Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse Page 23

by L M Lacee

  Harper moved in close as she pushed between Frankie and Johner placing herself in front of Frankie therefore missing the worried look she gave Johner. “Listen here dragon I haven’t decided about you all yet? So it would be prudent of you to withhold anymore of your growls.” She stepped in more and Johner felt the hand of trepidation squeeze his lungs, an unnatural occurrence for a dragon.

  “You should be aware at this time, there are only two people I will kill without a thought for. One of them is my girl Frankie, so regardless of what you think she is to you, remember I already know who and what she is to me!” Silence met her words as Johner dipped his head and opened his mouth but Frankie sniffed loudly saying. “Aww! Harper you love me?”

  Harper moved back from Johner her grey eyes never leaving his and the tension eased as she said. “Yep it seems that way.”

  “Knew it!” Frankie said as she took hold of Johner's arm and moved him along passing hurriedly by Harper as she told her. “So the Dragon Lord runs this whole place, Dragon’s Gap and basically the whole world so watch your manners with how yah talk to him Harper.”

  “How do you know shit like this?” Harper asked partly amazed, partly amused.

  Frankie grinned, then sighed. “We talked to people in town and then listened to their answers or at least I did!”

  “Seriously I never heard anyone say stuff like that?” Harper groused.

  “Because you don’t listen, you are too busy looking for who knows what!”

  All the others knew what she had been looking for, danger, attackers... Harper just shrugged and moved on saying. “To be honest people like to talk to you. When you aren’t being weird.”

  Frankie giggled. “Well yeah!” She whispered to Johner. “She likes you, she just you know...”

  Johner gave her hand a pat and whispered back. “I do and I will apologize when we are alone, so she will know that I meant no harm.”

  “Yeaaah! That is probably a good idea.” Frankie said, worrying her bottom lip. “Just you know...be careful!”

  With that they arrived at another flight of stairs as they walked up them. Rene` slipped along the mental pathway to Reighn. Your thoughts son?

  I like them both. I like Harper.

  As do I, Frankie is adorable and well suited I think, for Johner. She will lighten his life.

  Oh that she will do and give him a merry dance along the way, my brother deserves her joy. But you are wary of Harper?

  Yes there is something about her, she gives my dragon an itch.

  Is it because she is nothing like our Charlie?

  Maybe that is it, Charlie’s heart was opened when she arrived here, and her heart softened more because of Storm and the young ones and our family. I am not sure this one’s heart is even cracked. I fear she could hurt Charlie.

  You think that after her display just now, no Papa her heart is hurt, broken even but she loves and in that she is more like Charlie than you can imagine.

  Rene` thought about what Reighn had said then replied. I do not see it, she has a hardness, an emptiness to her.

  I think Papa you are reading her wrong, she is all heart, she is so wounded you are mistaking that for emptiness. Look again Papa and not with just your mind, look beyond the surface go deeper with all of your senses and see what I have seen and when you do, tell me your thoughts are the same. She is a wounded soul and frightened, so very frightened. You talk of emptiness she is not empty she is overflowing with feeling. All boxed up hidden from herself. Whoever did this to her is dead when I find them.


  C harlie and Harper stood a room apart, neither moved nor spoke. Storm shifted to stand beside his father and Reighn so he was able to see his shadows face.

  Frankie sat munching on a handful of nuts that Johner had found for her when she mention she was hungry. He was presently on the phone ordering her a berry shake, she sighed and half in love already, the male or dragon was a dream come true.

  When they finally arrived at what Johner told her was his adopted brothers Storms apartment, Storm opened the door and Reighn quickly informed him who they all were but Frankie had the idea they already knew and were prepared for her and Harper. Something given strength too, when from the dining room emerged two females who had been introduced as Rene`s shadow Verity, and Reighn's shadow Sage. Then of course Reighn was quick to explain who Harper and Frankie were, again Frankie had the thought they already knew.

  Both of the ladies seemed very nice, it was, Frankie thought, in their faces and eyes they possessed a very gentle energy that emanated from them making her feel instantly comfortable, which she would admit was something only Harper had so far been able to do.

  Charlie, Harper’s sister gave her almost the same feeling as she looked her over. She was so much like Harper and yet so different.

  Frankie liked them all on sight, it was hard to tell if Harper did. Right now she was in a staring contest with her sister who Frankie was amazed to see held Harper’s gaze, there were not many that could.

  As she ate her nuts she catalogued the obvious differences, like Charlie’s hair, which was really black and straight and way shorter than Harper’s long wavy auburn tresses although their eyes were the same color and they were almost the same height. Frankie sighed they were so obviously related evidenced by the fact they both had the same body shape and dress sense. Seriously it was a shame no one taught these females to dress?

  It looked like she would have to have the dressing to impress lecture with Charlie as well as Harper again! “How your males could not see they were related puzzles me?” Frankie said to the two females who had come to sit with her on the beautifully large dining table.

  “Huh! No surprise to me!” Sage replied.

  “Males never look for the obvious!” Verity assured them both. “It is a failing I have noticed often over the years.

  “It is not their fault they are just not wired to see the little things.” Sage told them.

  “That is true but still obvious!” Frankie stated.

  “Agreed!” the other two said together.

  “Do you mind we are right here?” Rene` told the three of them with a tone of annoyance because as he too looked at the sisters, he could not understand how he had not realized who Harper was…

  All three women laughed at him and his sons who wore disgruntled looks on their faces. Frankie called out to Harper. “Hey Harper you have a sister called Charlie, how come you never told me?”

  “Yep, I do. Thought she was dead.”

  “Oh. Well that is kind of cool you know because she is not.”

  “Yep I suppose.” Harper looked at Charlie. “So not dead then?”

  “Nope and you suppose?”

  “Yep, not sure yet whether it is really you?”

  Charlie raised a brow and smirked, Harper! Her Harper was here standing not feet away from her. Goddess she had missed her so much! Her heart suddenly dropped into her shoes when Harper walked through the door, even though Storm had prepared her. It was still so shocking, all the yearning and the grief, the anger gone in that instance. Charlie narrowed her eyes, and now Harper had the affront to say she did not believe it was her. Even though it was plainly obvious it was her, had not their bond, weak as it was, snapped into place as soon as she entered Dragon’s Gap two days ago.

  Charlie wondered what had woken her from a deep sleep with a racing heart. First she had thought there was danger somewhere and she sent her awareness out, like Scarlett was teaching her to do. Then on the edge of her senses she felt Harper but thinking it was another dream she just rolled over and snuggled into Storm’s arms then went back to sleep. She saw now she had been wrong.

  She said now. “You know it is me Harper so stop the drama.” Charlie cocked her head to the side and let her eyes run over her sister, older, thinner and harder… her heart hurt for that. Harper always had attitude, now it looked like it had solidified into coldness but as she looked into eyes exactly like hers she saw it, the p
ain, the anger and the hope. Ahh! Not so cold little sister. Casually she asked. “So not crazy then?”

  Harper kicked her top lip up in not quite a sneer, which use to drive Charlie nuts as teenagers. “Nope!”

  Charlies eyes narrowed again as she hissed out. “Well that is good.”

  “Yeah if you say so!” Harper shrugged and turned to go, looked at the startled people in the room and glared as she snarled. “What! You coming Frankie?”

  “Umm! Yeah I guess.” Frankie said as she jumped from the table. Johner slapped his closed phone in his hand as he asked. “Frankie?”

  She smiled sadly. “It was cool while it lasted.”

  Harper moved to open the door, the rest of the people in the room, Charlie’s family, Harper guessed just stared between Charlie and Harper which amused Harper especially the look on Charlie’s face. As Harper reached out to open the door, Charlie snapped out. “You are an auntie.”

  Harper raised an eyebrow turned and looked at her sister. Thank the Goddess! She breathed out a sigh and said. “Is that a lie?”

  “Why the hell would I lie about that?” Charlie demanded.

  “Why ask me that, how would I know. You are a stranger to me. I can’t be knowing what is going on in your brain, can I?” Harper snapped back.

  “Stranger! I am not a stranger I am your sister I am no different than I always was!” Charlie snarled right back at her.

  Harper let go a skeptical laugh as she said. “You are so not the same!”

  “How am I not?” Demanded an outraged Charlie.

  Harper shrugged. “Shadow and kids that is how.”

  “Oh well yeah. There is that!” Charlie said a little deflated as she realized Harper was right, she was different. They both were.

  Harper looking a little smug knowing she had scored against Charlie said. “Told ya! So you have a boy?”

  “More.” Charlie answered.

  “Like pulling teeth!” Harper stated as she looked towards the ceiling, missing the gleam in Charlie’s eyes. Then with exaggerated patience Harper asked. “Do you have two children?”

  “No three, two girls and a boy.”

  Frankie slid back onto the table, saying in a loud whisper. “It is like watching tennis huh.”

  Verity nodded. “Better!”

  “Wish I had popcorn.” said Reighn.

  Storm rumbled. “Do you mind?”

  Frankie did the lips thing then said. “Not really, it is kind of cute to see Harper like this. Better than watching her slice and dice people.”

  Slowly they all turned to her, except Charlie and Harper. “Slice and Dice?” asked Rene`.

  Frankie chewed on her nuts, swallowed fast and said. “Yep, she is real good with those knives. Not so good with the guns though.”

  “Frankie!” Harper admonished.

  Frankie grinned then stated. “So true Harper, don’t be saying it is not, you know I have seen you at the shooting range.”

  “Yep I know but still!” Quickly changing the subject of her not that impressive target shooting. Harper asked Charlie. “So kids huh?”

  “Yep, still can’t shoot huh?” Now it was Harper’s turn to narrow her eyes at Charlie as she smirked. “Your point, cut yourself lately?”

  Charlie sniffed damn Harper she knew she had no aptitude for knives, well as much as Harper did for guns. Deciding to forego that topic she asked. “So want to meet my kids?”

  “Not so much.”

  “Seriously! I tell you that you are an aunt and you do not want to visit with my children?”

  “Yep that is about right.”

  Charlie stepped forward, fists clenched as she remembered. Still so friggin annoying. Now that! I never missed.

  Storm said. “My soul, maybe...” Both females turned eyes of granite in his direction. Storm, commander of the dragon Hunters, leader in rogue kills, quelled before that look and just stopped himself from ducking behind his Sire. He swallowed the rest of his words as Frankie sucked in her breath then said softly. “Man, why did you do that?”

  “I was just trying to help?” He mumbled.

  Frankie gave his shoulder a pat in comfort. “Yeah I know but seriously, sisters.”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed as they returned to Harper who sighed loudly then asked. “I suppose they have names?”

  “Of course they have names. Why would they not?”

  “I am waiting.” Harper said as she scratched her cheek. Charlie’s eyes narrowed once more as she told her. “We have Kelsey who is five. Cara who is two and baby Justice, who is almost three months old.”

  “Nice! What else you got?”

  Charlie eased back, crossed her arms but before she could speak the door behind her opened and Tansy one of Charlie’s nannies and a faerie entered, only to stop with a scream, when a knife flew passed her face and stuck in the wall. Instantly she shrunk and flew to hide behind Storm who yelled. “What the hell!” He started to advance on Harper, only to come up short when her hands filled with knives and she lowered into a defensive crouch.

  Charlie also yelled. “What the hell?”

  Reighn roared. “Female put up your knives, there is no danger here.”

  Harper stood and her knives magically disappeared. Charlie got up close to Harper, they stood almost nose to nose, which gave Storm’s heart a jolt. Charlie, her heart beating a fast tattoo, yelled in Harper’s face. “What. The. Hell!”

  Harper said very softly. “Back off sister, before I make you!”

  Charlie took one look at her and sneered. “I so would like to see you try?” They both heard the groans from her shadow and family as well as Tansy’s tearful cry. Before anyone could think of getting between the sisters, Frankie brushed her hands together dusting off the salt and made to get off the table as she looked over at the very worried Verity and Sage who had a blue globe forming in her hands. “Very nice.” Frankie said to Sage as her globe disappeared. Startled she looked at Frankie and asked. “How did you do that?”

  Frankie winked at her and Verity as she hopped down from the table before anyone realized what she was doing. She had shimmied between the two females, making space by pushing her elbow into Harper’s chest and moving her back. She knew, as everyone else there did, Harper moved because she wanted to. Frankie held out her hand to Charlie.

  “Hi I am Frankie Spring, Harper’s best friend. She would kill for me she said so, you can ask Johner or Reighn or Rene`, they heard her.”

  Charlie took her hand, gave it a shake and quickly dropped it as though it stung her. She looked at Frankie with eyes so much like Harper’s it was like staring at her twin, except these eyes had the same puzzled look most people got when they encountered Frankie for the first time. Harper never looked at Frankie like that in all the time she had known her. She only looked at her, even when she was annoyed with her, with understanding and amusement. Much as she was now.

  Frankie knew that look on Charlie’s face, it was confusion laced with amazement and a dash of speculation thrown in. Charlie’s eyes traveled over the tall, skinny female and knew she was in the presence of something other. Something more than what she showed the world. Before she could stop herself, Charlie whispered. “What are you?”

  Frankie grinned and replied for all to hear. “I have been told that apparently I am an improbability.”

  Sage said to Reighn. “Another one, coincidence. I think not.” He took her hand and kissed her palm. “Nor I my soul. It is truly a new age we are moving into.”

  Johner cleared his throat, then he said “Fra...” That was all he got out when three sets of eyes turned to him a tingle of awareness skirted over his skin making him actually duck behind Rene`, they heard him say. “Yes well, carry on.” Which caused them all to smile and it lightened the tense atmosphere. Frankie said. “I see the trouble, being sisters you are alike and that can cause friction I am told. I would not know as I have no sisters or brothers or mother or father or grandparents, aunts or uncles or cousins.” She stopped
and blinked then said. “That I know of!”

  Everyone looked at her and when she still said nothing more they continued to wait. Frankie blinked several more times, then she did the lip thing. Charlie’s eyes opened wide, Harper waited and was surprised it was not Frankie that broke the stare off, it was Charlie who finally flicked her eyes away to Storm and back then smiled transforming her face. Her expression softened and made the beauty of who Charlie was now, the adult Charlie, shine as she asked Frankie. “You’re a touch weird, aren’t you sweetie?”

  Frankie nodded very slowly and lent in nearer to her. “I have been told, just weird enough to be interesting, right Harper?”

  “Yep, that’s true.”

  Charlie tipped her head to the side as she told her. “It is okay now Frankie.” She was the only one to see the filter lift and the worry in the lovely soft brown eyes, in that moment she realized Harper had brought a very special being to Dragon’s Gap. Charlie knew Harper came not only because of her but for Frankie. In her own way she was keeping Frankie safe.

  Harper took a deep breath and let it out slowly and waited until Frankie moved back to her seat on the table and looked at Charlie who had stepped back a foot. Softly Harper asked. “So Faeries?”

  Charlie nodded. “Yes a whole Grove.”

  Harper searched her memory for the meaning of the word and nodded. “They welcome you?”

  “Yes of course. I am the liaison between Dragon’s Gap and the Grove.”

  “Of course you are!”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Exactly what I said.”

  “You make it sound like I am their bitch!”

  “Just saying it like I see it. You cannot fault me for that?”

  “Sure I can. You know nothing.”

  Harper smirked as she told her. “I know what I know.”

  It was Charlie’s turn to say with exaggerated patience. “They call us grey ones, you are one too!”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I should imagine you already knew that!”


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