The Hero I Need: A Small Town Romance

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The Hero I Need: A Small Town Romance Page 36

by Snow, Nicole

  “Aw, hell, I’ve had worse.” He flashes a lopsided grin that blurs into his exploding bruises. “We got lucky, Uncle Grady. Damn lucky. They knocked us out the minute we pulled up and we woke up shut up in the trailer with Bruce...then that Cruella de Vil nutjob started beating on the trailer with a baseball bat, trying to get Bruce pissed as a bull.”

  “Fuck,” I grunt, pinching the bridge of my nose.

  Even though we’re in the clear, my heart stomps in my ribs.

  I came too close to losing her, to losing them both.

  “She did us a favor,” Weston grinds out, swiping a hand over his face and wincing.

  “Come again?”

  “I mean, if it hadn’t been for her banging around, getting the tiger pissed, I never would’ve remembered the safety pins near the roof,” he says with a sigh. “Willow helped me up on a wheel well, and we got that door unlatched just in the nick of time. Then Willow ran out screaming before anybody knew what was happening. You should’ve seen him charging out, all teeth and claws. He went after that psycho bitch like a hellfire missile. I was heading for the cab of the truck after Willow insisted, hoping they’d left the keys, but then you caught up to us and...well, the rest is history.”

  I grin, still in awe the tiger didn’t just rip that evil woman to shreds.

  While he’s going into details, I hear Willow telling her father she’s fine.

  “I’m glad as hell you’re in one piece,” I tell him, pounding his back.

  “You and me both. Better they nailed my face than my hands,” he says, lifting his thick palms up and staring. “Shit, if they’d busted up my fingers, no telling if I’d ever be able to work on an engine again...”

  “I won’t forget what you did for us today, West. You ever need money to expand the shop, you know who to ask.”

  He looks up at me and smiles like I just handed him the moon. He’s a good man, another McKnight rebuilding his life, figuring his shit out, and if I can help him find a few more missing pieces, I will.

  I step away, closer to Willow, and hear her telling her dad that he doesn’t need to come.

  She’s fine, she insists.

  For the thousandth time, thank God. I wrap an arm around her, unable to keep my hands to myself.

  Quiet tears come flowing down her cheeks. I can tell she’s trying to hold it together, even as the day’s insane stress overwhelms her.

  “Here.” I reach for the phone. “Let me talk to him.”

  She passes it over. Her father is talking about flights, and I wait till he’s done before saying, “Mr. Macklin, my name’s Grady McKnight. I just want to assure you that Willow’s safe. I have two young daughters myself, so I feel your concern. You have my word that I’ll find her a place to rest, without letting her out of my sight.”

  “’re the friend who just rescued her, correct?” Peter sounds every bit like the worldly, educated man I imagined.

  I glance down at Willow and smile.

  “Yes, sir. My friends and I did the saving, but I have to tell you, she was already well on her way to rescuing herself by the time we got here.”

  Her father chuckles. “Sounds like my girl. I’ll be catching a flight home to the States tomorrow. Where will she be?”

  “Dallas, North Dakota,” I say intently. “Just a stone’s throw from Dickinson.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be there as soon as possible, and Mr. McKnight, thank you again.” His voice cracks. “That girl is my world. I appreciate your assistance with keeping her safe more than I can put into words.”

  “I can see why, sir.” My throat feels thick. “I’m gonna let you say bye to her now.”

  I hand Willow the phone and tug her closer, folding my hands around her waist, as she agrees with her father’s need to see her. The call wraps up with a few more emotional goodbyes and tears on both sides.

  “That’s the only reason they hired me,” she says, giving back the phone. “To extort money from my father.” She wipes at her eyes. “I should have known. I’m no expert on big cats. No expert on anything, really.”

  “Hey, woman.” I tighten my hold, a promise in the pressure that screams forever. “What happened was their fault—not yours by a mile—and I think you’re goddamn brilliant.” There’s more I want to tell her, but now’s not the time or place.

  We just lock eyes, trading slow, desperate kisses. The kind that come back sticky with heart and soul and every dirty thing I want to do to her.

  I don’t let up till a new ambulance pulls in. I kiss the top of her head and then release her and steer her back to the bigger group of people.

  “You need to get that gash on your head checked out.”

  It’s hours later before we’re alone. Both she and Weston have MRI scans to make sure there’s no internal damage from the hideous blows to their heads.

  Every time I think about it, I wish I’d done more than just shoot out that bastard’s arm. If I’d known Niles Foss was the one who did it when I pulled the trigger...

  I damn well likely would’ve aimed between his eyes.

  After an age passes and we’re finally settled into bed at the motel, I lie down beside her, grateful for life to have her wrapped up in my arms.

  She snuggles in close, resting her head on my shoulder.

  Yeah. Resting right where she always belongs.

  “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused,” she whispers again. “Also, I’m sorry for leaving like I did. It just hurt too much back at your farm, and I didn’t want to—”

  “Hush,” I rumble, silencing her with a kiss on top of her head. “I’m not sorry. Everything we’ve been through was one big wake up call. Before you showed up, I was trapped in the past, afraid what might happen if I ever tried to move beyond it, thinking I’d be destined for more heartbreak. Frankly, I was so far up my own ass I’d forgotten all the good things. Everything worth living for.”

  She tilts her head to look up at me, a hot new life in those sparkling blue eyes.

  “Weston told me how—how tragic Brittany’s death was for you. I’m so sorry for that, Grady. I think I get why you’re so protective and careful with Sawyer and Avery. After what you went through...anyone would be.”

  I kiss the top of her nose.

  “Thanks, gorgeous. I thought I understood, too,” I say. “And I’ll always be a papa grizzly when it comes to my girls, but I also have to let them live. I have to stop worrying and let myself have a life.” I touch the side of her face, gently, where the butterfly stitches cover the gash.

  A fire whips through me, an urge to split my heart open and start living a little more like I promised right the hell now.

  “This might sound insane, but shit, I’m past caring,” I tell her, clasping her chin in my fingers. “I love you, Willow Wisp. Don’t know exactly when it happened, or how, but the fact is it did. I learned to love again like a man should. And if you’re willing, if there’s even a ghost of a chance...fuck, I want to see if we can work something out.”


  I press a finger to her lips, needing to get this all out before she shoots me down like the sappy overgrown bear I’ve become.

  “Let me finish. I love everything about you, including your passion for your work. Don’t care what anybody else thinks. To me, you’re an expert on big cats and one day I know you’ll be as famous and respected as your father. I want to support you in that. So, I’ve been thinking...maybe the girls and I could join you. Wherever your work takes you, we’ll follow.”

  Tears dot her eyes like tiny diamonds.

  She’s shaking her head.

  “ can’t do that. You have your home, your bar, your people, the town...and...and the girls have their home, friends, and school. They’re at that age where it’d suck royally to tear them away from all that.” She presses a hand to my cheek, raking those soft fingers through my beard, her chest heaving and fluttering and full of regrets.

  But I knew this was coming, the ki
ll shot to our dream, and I’ll never regret trying.

  I’ll never regret loving Willow Macklin.

  “Darling,” I start, but she pushes a slim finger against my lips.

  “Wait. I could never ask, never expect you to give up Dallas. Or the girls. They need the stability. They need the house. They need the big-hearted people. They need Uncle Hank, Weston, Granny Coffey, Joyce, and everyone else. Most of all, they need you and the life you’ve built for them, giving the people of Dallas a cozy place to gather with the Bobcat. Trust me, I know. I traveled the world with my father and, sure, it’s exciting at times, but it’s hardly ideal. Not for girls who should be worried about their next math test or what boy they have a crush on.”

  My hopes are falling, shattering to pieces with every word.

  I get it.

  I really do.

  And I’m finally in a place where I have to believe the pain can make me stronger—even if having a Willow-shaped hole in my life means a lingering weakness I’ll never fill.

  “I see,” I whisper.

  “No, you don’t see.” She kisses me softly, her eyes so bright. “Because I sorta really suck at words when it comes to things like this,’s what I’m trying to say. I love you, too, Grady.”

  The corners of my lips turn up, and I’d kiss her like mad if only she wasn’t still speaking.

  “I don’t know how it happened so fast, how it blindsided both of us, but I fell in love with your daughters and your life and you. Especially you. I don’t want to travel the world. Not if it means you’re not a part of it. I’m even questioning if I should have a career with exotics, honestly. In fact, while I sort things out...I’m thinking a nanny sounds like a pretty sweet side gig. Much safer, too.” With a shrug and a bashful smile that sets my heart on fire, she asks, “You don’t know anyone who needs a live-in nanny, do you? Ideally for a set of rambunctious twins who totally love animals. And if they’ve got a big, strong, overprotective bearded daddy, well—”

  I can’t take it anymore.

  I’m on her lips like they’re life itself, and it turns out they absolutely are.

  My breath.

  My passion.

  My spark.

  My all.

  I kiss the love of my life so hard it almost makes me blind. And when I finally pull myself back together again, I press my forehead to hers.

  “You’re in luck. I do know someone who needs a nanny, and you’re the only one being considered for the job. Applicant needs the heart of an angel, a whole lot of humor, and knockout good looks.” I brush the hair away from her face as she giggles. Music to my ears. “But before you’re on payroll, I’ve gotta ask: what about Bruce? What about all the other cats out there who need you? You really sure you’re willing to walk away from all that?”

  “I’m willing to ponder it for a while. Miracles can happen, and I think you’ll agree after what just went down tonight. Maybe we’ll find a way to have it all,” she tells me, stopping for another smiley kiss. Then, frowning, she looks at me for a long thoughtful moment. “So you do like him. You really like Bruce, don’t you?”

  I shrug, biting back a smile.

  “He has a way of growing on a dude,” I say.

  She laughs, then whispers close to my lips, “I love you, Grady McKnight. Every ornery ounce of muscle and ink and that soft, sweet heart you’re always trying to hide.”


  She knows me too well.

  Even so, there’s only one thing that matters now.

  I bring my lips to hers and spend the rest of the night showing her just how much I love her, in every frenzied untamed way I can.


  Tiger Rescue (Willow)

  Never in my life have I woken up elated, gliding on air, even though I have a shiner like a black halo that still has one side of my face stinging.

  Walking into Grady’s house yesterday afternoon felt like more of a homecoming than I’ve ever had.

  Yes, there was a crowd of people there to greet us a mile long, but inside is where I really felt it.

  Like this is the place where I’m destined to belong.

  I stretch my arms over my head and roll over. The empty pillow next to me is a tiny bit disappointing—until I hear water running.

  Smiling and knowing exactly where I’ll find Grady, I throw back the covers, hurry to the bathroom door, and quietly open it.

  Steam fills the room. Already naked, I enter, close the door, and yank back the shower curtain, doing my best pensive nurse impression. “Need your back washed?”

  “More than my back.” Laughing, Grady grasps my waist and pulls me in with him.

  “Oh, okay. I guess you’ll just have to be a little more specific.” I run my hands through his thick hair, loving how good he feels against my fingertips. “I’ll start at the top and work my way down.”

  “Mmm, you’re a mind reader.”

  I arch my back, giving him full access to my breasts as he lowers his head, teasing my nipples into his hungry mouth. I’m arching and pushing down moans the second his tongue starts winding circles, first around one nip, and then the next.


  Oh, and he doesn’t stop there.

  Neither do I, nipping playfully at his shoulder as he caresses my throat with kisses.

  When the time finally comes, he slides his hard cock inside me, and I wrap my legs around his wet stone slab of a body.

  This time, it’s bare, skin-on-skin, all heat and throbbing promises.

  I think we both know we’ll never see another condom again.

  “Hold the fuck on, darlin’,” he whispers in my ear.

  I do. I hold on so tight while the water rakes us and his strokes come hard and slow and deep, pulling the pleasure out of me with every frayed movement of his hips.

  Every thrust, every impact, every low, animal groan from his throat and whispered sweetness has me in thrall.

  His hand moves between my legs, finds my clit, and rubs delicately, teasing me like the head of a match before its struck and ignited. I hiss, pinching my teeth together, already lost in making love.

  That’s what this is.

  It’s different from our times before, a tenderness behind the heat.

  We’re in love.

  We’re more than just two achingly hot bodies twisted together in the stickiest passion of our lives.

  We’re two erupting souls coming out to play.

  I never knew the difference before—I thought making love was this fantastic abstract thing reserved for kissing books and movies—but this man has taught me so much.

  Far more than he claims I’ve taught him.

  And if he keeps taking me like this forever, pounding into me as we peak together, a low growl quaking out of him as he comes so furiously deep inside me, I know I’ll never want for anything else.

  Also, I’ll never stop coming like a madwoman.

  It’s like a switch gets tripped deep in my body every time he pours himself out, hurling hot seed against my walls, claiming me with depth and fire and so much greedy passion.

  Back in the bedroom, cleaned, and dressed, he kisses the side of my neck.

  “I’ll go get the coffee on,” he says with lidded, sex-drunk eyes.

  “Thanks. Right behind you after I dry my hair.”

  He twists me around and kisses my lips. “Your dad’s plane doesn’t land for a couple hours.”

  “I know.” I loop my arms around his neck, loving how the sunlight turns his eyes into rich bourbon. “I’m excited to have him meet you.”

  “Should I be nervous?” he jokes, his dark eyebrows rising.

  “Never! He’s going to love you just as much as I do, and that goes double for Sawyer and Avery.” I’m positive about that.

  The way Dad still fawns over his students’ kids, you’d think he’s a teacher rather than a globe-trekking zoologist sometimes.

  The next few hours fly by, and shortly after noon, a car winds up the driveway. My heart
skips a beat, recognizing the silver-haired man at the wheel, a grin that could rival Teddy Roosevelt’s plastered to his face.

  “Is that him?” Sawyer asks, blinking like she’s about to meet a rock star.

  “The one and only,” I answer.

  “I’m so excited!” Avery says, clapping her little hands together.

  “Me, too.” I take each of their hands. “Come on, let’s go say hello, kids.”

  We hurry down the steps as Dad comes bounding out of his car like a human golden retriever who’s been boxed up too long.

  “There’s my girl!” He beams, his long arms splayed wide.

  I clasp my arms around him and receive one of his trademark welcoming bear hugs, feeling the familiar love he’s showered me with for my entire life.

  As he releases me, he looks up at the girls with a sincere smile.

  “And these are the jelly beans. Let me guess.” He points to Sawyer. “You are Jelly.” Pointing at Avery, he adds, “And you are Beans.”

  The girls laugh.

  I lay a hand on their shoulders and introduce them. “This is Sawyer McKnight, and this is Avery.”

  “Right then,” he teases with a professorial nod. “Jelly and Beans.”

  He digs around in the pocket of his jeans and pulls out two small boxes with a dramatic flourish, ever the magician.

  “Here you are, young ladies. I picked these up for each of you,” he tells them.

  “Wow, thank you,” Sawyer says, clutching her box.

  “Thank you, sir!” Avery echoes, before adding, “Uh, may we open them?”

  “Certainly,” Dad says.

  They flick the boxes open simultaneously. The sunlight splashes across their new bracelets, handmade wonders assembled with African turquoise beads.

  The girls marvel over their elegant new gifts, wrapping them around their wrists and holding them up to the sunlight.

  “They’re so pretty!” Sawyer says, turning around to show hers off to Grady, who came up behind us a minute ago. “Aren’t they, Dad?”

  “Gorgeous.” He steps forward and holds out his hand to my father with a nod. “Dr. Macklin.”

  “Peter to you, Grady,” Dad says while shaking his hand. “I’m glad to meet you, and incredibly grateful for all you’ve done. You’ve been a godsend to Willow’s big cats. Why, she even tells me you helped recover a stolen lion cub across international lines?”


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