A Fresh Brew

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A Fresh Brew Page 7

by Verena DeLuca

  "Agreed," Azure transmitted.

  "That Tanner," I said.

  "Your guess about it being Sam is looking more likely."

  "You don't say."


  Friday, February 21st

  You'll never guess what happened last night," I said first thing as Aubrey walked behind the counter. "Follow me."

  I had almost called her after we settled in for the night, but I knew it would only scare her into sending William over.

  I led her to the storeroom. No good would come from having the customers over hear. The last thing I wanted was for a town gossip to run around telling everyone I was looking into Tona's murder. At best, it tip the murder off and causing them to flee. At worst, they would come after me before I figure out who it was.

  "What's up?" She asked, I could not pin down if she was more curious or excited about what I was going to tell her.

  "I need you to keep a secret," I whispered.

  Aubrey stepped in close and whispered, "Oh yeah? This feels like a fountain of soap level secret."


  Her eyes widened, and she pursed her lips together in anticipation.

  "Does worse mean the same thing in your language?"

  "Oh, come on already! The fountain happened like fifteen years ago! It's about time you've topped it!"

  "You're horrible, you know that?"

  "It's why you love me," She said with an innocent smile, "Now spill the beans!"

  "Probably so, all right, all right."

  For ten minutes I walked her through the past week. Though I side stepped Azure being a dragon. It would be hard enough convincing her that someone murdered Aunt Tona, without bringing up the whole reason I believed it. I did not think for a second that she would buy the, my pet cat was in fact a dragon, and he said so line.

  "Do I need to remind you already that you can tell no one?" Azure transmitted.

  "Get out of my head!"

  "Close your mind! I'm trying to sleep!"

  That kitty was moments away from losing pastries for breakfast.

  She already knew how obsessed I was with murder mystery books. Making the leap to investigating an accident could not be that far off from believable.

  It was a true testament to our friendship, that the whole time I explained my week and theories, Aubrey nodded along and did not question the idea once. I do not know if I would have been willing to follow along, had she been the one saying it. After all, her husband had been in charge of the investigation and cleared it as an accident.

  I guess no one in a small town wants to imagine they have a murderer living amongst them.

  "What the tea, Hailey! Since when did we keep secrets this big from each other!"

  "I know! I'm sorry! It all just kind of happened, and it never seemed like the right time to announce it. Forgive me?"

  "I don't know, this hurts deep," She laughed, and put her finger to her heart, "Right here, you hurt me right here."

  "I'll make it up to you! I promise!"

  "I'm holding you to that."

  We let a comfortable silence fall between us. I still was not sure what to think about everything that had happened. But I hoped that by filling Aubrey, she could help me narrow the suspect list.

  "So, you think it was Sam and Tanner?" Aubrey asked.

  "At this point, it's where the evidence points," I said. "Sam could have easily come over here because he wanted to confront her about his feelings. He could have discovered her current love interest and pushed her in a fit of jealousy. You know how crazy love can make people."

  "That's no lie."

  As the wife of the town's sheriff, she heard all the horror stories of couples fighting. But not once had it resulted in murder. Bloody nose, black eye, sure, but murder? No. Marble Falls is a peaceful town. At least it was.

  "What are you going to do about it?" Aubrey asked.

  "Nothing yet," I said. "I don't have enough evidence. I needed to get it all off my chest, let someone else ponder over it for a while."

  "Tanner has some nerve showing up here," She said deep in thought. "He just took your little drink feud to a Hatfield and McCoy level."

  "That's exactly what I told him last night. He's such a pompous tea-tart. I hope he showed up to work with a hand-shaped bruise on his face."

  We both burst into laughter as the front bells jingled. We walked out to greet the customer. Only it was not a customer.

  "Health inspector," the thin man in his mid-thirties said. "Is a Tona Simpson available?"

  "I'm Hailey, and this is Aubrey," I stepped through the flap in the counter to speak with him. "I inherited this cafe from my aunt this week."

  "I'm sorry for your loss."

  "Thank you."

  "I'm Mike, and we've had reports of rodents," he said, a bit too loud. Must make him feel extra important in knowing those words can spread like wildfire.

  Lexi and Bridget from the salon sat at the table closest to us. Within the hour, the entire town would think I had rats. This had to be Tanner's doing. Guess he was not as stupid as he looked.

  "I'm sure there has been a mistake," I said. "There are no rats here. In fact, we own a cat for just this purpose. He keeps the vermin population down."

  "Be that as it may," he stepped closer, tapping his pen against the clipboard. "I must conduct a thorough investigation to file the official report."

  "Do I have to close down?"

  "Not yet," he said in a threatening tone.

  "Aubrey, can you show him around and answer any questions he has?"

  "No problem," she said in a shaky voice.

  "I need to make a few phone calls," I explained. "I'll only be a few minutes."


  I walked back into the storeroom and climbed the stairs. Azure was asleep on the sofa.

  "Health inspector is here looking for rats," I transmitted.

  He stretched out and barely opened his eyes, "Don't look at me. I kill any rats I see."

  "I know," I transmitted. "This is Tanner."

  I stopped mid dial. Tanner was too stupid to plan out a thing like this. He had mentioned wanting me to sell. Also, Tanner knew he failed. Why would he still report us to the health inspector?

  "He could have reported it before attempting to put them in the vent." Azure transmitted.

  "Maybe Brett put him up to it." I transmitted.

  If that guy was sleazy enough to gloat about sales not even in discussion yet, what else was he capable of? Maybe that was how he became real estate agent of the year for the Highland Lakes area.

  "Lake Front Real Estate, Brett speaking."

  "Brett, it's Hailey."

  "Oh, um, hi Hailey," his voice cracked.

  "Do you have a minute?"

  "Sure, were you able to find Tona's paperwork?" Someone's tune changed. Maybe he was expecting me to accuse him of something.

  "No, not yet, still going through her desk. She held onto just about every paper she touched, so if it exists it's here."

  "Oh, okay."

  "Funny thing happened last night, when I was closing up, I ran into Tanner outside the back of the cafe."


  "Yes, Tanner Wilcox. He seemed to be under the impression that we'd already closed the deal on the cafe? Thought it was strange, I wanted to touch base with you."

  "That is strange, I can't remember the last time I was in the tea house. More of a coffee person myself."

  "Right, that's what I thought. I guess you wouldn't know why the health inspector came in this morning with reports of rats either?"


  "Yes, the health inspector. Looking for rats."

  "Hailey, I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

  "Just to be clear, you're saying you didn't send Tanner here to put rats in my vent and notify a health inspector?"

  "I want to buy the cafe, that's true. But I never told Tanner to put rats in your building. Did he say I did?"

/>   "When I confronted him last night, he alluded to the fact that his presence involved you."

  "I see. Well, I'm going to go now, good afternoon."

  The phone clicked, and then the dial tone hummed in my ear.

  If Brett did not tell Tanner to do it, then it must have been Sam and Tanner. A two-man conspiracy, instead of three. My gut told me Brett had been the mastermind behind it, but maybe I was wrong.

  "Wouldn't be the first time." Azure chimed into my thoughts.

  "No one asked for commentary from the coffee bean gallery." I transmitted in a flat tone.

  Brett seemed genuinely calm and surprised at the accusation. But it was hard to say, since real estate agents were often well versed in having a perfectly calm demeanor. It would be impossible to sell tough properties without being able to believably pass off a few white lies.


  Friday, February 21st

  Good afternoon, is Tanner available?" I tried my best to disguise my voice, as I did not want him to know it was me before I could get him on the phone.

  I could hear the old man fumbling as he went to look for Tanner. Having never actually been inside their shop, I was not sure if they too had a living area upstairs.

  "This is Tanner."

  "I spoke to Brett," I said and let the accusation hang on the line. Maybe he would let something slip.

  "And?" Tanner asked after he realized I was not going to continue.

  "Where were you last Friday night?"

  "Umm, on a date," he spat. "Let me guess, you were home alone?"

  What a dick.

  "So, you picked her up after you closed up shop?"

  "No, I left early," Tanner said. "What business is it of yours?"

  "After talking to Brett, I felt it best to put together a timeline."

  "Timeline?" Tanner paused. "I don't know what Brett said. . ."

  "So it's only a coincidence that you both want the cafe to fail? Fascinating."

  "It's clear you didn't pay attention to papas lesson yesterday, regarding keeping your nose in your own business so I will let you in on some facts."

  "Please, bestow your great wisdom upon me, Tanner." I deadpanned him, hoping it would go over his head.

  "It will be my pleasure, Hailey," he said without missing a beat. "I may have stooped to your level last night. But your behavior to papa was uncalled for, and I just snapped. There is no conspiracy, Brett didn't guide me in the ways of sabotage. I just wanted to give you another reason to sell."

  "And the health inspector?"

  "Umm. . ." he cleared his throat, but stayed silent.

  "Sorry, must have forgotten to mention that he's here now. Should I send him your way when he finishes up?"

  "Like I said. You were out of line. I mean, he's an old man, and he's been crazy depressed ever since your aunt passed. I don't know how much you actually know about their history, but he loved your aunt. They fought, but I think deep down she loved him too."

  Fighting has never, and will never, equate to secret crush. What is wrong with these people? Just like my mother. So out of touch with reality. You can't just explain away a lack of feelings by saying the person is hiding them.

  "Somehow I highly doubt that. Just because every country song seems to think pining and obsessing over the one that said no is acceptable, doesn't make it fact." I said, keeping my tone flat. "It makes it a mental health issue, that you should probably get Sam help for."

  "Either way, he has been bent out of shape over the grocery store incident. He just wants to grieve in peace."

  "So, you try to ruin her legacy by getting the cafe shut down?"

  "For peat's sake, Hailey. It was a little sabotage, not murder!"

  I did not believe a word he said. Tanner was a spoiled brat who only cared about himself. Even if Brett did not know about it, Tanner could have been the one to kill Tona. He was twisted enough.

  Sam was still the most likely suspect, though. If he was so heartbroken over Tona's death, it was more likely because he was guilty about what he had done. If Tanner knew about Sam's undying love for her, then it had to be strong enough to fuel jealousy.

  "I'll let the health inspector know a customer mentioned seeing roaches in your establishment, have a wonderful day," I said, and hung up.

  If I had kept talking, I would have let it slip and given them a chance to flee. I had to be missing something.

  Was it possible that Tona just had a fluke accident? Tori had said she was lost in the bliss of her date that night.

  "Do you realize the accident she would have had to have to cause herself to hit the roaster with enough force to kill her?" Azure transmitted.

  "Good point"

  Azure hopped off the sofa and followed me downstairs.


  Friday, February 21st

  The calls and inspector drama took up my entire afternoon. Thankfully Aubrey had got William to pick up the kids and stay till close. Otherwise I would have been drowning in tea. She was going to do all the cleaning too, but I told her no way. She had already done more than enough.

  So, as I came down the stairs after feeding Azure dinner, I was not expecting to find her standing in the storeroom with the health inspector.

  "Hello, Ms. Morton," he said as we stepped into the storeroom.

  Oh no. Not once in my life had a conversation gone well when it started with Ms. Morton. I looked to Aubrey, memories of the principal's office flooding my mind.

  "I'm pleased to inform you that Aconite Cafe passed with flying colors," he handed me the top sheet from his clipboard which had a score of 93 for the cafe. "Though I must remind you, that you're not cleared to have pets in the cafe."

  "Azure doesn't go in the cafe," I lied. Not the time to deal with that can of worms.

  "Very well, I noted that the storeroom door stayed closed for the entire time I was here," he said. "Thank you for your assistance today, Mrs. Brooks."

  We followed him to the front, and I locked up as he left.

  "So?" Aubrey asked once I locked the door. I bet the wait for my gossip was killing her inside by the look on her face.

  "Tanner claims Sam loved Tona, and that the feeling was mutual!"

  Aubrey mouthed wow as I continued, "He also said the rats were payback for the market debacle. Brett acted as if he knew nothing about the whole mess. I don't know who to believe."

  "Sam and Tona, really?"

  "I know, right? Makes me want to vomit."

  "I can't imagine Tona hating him as much as she did, and having secret feelings for him," Aubrey said looking toward the ceiling.

  "Exactly, more sounds like Sam was living in a fantasy world to deal with the rejection."

  Aubrey broke out laughing, and Azure meowed to indicate he was ready for us to speak privately.

  "Let me help you clean."

  "You really don't—"

  "Nonsense," Aubrey said. "I've loved working here this week."

  "Enough that you might want to stay on?"

  "I'd have to speak with Will first."

  "I figured," I swept up around the tables. "Just something to think about."

  "We're down to the last inch of beans," Aubrey reminded me.

  "Wish me luck, I'm going to roast my first batch tonight."

  "Little did she know, it would be the last batch as it would chase all the customers away." She barely said the last words as she crumpled into a fit of laughter.

  "No trust. Friends for all these years, and no trust."

  "I am probably the only person who can say, I've eaten your cooking before, well tried to anyway."

  "Shots fired! Roasting is not cooking."

  I glanced at Azure to make sure he knew that meant he would have to stick around.

  While Aubrey cleaned around the espresso machine, I made my way over to the roaster to clean it for use. I swept underneath and then gathered a rag from the back to wipe out the inside. I at least knew that it needed to be as clean
as possible to get the best roast.

  "Make sure to wipe the entire basin down well," Azure transmitted. "Beans can get caught under the blades and affect the next batch."

  "You could do more than just sit there," I transmitted back.

  "Oh, and have her see I'm more than a cat?" he transmitted, and let out a meow to drive home the point.

  "Aubrey isn't a viable excuse for your laziness, you'd still be sunbathing if we were alone."


  I wiped along the inside of the basin in a systematic pattern to not miss a spot. The closer I got to the center, the dustier it became. I tried to spin the blades, but they were stuck.

  "Does the machine have to be on for these to turn?" I asked Azure.

  "No, they should turn freely. Might be beans."

  I ran my finger around the base of the blades and pulled out a golden sleeve cuff.

  "Not usually where I store my cufflinks," Azure transmitted, thinking himself clever.

  After wiping it off with my rag, I froze. In that moment, I realized who the killer was. It was as if I could see the whole night play out before my eyes.

  I kicked over the broom as I turned to run out of the store.

  "What's going on?" Aubrey asked.

  "I know who did it," I yelled as I unlocked the front door, and ran out the cafe.

  "Wait," Azure transmitted, but I blocked him from my mind.

  Nothing would stop me from getting justice for Tona.


  Friday, February 21st

  As I ran the block down Main Street, the antique street lamps turned on, bathing the street in a beautiful sea of yellow light. I could see the river down the hill, and the hawks overhead searching for a snack. If I had not been about to confront my aunt's killer, I would have taken a moment to appreciate the view only Marble Falls had to offer.

  The open sign was off so I glanced at my watch, tea, past closing time. Fingers crossed I went ahead and tried the front door anyway, it was unlocked. Thank the beans!

  "Hello?" A male voice called from the back as I entered the building.

  I walked into an office to find Brett sitting behind his laptop—papers haphazardly spread across his desk.


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