Stetson's Storm

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Stetson's Storm Page 6

by Kathleen Ball

  "Wheeee. Hi ho silver!"

  Storm laughed. "Now where'd you hear that?"

  "Aunt Nellie told me to say it when I'm on a horse."

  Storm felt instant serenity, riding across the ranch. Spring had finally come to Texas. Red and yellow Indian blankets, yellow Texas stars, and white fragrant lilies covered whole areas. It provided a spectacular view.

  The cattle they saw looked healthy, though the number was few. She wondered what had happened to the Scott ranch. She hadn't heard anything, but then again most people didn't talk to her.

  Riding to the fence that separated the Scott's property from her father's, Storm just stared. He father had an abundant amount of cattle roaming the land. He was a wealthy man. It hurt to look at the place that used to be her home. Quietly she turned Mitzi around and headed back.

  "Nothin' like the wind on the face," Scotty told her.

  "Stetson tell you that one?"


  Storm's heart warmed. She loved their special bond. She had been jealous at first, but seeing how happy it made Scotty, she encouraged the relationship.

  "Is Chrissy going to go home?"

  "Where did you hear that?"

  "I told her to," Scotty said, proudly.

  Storm bit her bottom lip. She didn't know whether to laugh or be alarmed. Chrissy acted like a nut job half the time. "What did you say?"

  "I said, you go home. This will be my land and I make the rules."


  Scotty nodded, still holding on to the saddle horn.

  "Well, kiddo, I don't think that you do make the rules."

  "I will someday," he replied, stubbornly.

  "I doubt she has left. Don't tell her to go again. It makes her mad."

  "Okay, Mommy."

  Storm hoped that psycho Chrissy hadn't been upset by Scotty's words.

  With her legs aching, Storm brushed down Mitzi. It had been too long since she had spent time in a saddle and her whole body felt it. The ride with Scotty had been incredible. He took such an interest in his surroundings.

  She wanted to laugh about Scotty's dictate for Chrissy to go home, but she had a sneaking suspicion that Chrissy would use it to her gain. Somehow, she always turned things to her advantage.

  "Mommy! Mommy!"

  "In here, kiddo." Storm immediately put the curry brush down and settled Mitzi in her stall.

  Scotty's tears fell freely down his face. He flung himself at her. His heaving and sobbing made it hard for Storm to make sense of what he was trying to tell her.

  Scotty sniffled and looked at Storm. "She got rid of Ph-uck. She had no right! Ph-uck is in doggie heaven!"

  Storm's heart lurched. The heartbreak on Scotty's face made her hurt for him. "Who got rid of him?"

  "Sissy. She, she, Ph-uck is never coming back. Mommy, he's my ph-estest friend."

  "I know he's your best friend, honey. Let's go and see what's up." She stroked his blond curls, then kissed his cheek.

  Storm carried her distraught son across the yard. There must be some mistake, some explanation. Setting Scotty on one of the porch chairs, she told him to stay there. She wanted to confront Chrissy herself and hear it from the horse's mouth.

  Chrissy smiled at her looking mighty please with herself. "Did Scotty go and tell on me?"

  "You slack-jawed polecat! Pick on someone your own size. Where is Buck?"

  "Slack-jawed? At least I can pronounce Buck's name."

  "Oh wow. You just equated yourself with a four year old. You're pitiful, and I am fed up with you treating my son meanly. You just hush your mouth for now on."

  "Fine, well I reckon that you don't want to know what happened to that dog. You should be nice to people you want answers from." Chrissy wrapped a strand of hair around her finger and smiled.

  "Where is Stetson?"

  "Why do you want to know? He doesn't want anything to do with the likes of you. I don't know why you don't just take your brat and leave."

  Storm felt as though steam was coming out of her ears. She couldn't remember ever being so mad. "You listen to me, and listen good. That dog had better be alive or I will hunt you down and shoot you myself."

  Chrissy looked as though she was enjoying every minute of their conversation. "That's trash talk, but I guess that's what you are. You're never going to be more than an ignorant country bumpkin."

  Joe hurried into the room observing one woman, then the other. His eyes narrowed when he zeroed in on Chrissy. "What's this I hear about Buck being dead?"

  Chrissy smiled at him.

  Joe took a step toward her. "That dog better be safe somewhere. Now start talking."

  Shrugging her shoulders, Chrissy nodded toward the door. "He went that way. Makes no never mind to me whether you find him or not. I did everyone a favor."

  "Nellie will stay with Scotty. Let's get busy looking before it gets much later," Joe said, giving Chrissy a look of disgust.

  "Is Nellie able to watch him? He's really upset."

  "She's good to go. Doc said she's fine. Let's go."

  Storm gave Chrissy one last glower of loathing, and followed Joe out of the house.

  Joe and Storm looked in every nook and cranny near the house and barn. There was no sign of Buck. Storm's heart grew heavier with each passing minute. Black clouds rode in, and they didn't look friendly.

  "I'm going to saddle Rosie and take a gander," she told Joe.

  "I should go. You stay."

  "We might as well both go. We can cover more ground. I don't know about you, but I don't relish walking back into the house without Buck."

  Joe nodded. "Let's get saddled and ready to go. I don't like the look of those clouds."

  "A little rain won't hurt us." Storm hoped her words to be true.

  Joe stopped her before she mounted up. "Be careful. You have your radio with you?"


  "Keep it on. Don't go too far out."

  "Good advice." They both mounted up and rode in different directions.

  The wind started to kick up, and the temperature seemed to drop. Storm searched and searched. What was she supposed to tell Scotty? Where was Stetson? She'd forgotten to ask. It wasn't as if she was his wife or anything. Nothing in fact. He didn't have to report his whereabouts to her. Heading toward the creek, Storm thought she spotted something on the small little piece of land in the middle of the creek. She wasn't sure what made one thing a creek and another a river, but this looked more like a river to her.

  Damn, Buck was stranded on the island. How the hell? She didn't even have to finish her thought. She already knew. Dismounting from Rosie, Storm grabbed her rain gear. It was only a waterproof poncho, but it usually did the trick.

  The heavens opened and torrential rains came down. It was a gully washer for sure. Getting back on Rosie, Storm attempted to ride Rosie through the creek. Rosie wasn't having it. She planted her hooves and refused to move.

  Buck was barking and whining, pulling at her heartstrings. She'd wade over and back. Getting wet wouldn't kill her.

  Searching for a spot to cross, Storm found a fallen tree that spanned the length of the creek. She had no illusions that she'd be able to cross it on foot. Co-ordination was not one of her talents. Grabbing the log to guide her, Storm waded into the creek. It started rushing faster. It's a river, she swore to herself. It took a lot of strength to hold on to the tree and make her way across. She swore at Chrissy the whole way.

  Finally, she reached the other side, but Buck had disappeared. This was not her day. The island was tiny, but it was blanketed with low brush. Hearing a bark, Storm finally found Buck and quickly took him into her weary arms.

  They were both soaked due to the deluge of rain. When it rained in Texas, it really rained. Storm made her way back to the fallen tree only to find it had washed away. "This is not a creek." She looked at Buck. "I'm telling you it's a river. A big old nasty, deep, fast running river."

  Her boots were soaked along with her socks. Miserable, that'
s how she felt. Damn that Chrissy. Looking up at the sky, the clouds looked even darker. A bolt of lightning sent Rosie racing away. "What do you think Buck? Laugh or cry?"

  Buck whined. "I'm with you on that. Things could be worse. I have a piece of gum in my pocket. See Buck, there is a bright side."

  The lightening was fierce, followed by booms of thunder. She'd have to wait it out. Taking out her radio, she examined it. It was wet too. Finding a stump under a canopy of tree branches, Storm sat and snuggled Buck to her. All she could do was wait.

  She couldn't help but jump as the big dark sky lit up. She finally saw a rider in the distance, leading Rosie behind his horse. She could tell by the way the rider sat that it was Stetson. The cavalry had arrived.

  He rode closer and Storm could tell that he was not pleased. His mouth was a tight line. He looked like he wanted to lecture her.

  "Oh, good you found me," she yelled, trying to sound cheerful.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Looking for your son's dog that your girlfriend tried to kill." She could tell by the murderous look in his eyes that he was not happy with her answer.

  "I heard Buck got loose."

  "Yeah, right, and he swam over here too."

  Stetson swung down out of the saddle and looked the creek over. "How'd you get over?"

  "I waded. A tree had fallen and I held on to it, but it's washed away."

  He sighed. "Yeah, a real gully washer. How did you plan to get back?"

  "Oh for goodness sake Stetson, just get me home!"

  Stetson finally smiled and Storm had a sneaking suspicion that he was trying not to laugh. "I'll come get you."

  "It's not safe."

  "Don't get your knickers in a knot."

  Storm held her breath, watching Stetson wade into the creek. His eyes widened when he felt the rush of the water. A couple times, she thought he'd be washed away, but finally he made it. He was soaked through.

  "Didn't you have any rain gear?"

  "Obviously not. Now tell me again why you and Buck are here?"

  Storm went back to the log she had been sitting on. "Might as well get comfy, we can't go back until the river slows."


  "Oh, who cares? Personally, I think it should be called a river. Sit."

  Stetson sat beside her and took Buck into his arms. "Out with it."

  Shaking her head, she grew angry. "You make it sound like it's my fault. Scotty and I took a ride on Mitzi. When we got back, Chrissy said she got rid of Buck. Of course, Scotty was heartbroken. He thought his best friend was gone."

  Stetson nodded, looking out across the creek.

  "Nellie and Joe came home from the doctors -- she's fine by the way -- and Joe and I decided to look for Buck."

  "You think Chrissy put Buck here?"

  "Get your head out of the sand, Stetson. She told Scotty that Buck was in doggie heaven."

  Stetson ran his hand over his face. "Awe hell, and she's not my girlfriend."

  Storm laughed. "Does she know that? It seems to me that she has future plans for you."

  "Not funny."

  Storm grew serious. "No, it's not. Not when she pulls stunts like this. Scotty is beside himself and Joe might be caught in the storm."

  "Joe's fine. He answered his radio."

  "Mine got wet."

  "I figured, but when I came across Rosie, it scared the hell out of me. I thought you'd taken a fall."

  A budding warmth entered her heart. "You were concerned about me?"

  "Well I didn't want to tell Scotty his mother was hurt."

  So much for warm and fuzzy. He wasn't concerned about her as a woman, just as a mother. Somehow, it felt depressing. "I want you to talk to Chrissy about this stunt."

  Stetson studied her. His eyes full of concern. "Don't worry, I called her brother. He's coming to get her. Look, Storm, I'm sorrier than I can say about her. I never meant.... Hell, my priorities right now are my family and the ranch."

  Storm wished she were part of that family. Somehow, she felt more alone than ever. "Nellie and Scotty should be your first priorities."

  "You're part of the family too, Storm."

  She glanced away without acknowledging his comment.

  They heard static from his radio. He dug it out of his pocket. "Forgot to radio Joe I found you."

  "He's bound to be worried."

  Stetson nodded. "Joe, found her and Buck. We are on Sinner's Island."

  "What are you doing way out there?"

  "Water's too high. Can't cross back till morning at the earliest."

  "I'll bring you some supplies. Need dry clothes?" Joe asked.

  "Warm clothes."

  "See you soon, buddy."

  "Thanks, Joe."

  Stetson smiled at Storm. "Well, we won't be stuck here indefinitely."

  "Oh is that supposed to be the bright side? As far as I'm concerned anytime alone with you is a hardship."

  "I do believe that you are fibbing."

  Storm's eyes widened. "Fibbing?"

  "Yes. Fibbers never win."

  Storm shook her head. "That's quitters never win."


  "Stetson Scott, you are the most infuriating man. You are making fun of me. Well go ahead, it's nothing I haven't heard before."

  Stetson grew serious. "No, Storm, I only meant to tease you. I'd never make fun of you."

  Storm shifted on the fallen log and turned away.

  "It was bad when I left."

  Storm nodded her head, but she didn't turn toward him.

  "If I had known. Storm, I would have stayed. I loved you heart and soul, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done, leaving you." Stetson took a deep breath. "I was there that night. I went to tell you. I hoped you'd come with me."

  Storm jerked around and stared at him. "If only that was true, but it's not. The truth hurts, but at least it's the truth."

  "No, Storm, none of what we were told was the truth. Too many secrets have ruined our lives." He reached over and brushed an errant tear off of her cold, wet, cheek.

  Storm shivered. "Oh your hands are cold."

  "Oh yeah? How about this?" Stetson reached under her rain poncho and ran his cold hands under her shirt, across her bare back.

  Storm screamed and squirmed. Buck barked wildly. "Stop, please," she squealed again. "Stop."

  Stetson didn't stop. He looked into her eyes. Pulling her closer, he leaned toward her to kiss her.

  Storm screamed as all the water that had gathered on his hat, poured on her face. She sputtered and stared at him, her mouth open in surprise.

  Stetson laughed hard. The next thing he knew, her wet, freezing hands were on his bare abdomen, causing him to jump back. Storm jumped with him. "I'm sorry, Storm."

  "I bet you are now," Storm laughed, climbing on his lap, moving her hands up to his chest. Her realization of what she was doing seemed to dawn on her. Her eyes widened and she began to push away.

  "Storm," he growled, pulling her close, her hands trapped between them and she shivered. "Cold?"

  "Yes, so let go."

  Stetson pulled back a bit and searched her face. "Is that what you really want?"

  Storm bit her bottom lip.

  Leaning in, his lips found hers, kissing her. Storm groaned as he nipped at her bottom lip until she opened for him. "Stetson."

  "Shhh." He continued to kiss her.


  Stetson came up for air "What?"

  "Joe's here."

  "Oh hell."

  Storm laughed as she felt the reason for Stetson's discomfort against her. His arousal couldn't be hidden. "The rain will cool you off," she teased.

  Stetson grabbed her in a bear hug, kissing her neck. He stood up with her in his arms, kissing her again. Finally, he set her down and went out from the canopy of trees into the pouring rain to meet Joe.

  "Great timing," Joe yelled smirking.

  "Thanks. How are you planning to get the stuff over?"

  "A pulley system -- almost like a zip line."

  "Clever, Joe. Thanks for the rescue."

  Joe sent over a tent, sleeping bags, dry clothes, and food. It took a while, but finally he was done. "Scotty says he sorry you got yourself marooned on a desert island."

  Stetson laughed. "Tell him we love him. We should be able to get back across tomorrow."

  "I'll call you on the radio and come get you."

  "Thanks, Joe."

  "Stay warm." Joe gave Stetson a wink and walked away.

  Storm felt as though she had the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Her thoughts were warring against one another. The kiss was amazing. Stetson had the power to send chills up and down her body. He electrified her.

  Turning away from him, she tried to compose herself. Her body ached with desire. It had been so very long and she wanted him with all of her being. Mentally shaking herself, she knew that it couldn't happen. It wouldn't happen. Stetson had been her whole world once, and her world combusted.

  "That's a lot of stuff Joe sent over," she commented, finally turning around to face Stetson. He didn't show any emotion on his face and it made her wonder if the kiss meant anything to him.

  "A tent, sleeping bags, and warm clothes. We'll be fine."

  "Shouldn't we make a fire?"

  Stetson smiled. "The wood is too wet. We'll make do with our body heat." His eyes looked too innocent.

  Narrowing her eyes, she watched him. He looked pleased about something. "What exactly do you mean about body heat?"

  "We have to share to keep warm." He took the tent out of the waterproof bag and began to set it up.

  "That tent looks awfully small."

  Stetson laughed. "Big enough for me and Buck."

  "All right, I get the message. How can I help? Want me to hold a pole or something?"

  "As much as I appreciate the offer, I do this alone all the time. Why don't you grab Buck before I trip over him."

  Storm picked up the black lab and cuddled him. "This will be my first time away from Scotty. Well, except for work. I hope he's not upset."

  Stetson stopped and walked over to Storm. He kissed her on the cheek. "You are a good mom." Before she could reply, he went back to work.


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