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Kissed By Flames

Page 19

by Vella Day

  “I hope so.”

  He smiled briefly. “Lily, I hope you realize that you are my world. Everything I do is for you.”

  She reached across the table and stroked his hand. “That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  His eyes darkened. “I hear a but coming.”

  Her heart dropped to her stomach. “There is no but, Birk. I love you. And not just because you keep saving me.”

  He stroked a hand down his jaw. “Let me ask you. Would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me?”

  The heart that had securely lodged itself in her stomach beat wildly. “What are you saying? Are you asking me to marry you?” She didn’t think shifters did that.

  “I guess I am, though dragons don’t do the walk down the aisle thing—at least not right off the bat. We mate first. But we can do a church wedding if you have your heart set on it.”

  Wow. Her head spun. It was what she hoped he’d say. “Why haven’t we mated yet?”

  Every time they were in bed, she expected him to bite her. His sisters and cousins had even given her the lowdown on what to expect.

  He glanced to the side. “I didn’t think you were ready.”

  Okay, that took her by surprise. “You didn’t think I wanted you enough? Or what?”

  He ran a finger around his collar and tugged. “No. I didn’t think you were ready for my lifestyle. Now you’ve seen what I do. It’s dangerous, and I know you would worry about me. Too much in fact.”

  That was lame. “You are in charge of security at the Sinclair and Caspian mines. Being down in that dark, smelly hole seems more dangerous to me. I love you, so of course I’d worry no matter what you did.”

  His grin came out wide. “For real?”

  Birk did have his silly side. “Yes, for real dragon-boy. I mean dragon-man.”

  Birk laughed, and his eyes turned teal. “That’s why I love you, Lily Harper. You have such a fresh view on things.”

  She sipped her tea. “Thank you.”

  “So, it’s a yes, right? You want to mate with me.”

  She giggled; something she hadn’t done in a long time. “It’s a definite yes!” She leaned forward, not wanting anyone to overhear. “Do you think you can handle me being a big, tough dragon lady though?”

  Ever since she saw how happy her brother was after mating with Nessa, she’d wanted that too. So what if she’d hated dragons before. That was in the past.

  “Of course I can.”

  “Good, because I’ve always wanted to fly.”

  Birk leaned back in his seat. “Then fly you shall, my beautiful mate.”

  Lily could think of nothing else for the rest of the trip back to Edendale. Birk loved her. Not just loved her, but he wanted her as his mate. Strong, kind, protective Birk. She couldn’t be happier.

  No sooner had they entered his condo than his sister called. “Let me put you on speaker, okay?” he asked.

  “I trust you had an uneventful drive home?” Nessa asked once both could hear.

  Lily almost blurted that it was the most eventful drive home. She and Birk were going to be mates—in the real sense. Telling Nessa before it happened might jinx things though. “Very uneventful. Thanks.”

  “What happened to Landry’s sister?” Birk asked.

  “I delivered her to the pottery shop where Acacia and Poppy were more than happy to strip the evil woman of all her powers. She can no longer become invisible or hide her shifter signature. I then delivered her to Anderson. Our cousin has his hands full now.”

  “Good. Have you heard anything about what happened at the warehouse after I left?”

  “Yes. I spoke with Kyle a while ago. He’s at SinCas in a debriefing. Apparently, a few more of Dorlack’s men showed up, but they were no match for our Guardians. Several managed to escape though. I dare say it probably will be a long time before they regroup. If they do, I hope it’s not in our province.”

  Lily clapped. “No one was injured?”

  “Nothing our dragons couldn’t handle. According to Kyle, everyone has arrived back.”

  That was the best news she’d heard in days—other than the fact that Birk loved her and wanted to mate with her.

  “One other thing,” Nessa said. “I’m not sure which of the Guardians called, but someone warned the Edendale police what had happened at the warehouse. Toma is now in custody, and his girls have been reunited with their loved ones.”

  Lily stepped over to Birk and hugged him. He cleared his throat. “Thanks for the update. Gotta go.”

  Nessa laughed. “Enjoy yourself, brother.”

  “I intend to.” He pressed the disconnect button. A second later, Birk’s lips were pressed against Lily’s, and her whole body felt like she had shed every insecurity she’d ever had. This man loved her and wanted her—forever. As excited as she was to think about the future, she wanted to enjoy this moment more.

  Not breaking the seal, Birk lifted her up and carried her into his bedroom. Her body vibrated with joy, and her head almost exploded with passionate need. Lily’s new shifter friends had claimed that the bite didn’t hurt, but she wasn’t totally convinced.

  Birk set her down gently on the bed. He then sat next to her, lifted her wrists, and then turned her arms each way. “Looks like you might have some bruising, but that’s all. How do they feel?”

  As much as she loved that Birk wanted to protect her, there was a time and place for it. Now was not the time. “Good enough to be kissed and loved hard. Come on. No more worrying—only loving. Okay?”

  He chuckled. “Loving it is.”

  When he continued to look down at her, Lily growled, grabbed his face, and sat up. She kissed him softly at first but then was unable to keep from joining her tongue with his.

  It was as if she’d pressed all of his hot buttons at once. Birk rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him, never breaking contact. She brushed her palms against the short bristles on his face, as he slid his hands down to her butt and squeezed, inciting her lust and desire.

  Needing more contact, she drew her knees inward and sat on his hard cock. She slid her body back and forth, eliciting groan after groan from Birk. Their tongues whipped back and forth, faster and faster until she was ready to combust. This time, it was Lily who came up for air first.

  “I want you naked,” she demanded.

  She slipped to the side and undid his pants while he sat up and tossed off his shirt. His large chest and rippled muscles took her breath away. She didn’t like the red battle streaks across his shoulder. “Do those hurt?”

  “Nah. All the markings will be gone by tomorrow.”

  “Lift up, so I can take off these pants,” she said.

  Birk swatted her hands away. “I need to ditch the shoes first.”

  As she slipped off hers, he tossed off the rest of his clothes in a second. Even though she’d seen him naked many times and had made love to him before, she was still impressed with his size.

  Lily reached out and grabbed his thick cock. She pumped her fist up and down a few times before he grabbed her wrist. “Turnabout is fair play, baby,” he said.

  Because she really wanted his hands on her more, she let go and lifted up on her knees. “Have at me.”

  Birk licked his lips. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  “Tell me.”

  “My dragon is clawing my insides, wanting me to mate right away, but I want to take my time.”

  Her pussy was throbbing, and her nipples were aching for his touch. “I’m kind of on team dragon right now. You can have it slow next time.”

  Birk laughed, his eyes glistening with desire. He started at the bottom of her shirt and struggled with getting the tiny buttons through the holes. Halfway to the top, he grunted. “Fuck it. I’ll buy you a new one.”

  In one quick tug, he ripped open her shirt, and the remaining buttons flew. That act of desperation caught her body on fire. Without a word, she unbuttoned her je
ans and slid them and her panties over her hips. She then dropped onto her butt and lifted her legs. Birk grabbed the cuffs and tugged. A second later, she was naked from her waist down. All that remained was her bra.

  Birk just stared. “You are so beautiful.” The awe in his voice sent shivers straight to her nipples.

  Lily didn’t know what came over her, but she dipped a finger into her wet opening, swirled it around, and removed it.

  When she waved it in front of him, Birk’s eyes shimmered. He gently drew her hand to his lips, and when he sucked on her finger, bolts of electricity lit her up.

  “Mmm,” he said. “I love your taste.”

  “I’d like to taste you,” she shot back.

  “Be my guest, but you might get more than a mouthful if you stay there too long.”

  Lily grinned. “I’ll take my chances.”

  She rose to her knees once more. Just as she grabbed hold of his hard shaft, Birk unhooked her bra, and Lily let the straps slip down her arms and off her hands. As she leaned over to take him into her mouth, Birk tweaked one nipple and then the other, causing the tips to peak into tiny pebbles of hardness.

  Wanting to give him as much pleasure as he was giving her, she drew him deep into her mouth and swirled her tongue around and around while she pumped her fist. The harder she kept a hold on him, the more pressure he exerted on her nipples. It was as if they were totally connected, responding to each other’s touch.

  When he cupped both of her breasts in one hand, waves of delight caused her inner walls to tighten. It was too much, too exciting, and too overwhelming.

  Lily sat up. “I need you now.”

  Birk huffed out a breath, grabbed a hold of her waist, and lifted her up. She straddled him, and when her wetness slipped across his cock, the friction caused more waves of delight to pummel her.

  “Baby, please. I’m dying here,” Birk grunted out.

  With her breaths coming out fast, she slipped a hand between her legs, and lifted his cock. In one slick move, she slid the head straight into her opening. Holy shit. White hot need hammered her hard. Her climax threatened to descend right then and there, but Lily wanted to wait, wanted to be one with Birk.

  She dropped back her head and gulped in air. “Oh, Birk, you feel so good.”

  “You should be me.” He lifted her up enough to withdraw his cock.

  With a slowness she couldn’t believe, he edged his way back in, each inch stretching her wide. When he reached the end, he slid his hands up to her shoulders and lowered her body down to his chest.

  “Kiss me,” Birk whispered. “Show me you love me as much as I love you.”

  The challenge tightened her walls around him, and liquid lust spread across her body. She nibbled on his bottom lip and then pounced. As soon as he opened his mouth to greet her, all thoughts left her body other than loving her man the best she could.

  Taking back the control, Birk kissed her hard while he slipped out of her and then drove right back in. His tight control thrilled her. It seemed as if Birk was working hard not to come, and that was the last thing she wanted or needed.

  “Bite me,” she demanded.

  What happened next defied all description. His fangs extended, and then he exerted slight pressure on her neck. She might have tensed if he hadn’t withdrawn his cock and eased in again just fast enough to take her to the brink.

  As his teeth dug into her neck, he drove into her hard and furiously. Her vision blurred, and her lower body heated with molten desire. Lily lowered her lips to his neck and sucked, almost as if her body needed to totally connect with him.

  Searing passion soared through her as her heart did a rapid tattoo. She then shattered with the biggest, most explosive orgasm in her life. A second later, Birk’s hot cum pummeled her insides. She didn’t know when he had withdrawn his fangs. The only thing that registered was the incredible feeling of him licking her neck in a slow, soothing manner. The women were right. It really didn’t hurt.

  When the rolling spasms slowed, she collapsed on top of him. Lily wasn’t sure what to expect. Would little wings sprout? Would her face transform into a dragon? As a ton of questions bombarded her brain, her body gave out.

  When she awoke, Birk was in the bathroom, running the water. He returned with a cloth and cleaned her up before sitting on the edge of the bed. “How do you feel?”

  She smiled. “Wonderful.”

  Birk stroked her face. “You made me a very happy man, and my dragon an extremely happy animal.”

  She laughed then sobered. “I don’t feel any different.”

  “You will. Your eyesight will sharpen, your hearing will become more acute, and of course, you’ll be able to fly.”

  She sat up. “When?”

  “Soon. You need to rest first. You’ve had a very rough day.”

  “What about you? You went into battle.”

  “I did, but I’m used to it. What do you say we shower and then snuggle? If you play your cards right, maybe we can have a repeat of our last shower experience together.”

  Oh, boy. Life with Birk was going to be so much fun. “I like that idea. Race ya!”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Lily was nervous. Intellectually, she understood that after she mated with Birk, she’d be able to turn into a dragon. But what if she was the first human to fail?

  He’d taken her to a corner of the Caspian mine where no one could watch them just in case the worst happened. “Ready?” he asked.

  “To turn into a dragon?”

  “How about we start with partial shifting first? It comes in very handy, especially in confined spaces.”

  “Like when you cut off those plastic wrist ties?”

  He smiled. “Yes. Let me show you what to do.”

  Birk lifted his arms, and right before her eyes, his hands transformed into claws, like she’d seen him do before. A second later, fire shot out of the ends.

  She stepped close but not too near. “How did you do that?”

  He smiled. “I imagined my talons growing, and they do. Try it.”

  Lily was highly skeptical, but she closed her eyes and lifted her arms, mimicking Birk’s actions. With the image of his claws in her mind’s eye, she concentrated on doing the same thing. Not only did she worry about succeeding, she was also concerned that if she succeeded, she might not be able to return her hands to human form. Before she could think about that dilemma, her skin stretched, and then her bones cracked. She jumped back and shook her hands, not liking the strange feeling of something exploding inside her.

  While the discomfort wasn’t too great, having her body change so quickly had her heart pounding.

  “Open your eyes, Lily,” Birk said with pride.

  She did, and when she saw how distorted her arms were, she immediately hid them behind her back. “They’re ugly.”

  He frowned. “What are you saying? Are you put off when you see me in my dragon form?”

  Oh, shit. She hadn’t meant that. “No. Only on me.”

  The lines around his eyes softened. “You’ll get used to it.” He stepped close and drew her arms to the front. “They are perfect.” He ran a finger over the back of her hand—or rather her claw. “Look how special your scales are. They’re seafoam green—so delicate, like you. It is now my favorite color.”

  He let go and she twisted her arm, letting the sunlight reflect off her body. The green scales were pretty. “I do like the color, though I was hoping I would get the same deep, ruby red color like yours.”

  Birk’s lips quirked upward. “No one knows how that works. Now hold out your hands and imagine shooting fire out of the tips.”

  She aimed at a patch of grass away from Birk and pictured a little flame coming out of them. Only that didn’t happen. Instead, a fireball a foot in diameter shot out and caught the grass in front of her on fire. “Oh, shit.”

  Birk laughed, and together they stamped it out. “Lily, you are going to be one powerful dragon.”

��Me? I’m just a little bit of a girl.”

  Birk hugged her. “But you’re my beautiful little bit.” He leaned back. “Trust me. When you transform into your dragon, you will be as powerful as I am. Maybe not as skilled, but you’ll have the potential. In your human form, yes, you’ll still remain a lightweight.”

  She chuckled and punched his chest. “Then you better watch out.”

  The air seemed to leave his body, even though his eyes were glowing teal. “Watch out? Does that mean you plan to train to become a Guardian and fight beside me?”

  “No,” she shot back without thinking.

  Birk held up his hands, and his eyes slowly lost their luster. She hadn’t meant to disappoint him, but she hadn’t had time to think before blurting out that one word.

  “That’s okay,” he said, his voice softening.

  “I mean, can I try being a dragon for a while before I decide?”

  Without concentrating, her claws retracted and returned to their human form. Birk hugged her then kissed her quickly. “You can be or do anything you want.”

  Now she felt bad. “Okay, so tell me how to shift.”

  “The same way that you transformed your hands into claws. Mentally picture your whole body changing. Once it does, move what will become your wings up and down to simulate flying. At least that was what Nessa told your brother to do, and it seemed to work. We’ve been shifting for so long, I don’t think about the mechanics.”

  “Okay, so once I’m a dragon, I just flap my wings, and I will be flying?”

  “That’s the idea, but it’s a little more complicated than that. At first, you should stay low and remain parallel to the ground. I’ll be right next to you to make sure you don’t plummet.”

  “That’s not very encouraging.”

  “Please don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She smiled, encouraged by his confidence.

  “Here goes then.” She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Picturing a dragon, her hands changed first, then her toes stretched, and finally her hips widened. The process seemed to tear her apart, and while quite uncomfortable, it wasn’t as painful as what Kyle claimed. Her face changed shape, and Lily was quite thankful she wasn’t watching herself in a mirror. That would have totally freaked her out.


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