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Unattainable Page 7

by Schlosser, Jamie

  I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I just nibbled my pinky nail instead.

  “I’ve been dead inside,” Aiden went on. “Just going through the motions. All this time, something has been missing. Now I know that something is you. The second I saw you last night, I remembered who I was. I know it sounds crazy but it’s like my life flashed before my eyes. The way it could’ve been—should’ve been—with us together. I should know what you taste like. What turns you on. What you look like when you sleep. Where your most ticklish spot is, and how you like to be kissed. By now, I could’ve known your body better than I know my own.”

  “Whoa,” I whispered, experiencing a full-body flush.

  What he’d said was fairly tame, but it was the dirtiest thing I’d ever heard. And I wanted that—roaming lips, wandering hands, and the soul-deep connection I’d once thought we had.

  He stepped toward me.

  I drifted back.

  I needed a minute to clear my head.

  Sucking in a breath, I went back under the water. I sank to the bottom, sitting cross-legged while I tried to calm down.

  Clamping my eyes shut, I stayed there for as long as I could while doing my best to think about nothing. When spots started dancing behind my eyelids, I shot up, gulping in much-needed air when I broke through the surface.

  Some hair had come loose from my braids, and I mopped them off my forehead as I coughed a few times.

  Aiden was still standing in the same spot, arms crossed, giving me an expectant look.

  Right. I was supposed to have a coherent response.

  “Life was a lot less complicated in high school. We were barely more than friends,” I reasoned. “Just one almost-kiss—”

  “Why are you so hellbent on denying that we kissed?” he interrupted heatedly, splashing water to the side.

  Some of the droplets sprayed my neck and chin, and I let out a gasp of outrage.

  “Because!” It was my turn to slap the water, making sure some of it hit Aiden’s chest.

  “Because why?” He splashed me again. Definitely on purpose this time. “Our lips touched. That’s a real kiss.”

  Shoving my hands forward with all the force I could muster, I caused a wave to arc straight to Aiden’s face. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to hold in my smile when he sputtered and scrubbed his eyes.

  “It was my first kiss,” I said, once he could see me again.

  “Mine, too.”

  I wanted to scream that it was my only kiss, but that would’ve been giving him too much power. “It’s the one that’s supposed to be important and magical. The one that’s supposed to be longer than a millisecond. It’s not your fault that it didn’t last longer, but I feel cheated—”

  Without warning, Aiden lunged forward. For a second, I thought he was starting the splash war again, but instead of water, I was assaulted by a slab of hard muscle.

  Backing me against the wall, he smashed his lips to mine.

  Surprised, I gasped as a lifetime of pent-up passion overflowed in the form of a hard press of his mouth.

  Now this… this was a kiss. No question about it.

  Aiden’s mouth softened, and he licked my bottom lip. He did it again, his tongue sweeping over my mouth, pushing at the seam.

  He wanted in, and I wanted him there.

  Resisting Aiden wasn’t possible—I don’t know why I ever thought I could keep him away. I could be mad at myself later for giving in so easily, but right now, I was taking what was owed to me.

  Opening my lips, our tongues met.

  Tasting him—really tasting him—for the first time made me moan. There wasn’t anything in the world I could compare it to, because it was unique.

  Just Aiden. Smooth. Warm.

  I licked over his straight white teeth.

  Gripping my chin between his finger and thumb, Aiden pulled down to make me open wider as our tongues dueled.

  At first, we were clumsy. After all, I had no idea what I was doing. But like a tempo to a song, I found a good rhythm. Aiden seemed to be matching his strokes to the whoosh of the waves of the ocean behind me, and I followed his lead.

  He sucked on my bottom lip. Then the top. Strong hands moved down to my waist and soft thumbs caressed my stomach.

  My belly quivered.

  Aiden pulled back just an inch, and his molten eyes burned me from the inside out. Warmth swooped through my stomach as his lust-filled gaze roamed every inch of my face, like he wanted to memorize me in this moment.

  “Corrie,” he murmured before diving back in.

  Less hurried than before, he gave me closed-mouth kisses, nibbling every area of my lips. Testing the softness. Exploring every dip, every crease, each corner.

  The ball of heat in my abdomen went lower, landing between my legs with a pulsing so strong it was almost painful. If I wasn’t already in water, I suspected I’d be soaked down there.

  I didn’t want this to end. Ever. Kissing Aiden was the best feeling in the world. This was an activity I could do for hours.

  Instinct took over, and my hands looped around his neck. I tilted my head, kissing him deeper and arching my back.

  Aiden’s rock-hard body pressed to my front. My nipples pebbled, and the throbbing in my center intensified.

  I was about to wrap my legs around his waist when he pulled away, severing all contact.

  Reality came roaring back, leaving me hot and cold at the same time.

  Sensing Aiden’s absence with every cell of my body, my arms dropped to my sides, splashing us both in the process.

  “There,” he rumbled. We were both panting, and I was sure my cheeks were just as flushed as his. “Does that make up for it?”

  In fact, it did. It exceeded all expectations and obliterated all my wildest fantasies. And that scared the crap out of me.

  “Well? Don’t keep me in suspense, Corrie. Truth dare—what are you thinking?”

  “I’m wishing you hadn’t stopped so soon,” I replied honestly.

  He grinned, appearing so boyish and carefree. It was a great look on him. “See? We’re good together. This can work.”

  Yeah, but for how long?

  Rattled from our mini-make-out session, I tried to form an argument. I was having trouble thinking clearly, and maybe that’d been Aiden’s plan. Kiss me senseless until I agreed to his demands.

  All I knew was that my mind was chanting yes, yes, yes.

  I wanted more of this. More of him. Whatever he was willing to give, I was eager to snatch it up.

  “Okay, we can give it a try.” Caved. I totally caved. “But we can’t tell anyone, and we can’t be seen together.”

  “Done.” He smiled. “Sneaking around with you, just like we used to afterhours at school? Sign me up.”

  “I could get into a lot of trouble.” Despite the seriousness of my statement, my lips curled up at the thrill of secret meetings and stolen kisses. At the thought of Aiden being mine, if only for a little while.

  Aiden’s expression sobered as he stepped close and grasped my hands under the water. He leaned closer, and his breath fanned over my lips when he said, “I wouldn’t let that happen. You’re safe with me, I promise.”

  Rough stubble scraped my cheek as he took my mouth again.

  This time, we weren’t uncoordinated. I sucked on his tongue and bit his bottom lip. The groan he let out was the best reward and the sexy sound made my stomach flip.

  I didn’t even realize we were moving until Aiden settled on the steps and placed me on his lap.

  Straddling him like this, I was all too aware of the hard bulge in his swim trunks. My pussy ached with the need to rub up against him.

  Framing my face with his hands, there was a raw vulnerability in his eyes as he rubbed a thumb over my lips.

  “What’s wrong?” Mirroring him, I lightly touched the scruff on his chin.

  “Last time you and I were in this position, it didn’t end well for me. Help me replace it with something else.” Th
e request came out sounding like a plea from a broken man, and I didn’t think a tsunami could stop me from granting Aiden what he wanted. What he needed.

  Softly brushing my lips over his, I gave him a gentle, closed-mouth kiss. It wasn’t unlike our almost-kiss from long ago. But this one was different because it didn’t get cut short.

  With barely there nips and pecks, we relived the innocent moment that was taken from us.

  We were rewriting history.

  If there were consequences, I was too far gone to care.

  Me: Are you in the right spot?

  Corrie: Behind the big rock with the resort name carved into it, right?

  Me: Yep. In about one minute, you’ll see a white resort SUV coming down the driveway. Be ready to jump in.

  Corrie: Are you crazy?! I can’t be seen in a car with you.

  Me: Just get in.

  Grinning, I showed the texts to Theo, and he relayed the message to Hadley. With their help, I’d arranged a getaway for Corrie and me, and she’d find out soon enough that I wasn’t the driver.

  Theo and I already left the resort fifteen minutes ago, and we were parked a half mile down the road. We couldn’t go much farther inland or else we’d lose cell signal.

  Since all the contestants were busy with interviews this afternoon, I had most of the day off. I made an appearance at breakfast this morning, and everyone was insanely relieved by the news that today and tomorrow were elimination-free. They actually seemed happy to see me go.

  And I couldn’t stop smiling. Corrie hadn’t exactly agreed to be my girlfriend last night, but she was as good as mine. My lips were chapped from how long we’d made out, and she’d put up very little resistance when I told her we were having a day date.

  Impatient to see my girl, I adjusted the rearview mirror to see if she was coming yet. No sign of her. Just a long dirt road shaded with tall trees.

  “What’s up with your shirt?” Theo asked from the passenger seat.

  Glancing down at the palm tree covered button-up, I frowned. “What? What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing. It’s just really casual compared to the rest of your clothes.”

  “I got it from the gift shop and it matches my swim trunks,” I defended.

  I thought it was a good outfit choice. I would fit in with the other tourists and I was prepared for an impromptu swim in the ocean. Win-win.

  “Dude, calm down. I like it. I’m just not used to seeing you this laid-back, but it works for you.”

  “Thanks.” I blew out a breath, wiping my clammy palms on my shorts.

  I was more nervous than I thought I’d be. Last night had been a surprise—a really good one—but today there were certain expectations. A first date was a big deal.

  “I feel like I should give you some kind of speech or something,” Theo said, turning the AC up a notch.

  The cool air felt good on my sweaty forehead. “What do you mean?”

  “Like, you know, the birds and the bees. Becoming a man and all that jazz.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m already a man, thank you very much. And I know how sex works.”

  Theo held up his hands. “Okay, okay.” An awkward silence ensued before he continued, “But do you have condoms? Apple pie flavored lube? Concealer for hickeys and bite marks?”

  I shot him a look. “What the hell kind of stuff are you and Hadley into?” Grinning, he opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. And yes, I have condoms. I got a bunch in the self-care pack from the resort.”

  Movement in the mirror caught my attention and I twisted around in the driver’s seat to see the white vehicle approaching in the distance.

  My heartrate kicked up and I smiled when it got close enough for me to see Corrie through the windshield. Her hair was down and styled straight, and her lips were hot pink.

  When she got out, her short black sundress flowed to mid-thigh. She sent me a shy smile as she bounced to the passenger side.

  Theo got out and held the door open for her. “Corrie, good to see you again. No worries today. If anyone asks where either of you are, I’ll make something up.”

  “What will you say?” I asked, a bit distracted by the way the hem of Corrie’s dress rode up higher on her legs when she buckled her seat belt.

  “I dunno,” he replied. “But I’ll make it good.”

  He shut the door and jogged over to hop in with Hadley. They did a three-point turn in the road, then headed back in the direction of the resort.

  The intoxicating scent of lilacs hit me, and I squeezed the steering wheel to stop myself from grabbing Corrie and having my way with her right here.

  She smiled at me. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” I grasped her hand and laced our fingers over the middle console. We had so much time to make up for, and I wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to touch her ever again. “Let’s go have some fun.”

  “CLAMS?” CORRIE SCREECHED, HER FACE screwed up with disgust. “You know I’m a picky eater and you want me to eat clams from a food cart?” She emphasized the last words like the idea was especially heinous.

  “Yeah.” I sat down across from her at the small table in the shade. “That guy looks legit.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  We both glanced over at the man thirty feet away on the boardwalk. He was shirtless, wearing a sombrero, and his cart was no bigger than a hotdog stand.

  “You’re from Chicago,” I pointed out. “People get lunch from vendors on the street all the time.”

  “That’s different—it’s not clams.”

  I didn’t think correcting her and letting her know they’re actually oysters would be much better, so I just said, “They’re a delicacy here. The concierge at the resort said so.” When she just glared down at the bowl like it might murder her, I insisted, “Just eat one.”

  “Only one?”

  I nodded. “If you hate it, there’s a Taco Tiki Hut not too far from here. You like tacos, right?”

  She sent me a reproachful look. “Soft tacos?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they have those.”

  “Everyone likes tacos,” she muttered.

  “Good.” I nudged the bowl. “You never know—you might discover a new favorite food today.”

  Then she asked me the most random question ever. “Do you know the Heimlich maneuver?”

  Confused, I cocked my head to the side. “Yes?”

  “Yes, with a question mark?” she interrogated, dead serious. “Or yes, a statement?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. Why?”

  Stalling, Corrie didn’t answer as she traced the design of the colorful mosaic tabletop. Her fingers glided over the tiny blue and green squares, and she gave the beach in the distance a glance of longing.

  I started to second-guess my lunch decision. Maybe introducing her to new experiences wasn’t the best choice.

  Describing Corrie as a picky eater was an understatement.

  The only foods I’d ever seen her eat were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and applesauce. She’d always brought her lunch to school, and the brown sack included those two items. Every. Single. Day.

  Knowing this, I’d been willing to bet she’d never been adventurous enough to eat oysters.

  It wasn’t possible to make up for the last couple years in a day, but I could try. I wanted our date to be memorable, and I wanted to stand out from the rest of the guys she’d dated.

  But not because I made her vomit.

  I followed her gaze to the clear turquoise water.

  There was so much life on this side of the island. People were scattered along the shore as far as the eye could see. Families were gathered around sand castles and sun bathers lounged on towels. Nowhere else to be. Not a care in the world.

  During my childhood, vacations were always lavish events with every minute of the day planned out. We ate at the highest rated restaurants, took private tours of art galleries, saw Broadway shows from the best seats in
the house. Everything was upscale, and nothing lacked luxury.

  But it was isolating sometimes. Sure, I got to skip lines when my parents rented out entire amusement parks and museums, but there was something alluring about the simplicity of winging it. Eating crappy food. Going to the same crowded beach as everyone else.

  “We’ll go there,” I promised Corrie, handing her a fork. “After lunch.”

  Picking up one of the open shells, she peered inside and made a repulsed noise. “One time, my Aunt Heidi stubbed her big toe on a tanning bed. Broke that sucker good. It was all swollen and discolored for weeks. The nail fell off.” Her eyes flitted to me. “This looks a lot like her mangled toe.”

  Her vivid description had me wrinkling my nose. She didn’t know about my aversion to feet, so she couldn’t possibly guess how much it grossed me out. “That’s disgusting, Corrie.”

  “I know. And you want me to eat it. You want me to eat my aunt’s busted toe.”

  Laughing and fighting the urge to gag, I wiped a hand down my face. “Just put it in your mouth.”

  “Ooh, dirty talk. Let’s do that instead.”

  “Tempting offer.” I discreetly adjusted the tightening front of my shorts. “Later.”

  My dick had always had a mind of its own around Corrie. Fighting off random boners was something I was going to have to get used to again. Sometimes it happened when she wasn’t even around.

  Like this morning when I got out of the shower and caught a fleeting whiff of something sweet and floral. It reminded me of her. Instant erection. I had to take care of it with my hand, even though I’d just jerked off several hours before when she left my suite. Apparently, a few hours of sleep and the smell of flowers was enough to rejuvenate my cock.

  And my stiffy didn’t ease at all when Corrie plucked up the oyster—which I would always associate with toes now—and popped it into her mouth.

  Eyes screwed shut, she chewed.

  And chewed some more.

  Just when I thought she might give up and spit it out, she swallowed with an audible gulp and reached for the bottle of water to wash it down.


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