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Skyclad Page 12

by Max Ellendale

  "Bend your legs a bit," she said, wiggling some as she pulled me up to hug her. Her rear hit the carpet when she wrapped her legs around me after I bent mine around her. Our stomachs and breasts pressed together, sending shockwaves of excitement over my body. She hugged me to her as I kissed her neck and shoulder, her fingers buried in the back of my hair.

  Mae rolled her hips toward mine and I gasped the moment our centers made brief contact. With a slight shift in position, the next time she moved, her clit just grazed mine. An airy, barely there touch but enough to set off a desperate wave of desire. She kissed me as we moved together in slow, centrifugal motion only to collide after. Mae's breathing picked up in time with mine. She pressed her hand to the small of my back, urging me toward her as her other hand gripped my breast. My moan ended in her mouth as we grinded against each other, both of us starved for connection and release. This position was new to me, but Mae seemed to know exactly how to move, driving me faster toward the brink of explosion.

  We bucked against each other, our kiss ending when we begged for breath. I held on to her as we rode together, my heart slamming as harshly as my hips. Pounding feverishly, greedily against one another. I gasped as my pleasure built, mounting until I couldn't hold on any longer. Mae's core grazed mine one final time and I lost myself to her, crying out when her grinding against me prolonged my orgasm. Her movements, sharp and quick, after she shifted her hips some, had her saturated core swirling against mine. Slippery friction met our folds, rolling delicate flesh between us. She gripped my shoulder and tossed her head back as her mouth fell open. Ripples of her climax flowed through her body. Her expression was tense and soft at the same time as she surfed the current of bliss. Soft gasps escaped with her release. I pulled her to me when the tension left her and she hugged me, her middle quivered against mine.

  We didn't speak for a while after, instead opting to remain in the embrace endlessly. Our heavy panting was the only sound in the room. My hazy, afterglow-ridden mind began to clear after a few minutes passed. Thoughts returned to me, hinting around the confession I had made to Jed. I was in love with Mae. Every inch of my heart and soul belonged to her. She played me like a chord on a finely tuned piano. Did she know how I felt about her? Did she feel the same about me? I couldn't bear the thought of the alternative and so I hugged her tighter. What more could I do?

  When we unlocked, Mae broke away. She urged me to stand then guided me to fall back on the sofa. Her eyes, wild with something I couldn't identify, remained locked on mine. With me slouched on the sofa, she knelt between my legs. Her hands fell to my thighs, parting them to her liking. I noticed her fingers trembled against me when she bent down to kiss the spot just below my navel. Shudders wracked my core, knowing what was next on her agenda. I closed my eyes, the anticipation getting the better of me. She hovered, an inch from my mound as hot breath poured over my tender flesh. I gnawed my lip, fighting the urge to plead with her. Her expression, softer than usual, followed her along with the first stroke of her tongue over my slit. I moaned softly, lifting myself to her some. She laced her fingers with mine and, instead of devouring me like she usually does, her movements remained slow and tender as if leading my core through a make out session. My clit entered her mouth and my stomach jumped when her tongue flicked over me. She moved her head side to side, and still her affections remained long and languid. When I rolled my hips, she released me to press her flicking tongue inside. A gasp burst from me and my back arched. Mae rotated between sucking my clit and delving deeply, plucking my strings like a skilled harpist.

  "Mae," I burst forth, moaning out her name as she pushed me toward climax, urging me upward toward the edge of ecstasy. With only a few more lashes of her tongue, my body erupted, sending waves of volcanic pleasure coursing from head to toe. She devoured me now, riding me through it until a second orgasm rushed forth, capturing me in an endless cycle of bliss. She didn't stop there. Forgoing my sensitive clit, she focused on my depths and probed me until I erupted for her again. When she finally released me, she left me a throbbing, limp mess on the sofa.

  She dropped her head down on my stomach, wrapping her arms around my middle in a tight embrace. My fingers fell to her hair as my breathing began to slow. She kissed my hipbone that poked upward beside her before crawling up my body. We shifted on the sofa so that we could both lay down together.

  That night, no words followed our lovemaking. We slept together on the sofa until the first light of morning breached the curtains. Was it pathetic that I wanted her here with me always? Awful that spending three days away from her was some kind of emotional torture? I ran my fingers through her hair while she dozed, until a knock on the front door startled her. She looked up at me, groggy gray eyes questioning the intrusion.

  "Sorry, Maeby," I whispered as she rolled from me. Her brows flicked up at me when I pulled my shirt back on. "What?"

  "What'd you call me?" she asked through a yawn.

  "Nothing, why?" Another knock sounded while I searched for my panties. "Coming," I called out after finding them under the coffee table.

  "Uh huh." She stretched out on the sofa, watching me lazily as I scurried to the door.

  "You didn't call me," Jed said the moment I opened the door. "So I improvised."

  "It's eight in the morning. Of course I didn't call." I glanced over my shoulder at Mae who still hadn't moved from the sofa. Jed shoved a cup of coffee in my hand and swept past me. I nearly choked when I didn't have a chance to stop him or warn Mae.

  "What are you—whoa." He froze, eyes wide when he saw Mae, in all her naked glory, sprawled out on the sofa. I punched him in the arm for staring. Then punched him again when he didn't stop.

  "Mae, this is my completely inappropriate brother, Jed."

  "Morning," she said, waving at him from over the arm of the sofa. Clearly, being caught skyclad wasn't a concern for her. At least I knew why. I grabbed Jed by the elbow and dragged him into the kitchen. A big, goofy grin plastered across his face when he had me alone.

  "Damn, Ellbell, she's hot," he whispered, more passionately than I think he should have.

  "Stop that. Stop it right now." My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I set the coffee down and punched him in the shoulder again. He let out a chortle and pulled me into a one-armed hug.

  "You have good taste."

  "Shut up." I chuckled but hugged him anyway.

  Mae joined us in the kitchen wearing only her boho blouse that wasn't even tied. She kissed my cheek and snatched the coffee off the counter to take a swig.

  "You weren't mean to her, were you? I'll have to hex you," she threatened then swallowed another gulp of coffee. "Mmm, good coffee."

  "I wasn't. It's nice to meet you, Mae. I can honestly say I didn't expect to meet you this morning," Jed said, his warm, welcoming tone set me at ease.

  "Well you certainly did get to meet me, didn't you?" Mae slipped her arm around my middle when Jed released me. Her eyes searched his expression, for what I couldn't tell. "Your eyes are similar."

  "It's our only somewhat shared trait," he said. "Ella's are—"

  "Beautiful." Mae glanced to me and again, my face flooded with heat.

  "Very." Jed smiled at the two of us. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just stopping by because I—"

  "Was worried about her. Tell me about it." Mae nodded.

  I glanced between the two of them as they seemed to finish each other's sentences. Or interrupt each other perfectly.

  "It looks like she's in good hands to me." Jed glanced at me. A smile brought forth the dimples in his freshly shaved cheeks.

  "You two are being weird." I shook my head. "I can make breakfast if you want to stay for a bit, Jed."

  "I'll make breakfast," he offered. "You cooked enough yesterday."

  "Nice. A man catering to us. I'm in." Mae perched herself on a stool, tugging me with her. I leaned against her and she kept her arms around me.

  "How's a veggie omelet sound?" Jed opene
d every cabinet in the kitchen until he found what he needed. "Ella usually keeps that stuff in the house."

  "Sounds good," I said.

  "Yum." Mae nodded, resting her chin on my shoulder. "So what really happened yesterday?"

  "Mrs. F was a lot more close-minded than both of us expected." Jed chopped up some peppers, spinach, and broccoli, setting it aside before starting in on the eggs. In a way, it was easier to let the two of them talk it out. "It upset Ella more than anything I've ever seen."

  "I know." Mae stroked my hair, smoothing it back into a loose braid. I settled into her touch, letting the two people I loved most in the world talk about me and my feelings. How could I argue with the truth?

  "Cheese or no cheese?" Jed asked.

  "Cheese," Mae and I responded in unison.

  "What was it like after I left?" I asked. Jed glanced over his shoulder at me while the omelet cooked.

  "Papa J tore into her. I've never seen him so angry. Well, I have, but not directly at Mrs. F."

  "Why don't you call them Mom and Dad?" Mae asked.

  "We met them as Mr. and Mrs. Frost when they fostered us. It just stuck. Even after they adopted us. Papa J started calling himself Papa J so that stuck, too." Jed pulled the orange juice from the fridge and poured three glasses.

  "So is Mrs. Frost on the anti-gay, lesbians are going to hell bandwagon?" Mae brushed her lips over my shoulder. Her words swirled around in my mind. I'd never applied those labels to myself or to Mae. We were us, just us.

  "Sort of. More of the 'this will make people think I'm not perfect' bandwagon of pretension. I expected more from her." Jed checked the omelet then turned to us. "You're coming to the wedding, Ella, and you're still my best man."

  "That'll go over well. I might as well drive the point home and rent a tux." I scoffed but Mae and Jed laughed.

  "I'm for it. We can get everyone in tuxedos. I'll have female groomsmen and Zoie can have an all-male bridal party." His chipper voice had me wondering if he was serious.

  Perfect triangles of omelet appeared in the center of our plates as Jed served us. He sat across from us and we tucked in.

  "That'll make Mrs. F giddy," I commented.

  "I'm not in the business of pleasing anyone else except myself and soon-to-be wife, El," he said, jabbing his fork in my direction. "And you better make sure you're on her arm the day of the wedding or I'll have a fit." He narrowed his eyes at Mae.

  "Such a formal invitation. How could I possibly turn it down?" Mae grinned cheekily at him. "But I'm afraid the invite must come from someone else."

  "I figured as much." Jed smiled, his eyes lingering on me. A knot of anxiety rose in my stomach. Of course I wanted Mae to be my date. I couldn't exactly no show my own brother's wedding regardless of what our parents thought of my choices.

  "I do want you to go with me, Mae," I told her while picking a pepper out of my breakfast.

  "So ask me then." She set her elbow on the countertop, gazing at me and batting her lashes exaggeratedly. I chuckled a bit.

  "Will you go with me to Jed's wedding?" I bit my lip, gnawing a bit more than I should.

  "Shoot. If only you asked me sooner. A cute boy already asked me." Mae let out a heavy sigh.

  "That's so mean." I laughed and Jed cracked up when I shoved her. Mae shoved me back, a wicked grin spread across her face.

  "Of course I'll go with you, Ella. Of course," she softened and caressed my cheek. Her words and gesture lifted my spirits, leaving me feeling lighter. And more confident.

  "It's settled then. No matter what, Ella, promise you'll come." Jed squeezed my hand. I knew he was doing this for me. He knew me well enough to know that I would bow out of any sort of discourse that I would cause.

  "I promise," I said, nodding my affirmation.

  "See that she sticks to it." Jed turned to Mae.

  "I will."

  Chapter Six

  Most of the nights in October were spent grading papers and tests in the back room in Mae's shop. With Halloween at our doorstep, the tourist demand picked up exponentially. I believed Mae when she told me that Halloween was her busiest season, I just didn't understand what busy meant. Customers flooded the store all day and well into the night. Liz, Jax, Opal, and several others worked in varied shifts while the intuitives' sessions tripled. Mae provided oversight but I noticed she wasn't giving any readings lately. Tonight, she planned to keep the shop open until midnight and the same on Halloween.

  The storefront made me feel like I waltzed through a Halloween wonderland every day. While I sat on the floor, surrounded by papers that all deserved C's at best, Mae bounced into the room.

  "So what are you going to dress up as tomorrow?" She tugged the edges of a giant floppy hat that she wore. I laughed softly at her.

  "Could you possibly be a bigger hippie right now?"

  "I could skip shaving everything for a few weeks," she said, dropping to her knees in front of me. "And I mean everything, just so you know." Her brow flicked upward as she glared at me from beneath the hat.

  "I retract my question." A grin spread across my lips when she kissed me. "You taste like chocolate."

  "I've been eating it all day." She wagged her brows at me. "Want some?"

  "You're acting really strange," I said, snickering softly at her playfulness.

  "I think I'm sugar high," she said, shuffling some papers out of the way to sit cross-legged opposite me. "Gimmie your hands." She held hers out to me, palms up.

  "Did Liz slip you some liquor candy?" I placed my hands on top of hers.

  "Mmm. Maybe." Mae closed her eyes as she held my hands. "Now hush."

  "What are you doing?"




  "Okay, okay." I quieted and let Mae do whatever she was doing. Our knees pressed together and Mae rested her hands between us. She remained steady and her breathing slowed. In the quiet, I took in her presence. Smooth pink lips, countless freckles, tucked within her endless hair and floppy hat. The way her airy shirt hung over her breasts, nipples faintly visible beneath. She smiled, a gentle playful smile that told me on some level, she was paying attention to me. The delicate curve of her chin, the soft skin of her neck. Why? Why did she draw me in like this?

  "You take my breath away," the words spilled from my lips in an unprovoked confession.

  Mae's smile sharpened though she didn't speak. Instead, she brought my hands to her lips and kissed each of my knuckles, pulling me forward to rest her forehead against mine. Beneath the hat, like a canopy, she opened her eyes.

  "I have to tell you something." She bit her bottom lip. "But not yet."

  "Okay," I said through a chuckle. Mae cupped my face in her hands, stroking her thumbs over my cheeks. I held on to her wrists, melting into her affections.

  "Being close to you calms me down," she said.

  "Are you stressed over the store?"

  "It's so busy," she admitted, closing her eyes again as a soft breath escaped her. Fatigue washed over her, dimming her complexion.

  "Turn around," I whispered. "With your back to me."

  Mae didn't hesitate. She released me and shifted her position so that she faced the entryway. I tucked my legs on either side of her as I gathered her hair over her shoulder. She smoothed it down and removed her hat. I kissed her cheek and began a gentle back massage. First working her shoulders then down her back in rhythmic circles. In time, her posture relaxed and sounds of contentment escaped her.

  "Good?" I asked, working a knot in between her shoulder blades.

  "Yes, kitten. Very good," she said, sounding distant and breathy.

  "Are you this worked up every year?" I asked, returning to her shoulders for a bit.

  "It gets overwhelming."

  "I'm sorry. It'll be over soon, right?"

  "Yeah. Then I can get back to spending endless time with you." She gasped when I massaged the small of her back. I paused immediately.

  "Did I hurt you?"<
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  "No." She shook her head. "Keep going."

  "Stop me if it's too much," I said and returned to massaging her lower back then lower to the base of her spine. Her fingers dug into my knee but, per her request, I continued. Slowly, using my thumbs, I began my ascent. Up each vertebrae, around each muscle and Mae sucked in a breath. When I hit the middle of her back, she tensed and the center of her body rolled in a shudder. I wrapped my arms around her torso, noting her quickened breath. "Did you just…?"

  Mae reached back, caressing my face as the tension washed away from her body. She kissed my chin, offering me the faintest nod.

  "Really? With just that little bit? I didn't even..." I kissed her neck, holding her close to me when she hugged my arms.

  "It happens easily with you. Surprises me every time." She closed her eyes and allowed me to hold her this way. My cheeks warmed knowing that I'd caused her even the tiniest bit of pleasure without much effort. Did this happen often and she just didn't tell me?

  "It makes me happy to know that I please you," I told her.

  "You please me more and more every day, kitten." She turned to kiss my shoulder. "Stay here tonight with me?"

  "I hadn't planned on leaving." I rested my chin on her shoulder and we remained locked in the embrace for ages it seemed, until yet another knock interrupted us. "Come in," I said when Mae didn't respond.

  The door flung open and, silhouetted in the light from the hall, Jax stood with her hair down and a backpack over her shoulder. I noticed she wasn't wearing her usual black-on-black get up. Instead, ratty jeans and a purple sweatshirt adorned her hunched frame.

  "Shit sorry, I'm sorry," she said when she saw the two of us. Mae sat up when she heard her. Jax made to leave but Mae called out.

  "Get back here. What are you doing out so late?"

  "Nothing. It's nothing." Jax shook her head, glancing from Mae to me then back again. "I'm interrupting."

  "You are not. We were talking. Come inside." I gathered up the scrambled papers and set them on the table.


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