Stetson's Storm

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Stetson's Storm Page 9

by Kathleen Ball

  Stetson felt his laughter rumble through him. "Smart as a whip! I think your mommy meant you and Buck."

  "Mommy?" Scotty stared at her with big eyes.

  "Well, I really did mean you and Buck, but now that you mention it, maybe it is Stetson's bedtime."

  "Saved by the bell," Stetson sighed in relief. A truck was driving toward the house. "Looks like ranch business."

  "I can wait," Scotty said, earnestly.

  Storm took his little hand. "Come on, kiddo, I'll read you a story."

  Scotty looked sad. "Okay, if I have to."

  After kissing his son's cheek, Stetson watched them go upstairs. His thoughts quickly changed to the men walking up to the front door. He recognized the tall, sandy haired, man as Garrett O'Neill, a fellow rancher. He wasn't familiar with the other man with black hair and eyes.

  He opened the door and gestured for the men to come inside. "Garrett, good to see you."

  They shook hands and Garrett turn toward the other man. "This is Stamos Walker. He owns a ranch in Lasso Springs too."

  "Nice to meet you, Stamos. I know I've heard your name somewhere. You aren't the ex-FBI agent are you?"

  Stamos shook Stetson's hand, smiling. "Guilty."

  "Come on in to my office and you can let me know what I can do for you."

  All three men walked into Stetson's rather cluttered office.

  "Don't allow anyone in here to clean?" Garrett asked, his eyes blue twinkling in humor.

  "How's Callie?"

  Garrett's eyes lit up. "She's fine and dandy. She wants to get to know Storm."

  Stetson nodded. "And you own the prison release ranch?" he asked Stamos.

  "Yes I do. My wife Joy also wants to be a busybody and get to know your wife."

  "We're not married."

  "Well, that won't matter to Joy."

  Tension melted from his body. Stetson didn't realize how much Storm's lack of friends disturbed him. "Good. So what's up?"

  Stamos sat down on the black leather couch next to Garrett. "There have been a lot of cattle that have gone missing lately. I need to know how many head you've lost."

  "I don't even know. My father left this place a shambles when he died. Something happened, I know we have missing cattle, but I'll be damned if I know any of the details."

  Garrett and Stamos exchanged looks. "That's what we figured," Garrett said. "The only problem is that all trails lead to this ranch."

  Stetson felt the breath whoosh out of him. "What are you implying?" His voice was cold as stone.

  "That's why I had Garrett come with me. I need you to trust me. I know you've been set up. I just don't know how or by who," Stamos told him.

  "The who is easy. Have you talked to McCrory?" Stetson asked.

  Garrett laughed. "Funny, he told us to talk to you. Seriously though, we think it's McCrory too. We just haven't been able to get any evidence."

  "What about the local authorities?" Stetson asked.

  Stamos shook his head. "They aren't interested in helping. We're investigating on our own and we'd like you to join us."

  Stetson looked from one man to the other. "What do you need me to do?"

  "Well, for starters, we need to get our women together in town so that our being seen around together doesn't tip off anyone. They'll just think we're all just friends," Garrett explained.

  "Then?" Stetson asked, rubbing his hand over his whiskered face.

  "Then we compare notes and figure this whole mess out," Stamos said.

  Storm wanted to run and hide. Stetson and Nellie wanted them all to go to church. Her heart leapt out of her chest at the thought of the whole town looking at her. Disappointment washed through her. She'd thought Stetson understood how much it hurt her to go into town. Gazing at Nellie and Stetson seated at the kitchen table, she felt betrayed. They didn't understand her. They didn't have her back.

  Nellie's blue eyes appeared hopeful, making it hard to say no. Plastering on a fake smile, Storm simply nodded.

  The smile Nellie bestowed on her should have reassured her. It usually did, but not this time.

  Breakfast no longer held its appeal. Her stomach churned. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate on Scotty, her mind whirled. She remembered every insult, every slight. Why would they expect her to go? For Scotty's sake, she supposed.

  "You go on and get ready, I'll take care of the munchkin," Stetson told her. He was already wiping Scotty's face. "I'll get him dressed. Go on."

  She could feel the heat of his intense perusal. Shoving her chair back, she got up to go. Shaking her head, she wanted to say no. She wanted to tell them that they were all crazy. If it had just been Stetson she would have, but she couldn't disappoint Nellie.

  One dress graced her closet. Stetson had bought it for her and she didn't want to wear it. Fear stopped her in her tracks. She was going to charge down those stairs and just tell them to forget it. She was a grown woman and she could make her own decisions! Grabbing the door handle, she stopped, realizing that Stetson would just take Scotty with him anyway. There was no way she was going to allow Scotty to be subjected to all those stares without her.

  "Almost ready?" Nellie called through the door.

  Patience, Storm closed her eyes and prayed for patience. "Almost."

  "Meet you downstairs. We have to leave in about five minutes."

  The blue dress beckoned to her from the closet. Hastily she put it on. It was a good fit and it was actually pretty. She thought that the sleeveless dress with its V-neck and fitted waist, made her shape look a lot better than it really was. Picking up the white short jacket, she left the room.

  Thank God for Nellie. The whole ride there, Scotty wanted to know about God and God's house. Storm didn't feel up to answering his questions. Nellie, Joe, and Scotty sat in the back while she sat in the front next to Stetson.

  Glancing at his handsome face didn't give her an inkling what he was thinking. He must realize it might get nasty. He certainly didn't look worried.

  A feeling of dread engulfed her as she stepped out of the car. Scotty chattered happily in Stetson's arms. Biting her bottom lip, she walked toward the white church. Stetson caught up and took her hand. It startled her, and it puzzled her.

  His eyes bore into hers. He smiled at her, his cute dimples showing. "We'll be fine. Remember, I'm here."

  Storm felt a bit of relief when he entwined his fingers with hers. It felt strangely intimate. Nodding, she took a deep breath and allowed Stetson to lead them in.

  Any slight hope, she'd had that maybe it would be all right faded as soon as they crossed the threshold. First, there was hushed silence, then mouth dropping stares, and finally the whispering behind hands. Staring straight ahead, trying to ignore them, didn't work.

  Stetson leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Chin up, you've done nothing wrong."

  Once again, Storm felt her fake smile plaster her face. She'd smile if it killed her. She'd do it for Scotty's sake. Stetson kissed Scotty on the cheek and Storm finally became aware of what the whole going to church thing was about. Stetson was claiming Scotty as his son. He was letting the whole town know.

  A seed of hope planted itself in her heart. She could do this. She'd put up with it for years now. She could do this for her son. Maybe now Scotty would be accepted. She didn't care about herself, but she did care what others thought of her son.

  Walking up the aisle to a pew near the front, Stetson squeezed her hand. Looking at him, he smiled again. This time her smile wasn't fake. Stetson was trying to help.

  Storm watched as he let go of her hand and shook the hands of two men in the pew behind them. One she recognized as Garrett O'Neill, though she hadn't seen him in years. The dark haired man she didn't know.

  Garrett smiled at her. He was still a handsome devil with his blue eyes and broad shoulders. "Storm, good to see you. This is my wife, Callie. You might remember her from high school."

  Callie smiled at her. "Hi Storm. Long time, you look great."r />
  Storm stared at the blond blue-eyed beauty and smiled. "Thanks." The lump in her throat was too large for her to say anything more.

  Callie turned toward the woman beside her. "This is Joy and her husband Stamos."

  Stamos nodded politely while Joy grabbed her hand. "Been waiting to meet you. Let's get together soon."

  The friendship they offered blew Storm away. Callie and Garrett looked happy with their toddlers. One, a beautiful little girl, and the other cherub, a handsome boy.

  Joy and Stamos were busy trying to quiet a little boy about two years of age that looked just like Stamos with his jet-black hair and beautiful brown eyes. Joy held a baby in her arms. A little girl if the color of the blanket was an indication. Her dainty features were adorable.

  Gazing at Stetson, Storm felt safe. It had been so lonely for her. Her heart squeezed with how these people were willing to be her friends.

  They gathered outside the church after the service. Storm felt blessed. There were still stares and whispers, but Storm felt stronger. Stetson's concern for her allowed her to hold her head up high.

  Observing the circle of friends she suddenly had, she relaxed. She didn't know how or why, but gratefulness filled her heart. Her body was singing from sitting next to Stetson all morning. It seemed as though he took every opportunity to brush against her, leaving her tingling all over.

  Desire she had thought long buried, filled her being. Her thoughts were on his full lips. What would it be like to kiss again?

  Stetson gave her a knowing smile. He'd caught her staring. Her face began to heat and she just knew a telling blush was surfacing. Quickly she looked away from his sexy grin only to find everyone staring at her.

  "Storm is that okay with you?" Joy asked, her long brown hair blowing in the wind. Joy handed her baby to Stamos and gathered her hair, braiding it. "I think we ladies deserve some alone time."

  Joe leaned down and kissed Nellie's cheek. "Well, I'll head home. Call when you need a ride."

  Nellie's blue eyes grew wide. "You are not going anywhere. You are going to the park with the rest of the dads. You need the practice."

  A tremendous hush stole over the crowded parking lot. Everyone turned and gawked at Nellie. "I hadn't planned to announce it quite like that." Tears filled her eyes.

  Joe pulled her into his strong arms, rubbing his hands up and down her back. "It's alright, sweetheart." Then in a loud voice he announced their engagement.

  Tension filled Storm's body. She knew just how cruel people could be. Remembering her disgrace filled her with shame. Quickly she took Nellie's hand and offered her congratulations. It warmed her heart to see others follow in kind.

  Stetson came to stand at her side, putting his arm around her shoulder. Leaning down, he kissed her temple and whispered his thanks to her. The tingling began again. She wasn't sure what was worse, tension or tingling.

  "Okay, enough," Callie announced. "Come on gals, let's go have some coffee."

  "Coffee?" Storm asked.

  Callie laughed. "You can't keep that man on your mind twenty-four/seven. We planned to go to the diner and have the men take the kids to the park."

  Panic seized her. "I can't go to the diner. I, I--" She turned toward Stetson for help.

  "If you mean because of Bailey, don't you worry none," Callie told her, her violet eyes were filled with concern.

  "We have it on good authority that Frank no longer believes that you would steal from him. Besides, Bailey is not our favorite person," Joy told her.

  "I don't understand."

  Callie laughed. "That viper has tried to steal all of our men at one time or another. Come on, let's go for coffee."

  Storm didn't know what to think or feel. All kinds of emotions bombarded her.

  Stetson nodded in encouragement. "Scotty, give Mommy a hug. We're going to the park."

  "Oh boy!" Scotty gave Storm the briefest of hugs and began to pull Stetson by the hand toward the park.

  Watching the men truck across the parking lot with babies, diaper bags, and strollers made them laugh. "Hope they can handle it," Callie muttered.

  Joy put her arm around Nellie. "Joe will learn what not to do."

  "That's for sure," Callie said, as they walked down the sidewalk of Lasso Springs. "Storm, you look like you're going to an execution. It'll be fine, I promise."

  Giving Callie a brief smile, Storm followed them inside. It was crowded with all the people from church. It had never been this crowded during her graveyard shift. They followed Joy to a corner booth and sat.

  Joy's cell phone rang. "I leave you for one minute and you call," she said into the phone. "In the diaper bags. Yes, just look." Joy shook her head exasperated, but her love for Stamos was evident.

  "Let me guess," Callie said, when Joy got off the phone. "Diaper change?"

  "No, he needed a bottle for Liberty. You know he raised Dillon for a few months without help. I just don't get men."

  Storm smiled. She liked her new friends. She noticed a few stares, but she also noticed both Callie and Joy staring right back. "Don't lose friends on my account."

  "I wouldn't worry about it, Storm," Callie told her. "Besides I'm having fun."

  Callie's bright smile was infectious. Storm felt certain gladness. Slowly she relaxed and enjoyed the women's company.

  "I don't think you're allowed in here," Bailey said, approaching their table. "Three coffees?" she asked, ignoring Storm.

  "Yes three regular and one decaf," Callie told her.

  "I'm not serving her." Bailey's normally pretty face turned ugly.

  "Go ask Uncle Frank if you want to," Joy said, smugly.

  Bailey huffed, spun on her heel, and stomped off.

  "Uncle Frank?" Storm asked.

  Joy laughed. "Well, maybe I stretched the truth. He's the uncle of one of our hands. Close enough."

  "Oh boy. Here she comes," Nellie said, eagerly.

  They were enjoying themselves, Storm realized. It was more than fine with her. Besides Stetson and Nellie, she'd stood alone for a long time.

  Bailey's smile looked forced. "Here is your coffee ladies," she ground out, staring at Storm. "What else can I get you?"

  "Why don't you bring us a piece of that peach pie my Aunt Elma makes," Joy told her.

  "Aunt?" Callie asked, watching Bailey leave.

  "She's Frank's wife," Joy told her, her blue eyes twinkling.

  They all laughed. Storm's soul didn't feel as tattered.

  The dinner dishes were done, and Scotty was tucked into bed. He'd had a great day at the park. Stetson smiled, thinking what a leader Scotty turned out to be. He had all the other kids following him around.

  The screen door opened, and out came Storm with two steaming mugs in her hands. She handed one to Stetson before she sat next to him on the porch swing.

  "Thanks for the coffee." Taking a sip, he gazed out into the night. "Long day, huh?"

  Storm nodded. "Long but good. Your friends are nice."

  "They're your friends now too."

  Storm smiled at him. "It's nice to have friends again."

  Stetson watched her sip her coffee. Her blond hair, pulled back into a ponytail, showed the gracefulness of her neck and her flawless skin. She looked more like a teenager than a mother.

  "So tell me again. Whose kids are whose?"

  Stetson sat back against the cushion. "Callie and Garrett have the twins, Aiden and Rose. Joy and Stamos have little Dillon and baby Liberty."

  "They all seem to love their families very much."

  Stetson detected the wistfulness in her voice. "Nicest people I know. They took a shine to you."

  Storm's face grew red. "Think so?"

  Nodding, Stetson put his arm around her shoulders. "I know so."

  Storm glanced at him and then quickly looked away. He wondered what she saw when she looked at him.

  "It was nice to have Joy and Callie defend me. I glowed when they put Bailey in her place, but now I feel bad."


  Storm nodded. "I know what it's like to have people humiliate you. I'm not saying she didn't deserve it, but I didn't take as much delight in it as I thought I might. But my heart feels lighter."

  Stetson took her hand in his. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. "Lighter?"

  Storm looked at him with twinkling eyes. "Some of the bitterness I've held in my heart toward Bailey is gone."

  Leaning in, he gave her a quick kiss on her ripe lips. The look on her face was one of surprise. Storm put her fingers to her lips. He could see her trying not to smile, but she lost the battle.

  "You are so beautiful, and too kind hearted for your own good." The look of pleasure she displayed warmed his heart. He felt as though they were growing closer. He wanted them to be a family, but it had to be Storm's choice.

  "This is nice." Storm put her head on his shoulder. "Who's that?" Storm asked, spotting a car racing up the drive.

  "Maybe you should go inside. Could be trouble."

  "I'm not leaving. Oh hell, it's my father's car. Just run him off. Do you want me to get a rifle?"

  Stetson looked at her earnest face and laughed. "I'm hoping we won't need it."


  The car door slammed, twice. Pat McCrory and Chrissy came around the front, heading toward them. Stetson was surprised to see them. McCrory's face appeared red while Chrissy's seemed smug.

  "I take it this isn't a social visit." Stetson stared at McCrory.

  "I'm just bringing your fiancé back to you."

  Stetson's eyebrows rose. What was McCrory's game now? "Don't do me any favors."

  McCrory took a step toward the porch steps. Stetson countered by standing at the top of the stairs.

  "You got this little filly in the family way. There is only one way to fix this situation."

  Storm gasped. "Why? You didn't care what happened to me!"

  Glancing over his shoulder Stetson saw the pain on Storm's face. It had to be a hard blow to her.

  "Good to see you again, Chrissy. I heard you were still in these parts." Stetson nodded politely.

  Chrissy took a step forward, standing beside, McCrory. "It's a good thing I didn't leave. Your baby needs a daddy."


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