Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse Page 7

by L M Lacee

  She said. “The Dragon Lord has convened court for two o’clock.”

  “Today?” Asked a surprised Storm.

  “Yes, there are developments with Ella.”

  Charlie smiled and it was not a nice one which made Storm grin. “Her family have finally pissed him off?”

  Sage did not smile but her tone lightened when she said. “Something like that. So this female...

  “Olinda!” said Ash. “Her name is Olinda, she is my shadow!”

  Sage looked at him. “I see.” she said nothing for a minute and they all could see she was mind sending to Reighn. Her tone softened a little when she asked. “Well what do we know about Olinda?”

  Charlie told her what she had found out. When she had finished. Ash told her who he was sending to lead the hunt. She nodded a few times as they spoke. When they had both finished, she said to Ash. “Contact Mitch and his mate they will help.” She sent Mitch’s details to his phone.

  “Well okay so I will leave you to it. See you all in court at two. I would advise you all, not to be late and Charlie talk to Verity about what you should wear. No reflection on your style but none of us are used to this court stuff.”

  “You can say that again and thanks I will.” Charlie agreed as she frowned. “I am sure I have something appropriate in my closet.” Storm raised an eyebrow at her words. “I am sure you will find something.”

  Thinking of her closets that were filled with clothes from her frequent shopping expeditions with Sage, Ella and Claire. He had not realized his shadow loved to shop when they had first bonded. He secretly thought she had not known it either until she came to Dragon’s Gap.

  Ash asked. “What about Olinda?”

  Sage shook her head and said apologetically. “No! It is to be a closed hearing she is far too new and truthfully she has enough to deal with.”

  He bowed as they all did. “As you wish Dragon Lady.”

  Sage grinned at them as she waved and left.

  After she had gone, Storm said. “She is growing into the position well!”

  Ash nodded. “Very well indeed.”


  K eeper walked into his apartment with Ella, his Dam and Sharm following.

  “Court. Why is the Dragon Lord holding court on a Saturday, has this ever happened before?” asked Ella as she placed her bag down on the hall table.

  Keeper answered her. “No never that any of us can remember.”

  Ella asked as he opened the door into the lounge for her and his Dam. “So why now?”

  A deep voice with a brogue answered her.

  That would be because of me lass!”

  Ella looked at the male as he stood next to Edith, he was huge and somewhat familiar.

  “Hello! Do I know you?”

  He shook his head. “I am sad to say. You do not.”

  “Oh are you a friend of Edee’s?”

  “Edith?” asked Sharm mildly. “Someone you wish to introduce me too?”

  Verity stared at the male he reminded her of someone but she could not put her finger on whom?

  Edith grinned and asked Keeper. “Want me to tell them?” he shook his head. “No thank you Edee. Please everyone sit and I will explain.”

  He held Ella’s hand as he showed her to her chair as Sharm held a chair out for his Dam. The male held a chair for Edith who smiled at him then winked at Sharm, who grinned as his dragon said. Our shadow is up to something!

  Sharm asked. When is she not?

  Keeper said in his thoughtful voice. “My shadow I have some news...”

  “About my family?” She asked eagerly.

  “In a way, yes. I could find nothing in any records.” Ella looked downcast and puzzled. Why was he telling her this now in front of this male?

  “Well I am sure you will.” She encouraged him as she looked at the male sitting staring intently at her. She was surprised to find she did not feel uncomfortable like she normally did when she was stared at. In fact she felt intrigued.

  Keeper said. “No my bonded, I will not because there will be nothing there.”

  Her attention went to him, sadness wrapped around her. “Why?”

  She looked at the male dragon, then Keeper again. “Keeper why is this male here?”

  “My bond this is Finlay Slorah, he is your uncle on your Sire’s side and not the Sire you grew up with.”

  Ella sat perfectly still and whispered. “I am not their daughter?”

  Keeper smiled as he assured her. “No my love you are not.”

  She turned slowly like a puppet toward the silent male. He looked scared, no not scared but apprehensive. “What was my Sire’s name?”

  Finlay took a breath. “Liam...Liam Slorah.

  Your Dam’s name was Morag and I am sorry I cannot remember her surname before bonding. I have tried too but it will not come to memory. Maybe I did not know it? I was only in my fifties when Liam and Morag bonded. It was a very long time ago, many years before you were born.”

  Keeper said. “I will find it for you Ella.”

  Ella looked confused. “I do not understand. I am young, only one hundred and fifty.”

  Edith sucked in a breath. “One hundred and fifty. What the hell?”

  Sharm laughed and said. “One dollar for the swear jar my love, how did you not know?”

  “Well why would I? Seriously one hundred and fifty!” she eyed Ella. “You look twenty?”

  Ella nodded. “Thank you and long lived remember?”

  Edith frowned as she looked at Verity who said archly. “Never you mind, Missy!”

  Edith swallowed what she was going to say and refused to look at Sharm, instead saying. “The vipers, you are the middle sister. It makes no sense?”

  Ella said. “What do you not understand, they are young too?”

  Edith had her doubts and looking at Sharm and the others she thought she was not alone.

  Females have not been born or at least not often over the last two hundred or so years or so we were lead to believe.” Edith pointed out. Now she had everyone frowning.

  “That is so!” said Sharm. “How did your brother accomplish Ella’s conception?” He asked Fin.

  “Sharm you don’t know!” Mocked Edith.

  Sharm grinned. “My soul, your wit astounds me.”

  “Was he making fun of me?” she asked Verity. Who smiling, nodded saying. “Of course he was dear.”

  Finlay smiled as did Ella and Keeper at their banter. Finlay rubbed his face and his accent thickened as he told them. “To answer your question my friend. I do not know exactly. All I know is they had been together for several hundred years and then Morag was with child. She was confined to bed for the duration. It was most vexing for her as I remember. I unfortunately was deployed and did not return until twenty years later where I expected to meet my niece or nephew and instead was told they had all perished. Every member of my family.”

  They could still hear all this time later, the horror and pain in his voice.

  “How did it happen?” asked Keeper.

  “A fire apparently while Morag was confined. Liam would not leave her they told me, they died together.” He shook his head looking with repentant eyes at Ella. I see now I should have investigated more. Forgive me niece?”

  Ella took his hand in hers. “Of course I do.”

  “Who did the investigation?” asked Sharm. Finlay’s eyes hardened and they all could see the dangerous warrior within. He looked at Keeper. “How can I reach my lord Reighn?”

  Keeper nodded. “Come this way I will call him for you.”

  Fin stood and looked down on Ella’s beautiful face. “Niece I would never have allowed you to be with them. I would have made my home here with you. We would have been together as your Dam and Sire would have wanted. We would have been a family.”

  Ella stood and threw herself into his arms. “I know... I know... Oh Uncle Finlay we have much to talk about. And we are family!” He hugged her back, tears entered his ey
es and his voice evidenced by the choked tone of his words. “Yes Lass, we have much to talk about. I will not leave you now.”

  Ella cried as he hugged her, after a few minutes she stopped and pulled away. He kissed her cheek, saying quietly. “Sweet Ella so very much your mama’s daughter but with my brothers heart. I think.”

  “And yours.” Ella said huskily.

  He nodded. “Maybe...Maybe so!”

  She sat as Keeper squeezed her hand and smiled up at him. “I am fine my heart, just fine.” He kissed her and whispered. “I know.”

  Edith said. “Keeper you should ask Reighn to look into the age of the vipers. I think he will be surprised.”

  He nodded. “My thinking exactly Edee.”

  When Keeper and Finlay had left Edith asked. “Ella are you okay?”

  Ella dabbed at her eyes. Verity hugged her she had remained silent until now saddened at the news of Ella’s birth parents deaths and angry at the Field’s for their deception. She said now. “Of course she is, this is wonderful news. Well not about your parents my dear but the fact you are not the Field’s. Now that is just...

  Ella cut her off. “Wonderful!” she smiled, “It is and nerve racking. He seems very nice, don’t you think?”

  Edith said. “He is real nice and under all that war stuff, gentle. I like him as does Keeper.”

  Ella grinned. “I have an uncle a real uncle that is all mine.” She laughed with the other three. “I am free from them, mama Verity. I am free!”

  Verity shared a smile with Edith and Sharm, it was the first time Ella had ever called her mama Verity. “Yes my daughter you are, very free.” She hugged her again.

  “So this is what court is about today?” asked Sharm.

  Verity agreed. “So your Sire has told me, he says questions are to be asked. Reighn is not happy, not happy at all. Hence the convening of court on a Saturday. We have two hours to eat lunch and change. Does Commander Finlay have court clothes?”

  Edith nodded. “June sent a shield uniform for him he was pleased she had all his commendations added and he is enthralled with how she knew.

  Oh did I tell you Donald the twat, will be there!” Sharm groaned and not just at her description.

  Edith told him with a glint in her eyes. “I know but this will be the last time you get to see him.”

  Suspiciously he asked. “You know this how?”

  Edith shrugged one shoulder. “I just have a feeling he has annoyed Reighn past redemption.”

  Sharm said. “Part of me hopes he is there because he has changed his ways. The other half fears it is because the reports we have received about him are true.” He sighed. “Either way we are sure to find out this afternoon. Ella I am happy for you. Mama we will see you at court. Please tell Keeper to contact me if he has a need. We will see you all at two.”

  Edith and Sharm left, leaving a shaken but happy Ella and a thankful Verity behind.

  Gently Verity said to Ella. “Well, let us get some food ready for us all and do you know what you will wear, it has to be spectacular but sedate.”

  Ella smiled. “I have the exact dress.”


  O linda had the cab drop her outside a hairdressers. She read the name.

  ‘Madam Paula’s’

  It really looked to high end for her.

  She had never been in a place like this before. When she had her hair cut in the past it had always been at a mall salon. The same with her nails but the driver had assured her she would be taken care of here.

  She looked up and down the street before straightening her shoulders and venturing into the high class salon.

  Olinda was slightly taken aback when she found out Charlie had made her an appointment. Hesitantly, with the receptionist’s urging she decided to accept the gift.

  Two and a half hours later she walked out feeling if not healthier at least looking better. Her hair was styled in soft waves and cut to a manageable length. Her face and hands had been massaged, moisturized and creamed. Her nails on her hands and toes were shaped and polished with a cheeky red. It made Olinda smile when she saw it. She admitted it was a color she would never have dared use before, but she reasoned. New life, new Olinda.

  Buoyed by her reception and experience at the salon she wandered into a designer clothes shop. One she would never have thought to enter in her previous life but she reminded herself. New Olinda!

  She braced herself and opened the door and was greeted warmly by a female named Lilly. She was around Olinda’s age and very perky.

  Lilly told her an account had been established for her. Obviously Ash had decided she needed to have new clothes. Seriously as she looked at herself in the wall mirror, she decided he was not wrong. Her borrowed clothes hung on her slender frame.

  One look at her by the older sales lady and she was taken under her wing so to speak. Lady May politely told Lilly to restock the shelves. She quietly told Olinda, Lilly was lovely but a little insensitive.

  Olinda took that to mean Lilly did not understand someone like Olinda’s body was not the only delicate thing about her.

  Olinda thanked her for her consideration. Lady May said she had seen almost everything so a skinny body like Olinda’s would not phase her.

  Olinda thought the dragon was about fifty but she remembered Charlie telling her dragons aged very slowly. She could have been hundreds of years old for all Olinda knew.

  Once she told Lady May what she had in the way of clothes, she was seated in a nice chair and a few minutes later models started walking out. Lady May had chosen dresses, jeans, loose trousers, tops, tee shirts, jackets, coats and formal clothes for her to inspect.

  Finally Olinda had agreed on a few selected outfits for work and a couple to dine out in. She brought a jacket and several pairs of jeans and tops. Then she had promised to return for more clothes when she had replaced the weight she had lost.

  She was a little dismayed, when she had seen the amount of parcels she would have to carry until Lady May had assured her, all her purchases would be sent to her residence.

  The thing that caused Olinda to pause was that Lady May did not even ask her where that was. Olinda supposed they all knew she was staying at Ash’s and to be honest, she was not sure how she felt about that.

  Lady May told Olinda every shop would do the same. It was all part of the experience of shopping at Dragon’s Gap. Olinda said her goodbyes promising once more that she would return.

  From there she went into a lingerie shop where she brought underwear she had only every dreamed of and nighties that were never intended for sleeping in. Along with some very practical night wear and robes.

  She eyed the two styles and decided on the whole, they balanced each other out and if a picture of Ash lingered in her mind as she looked at the sexy items she brought. She smiled and decided not to think too hard about the reason for that and quickly moved on to the shoe shop.

  Which had everything she ever wanted including a great pair of soft leather steel capped boots, she replaced her high tops for new ones saying fond farewell to the old pair.

  Reminding herself again, new life new Olinda. Her last stop before food was a drugstore where she was able to buy her shampoo conditioner and other essentials.

  Five hours had passed and Olinda was feeling hungry. She stopped at a hamburger place grabbed a seat outside at a table under a large red umbrella. It was a perfect place to watch people in Dragon’s Gap pass by.

  They were happy, talkative and nice. Everyone she had spoken to was just pleasant and helpful. Olinda felt her amour that she had donned for the last three months start to fall away.

  It had started when she had woken to find the no nonsense Charlie sitting there. No! She thought it was when she had picked up her babies, oops hatchlings, that was what they were called, and the male Ash had spoken. That was when the shield around her started to crack and chip away.

  When the cheerful teenager asked her what she wanted she ordered a burger a
nd fries with salad and a vanilla shake. Then went back to people watching, letting her mind rest and think of nothing, although her habitual wariness remained.

  When her food arrived she was dismayed to see so much but gave it a valiant effort to eat as much as she could. She had eaten only quarter of the burger, a few fries and almost no salad. The proprietor arrived to ask why she had not eaten the whole meal as other diners did, she explained she had been ill and was unable too.

  He was immediately sympathetic and before she left, he gifted her a container that would keep the new smaller hamburger and fries he made for her warm and the milk shake cold. He also sent out one of his staff to buy her a back pack to place everything in, then refused payment. She was swallowed up with gratitude and touched that he had cared. Another chip of her armor fell away.

  When she had tried to thank him he had waved her off but made her promise to come back so he could feed her again. She had smiled and promised she would.

  Olinda wandered the streets looking at houses and the new construction that was going on around the town. For the first time in months she had nowhere to run too. No one chasing her and her thoughts were not filled with fear. It was peaceful and yet she felt lost. It was as annoying as was the lack of voice in her head.

  Finally her feet carried her to a house that proclaimed to be. Grace’s Home!

  She stood with her hands shoved into the back pockets of her jeans and looked it over.

  It was lovely a big soft blue home with white trim and a wide porch was wrapped around the whole house or all she could see of it. She assumed it went right around.

  The gardens just screamed love and attention before she could censor herself she walked up the steps and around the deck until she came to a swing seat. Taking off her back pack she slumped down and closed her eyes allowing the feeling of peace and love to sweep her away.

  Grace walked towards the resting female, two glasses of sweet tea in her hands.

  She placed them on the table and sat in the opposite rocker. She knew she would not have long to wait, just because the females eyes were closed did not mean she slept.


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