Kissed By Flames

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Kissed By Flames Page 15

by Vella Day

  “I was wondering if you needed help,” she said as she moved closer to the shower door.

  “I absolutely do. Seeing your luscious body has made me totally forget how to use this bar of soap.” It didn’t matter that he’d already washed.

  She grinned, just as he’d hoped she would. Lily entered the stall and held out her hand. “Then let me wash you.”

  Heaven help me. All during the mission, Birk tried to distract himself by thinking of the moment when he could make love to this amazing woman again. Now that it was about to come true once more, he wanted to take his time and savor every inch of her body.

  She slipped the soap from his fingers. “Turn around,” she said.

  Birk obeyed and palmed the wall in front of him. She moved him away from the spray. As soon as her gentle fingers massaged his shoulders, and then his back, and finally his butt, he had to concentrate on not dragging her out of the shower and impaling her.

  “Other side,” she commanded.

  He wasn’t sure he could take much more of her touching, but he obeyed. When she soaped up his cock and stroked it, he groaned. “Lily.”

  As if he hadn’t spoken, she continued to wash his very hard dick, making sure to clean his balls too. She was a temptress all right, one he couldn’t resist.

  When she placed the soap on the shelf and rubbed her hands higher on his chest, his ability to keep from touching her cracked. Without any thought to getting her soapy, Birk drew her close and kissed her hard. His hands found her sweet ass, and when he rubbed her butt, his scales glowed and his body heated. As much as he wanted to drive his cock into her, he had to rinse off first.

  He’d do that in just a few more seconds. Their tongues entwined, and he savored her sweet taste that had a hint of meat and tomato.

  After they thoroughly devoured each other, he stepped back and did a final rinse. “I think we need to find a new location for what I have in mind.”

  She cocked a brow. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a surprise.” Birk turned off the water and then held open the shower door for her. Once she stepped on the blue nubby bath mat, he grabbed a towel. She then slid the white one from the rack, but he stopped her. Tossing the towel she’d grabbed over his shoulder he dragged the one he’d snatched down her chest. “Let me dry you off.”

  “What are you trying to do? Convince me to have sex with you?”

  Birk cracked up. “If I need to convince you then I’ve been doing something very wrong.”

  Lily moved closer and ran a nail down his wet chest. “Seems to me that you haven’t done much of anything yet.”

  That did it. He dropped the towel in his hand, lifted her up in a fireman’s hold, and then stomped into his bedroom. If she hadn’t been laughing and pounding on his back, he would have put her down instantly.

  Once in the bedroom, Birk slipped her off his shoulders. “I think the mission of freeing the prisoners was a bad idea.”

  Lily looked up at him, all innocent like. “How can you say that?”

  “Because you never gave me this much sass before. For your punishment, I want you to stand perfectly still while I enjoy looking at you.”

  “That won’t be a problem, but are you sure you don’t want me to do more?” She dropped her gaze to his hard cock.

  “You’re asking for it.”

  “You’re pretty smart for such a big guy.”

  Using the towel from over his shoulder, he dragged a portion over her breasts again and then dried her stomach.

  “You’re taking too long,” she said, attempting to grab the towel.

  Birk stopped her. “Oh no you don’t. You promised to stand still.”

  “You’re stalling.”

  “What’s wrong? Do you have no will power?”

  Lily furrowed her brows and pursed her lips. She then crossed her arms over her chest. “I know what you’re trying to do. Go ahead, dragon-boy. See if you can turn me on.”

  “Dragon-boy? In case you haven’t noticed, I am all man.” Birk couldn’t help but grab his stiff cock and wave it at her.

  She laughed. “You are so easy to tease.”

  He wouldn’t take her bait any longer. Birk knelt and dried off her right leg and then her left, avoiding the area between her legs, believing she was dying to have him touch her there. “Turn around.”

  She did, and he couldn’t help but notice how she’d stiffened. Regardless of the number of times he’d told her that the scars on her back meant nothing to him, he’d failed to convince her. Birk stood and patted her back dry. Dropping the terrycloth towel on the floor, he leaned over and kissed her neck and then inhaled deeply. “I love how you smell,” he said, unable to keep the awe and need from his voice.

  Lily must have decided not to play coy anymore for she slipped her hands behind her and grabbed his ass. His dick pressed hard against her, sending off another strong wave of need through him. With each kiss and nibble, her fingers tightened on his skin.

  “You’re right, Birk.”

  He continued working his way from her ear down to her shoulder. “About what?”

  “That I can’t stand still when you touch me. My body is already on fire.”

  Birk spun her around. “Is that so?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  She drew his head down and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Their tongues crashed into each other, and she pressed her tits hard against his body. He threaded his fingers through her slightly wet hair and tugged hard. “Need you,” he whispered after leaning back.

  “I need you too.”

  Backing her up until she was pressed against the bedroom door, Birk dropped to his knees and spread her legs wide.

  “First, I feast,” he said.

  She groaned. “Don’t take too long. My pussy is already throbbing.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He had no intention of letting her off the hook this easily. From the moment he had laid eyes on her, he had been the one to suffer from wanting her. It was about time she yearned for him as much.

  Birk leaned over and swiped his tongue across her opening to give her a taste of what was to come, but he was the one who paid the price. His dick turned even harder and his scales glowed in more places than he thought possible.

  Drawing on his Guardian strength and control, he slipped two fingers into her wetness and had to clamp his mouth together to keep his teeth from elongating any farther.

  Lily moaned and then swayed, but it was when she grabbed his hair and tugged that he nearly lost it.

  When Birk’s tongue found her clit and gently sucked on it, she arched her back and let out a sexy little cry. He only stopped because her knees buckled.

  Birk shot to his feet and held her up by the waist. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She finally opened her eyes. “I think so. When my climax rushed in, I was overwhelmed with incredible heat.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “I have just the remedy,” he said.

  She looked up at him and clasped his shoulders. “What’s that?”

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, and I’ll show you.”

  He lifted her up and held her at waist height until she did as he asked. With her back pressed against the door and her tits flattened on his chest, Birk couldn’t hold out any longer. He threaded his cock into her opening, and to his delight, her slick entry allowed easy access.

  Her eyes widened, acting as if his size was larger than she expected. Without a word, Lily pressed the soles of her feet against his thighs, rose up, and then eased her way down. “That feels so fucking good,” she murmured.

  Birk almost chuckled at her crass comment, hoping there would be more dirty talk in the future. “We’ve only just begun.”

  She slid her hands to his face and kissed him again. Birk’s hands dropped to her waist, and he held her up while he plowed into her. He went fast for a few strokes and then agonizingly slow. With each change in speed, Lily moaned, and her pussy turned slicker.

bsp; As she slid her tongue around his, Birk held her tighter, trying to keep his rapid heartbeat in check. This was testing his resolve to the max.

  When she broke the kiss and dropped her lips to his neck, visions of him sinking his teeth into her surfaced. But he had to wait. It wasn’t fair to her if he didn’t.

  Lily once more took control of the rhythm, and he let her have her way. After all, she’d been through a lot today. Too bad it was driving his dragon to the breaking point.

  Wanting better access to her body, he spun around, and in three long steps, reached the bed. He dropped her on the tangled sheets with him still buried deep inside her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Did I ever tell you that I think I love you?”

  Birk’s mouth turned dry, and his pulse soared. He never thought he’d ever hear those words from her mouth. “No.”

  See? You can mate with her now, his dragon said. Lily wants you to.

  Not yet. She only thinks she loves me. I want her to be sure.

  Birk pressed his head against her neck and thrust deep into her. Once fully inside, he held perfectly still to quell his raging need.

  Lily planted her feet on the mattress and lifted up. “Yes, Birk, yes!”

  He lost it. With his climax brimming, he plunged into her again and again. From the way she’d clamped down hard on his cock, and the fact her eyes had rolled back into her head, she’d climaxed, and Birk was only a few seconds behind.

  Once he’d pumped his hot seed into her, Lily’s body sagged, and they lay in each other’s arms for a long while. Without a word, he slipped out and retrieved a washcloth to clean her up. He loved having Lily with him, next to him, around him—forever.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lily awoke to find herself snuggled against Birk’s body, and she smiled. He was snoring soundly, and while she didn’t have the heart to wake him, she did lightly run her fingers over his shoulder, marveling at how lucky she was to end up with such an amazing man.

  Not wanting to disturb him, she eased out of the bed, washed up, and then returned to her bedroom to dress. He’d fixed her breakfast the last few times, so it was her turn. Okay, he had ordered the food from a local restaurant, but that was beside the point. She owned a phone and could call too.

  At some point, she’d suggest they take that shopping trip to the grocery store he’d promised her. She liked to cook and wanted to make some tantalizing meals for Birk. The number of his favorite breakfast place was on a magnet stuck to the side of the fridge, so she called in an order. He told her he used the Egg Hatchery often and had checked out the delivery boys. They’d been given permission to enter the secure building.

  Hopefully, Birk would be up before they arrived. Opening the door to a stranger might not be wise.

  Lily had just set the table when sounds of Birk stirring reached her. She was tempted to walk into his room and seduce him again, but with her luck, the food would come sooner rather than later.

  Birk’s cell phone rang and a minute later he pushed open his bedroom door, cell phone still pressed against his ear.

  “We’ll be there as soon as we can, Dad. Oh, okay. An hour then.”

  Birk disconnected, and from the way his jaw had tightened, the news wasn’t good. “What is it?” she asked.

  He spun to face her. “Toma contacted us.”

  She reached behind her to grab the dining room chair, fearing she might fall. With everything that had happened, she’d almost forgotten about the threat on her life. “What did he say?”

  “The man who wants you contacted him.”

  Her stomach nearly revolted. “But he can’t have me.”

  Birk closed the space between them and gathered her into his strong arms. “No, he can’t. I won’t let that happen.”

  A knock sounded on the door and she jumped. Birk inhaled. “Did you order breakfast? I smell eggs.”

  Wow. His sense of smell was amazing. “Yes.”

  The deliveryman knocked again. “I’ll get it,” he said.

  She let him pay since he would insist anyway. Birk placed the food on the table while she fixed the coffee. “What else did your dad say?” Lily tried to sound as casual as possible, but she really didn’t think she succeeded.

  “I don’t know all of the details, but apparently, the man who has Toma’s daughters called him to let him know his time was up.”

  Something wasn’t right. “Toma is in jail. How can he have a phone?”

  “He doesn’t, but my cousin Anderson Caspian, who works for the Avonbelle Province Police, made arrangements for Toma to receive calls in case the man who has Toma’s daughters called him.”

  “What did this guy say exactly?”

  “Why don’t you have some breakfast first, and then we’ll head on over to SinCas. My dad, Uncle Jamison, and Declan have come up with a plan. They’ll fill you in.”

  Lily wondered if this was what Birk’s life was always like. “Don’t you ever have a break? I mean, first you have to protect me from that guy after Nessa and now this.”

  He smiled as he reached across the table and rubbed a thumb across the back of her hand. “It’s not always this busy. I do have a job that requires me to keep the mines free of any disturbances, but trouble seems to come in waves lately. Eat up.”

  Even though her appetite had basically disappeared, Lily didn’t know the next time food would be available. She told herself she had total faith in the Guardians, but somehow, her stomach wasn’t buying it.

  Once they had more or less finished their meal and cleaned up, Birk flew her over to the SinCas building. This trip was becoming all too familiar, and the dread that had once occupied her body returned. The Guardians would protect her, but being the target scared the crap out of her.

  This time when Lily entered the conference room, she was met with solemn faces instead of a party atmosphere. Birk had only mentioned three people would be there, but a lot more had come, all looking at her, as if they expected her to fall apart. She didn’t recognize one man and looked up at Birk.

  “This is my oldest brother, Griffin.”

  She tried to smile. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too.”

  Birk placed a hand on her back and led her over to the table where pitchers of water sat in the middle.

  “Good, everyone is here,” Jamison Sinclair said. “I’ll bring you up to speed, Lily. We’ve been aware for quite some time that a loan shark, by the name of Richard Dorlack, is into everything from human trafficking to money laundering.”

  “If you’ve identified him as someone who engages in illegal activities, why can’t you or the police take him down?” As soon as the question left her lips, Lily realized it was a stupid question. “You need to catch him in the act, right? That’s where I come in.” Well, damn.

  He tossed her a quick smile. “We’ve been trying to catch him, but the man is rather illusive.”

  “He’s a dragon shifter, isn’t he?” Lily asked. Birk hadn’t been sure.

  “We’ve recently learned that he is, but that alone doesn’t make him bad, honey.”

  Lily wanted to sink into her seat. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  Birk cupped her hand. “We know.”

  Jamison nodded. “Dorlack is unaware that Toma is in jail, and we want to keep it that way. We needed Dorlack to reach out to him. It’s why Toma has been kept in solitary.”

  Good. “So now what?” She looked around the room, but she couldn’t read anyone’s expression.

  “That’s what we’re here for. Declan and I have been discussing tactics. Dorlack demanded that Toma deliver you to a warehouse in Glen Meadow at five this evening or Toma’s two daughters will be sold.”

  Her stomach soured, and bile burned her throat. “Those poor girls. They must be out of their mind with grief and fear. What are you going to do?” she asked, knowing full well Birk wouldn’t let her be given to this man.

  Tory piped up. “I’m going in your place. We look enoug
h alike to fool most people.”

  “No way. It will be too dangerous,” Lily blurted.

  Tory cocked an eye. “At least I’m a dragon with excellent fighting skills. You aren’t. But even if I pretend to be you, there will be issues. For one, I’m taller. I can only slump over so far without making it look obvious.”

  “Who’s to say this Dorlack person knows how tall I am?” Lily said.

  Tory smiled. “Let’s hope he doesn’t, unless the photo of you was taken when you were standing next to Toma.”

  “I wasn’t even aware anyone was at Toma’s place other than the two of us.” She glanced over at Birk. “I didn’t see Birk until he charged out of the woods.”

  His dad seemed to be fighting a smile.

  “Height aside, we both have the same color hair, and I’ll wear mine like you do. I figure with a hat and a pair of sunglasses, I should be good,” Tory said, sounding very professional.

  “What about your dragon signature?” Birk asked. “The moment you meet Dorlack, he’ll know there’s been a bait and switch.”

  Tory waved a finger at him. “I plan to ask Magnolia if she can give me the same signature cloaking stone she gave Nessa.”

  Lily couldn’t help but wonder how successful the Guardians would be without these pottery ladies. Were they somehow connected to the Guardians? Relatives perhaps?

  Griffin pushed back his chair. “I’ll head on over there now and ask them for the stone. Nessa and Tory need to stay here since they are part of the plan.”

  Lily had yet to hear the details of this crazy scheme.

  “Good luck,” Jamison said. “Without it, we may have to change our tactic.”

  Griffin nodded and left.

  “Let me get this straight,” Lily said. “Tory pretends to be me. What happens when she and Toma arrive at the designated place? Once Dorlack realizes there’s been a switch, he’ll kill her.”

  “We won’t let it get that far,” Jamison said. “We have to assume that Dorlack has men watching our every move. They might even know that you’re in here with us now.”

  A cold shiver raced down her spine. “What are you saying?”

  Declan leaned forward. “It’s why we would like you to go with Toma until you are close to Glen Meadow.”


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