Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse Page 11

by L M Lacee

  “I do my soul. I really do!”

  She nodded. “Okay so I want to find the trust with you. So please keep those vows and I swear I will work on trusting me enough to love you.”


  Then he kissed her. Olinda did something she had never done in her life before. She let go, released every hold on every part of her heart and body and wrapped her arms around her dragon and learnt to fly.


  V ery early the next morning, after a night spent learning about making love with a male that was a dedicated and a very thorough teacher, Olinda felt good, almost whole again. Most of the armor she had donned to protect her emotions which had enabled her to run for three months, was gone.

  She smiled as she snuck out of the bedroom, she was pleasantly sore in all the right places and decided she liked being a student. Especially with Ash who was a patient and considerate instructor.

  She hoped she made his night as special as he had made hers. They had talked as much as they had made love and she thought they had learnt a lot about each other.

  He had told her about his father and she had told him about her mother and Thea. He had also told her of his mother and his brothers and she had heard the deep love he held for them. He had talked of the Kingsley family and what they all meant to him and his brothers.

  Apparently they were all expected at the Sunday family day, which started at breakfast around nine o’clock today. It was seven o’clock now.

  She had time to see to the twins and shower, have coffee, which Ash promised he could make, and then get ready to meet the family.

  She walked into the nursery and came to a stop. A male stood between the bassinets.

  She pulled the gun from her robe pocket, she had not quite given everything up.

  Thankfully she had found it in the drawer by her bed. “You have one minute to tell me why I should not shoot you were you stand!”

  Sharm stilled as he heard her voice, he had not heard her approach. Charlie was right, she did walk softly. He sniffed he could scent Ash on her but as for her own scent there was none.

  It was very intriguing as he had noticed Charlie and Storm’s little girl, Cara, was the same. He said quietly so as not to startle her. “Because I am your healer Sharm. Friend to your shadow, uncle to your hatchlings and hopefully friend to you. May I turn around?”

  Olinda said. “Sure!”

  As he turned she tracked him with the gun. He smiled when he saw her. She looked better since he had seen her last, he kept his hands in the air.

  It would be no problem to remove the gun from her hand, dragons were fast but if she felt more secure holding it, who was he to deny her.

  He said now. “Charlie said you had very soft feet and sad to say I did not really believe her.”

  Ash said casually from behind her. “Olinda I will make coffee. Sharm did you all have a nice dinner last night?”

  Sharm with a smile in his eyes nodded. “Yes we finished early but it was good.”

  Ash said to Olinda who had still not lowered the gun. “Do not shoot my friend, his shadow Edith has a decidedly sharp turn of phrase. Plus I really think it would seriously hurt your first impression with the Kingsley family!”

  Ash reached his long arm over her shoulder as he kissed her cheek and removed the gun from her hand.

  “Good morning sweetheart.” Ash smiled at her, she returned the smile. “Morning!

  “Now why did you have a gun on Sharm?”

  “He was in here with the babies. I freaked out.”

  “Well he would be. He needs to check them.”

  “You did not think to tell me that?”

  Ash rubbed his cheek with the barrel of the gun. “I should have, I apologize.”

  He grinned at Sharm as he asked. “How are they?”

  Sharm dropped his hands. “They are well, they seem more settled this morning.”

  “Because I am here.” Olinda told him as she walked over and gently touched each baby

  “You can feel their emotions?” Sharm asked. “And they yours?”

  She nodded. “Yes and Ash, they love his scent. He smells of the winds.” she looked at him. “I would like to meet your dragon and fly, may I?”

  Ash nodded as he said. “He would very much like that. They know me?”

  “Oh yes they love their dada. Really first impressions?”

  “Yes first impressions!”

  She looked at Sharm and said. “I am sorry.” Sharm shook his head. “For what, being a mama, protecting your hatchlings. Never apologize. I am sorry for startling you. I was hoping to have a quick check before we go down to family day.”

  “Will they be able to go?” asked Ash.

  Sharm smiled. “Most definitely, everyone is eager to see them and you Olinda.”

  She nodded. “Yes so Ash said.”

  Sharm told her. “It will not be so bad, you already know Ash. Charlie, me and Keeper.”

  “Who?” she asked Ash.

  “I told you of Keeper last night.”

  “Oh yeah I forgot.”

  Sharm nodded solemnly. “See only a hundred of us left to meet. Easy!”

  Olinda’s face went slack as she squeaked. “A hundred!”

  Ash and Sharm burst out laughing at the look on her face. Ash finally managed to say. “No...No! There is nowhere near that many.”

  She scowled at them both. “For that you get to deal with the diapers and bottles while I shower.”

  And yes she did smirk at the faces they now wore. She backed from the room and ran down the hall calling back. “And you promised coffee!”

  Sharm said. “Ash my friend, I think we got screwed on this.”

  Ash snorted. “What do you mean, we?”

  “I can leave.” snarled Sharm. Ash eyed his friend and asked. “Which one do you want?”

  As it turned out Edith and June arrived and helped to finish feeding the babies their bottles while Ash and Sharm tried to figure out what they were going to transport the twins in.

  Olinda greeted both Edith and June who she was thrilled to see were as nice as Ash told her they would be. It was going to take some time to get used to people wanting to help her or at least Ash and her.

  She asked Edith as she watched the two males. “What are they doing?”

  Edith sighed then said. “Arguing the merits of baby slings and carrying the babies in their arms.”

  Olinda placed the tray she carried with mugs of coffee and several cups of tea down on the table. “I brought you coffee and tea, Ash said you drank that.”

  Both females said. “Thanks.” As Edith passed a cup of tea to June. Olinda watched the two males, they had got to the trying to figure how the sling was worn stage.

  “Should I tell them that a female named Claire called and she and a guy named Lars will be here any minute with carriers?”

  Edith looked at her, then to where the two males were. Ash was trying to tie the sling around Sharm, it was not going well. June sat with a baby in her arms and a huge smile on her face and pleaded. “Please don’t, this is the funniest thing I have seen. Plus recording here.” She showed them her phone. Edith grinned. “I’m with her.”

  Olinda grinned and picked up her baby boy. “Okay, I bow to your wisdom. So little Ion let mama get you dressed.”

  Eventually Claire and Lars arrived with carriers for the babies. Much to June’s regret and the relief of Sharm and Ash.

  Once everything was sorted out and Olinda and Ash had a quick tutorial in placing hatchlings in carriers Olinda and Ash went to the very first of many Sunday family days as a family.

  Olinda was slowly introduced to the Kingsley family, a few members at a time. The Kingsley’s were very aware they were an over powering group who could be perceived as intimidating. So they took care and within a short amount of time Olinda felt at home, more than she could remember ever feeling anywhere and that included her mother’s place.

  It was very easy to see
these males and females loved babies, actually young of any age. Hers and Charlie’s little one along with Claire’s came in for attention. No one seemed to care they were holding in their arms Sun dragons that were thought to be myths. To all there, they were just hatchlings who needed to be held and cuddled and adored.

  None of the babies found their way into a carrier, they were carried or slept in arms designed especially for that purpose. She even saw Ash’s brothers who had arrived back just after breakfast, carrying a baby or child in their arms as they caught up with members of the family.

  As Olinda sat with the other females, Verity included, they watched Ella’s Uncle Finlay being included in a male bonding moment. It seemed he knew most of the males there.

  Fascinated Olinda stared as they saw shoulders punched, backs thumped, male hugs and laughter and heard several grunted. “We will meet at training.”

  Sage said. “I want to say it is like a documentary. Like those animal ones you see on TV but that seems wrong.”

  “But true!” said Charlie.

  Olinda had discovered Stan’s shadow Jacks who was English and seemed to be a quiet serious type of female had a wicked sense of humor. She said. “I know the ones you mean as little ones we use to watch them all the time.”

  Several of the others nodded in agreement.

  Before she censored herself. Olinda asked. “Was it education TV?”

  Several sets of eyes turned to her and she shrugged. “Umm! No offense!”

  “None taken.” said Jacks in a voice that held a smile. “And yes, it usually was.”

  Olinda grinned at Charlie who was laughing. “What it seemed plausible?”

  “True but I am not sure any here would have asked!”

  “Oh well yeah, okay brain and mouth not always in sync.” Which caused Charlie and most of the others there to howl with laughter. It was contagious. Olinda found herself laughing as hard as the others.

  She just got control of herself when Claire said with a good imitation of the male that use to be on the nature channel.

  “Join us as we watch the male dragon in their own habitat! Watch as they greet another male. Today we will explore the different bonding methods used to rediscover the family connection!”

  By the time she was finished they were all laughing again and the under-current of tension they felt when new people were meeting for the first time was thoroughly gone. Conversations flowed more easily along with much laughter.

  Little groups broke off to discuss life or families or to talk about work.

  Olinda found herself with Charlie on one side and Verity on the other. Together they were gently quizzing her on how she was coping with Ash and the twins. Did she like the town she had explored? And they caught her up on what had happened in court the day before.

  They greeted Grace and Olinda was introduced to Grace’s sons and their mates and young ones.

  Grace shooed her sons away as she sat with Verity drinking tea that one of her sons brought her just before they all went to where the males greeted them with more back slapping and laughter.

  Olinda had just finished telling them she would very much like to return to working in the library when Cara arrived. Olinda knew who she was as Ash had pointed out all the young and who they belonged to when they had first arrived. This was the first time she had actually seen her up close.

  Without a word Cara climbed onto her mother’s knee and stared at Olinda. Charlie hugged her and said. “Hiya sweetie what’s up? Did the other girls kick you out?”

  Cara shook her head.

  Charlie explained to Olinda. “Cara is only two and like her dada, she says little but thinks a lot.”

  Verity said. “Storm was always like that, even from a hatchling.”

  Cara smiled at Olinda and then reached out and touched her hand as she whispered in her sweet baby voice. “Unicon.”

  Charlie laughed, before Olinda could say anything, “Cara is fixated on Unicorns, her whole room is covered in them. I blame Sage, she introduced the girls to them.”

  Olinda missed everything she said, her whole focus was on the little girl. “Oh...Oh! Cara, yeah I get it. Unicorn!”

  Cara clapped her hands and beamed a smile at her mother and grandmother saying.


  Olinda said. “Sanda mlo phojo Unicorn somta!”

  Cara squealed with delight and loudly said “Mama unicon. Me is unicon with sista!”

  Olinda touched the little girl’s cheek and said “Olinda. My name is Olinda.”

  Cara nodded and repeated. “Olinda sista.”

  With tears blurring her eyes Olinda said softly. “Yes sweetheart sister.”

  Then as though her eyes were waiting for those words, tears streamed down Olinda’s face. Suddenly Ash was there, she was in his arms surrounded by his scent and still she cried. Within a minute she was swept up into his strong arms and carried from the large family room and still she cried. He opened a portal and still she cried.

  He placed her in their bed and climbed in with her, cradling her in his arms and still she cried.

  He held her as she cried for her mother, for a lost friendship. For the man she had hurt in a dead end town and she cried for all the times she had run and been so very afraid.

  She cried for that frightened woman that did not know why she was being hunted and then she just cried for the woman she had been and would never be again.

  When she eventually cried herself to sleep he held her for a long time. His dragon crooning to her as she slept.

  Finally he covered her with a blanket and sat on the side of their bed with his head in his hands.

  Shadow had a lot to cry about!

  I think you are right my friend maybe this will help lighten her load.

  We will lighten her load, which is why we are her shadow!

  Yes we are and yes we will.

  He took one more look at her. She looked at peace and then he silently walked out to his lounge where he knew his family waited.

  “Is she alright?” asked Charlie. He nodded “She is sleeping. What happened?”

  She shook her head. “Cara called her a Unicorn. Olinda seemed to agree then she said a sentence in a language I have never heard before and Cara called her, her sister. Olinda did not seem surprised by that. It was all so fast and then she started to cry.”

  He asked. “How is Cara?”

  “She was upset. Storm has her.”

  Sharm said gently. “Ash we need to test her.”


  “Because they seem to think they are related. We need to see if that is true.”

  “Oh I see.” he looked towards the closed bedroom door and then Sharm. “So what do you need?”

  He handed him a square of cloth. “Can you prick her finger and drop blood on this?”

  Ash shook his head. “No I cannot, my dragon will not allow me too. He is on the edge as it is.”

  Sharm said. “Understandable will he allow me too?”

  Ash stood still for a moment then shook his head. “He will not allow any male near her, she is too vulnerable he says.”

  Ella asked. “Would he allow me too?”

  “Yes he can accept that.”

  Ella smiled as she passed him, she slipped into their bedroom. He stood helpless, unable to think of how to help his Shadow or if he could, and waited as his family waited with him.

  His brothers stood with many others of his family. Claire came from the babies’ room with a small bag, a change of clothes within. When Ash looked at her she smiled and said. “Just in case. Mama Verity or Grace have the boys for the night. She dropped it on a chair and asked. “So is it possible that Olinda and Cara could be related, sisters even?”

  Rene’ said. “Of course it is possible. Dragons have young spaced years apart. Longer than this gap would be.”

  Ash shrugged. “I, like you Claire, do not know if they are related. If they are we will have to find out how.”

l how will we do that, neither of them have parents to ask?” asked Charlie.

  Sharm said. “The DNA will confirm the relationship, other than that we will have to use other methods to find out if, in fact, they are Unicorns.”

  Keeper said. “I am going to go out on a limb here and say Olinda will be able to tell us.”

  “Why would you say that?” asked Ash.

  Keeper grinned. “She spoke a foreign language and I would hazard a guess, you Charlie, have heard many, many dialects and languages?”

  “I have.”

  “As have we. So therefore we can form a reasonable conjecture it is a language none of us have heard before.”

  Ark said. “Of those who heard it, right?”

  “Well I see what you are saying. Yes that is true.” said Keeper.

  Edith said. “Also she was not dismissive of Cara. In fact she seemed quite relieved as Cara did.”

  “So any guesses as to what they are?” asked Reighn.

  Edith said. “Well I tried again and got nothing just like last time. So no help here.”

  Sage said. “I have been telling you. Unicorns!” Reighn grinned at her adamant tone and he was not the only one.

  Charlie looked at her and agreed. “I think you could be right or at least Cara thinks they are.”

  Just then Ella came out and handed Sharm the cloth. He told them. “It is only coming up to midday. I will have an answer by dinner time, now let us all go and leave Olinda to sleep in peace. Ash come with us there is nothing you can do here and you will know when she wakes.”

  He nodded. “You are probably right, my boys will need me anyway.”

  They all left quietly, filled with thoughts of a possibility and Unicorns. Leaving the three Battle brothers alone. Axl and Ark dropped three albums and a box of photos with a laptop, on the dining room table.

  Ash came from the kitchen, saw what they had placed on the table and looked at his brothers.

  Ark said. “She and her brother were still living there. All Olinda’s things were in the basement storage, we only got what Olinda asked for on the list.”

  Ash nodded. “It was all she wanted.”

  Axl told him. “They hoped by holding on to them she would come back.”


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