His Name Is Legion

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His Name Is Legion Page 15

by Michael Todd

  Brock sighed and looked out the window at the skyline. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand. “We have to remember that we brought Juntto in as a frost giant, and he has become one of us now. He is family, and we all trust him with not just our lives, but the lives of millions of people around the globe. We send him in on the hardest missions, and we eat his terrifying cooking—which is pretty damn good sometimes.”

  The general chuckled. “We do. He is a different giant than the one we froze so long ago; he has also become someone we trust with our most sacred and important tasks. He has never let us down, and he protects humans like they are his own people. I suppose that in a way, we are his people now. He has been on this planet for a very long time. Not as long as Pandora, but still long. But…”

  “That doesn’t mean we can trust his people,” Brock replied. “We trust Pandora, but not a single one of us would trust other demons to not be complete and utter trash, yet we are allowing all of this to happen. The way I look at it, though, is that because he does love humans so much, especially the one he spends the bulk of his time with, Angie, that he wouldn’t let the giants destroy us. I have faith that he will come through for us and he will be the frosty we love and respect. I have a hard time believing that just because his people are around, he will become a different giant. He has come too far.”

  The general raised his glass. “I think you may be right. We need to have faith in Juntto and trust his ability to control the situation. It’s not easy integrating so many new species of beings onto one planet, especially when the bulk of them want to kill us.”

  They both sat there stewing in their thoughts and drinking their scotch. Brock did believe that he could trust Juntto, but he still had a ball of nerves rolling around in the pit of his stomach. “You know, even though we completely trust Juntto, I think it would be a good idea to do something for the what-ifs.”

  Brushwood sat forward. “I couldn’t agree with you more. We would be stupid to not to cover all the minute possibilities as well. Hell, that is what the government is good at doing—spending money to cover scenarios that are completely ridiculous. Why stop now?”

  Brock slapped his hands on the table and pushed back his chair. “I’ll make some calls, then, and gather a Damned strike force as a precaution. They can be on call, and we’ll make sure they are ready to go if any of those scenarios actually happen.”

  The portal opened and the three stepped through, Juntto shoving a crystal flower into his pocket that he yanked out as they opened the portal. They stumbled out into the snow, and the wind howled as it whipped wildly around them. Drifts of snow blew across them and up into the sky between the thick snow clouds, where three moons shimmered in the night. The snow came up to Katie’s knees, and some gathered on her shoulder as the wind blew it in their direction.

  Pandora’s teeth started to chatter. “This is snow hell! It’s like the opposite of hell, minus any perceived goodness. I am starting to think that scary monkeys are better than frostbite and hypothermia.”

  Katie reached back, breaking a piece of her hair off. They had been out there for less than a minute and were already feeling like they were being artificially frozen. However, as they began to shake and shiver in their boots, Juntto was wide-eyed, his hands out and his mouth open, catching snowflakes. He laughed like an excited child as he skipped around, throwing the snow up and watching it trickle back down.

  He looked at Katie and Pandora, not noticing their blue lips and chattering teeth, or the fact that they were not supposed to be that color. “Home! I can smell it! Warm crackling fires, meat over the flames, people laughing, cheering, drinking wine, and celebrating being frost giants. It is a beautiful thing!”

  He jumped up, reaching for a handful of snowflakes, his blue body growing to twelve feet tall as he did. When he landed, a tornado of snow blew up around him. He was dressed in traditional frost giant gear with a jagged leather skirt sort of piece, no shirt, leather bracelets up and down his arms, and a cape with the top part made of bone.

  Ahead of them was a large igloo with smoke billowing from the chimney. He waved to the girls. “Come on, let’s see where in the land we are!”

  Katie and Pandora both called for him to stop, but he was already on his way. They looked at each other with chattering teeth and rolled their eyes as they ran after him, trying to keep up. When they got to his side, everyone stopped. Another frost giant stepped out of the igloo, standing just as tall as Juntto. There was where the similarity stopped; he was older and fatter, and his face was so grumpy it made Katie want to smile. He was slightly frightening to her and Pandora, but Juntto looked like he was about to cry, he was so excited.

  The giant snarled at them, holding a jagged bone spear. “Who is trespassing?”

  Katie and Pandora stepped behind Juntto, who waved his hand excitedly. “It is I, Juntto, returned from another dimension.”

  There was a moment of silence and contemplation before the frost giant yelled, “Liar!”

  Katie just about pissed her pants as the old frost giant came charging straight at them.


  Katie and Pandora immediately jumped to attention, pulling out their swords and taking a fighting stance. At that moment, neither of them felt the biting cold or the hell-flakes falling on their necks and melting. Neither of them noticed the enormity of the old frost giant in front of them. Neither of them cared that they were not part of that world. They were being threatened, and as far as they knew, that dimension had the same creator as theirs.

  They faced off, the old man snarling at the angels as he darted his eyes between the three of them. Juntto pulled both of them back, shoving them behind him. Pandora snarled. “Bro, we’ve killed dickless demons bigger than this prick. Don’t need your protection, blue man.”

  Juntto whirled and poked Pandora in the arm. “This is my world. This is the place I grew up and played. This is the place where my name became a legend among the people. This is not hell, and this is not Earth. Things are done differently here, whether we believe it to be the wrong way or not. I need you both to respect that and step back so that I may do what I need to.”

  As harsh as his words seemed, Katie understood what he was saying. She sheathed her sword and reached over, pushing down Pandora’s. The other angel glanced at her with wide eyes. “What?”

  Katie shook her head. “For now, in this world, we do it Juntto’s way. We trust him.”

  Pandora sniffed and sheathed her sword, stepping back. Juntto nodded and turned back around, lunging immediately. He tackled the old frost giant and the two flew back, smashing hard into the igloo. The old giant pushed back, using his tired muscles to get to his feet, but Juntto was just too strong for him. His feet scraped backward in the ice and snow and Juntto’s hand tightened around his wrist, keeping his spear from coming anywhere near him.

  Katie and Pandora looked at each other with wild eyes and turned back. Pandora was impressed by their strength. “I really should have brought like popcorn or something. I didn’t realize we were coming here for a battle royal. It’s like some tough grandpa fighting the young guy in town. You know he’s gonna get his ass beat, but you don’t want to act like it, ‘cause he’s old.”

  Katie winced as Juntto picked the old man up and smashed him into the igloo, completely destroying it. “Home, sweet nope.”

  The old man grumbled loudly as Juntto crawled on top of him and straddled his upper body. He grabbed the bone spear and pulled, trying to pry it out of the older giant’s grip. The old one fought him hard, but Juntto lifted the old man’s head and smashed it down over and over, and he finally released the spear.

  Juntto ripped it out of his hand and raised it over his head. The old man closed his eyes, obviously ready for death. Juntto huffed and puffed, about to kill the man, as frost giants did, but when he looked down at him, he could feel the compassion he had learned to enjoy so much seeping into his chest. He slammed the spear down, thrusting it into the snow next to th
e man’s head before rolling off and standing up. The old man looked at him wildly for a second. “What do you want?”

  Juntto removed the chunks of ice from his skin and spat in the snow. Wiping his hand across his mouth and catching his breath, he put his arms out wide and then beat his chest. “I am Juntto, King of Earth. Take me to the ruler here!”

  The old giant stared at him for several moments before grabbing the handle of his bone spear. With a groan, he pulled himself to his feet. He wobbled for several moments before getting his footing.

  Pandora elbowed Katie and whispered to her, “I feel like he went through all this just so we could watch the poor old frost giant stroke out like a blue Wilfred Brimley.”

  Katie snorted, covering her mouth. “He’s got the diabeetus?”

  They both snickered but Juntto ignored them, too busy with his dramatic conversation with the old giant. The old one stood, supporting himself with the spear like a cane. “I will take you to the leader. I must ask for your sincere forgiveness. You see, I assumed that Juntto was dead. I was just a young boy when you left, and I remember it oh so clearly. We all looked up to you. We all wanted to be like the great Juntto! We all wanted to hear your stories, but as the years passed, we came to believe that you were gone.”

  Juntto crossed his arms. “It is understandable.”

  The old man wobbled forward. “How are you still so young?”

  Pandora and Katie both whipped their heads and waited for the answer. Pandora smacked her lips and put her hands on her hips. “Do not sit there and tell me you found the elixir of life and you’ve been holding out on us.”

  Juntto sighed. “I not only traveled through space, but through time as well, and once I reached Earth, I did not stay that long on the surface, at least not in our timeframe. Then, preserved deep under the surface in a sort of suspended animation, my body did not age. It did not wither or weather, nor did it use the life force that is in me. Basically, I kept my youth. And now I have returned a king, just as I foretold years ago on this very planet. Now, if you would, please take me to your ruler.”

  Legion and his army had nothing to hold them back. Although many were battered and torn, they no longer felt their wounds, because their pride and the honor of their family were much stronger in their minds. They moved even after burning and being wounded in a plane crash, hanging onto their leader and slowly mending as he grew their lost family once again. They followed blindly, not questioning what, where, or even why they were heading to Romania.

  However, once in the country, they walked and walked, waiting to come upon their first town. They were heading toward the fort Korbin had built not too long before. Legion floated forward in front of them, trudging a hill. His small army joined him, lining up to stare down at the tiny Romanian town below. The soldiers all began to whisper, “We are Legion” in a chorus of light voices that spread down into the bowl that held the village.

  Legion put up his fist, and the army quieted. “We move. Try to not kill, but bring them to the family.”

  Legion went first, gliding down the hill with his army stumbling after. When they reached the edge of town, Legion paused, staring down the central street. In the distance was what looked like a castle perched on the edge of a cliff. The crew moved through the town, most of the people immediately hiding in their homes, watching through the cracks in their doors and shutters.

  Legion floated into the castle and looked around, finding many different glass cases filled with weaponry from the medieval period. Vinders walked up next to him. “It is a museum. A place with things preserved from the old times.”

  This highly interested Legion, and he took so much time browsing through the museum that the people of the town began to come forward, curious as to who this visitor was, with his army of purple-eyed soldiers. The curiosity in this case might not have killed the cats, but it definitely made things easier for Legion to assimilate pretty much the entire town in one fell swoop. Those who didn’t come out were quickly apprehended by those who had, and they were turned in the town’s square right in front of the medieval museum.

  Once that was completed, the women went immediately to work, pushing all the children out of the way and, like it was actually the 17th century, they began making preparations to take care of the men. To them, there was nothing more important than their new family. Legion opened the gates to the museum, taking all of the relics and weapons and passing them out to arm his new troops. There were no guns, but there were many swords, and bows and arrows were also prevalent. By the time they were done, they looked and felt like a true medieval military, some even going so far as to carry shields and wear chainmail to protect themselves.

  Legion took a walk through the city, many of the people in his army following a few feet back, waiting to bestow anything they could on him. He stared into the open doorways of the homes, curious about the time and place he’d ended up in. The last time he had walked the Earth, there wasn’t such a thing as electricity, but now there were gadgets and gizmos that he didn’t understand and didn’t want to.

  Legion passed a sports clothing shop and paused, seeing his reflection. He turned toward the glass and held up his arm, finding that the gauze was unraveling from his body. Leviathan or not, he wanted to look good and not walk around like a complete heathen. He snapped his fingers and Vinders came up next to him, completely calm.

  The Leviathan moved forward, Vinders hurrying to open the door for him. Legion floated through the store, trying on different hats and various items of clothing. He then searched the racks to find something he would be comfortable in. When he reached the soccer section, he glanced at Vinders, unsure what soccer was.

  Vinders looked around and grabbed one of the balls off the shelf. “You kick this ball down a field to your teammates and try to set it up for a goal. You go back and forth, them defending their goal and your team attempting to protect your own.”

  Legion twirled a piece of his loose gauze as he flipped through the rack. Finally, after three racks, he stopped on a red and gold shirt, holding it up in front of him. Vinders pointed to the logo on the front. “This is Manchester United in England, a very popular team. That is indeed a good one.”

  He walked over to the changing room. Entering, he began to work on his gauze, winding it around, tucking in pieces here and there and smoothing it as best he could. When he was done with that part, he took the shirt from the hanger and pulled it over his head. Outside, but still in the store, Vinders waited, whistling to himself and looking around. Suddenly the changing room door opened and Legion walked out, putting his hands up.

  Vinders looked at him for a moment, appraising his handiwork. Using the loose gauze from the rest of him, he had put together a pair of gauze shorts that slightly resembled a diaper. Pulled down halfway over it was his new Manchester United jersey, and boy, was he proud. “Looks great. Anything else you need?”

  Legion shook his head, looking at himself in the mirror again. Vinders glanced out the front windows and back at Legion, who was hovering a few inches above the floor. “I will take you and the army somewhere if I am permitted. It has what you have been seeking.”

  Vinders waited for him to agree and then followed him out, watching as he began to send small whispers throughout the town, drawing people from their houses to gather in the square. When it was time, he handed the reins over to Vinders, who lead them up a steep hill. When they reached the top and looked out, they could see a lava-covered town with Korbin’s first fort.

  The old frost giant’s long beard blew wildly behind him, slapping his bare blue skin. He kept one arm up, allowing the snow to pummel his body as he pushed through the drifts. Behind him, Juntto walked tall, enjoying his frozen homeland. Before leaving the old giant’s igloo, he had made sure that Katie and Pandora were wrapped in thick Heflin fur and covered with deep and warm hoods. The girls had no idea what kind of animal the fur came from, but it felt like it had magic in each strand.

  As soon as Ka
tie pulled it around her next to the disheveled and broken-down igloo, all of the cold disappeared. Pandora had the same experience and was more than happy to accept the clothing from the old giant.

  Katie pulled on Juntto’s arm as they walked. “Do frost giants always try to kill each other and then help each other reach the place they want to go? I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me. Boys are the same way. They can choke the other person to inches from death and the next day be best friends again.”

  Juntto watched the old giant as he walked. “He is not a friend. He lost in his battle, and therefore he is technically my slave now.”

  Katie was taken aback by this, and Pandora shook her head. “I’m sorry, but isn’t that one of your jobs? To save the innocent?”

  Juntto stopped and looked sadly at them. “Not all innocents are worth saving.”

  Katie’s lip twitched. “That is nuts, Juntto; I won’t lie. That’s almost… Not almost, that’s wrong on so many levels. We humans figured out that slavery was wrong a long time ago, although we haven’t worked on passing the laws to the full extent…but that’s beyond the point.”

  Pandora shrugged. “I have to admit, after being on Earth for so long, I am inclined to agree with Katie. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a few slaves in my day, but it has always been consensual.” Pandora elbowed Katie and snorted. “You know what I mean?”

  Katie shook her head at Pandora. “Not the time.”

  Juntto sighed. “Look, this is the world I lived in. If you want their help, you are going to have to play along with me. I’m not saying it’s right, but for here, it’s normal. If I were to tell him he was free of his duty without earning his honor back, he would not only be shunned by everyone else in our world, he would relieve his soul out of embarrassment.”


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