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Unattainable Page 25

by Schlosser, Jamie

  The Legend Brothers were thrilled to take one off their hands.

  “Watch, Daddy! Watch!”

  “I’m watching,” I assured Bella, right before she jumped into the pool.

  Corrie half-caught our daughter, getting splashed for what had to be the thirtieth time, and I smiled at her patience.

  Her shoulder-length light-brown locks were dripping around her smiling face.

  Since dyeing her hair often wasn’t good during pregnancy, she’d gone back to her natural hair color when we decided to start trying to grow our family after our wedding four years ago.

  We’d become husband and wife on the island of Nuevo Amor, on the beach at sunset. Three months into our life as a married couple, we found out we were going to be parents.

  Getting through pregnancy and labor while suffering from a fear of doctors wasn’t a picnic, but I was there for Corrie every step of the way.

  She was such a good mom.

  And a fantastic wife. An invaluable business partner and the best friend anyone would wish for.

  I sat back and admired how hot she looked in the retro-style swimsuit. It was red with white polka-dots, and the middle was stretched taut over her round belly. In a few months, we’d have a second child—another girl—and I couldn’t wait.

  With yellow floaties on her arms, Bella doggy-paddled to the stairs to repeat the process of catapulting herself off the concrete again.

  She was such a showoff, and I didn’t have to wonder where she got that from. She was so much like me in a lot of ways. Brunette pigtails and big brown eyes. So fearless. Ready to take on the world.

  There were times when Corrie almost wished Bella had inherited her cautiousness. An innocent trip to the park could result in scraped knees and bruises, because the kid just wasn’t scared of anything.

  Case in point: She got a running start and jumped so far off the mark that Corrie wasn’t able to reach her. Bella’s entire head dunked under the water. She bobbed up to the surface, though, and just laughed as she wiped the wetness off her face.

  For three years old, she was a great swimmer. She loved the water, just like Corrie.

  She was about to do another jump when Logan, Theo and Hadley’s son, ran over from the sprinkler in the yard and sidled up next to her at the edge.

  “Wait for me!” He was only five months older than her, but he was half a head taller. “I wanna jump.”

  “Hold on.” Hadley hopped up from a chair on the other side of the pool and hurried to the stairs to get in. “You can’t expect Corrie to catch you both.”

  “Why?” Logan asked, and the stubborn pout reminded me so much of Theo it was scary.

  Since he resembled my brother, and Bella took after me, the two kids looked like they could’ve been siblings. I was glad they had each other.

  Theo and Hadley were dead set on having only one child—not that there was anything wrong with that. He’d never admitted it, but I suspected Theo was terrified to have another baby because he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to love the next one as much as he loved Logan. He didn’t want to repeat our parents’ mistakes.

  I wished I could convince him it didn’t work like that. I hadn’t even officially met my other daughter yet, but I already had a special place in my heart just for her.

  At least with Bella and the new baby around, Logan would never be lacking the annoying little sister bond.

  “Because Corrie has a baby in her tummy,” Hadley replied, wading farther into the water. “Then she’d be carrying three kids at once.”

  “So? Aunt Corrie loves me,” Logan argued.

  “Of course she does.” Hadley giggled at his simple logic. “But she might need a break.”

  I took that as my cue to let Corrie tap out. “I’ll take over, baby.”

  Nodding, she waddled up the steps. “Should I get the cake?”

  “Nope. Your parents are cutting it now.”

  Blaire and Tanner were awesome in-laws. In fact, they’d become like second parents to me. They’d been empty-nesters for a few years now, since Carson went away to college. They were visiting more and more these days, and we’d been trying to convince them to move down here. With retirement on the horizon for them both, I didn’t think it would be too much longer before they caved.

  Theo joined Hadley in the water, and they proceeded to be landing pads for the energetic children.

  Corrie skimmed her damp hand over my bare chest.

  “Wanna go make out in the pool house?” She waggled her eyebrows, and my cock twitched.

  Fuck. She wasn’t even teasing. Pregnancy hormones made her so horny, so I knew she was serious.

  Desperate to seize this opportunity, I glanced at Bella, who was completely occupied in her mission to make a bigger splash than Logan. Then I craned my neck to see into the kitchen window. Blaire and Tanner were standing over the cake, seeming to have a debate about where to put the candles.

  We probably had five minutes, tops.

  Good enough for me.

  Without saying a word to Theo or Hadley, I placed my hand at the small of Corrie’s back and we quickly walked to the two-room building on the other side of the pool.

  The main area had a couch facing a flat screen TV on the wall. There was a refrigerator stocked with beverages and a closet filled with inflatable toys.

  Corrie and I went straight for the bathroom and shut the door. To the right, there were shelves with stacks of blue towels and a standup shower. I turned to the left and lifted my wife onto the counter next to the sink.

  We didn’t have time for her to remove her swimsuit.

  Positioning myself between her spread thighs, I hooked a finger into the elastic of the leg and moved the material to the side. With my other hand, I freed my cock and lined it up at her slick entrance.

  Already so wet for me.

  As my tip slid inside, my balls almost demanded release. Greedy bastards.

  It was always like this.

  Even after thousands of times.

  Through long-distance tours, vacations, and working alongside each other for countless hours in the studio. Through the happiest memories and resolved disagreements. Through sleepless nights with an infant, the confusion and frustration of being a new parent, and important milestones like baby teething and first steps.

  After all the experiences we’d had together, Corrie was still where I belonged.

  I pressed forward, loving the way her silken walls gripped my cock. I rocked into her tight heat with quick, deep strokes.

  Gasping, Corrie’s head fell back, hitting the mirror with a thud. “I—I love you so much.”

  My response was an unintelligible groan.

  “Truth dare,” she panted out.

  We hadn’t said those words to each other in a long time. I didn’t know what made her say it now, but it caused a wave of nostalgia to ripple through my heart.

  Reminded me of when we reunited all those years ago. How she gave me a second chance and mended the scars on my soul.

  I didn’t pause the pumping motion of my hips. “What’s up, baby?”

  “Do you love me?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “How much?”

  “More than anything,” I groaned because I was getting close to coming. “You’re not just my life.” Thrust. “Not just my heart.” Thrust. “Not just my family.”

  I surged deep, so we were as connected as possible.

  Misty island eyes blinked up at me. “What am I, then?”

  My forehead bumped against hers, and I inhaled her sweet lilac scent.

  “You’re my home.”


  Did you enjoy the crazy world of Night Time Television and all the steam behind the scenes? Untamable and Untrainable are both standalone romantic comedies that offer laugh-out-loud moments and heartfelt stories. Are you curious about Theo and how he fell in love with Hadley? Keep reading for a sneak peek at Untrainable!

first, cleaning later. I get weepy when I’m hanky.”

  “Hanky?” Theo followed me to the kitchen.

  “It’s a portmanteau.” Walking over to the table, I removed the foil from the dish. Steam billowed up, carrying the heavenly scent of apples and cinnamon with it.

  “I’m sorry, a what?” Sounding utterly confused, Theo went over to a small white coffee maker next to the sink and punched a button. It sputtered for a few seconds before the aroma filled the room.

  He grabbed two mismatching mugs from the cabinet. Setting them down, he leaned back against the counter while he waited for me to explain.

  “Blending two words to make one,” I said. “Hungry and cranky equals hanky.”

  “Isn’t the term ‘hangry?’”

  “No, I don’t think that fits. I don’t get mad,” I clarified. “Just irritable.”

  “It’s kinda like my nickname, huh? Putting Theodore and dog together.”

  “Yeah, kind of like that.” I grimaced because he obviously wasn’t a fan of the combination. “I’m sure whoever came up with that thought they were being very clever.”

  “They probably got promoted.”


  “Well, I’m feeling mighty humpy myself.” When he said the word ‘humpy’, I could’ve sworn I saw his pelvis do a slight thrust.

  I almost fell over. “Excuse me?”

  He sent me a grin that did funny things to my stomach. “Portmanteau. Hungry and grumpy. Humpy.”

  That was inappropriate but also correct. I couldn’t knock him for coming up with his own word, even if it did draw my attention to his groin.

  I tried to force myself to look away from his lower half, but it was really difficult.

  Because now that I wasn’t scrutinizing his living quarters, my thoughts went elsewhere: straight to the gutter.

  The gray fabric of his pants stretched over his crotch, and he probably wasn’t wearing underwear because I could see a very distinct outline of his dick.

  I didn’t mean to stare at it, but it was just right there. Out in the open. And alarmingly large. It was like spotting a rare animal in the wild. The thing practically needed its own Australian accented voiceover.

  Inexperienced as I was when it came to actual sex, I wasn’t completely innocent. I knew what a semi-erect penis looked like. The length of it rested against his thigh and the definition of the thick head was impressive.

  I swallowed hard.

  “Hey.” Theo’s voice startled me, and my eyes snapped up to his.

  My cheeks were on fire. I’d been caught, and I wanted nothing more than to sink under the table and hide.

  “Hi,” I squeaked, lowering myself into the chair.

  “Let’s just blame the rough start to the day on low blood sugar. Deal?”

  Well, that wasn’t what I’d expected him to say, but it was a lot better than him calling me out for eye-balling his junk.

  “Deal,” I responded. Then for my own benefit, I added the reminder, “I’m looking forward to being coworkers and friends.”

  His left eyebrow arched on the word ‘friends.’

  Dang it. Maybe he did see me checking him out after all.

  For the sake of my sanity, I really hoped he was planning to wear jeans for the show. And maybe some underwear with crotch-confining support. Like a girdle, but for penises.

  Get Untrainable here!

  The Good Guys Series


  A Trucker Christmas




  Standalone Romantic Comedy



  Standalone Novellas

  His Mimosa

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  To Drew—Thanks for being my support system. You’re an awesome husband and a great dad. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Actually, on second thought, I do… I’d probably never be able to find the pepper, or the olive oil, or my keys. I’d also have a very dark house since I never change the lightbulbs. Thanks for wrangling the kids and finding all the things I lose.

  To my betas—Nikki, Kim, Jessica, Amber, and Jen. You ladies rock! Thanks for being the first to read Unattainable.

  Amber, Nikki, and Jen—You all get a second mention since you keep me in line with your fabulous personal assistant abilities. I appreciate your help more than you know!

  And do my readers—Whether I’m a new-to-you author or if you’ve read all my books… Thank you so, so much. I’m grateful for every single one of you!

  Jamie Schlosser grew up on a farm in Illinois, surrounded by cornfields. Although she no longer lives in the country, her dream is to return to rural living someday. As a stay-at-home mom, she spends most of her days running back and forth between her two wonderful kids and her laptop. She loves her family, iced coffee, and happily-ever-afters. You can find out more about Jamie and her books by visiting these links:







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