. “Is that the son of a bitch who killed your brother?”

  Jude gasped and tried to wiggle out of Reese’s arms, but there was no way he was letting his mate go. If Mike hadn’t come outside, Reese had no doubt Viktor would have snapped Jude’s neck.

  The thought made him cling harder to Jude.

  “Please tell me it wasn’t Viktor who killed him,” Jude whispered. “God, please tell me it wasn’t him.”

  Reese pulled back and stared into Jude’s eyes. “Why?”

  Jude swallowed roughly as a tear leaked out the corner of his eye. “Because Viktor is my cousin.”

  * * * *

  Of all the people Ingmar could have sent, it had to be Merk’s son. Jude was in total shock as Reese released him so fast that Jude would’ve fallen on his ass if Mike hadn’t caught him.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Mike bellowed. “Your mate is pregnant.”

  Reese looked as though he’d been slammed in the gut. He stared wide-eyed at Jude as he took a step back. “Your cousin killed my brother? Are you serious?”

  “I hate him just as much as you do!” Jude cried. He took a step toward Reese, but his mate backpedaled. “Reese, please.”

  His mate shook his head. “I can’t even right now.” He looked at Mike. “Look after Jude.”

  Before Jude could get near Reese, his mate took off down the alley. Jude dropped to his knees and sobbed, holding his midsection as the tears flowed.

  “Come on.” Mike pulled Jude to his feet. “Let’s get you inside.”

  Jude stumbled forward, feeling as if his heart was being ripped out. There was no way Reese would ever forgive him for this, even though none of this was Jude’s fault. Viktor was just as evil and twisted as his father had been.

  While growing up in the coven, Viktor had gotten pure joy out of harassing and beating up Jude. There wasn’t even a sliver of humanity in Viktor. Not then and not now.

  When Jude reached Mike’s office, he fell to his knees and vomited in the nearby trashcan. How could anyone survive such pain? Jude’s world had
once again turned upside down, but he didn’t even have Reese to comfort him.

  What was he going to do without his mate? Jude had nowhere to go, and he didn’t want to do this pregnancy thing on his own. If Reese kicked him out, Jude would be homeless.

  “He’ll come around,” Mike said as he hunched down next to Jude. “Just give him time to clear his head.”

  “He’ll never forgive me for being related to the man who took his brother’s life.” Jude sat on his ass, holding the can to his chest as the tears kept flowing. “He hates me now.”

  Jude hugged the trashcan as he rocked, sobbing so badly that he shook. All he wanted to do was crawl into Reese’s lap and curl into his chest. But Reese was gone and Jude was terrified that he would never come back.

  “You’re carrying his child,” Mike said. “He’ll come to his senses.”

  Jude lost it. He wailed so badly that his stomach began to cramp. He fell to his side and clutched his stomach. Something was wrong. Pain unlike anything he’d ever experienced before slammed into him, making Jude scream.

  “What’s wrong?” Mike asked in a panicked tone. “Jude, talk to me.”

  “Call Dr. Sheehan,” Jude cried out as he clutched his stomach. “The baby.”

  “Who is Dr. Sheehan?” Mike asked.

  “Call Moose.” Jude screamed again as another wave of pain racked his body.

  He heard Mike talking on the phone as Jude tried to ride the wave of pain. He needed Reese, but his mate had left him. Jude cried as he rocked, wishing he could rewind tonight and stay home instead of coming to the tavern.

  He wasn’t sure how long it had been, but Dr. Sheehan bent next to Jude and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re coming with me.”

  Jude didn’t bother arguing that he wasn’t going anywhere without his mate. Reese was gone, and Jude had to think of his unborn child. He nodded as Carter touched Jude’s arm.

  The tavern faded away, and Jude found himself back in the clinic. This time he was alone, his mate nowhere in sight.

  Jude’s mind shut down, unable to deal with the loss.

  Chapter Eight

  Logically Reese knew this was none of Jude’s fault, but he’d been so shocked that he’d had to get away. Viktor was Jude’s cousin. Reese wasn’t able to wrap his mind around that.

  He walked down the street and then walked back to the tavern. As angry as Reese was, he couldn’t leave his mate. Jude couldn’t help who he was related to. Reese wasn’t going to make his mate suffer for what Viktor had done.

  But damn, that was a hard blow to take. Jude was related to the guy who had taken Thomas’s life. Talk about the biggest head fuck in history. But Jude hated Viktor. That should count for something.

  With a frustrated sigh and unsure what to do, Reese walked through the back door of the kitchen. The screen door hadn’t even slammed closed behind him when Mike rushed from his office, looking completely unhinged.

  “Your mate.”

  “I know.” Reese felt like a rank bastard for nearly dropping Jude on his ass. He wouldn’t blame Mike for chewing him out. Reese would deserve no less. It would take Reese a million years to make up for that mistake.

  “Dr. Sheehan just took him.”

  “What?” Reese’s head snapped up. “What’re you talking about?”

  Mike ran a shaky hand over his head. “Jude started crying uncontrollably when you left. He vomited twice, and he lost it.” Mike appeared to pale as he talked. “Then he started screaming, talking about the pain in his stomach.”

  That didn’t make any sense. Jude had been feeding on a regular basis. Reese had made sure of that. His mate’s skin tone had been healthy and vibrant. “Took him where?”

  “Hell if I know,” Mike snapped. “If you’d stuck around, you’d be with him.”

  Ignoring Mike’s wrath, Reese pulled out his phone and called the doctor. When Dr. Sheehan answered, Reese shouted, “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Are you at the tavern?” he asked.


  “I’m sending Carter to fetch you.” The doctor hung up.

  When Carter shimmered in, Reese snatched the guy and they flashed to the doctor’s home clinic. Reese rushed to the bed. Jude was out cold, appearing paler than normal.

  “Hey, sweetheart. I’m here.” He took one of Jude’s hands in his. It felt cold. Reese turned to the doctor. “What’s wrong with him?”

  The doctor gave him a grim look.

  Reese’s heart fell to the floor. “Did he…did we miscarry?”

  The words burned Reese’s throat. His chest felt like it was imploding as tears brimmed his eyes. Not only would Reese be devastated, but so would Jude. His mate would be inconsolable. They both looked forward to the birth of their baby. Reese felt as if his entire world had fallen from under his feet.

  “Nearly,” Dr. Sheehan finally said. “I was able to stop his contractions, but Jude still hasn’t regained consciousness.”

  Reese looked down at his mate. “Come on, baby. Let me see those pretty eyes.”

  “He’s going to have to stay on bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy,” Dr. Sheehan said as Reese looked his way. “And he can’t handle any more stress. That’s what sent him into early labor.”

  This was Reese’s fault. He would never forgive himself for what he’d done to Jude. Never. He’d nearly cost the life of their unborn child.

  Reese dropped to his knees as he clutched Jude’s hand. For the first time in ten years, Reese openly wept.

  Dr. Sheehan hunched down next to Reese. “Do you understand what I’m saying? No stress. Bed rest. Plenty of feedings.”

  Reese nodded, though he didn’t look up. “Yes, I heard you.”

  “I’ll leave you two alone, but I’ll be back soon to check on him.” The doctor walked out, but Reese was unable to stop his tears. God, if anything had happened to Jude, Reese wasn’t sure what he would do.

  His mate had come to mean everything to him, and in Reese’s anger, he’d jeopardized it all.

  Just like he’d done ten years ago. Was he ever going to learn to keep his anger in check? How many lives would it cost before he learned that lesson?

  When Jude moaned, Reese’s head snapped up. He wiped at his eyes as he got to his feet and leaned over the bed. “I’m right here, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jude opened his eyes and instantly started crying. Reese pulled his mate into his arms and shushed him. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you for anything. I was just in shock, but I never would have left you. You’re my entire world, Jude.”

  “But Viktor…” A fresh wave of tears streaked down Jude’s face.

  “Is a bastard, but that has no bearing on you.” Reese held Jude to his chest. “Please say you forgive me for walking away.” He brushed his hand over Jude’s hair and kissed his temple.

  Jude buried his face in Reese’s neck. “The baby?”

  Reese heard the terror in Jude’s voice. His mate was afraid they’d lost the baby, just as Reese had been.

  “Is fine,” Reese said. “But you have to stay on bed rest until it’s born. Doctor’s orders. No stress either.”

  “The pain,” Jude said. “I thought for sure I’d miscarried.” Jude looked up at him. His eyes were red and swollen. “Not that I know much about pregnancies, but the pain…”

  “I know.” Reese rocked Jude in his arms. He wasn’t sure how much stress he could alleviate considering Viktor was out there somewhere plotting their deaths.

  Now more than ever Reese had to make sure Viktor didn’t get his hands on Jude. He would hire bodyguards if he had to. There was no way Reese would allow that sadistic vampire anywhere near his mate and unborn child.

  “I wanna go home.” Jude tried to burrow his way into Reese’s body.

  “Not until the doctor says you can.” Reese kissed Jude’s forehead then set him aside. “Let me go get him.”

  Jude curled on his side, looking so damn lost that Reese wanted to kick his own
ass. He saw the doctor in the next room, sitting at his desk. “He’s awake.”

  Dr. Sheehan got up and followed Reese back into the exam room. He smiled at Jude. “How do you feel?”

  “Tired,” Jude said. “Can I please go home?”

  “I’d rather keep you here overnight for observation. You gave me quite a scare, and I want to keep a close eye on the baby at least until tomorrow.”

  Reese pulled up the same chair as before and settled next to his mate. “Then we’re staying until tomorrow.”

  “I’ll have some food brought up.” The doctor examined Jude while Reese held his mate’s hand. He never wanted to let it go.

  “Try and get some rest,” the doctor said when he was done. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Reese. “No stress.”

  Reese nearly growled. He’d heard Dr. Sheehan the first two times. He should have never walked away from Jude, but damn it, the news that his mate was related to that monster had knocked Reese for a loop.

  “No stress,” Reese repeated.

  Looking satisfied, Dr. Sheehan left them alone.

  Reese laid his head on the mattress, one arm slung over his mate’s lower half. He splayed his hand over Jude’s belly and closed his eyes as Jude ran his fingers through Reese’s hair. He never wanted Jude to stop touching him.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked without lifting his head. He didn’t want to lose the contact.

  “Starving,” Jude admitted.

  Reese got up and took a seat on the side of the bed. He helped Jude sit up and then offered his neck. Jude drank, and Reese’s cock hardened. It was a natural reaction. One he couldn’t help. But he made no moves on Jude, terrified he’d make things worse.

  When Jude licked Reese’s neck, sealing the twin pinpricks, Jude looked up at him. “What did the doctor say about sex?” His gaze dropped to Reese’s lap.

  “I didn’t ask, Mr. Naughty. Right now I want you to concentrate on getting better. We’ll worry about your horniness later.”

  Jude smirked. “I’m not the one sporting a boner.”

  Reluctantly, Reese got off the bed and sat in his chair. “Get some sleep.”

  With a nod, Jude curled under the sheet and closed his eyes. In a matter of seconds he was fast asleep. Reese rested his head on the bed, closing his eyes, too. His shift earlier hadn’t been long enough for him to heal from the body blows he’d taken. But that would have to wait. Besides, it would do him good to endure a little suffering.


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