Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse Page 37

by L M Lacee

  Frankie shook her head. “Sorry I am bonded.”

  “Oh my Goddess, what did Johner say about you being here?” Harper asked, loudly thinking a dragon invasion was imminent.

  “Johner?” Frankie frowned and did the lip thing.

  “You told my brother. Right?” Storm demanded.

  Frankie said. “Ummm!”

  “That means no!” Harper said as Elijah pulled out his phone and started talking very fast, it was like magic. Charlie said. “Oh Frankie!”

  Scarlett disapprovingly said. “How could you? That poor worried male.”

  “It just happened that is all.” Frankie shrugged.

  Harper told them. “She forgot.”

  Frankie agreed. ”Maybe!”

  Kai said into the silence. “I so want one of them!”

  Charlie asked him. “You are not like Tarin are you?”

  Kai frown and he just stopped himself from sneering when he heard the male’s name. “Who is? So is he being an annoying prick?”

  “Yes!” Harper said. “He is an ass.”

  Kai snorted as he looked at his sister. “You will have to do something about him?”

  “I know I will send for his parents if he cannot control himself, even with dragons he is almost beyond our help.” She asked Scarlett. “The young male and the little girl are they well?”

  Scarlett nodded. “Yes my Queen. My niece and her shadow have taken both young ones into their home and are now their guardians.” The High Queen swore silently as she turned contrite eyes to the couple. “I am sorry your young had to suffer Tarin. We are at a loss what to do with our nephew.”

  Ace said. “He needs to understand he is not the center of the world before he ends up getting his guards killed.”

  She nodded. “It is as you say. Scarlett we will call his parents. Have his guards recalled. I will not have them hurt because of his selfishness.”

  “Thank you my Queen.”

  Frankie clapped her hands together. “Okay so have we finished with all the threatening yet?”

  Kai amused beyond belief said. “We have.”

  Frankie looked around as she asked. “Okay so what is next? Just you know… I have a shadow waiting. Apparently he will need soothing, to you know… make him happy!” She raised her eyebrows suggestively. Which made Harper groan and everyone else laugh. The High Queen said. “It is time we were in the council room, to Frankie she asked. “I am assuming you will be attending?”

  Frankie looked at Harper. “Of course.”

  Harper sighed. “Of course, it is Frankie.”

  So here they all were in this farce of a court, Harper felt her patience fraying. As Olinda would say the needle on her annoyed meter was pointing to anger. Charlie sat with Storm on one side and Frankie on the other, Ace sat between Frankie and Scarlett. The Kings came next then the High Queen. Her brother Kai stood behind her with all the guards.

  Harper nodded to them all and smiled at Frankie’s wave. She stood loosely and waited… finally a female, tall and lithe stood and with a nod to the High Queen and King she said in her lilting voice.

  “We are here today to pass judgment on the one named Harper Battle. Formerly known as Easton. Daughter to Junipa Suntannio.”

  Harper heard several gasps and Ace and Storm growl. She turned her head a little and saw Frankie frown and Charlie’s lips tighten in anger at the word judgment. She had no idea this was anything other than a question and answer session. She should have known they were not to be trusted.

  From the look the Royals passed each other she would bet they had no idea as well that this was trial. The female went on. “Sister to Charlie Kingsley, formerly Easton. Daughter also to Junipa Suntannio. Niece to Queen Scarlett Wilde.”

  “Point of order!” King Zale called out. “When did this become an inquisition and trial? This was meant to be a conversation only.”

  Harper did not let any emotion show, she knew she was being scrutinized from head to toe and she could feel pressure against her shields.

  A male stood he was not at all like the first faerie. He was weathered beaten, dark brown with age he had a voice like rustling leaves. He was a forest dweller Harper thought.

  “This is not a trial King Zale, we apologize if it seems that way. We only wish to examine the claims made.” In the face of his words King Zale could only nod and retreat, although his facial expression showed his discontent. The old male addressed Harper. “It has been stated by not only one daughter but both daughters of Junipa that daughter Harper lead her sister Charlie into battle against shades and Demons of the grey mist. It has also been stated they alone defeated such creatures to end, for the next thousand upon thousand years, the threat of their re-emergence.”

  “Lies…Lies!” Yelled a male from the end of the podium “It is all lies!” He said as he stood, he looked down on her and sneered. “No one, especially a half-blood could do what has been reported. If our own High Queen Lorna and now Meadow could not, how is it this half thing could?”

  At the insult Ace, Charlie, Storm and Frankie stood. Harper smiled as the first male demanded in a cold voice. “Councilor Grinthum representing the Valley Dwellers it is not your time to speak, remain silent or be dismissed.”

  The male went red and stared hatred at Harper. His anger was a palpable threat within the room.

  “Please retake your seats there is no danger to daughter Harper.” The older male assured them. They all sat again but remained tense. Ace was not happy. Harper could tell by the bland face he showed the room. “How say you Harper Battle? Was it you and your sister that defeated the foes within the mist?” Asked the older male.

  Harper stared at the councilor who had called her a liar as she answered. “If you mean did my sister and I, twelve and half years ago fight shades and evil demons with swords like these.” With that Harper’s hands filled with two blue swords that glistened in the dim room. “Then yes!”

  Suddenly every being there rose and went to their knees. Harper’s eyes widened as she looked to her sister. Charlie was laughing silently, as everyone rose. The older male said. “We accept Harper Battle’s explanation. Council is ended.”

  All the councilors left the bench. Leaving Harper and the others wondering what was to happen now. Scarlett came to her and said. “Dismiss the swords niece.” Which she quickly did. “Now the Queen and councilor Leaf would like a word with you.”


  “The older male faerie.” Ace whispered. Harper nodded as she asked Scarlett.

  “What was with the kneel thing?”

  “Respect for the ghost!”

  Harper nodded then said. “Oh… okay, we will go and talk to her and him.”

  Scarlet said. “Umm I think …”

  “No we all go, or none.” Harper told her.

  “Well alright then. This should be fun.”


  C harlie watched Frankie and Joy as they sat at a lovely four seater round table in front of the closed balcony doors of Frankie’s dining room. She sighed when she heard Joy ask Frankie the same question Ace had just asked her. That was after Fin had come to her and demanded to know where June was as she still had not returned.

  They had search parties out looking for June. Not only was Sage worried Charlie was beyond worried, she had not been thrilled with having to tell Fin his shadow June, was lost. It was something Charlie never wanted to do again. He said very little but she would not forget the look he had given both her and Sage before storming from her office. Everything that could be done was being done.

  Her last recourse was to call Harper back to go find her and she would do that only if June did not return by the weekend. This was what she told Fin. He was not impressed which was telling by his exit. There was nothing she could do to fix that situation but what she could fix was this sad situation here. “Frankie, when is Harper coming home. I miss her?” Joy asked as she sat gloomily doodling in her school book.

  “I have no idea.
Soon I hope. I miss her too.”

  “It has been forever!” Sighed Joy.

  “Only a week. She had a lot to talk about with the councilors and the High Queen. She wanted to show them they are seriously stuck in the wrong century, and that could take a while. They did not seem like they were… move with the times kind of people.” Frankie told her as she stared glumly at the rain softly falling.

  “But we need her. Ace is lonely.”

  “Has he said so?”

  “No but you can see he is. Even the castle is sad.”

  “Yeah I know.” To change the topic because Frankie’s heart was hurting, she asked Joy. “So what do you think of my new bracelet?” It was a chunky silver chain with Sapphire stones. Joy said. “It is really big. I like it, did Johner give it to you?”

  “Yep it’s my tracker.”

  Shocked Joy asked. “He chipped you?”

  Frankie grinned. “Yep something about going off without telling him!”

  “So he, GPSed you! That is wrong Frankie.”

  “Nah! That is love, he was scared when I went to the High Queens Grove. This way if I forget to tell him I am leaving, he can find me.”

  Charlie walked into the room. “Well as long as you are okay with it?” Frankie grinned. “I am, plus when Harper gets back and I tell her. Johner will be in so much trouble!”

  “Devious.” Said Charlie.

  “Hey he should have told me. Instead of trying to be sneaky.”

  Joy said. “Oh so he does not know, you know?”

  “Not a clue!”

  Joy asked Charlie. “Have you heard from Harper?”

  “No.” At both their sad faces she said. “Come on you two, it will be only for a few more days.”

  Are you sure Charlie?” Joy asked as she doodled in her book not looking at her.


  “Maybe she will like it there so much she won’t want to come home?” Frankie said absently like she did not really mean it, finally voicing a fear she had since they had left Harper at the High Queen’s Grove.

  Charlie shook her head. “You know better. You know she will not stay there a moment longer than necessary. Now come on dinner at my place. Ace is already there.” Charlie scolded them both, not admitting over the last few days the same thoughts crossed her mind once or twice as well.


  L ater that night Ace woke with sweat and pain racking his body throwing him from the bed while screaming in agony as his dragon howled in pain. They both went blind in panic as burning slashes of fire seared his body. Howling in distress Ace shifted to dragon and trumpeted his pain and fury bursting through his balcony doors into the darken skies. Ace’s dragon followed the flow of pain and landed just before the French doors of the medical unit. He grunted when he returned to human. “Sharm he bellowed.” As he stepped inside. “SHARM!!” His dragon trumpeted as they saw Harper’s battered bloody and burnt body lying on the floor.

  “No! Dear ancients No!” Ace slid to the floor beside her. “I am here my shadow. I am here!”

  “I beat them Ace! You are safe. They can’t hurt you ever again.”

  “Who my heart? Who did you beat?” Then a mist rose around them and he was confronted by the ancients. Our seeker was lured to the grey zone where a demon called from the veil was waiting. She fought well. We have dispatched the demon and told the High Queen. Tell your healer dragon Sharm, our seeker is poisoned by demon blood. The High Queen has the cure. Ace bowed his head. Thank you ancients.

  Minutes later Harper was lifted from Ace’s arms and placed upon a bed and that was all Ace knew as blackness swallowed him whole.

  Sharm stepped away and gently took Ella's hand in his. “Enough Ella you will kill yourself trying to heal something we cannot.”

  “But it is Harper?”

  “Sad to say we are not enough.” He nodded to Keeper who came and took his shadow in his arms as silent tears fell from her eyes.

  “How is he?” Sharm asked Ash as he stood beside Ace lying on a bed. “Coming around I think.”

  Sharm had flown to the unit when he had heard Ace’s dragon calling him only to find Ace and Harper passed out on the floor, blood pooling under Harper’s battered body. Ace unresponsive. When everyone else had quickly followed him into the unit, they had no idea what had happened. Reighn had gently lifted Harper onto a bed where Sharm and Ella had instantly started healing her.

  The Battle brothers and Storm had carried Ace to the other bed. Sharm rubbed his face as Reighn asked. “How is she?”

  “The wounds are infected but with what is the problem they will not heal. I detect poison… but what type is alien to us.”

  Reighn asked. “Is it like the one that poisoned Storm?” Ella and Sharm shook their heads no. “It is nasty like evil is invading her body and killing her.” Sharm told them all.

  “Who is here?” Asked Reighn of Charlie. Before she could answer Ace croaked. “Demon blood. Call High Queen, she has… cure.”

  “Who told you this?” Reighn demanded of him.

  “Ancients!” Then he passed out again.

  “What is wrong with him.” Joy asked as she stood within Axl’s arms, tears on her face.

  “He is bonded. It is what happens to bonded dragons.” Rene` told her. “All of you who are shadows should know the term ‘soul shadow’ is not like mate or wife it actually describes what happens. It is a joining, a bonding. When one dies the other dies.” Verity moved to stand beside Ace, her face ravaged with despair.

  Gasps and cries were heard from all the females in the room. Sage hugged Reighn, Frankie had her face in Johner’s shoulder as she wept silently. Olinda was in Ash’s arms. Clint stood helplessly beside Ark. Axl held a crying Joy as Charlie stood within Storm’s embrace, her face set like stone. Charlie finally answered Reighn’s question. “Scarlett and Elijah are still at the high court. Only Tarin is here.”

  This was met with growls and groans of dismay. Reighn said. “He will heal her or die!” Then snapped open his phone. Charlie sobbed back a breath. She like everyone else had no faith in the moronic prince Reighn was calling. He would not be able to help. This was evil she could feel it from where she stood. She had felt its touch once before, it was a vile ooze that invaded Harper’s body. Already they could see the mark it was leaving. Fine lines of blue traced her skin.

  Verity took Ace’s face between her hands. Regardless of if he was awake or not, she gently told him. “My son we have not come so far as to lose you both now, fight! Fight for Harper. Fight for your family, we need you in our lives. Fight like your shadow is doing!”

  They knew if Harper died, Ace would follow. She turned her head to Sharm. “My son, what do you need?”

  “The Cure.”

  Charlie stood brushing the hair from Harper’s bruised and battered face, her eyes met Reighn’s and he could see the knowledge in the look she sent him. She too knew her sister was dying.

  Frankie asked quietly with tears clogging her throat. “I don’t understand, how is she like this? She was at the High Grove, were they all attacked or just her?”

  Charlie said. “I would know if they all were. Daru or Mercca, Tarin’s guards would have raised the alarm. So I am guessing not.”

  “Well something happened? Our girl is here battered broken and dying. Someone fix her!” Frankie screamed in agony and the walls shuddered at her pain. The castle hurt. They could all feel it.

  “Frankie my heart please calm. Remember the castle is hurting. The young will feel your distress.” Johner whispered.

  “Oh! Sorry!” She sobbed as she buried her head against Johner again.

  “Now that is power.” Whispered Edith to Sage.

  “The thing is what and whose?” Sage muttered in return Edith shrugged. Reighn stated in tones cold enough to form ice. “Someone sent our Harper to the grey zone?”

  “They must have told her it would help her somehow.” Storm said. “There is no other logical reason for her to ha
ve returned.”

  Ash, Ark and Axl stood calmly when Ash asked. “Who do we kill for this? Our sister and brother lie dying. We are the harbingers of death. Release us my Lord to exact our revenge!”

  Reighn said. “When we find out for sure you are released until then stand down. See to your shadows.”

  Charlie sucked back a sob as her hand went to her heart. “Oh my Goddess they made her go back there.” Remembered fear and horror shone from her eyes as her voice turned hard. “I will kill them all. They will all die. How could they allow this? Scarlett, Elijah. We are…She is their niece.” She closed her eyes as she muttered. “The High Queen, how could she do this?

  Her eyes when she opened them were ghost grey. Charlie’s voice became cold as she pulled her phone from her jeans pocket and snapped it on. She hit a button and Storm placed his arm around her giving what comfort he could.

  The call was answered as she pressed speaker but before she could speak, they could hear Scarlett’s scathing tones as she snarled. “You lost my niece. Explain to me how you did that?”

  A male said trying to calm her they could tell from his tone and not succeeding very well. “Queen Scarlett please release councilor Kildnae.”

  “Not until he tells me where my niece is and why she was sent back there without help.”

  The same voice said. “I am sure there is a plausible explanation.”

  Scarlett laughed bitterly. “There better be! You do not understand because you will not look outside your narrow world.”

  “This is hardly a time for that old argument now is it Queen Scarlett?” Said a condescending female voice.

  Scarlett screamed loudly in obvious frustration. “I would shut up councilor Jasera. You are as much as fool as this one!”

  “How dare you…”

  Loudly talking over the female, Scarlett said. “If my niece dies you idiot, her shadow dies. In case you do not realize it that is Ace Battle, Shield Elite. He is one of four brothers and their last name should give, even you some indication of who they are!”


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