Little (Trenton Security Book 2)

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Little (Trenton Security Book 2) Page 4

by J. M. Dabney

  “You want a six-pack?”

  “Men like—”

  “Not all men,” Harmon whispered as he stroked the back of his fingers across his cotton covered belly and pushed slightly into the jiggly curve. “Soft, I love soft.”

  He glanced up to catch Harmon staring at his belly and where Harmon’s fingers rubbed in slow circles. That’s when he noticed the manly scent of sweat, a hint of something smoky and spicy. It was the same scent he’d taken in while they were in Harmon’s van a week before. He felt his dick start to react to Harmon’s closeness and the heat of his body, so he closed his eyes to think about anything other than climbing Harmon.

  “Do you want to lose weight, Poe?”

  “Yes, no, I just wanted someone to like me.” He didn’t know why he admitted that, but for some reason, he didn’t want to lie to Harmon.

  “If someone doesn’t like you as is, baby, they ain’t worth your time. You shouldn’t hurt yourself, and that fucker should’ve known better. I saw the pain on your face from across the room.”

  Harmon’s tone turned colder, and it sounded more dangerous than the rage of before. He needed to distract Harmon from getting himself into trouble.

  “What are you doing here? I didn’t know you worked out here.”

  “I don’t. We teach a self-defense class for abuse survivors once a week. Oh, you can meet Fielding.”

  He couldn’t help smiling as Harmon jerked his head around and called over a man a few inches taller than him, well, average height for a man. He’d always been in the lower percentile for growth until he hit puberty and he’d gained weight instead of height.

  “This is Fielding.”

  Seeing the beautiful blond in person was different, the man’s pictures didn’t do him justice at all, and he realized the man was familiar. “You’re Fielding Hask—”

  “Livingston now.”

  “Weren’t you going to do some big blockbuster a year ago?”

  “I found something more important.” Fielding’s smile was so sweet as the man’s big husband wrapped his arms around his thick waist.

  “I told you that you could still do your acting if you wanted.”

  “I know, Daddy, but that meant I couldn’t sleep in your arms every night and that wasn’t happening.”

  The love between those two men was awe-inspiring. Livingston was big and muscular, and Fielding was slim and beautiful even with the slight belly.

  “Do you want to go to lunch with us,” Harmon asked. “We’re just hitting the diner.”

  “Are you getting dressed first?” he asked and let his eyes scan all that muscled perfection.

  Huge, hairy pectorals flexed, and he grinned at Harmon’s chuckle.

  “If I keep getting looked at like that, I might leave the shirt off.”

  “Put the shirt on, Harmon.” His voice was strained at thinking of other people looking at him.

  “Yes, Poe.”

  No one ever called him Poe, it was always Solomon or Solo as a joke. His sister always called him Solo because that’s what he always said when she asked him if he was bringing anyone to family dinner or events she invited him to. His parents loved him, but they were outgoing and athletic, running marathons.

  Harmon slipped his shirt over his head, and he regretted making Harmon put clothes on. He missed that dark skin and hair instantly.

  “We have another thirty minutes to work out.”

  He turned his attention back to Stu and took in the man’s annoyed expression.

  “No, the work-out is done, and if he wants to work-out, he can ask me to train him. I’m not letting you anywhere near him.”

  “You’d train me?”

  “You can come out to my place—”

  A gasp cut Harmon off, and he peeked around the big man to see Fielding’s eyes wide.

  “You’re going to let someone come to your place? Your place?”

  “Why can’t I go to his place?”

  “Little won’t even let most people know his address. I think four people know where he lives and no one but Lily dares go over there.”

  “He’s got a nice place.”

  “Your person, Little?”

  He held his breath as he waited for the answer. Would Harmon say he was his person? He knew it would never work, but he really wanted to be— “He’s a friend.”

  He turned away and bent over to grab his bag to hide the hurt he knew was on his face. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Harmon and the man’s friends.

  “Come on, let’s go get some food,” Livingston ordered.

  He straightened as Livingston dragged Fielding toward the door.

  “If you don’t want to have lunch with us, that’s okay.”

  “No, I want to, but if you don’t want me to come…”

  “I do,” Harmon said too loud and sharp. “Sorry, my friends are weird sometimes.”

  “You did tell me all those stories, so, I kinda got that.”

  “Here, let me take your bag.” Harmon plucked the backpack from his hold.

  A big hand rested on his lower back and nudged him forward. He let Harmon lead him in the direction of the door, and Harmon grabbed a small gym bag that Fielding held out to him.

  “You okay with walking? We left our cars at the office.”

  “A walk is fine,” he answered as they followed Livingston and Fielding.

  The two men held hands and talked softly to each other.

  “How did Livingston and Fielding meet? I don’t think that was one of the stories.”

  “Fielding had a stalker, and a guy in L.A. who knew Linus, recommended us. Livingston was assigned as a bodyguard for Fielding.”

  “So they fell in love?”

  “Yeah, Livingston was going to let Fielding go after the assignment was over. Didn’t think it was fair to tie Fielding to him. Liv kept it up right until Fielding was about to get on the plane. He couldn’t let his boy go.”

  “And they got married?”

  “Several months ago.”

  “I never thought about getting married, no, that’s not true, I’ve thought about it, but it just never seemed like it was meant to be.”

  “You’re still young, what twenty-three, four?”

  “I’m thirty in a few months.”

  “I didn’t expect that.”

  “Yeah, I’ve always looked a lot younger than I am. It’s a curse.”

  “No, it’s not. You’re very beautiful.”

  “Thank you for saying so, but I don’t see it.”

  “You should, and I think I might say it a lot until you believe it.”

  He couldn’t help it, he wrapped his arms around Harmon’s and hugged it to his chest. “You’re really sweet, Harmon, why are you single?” He felt Harmon flinch and glanced up to find the man’s face expressionless.

  “No one wants to keep me for more than one fuck.”

  “That’s bullshit. Any person would be lucky to have you.”

  “You’d be in a minority of one.”

  He was about to argue when he noticed Harmon was no longer looking at him. There was an oppressive sadness that seemed to weigh Harmon down. He’d noticed it. Just small details, when Harmon told Lily that he didn’t like Harmon much. When Harmon hadn’t wanted to let go of his hand. And in the van when Harmon said no one ever wanted to keep him.

  He’d admit Harmon was a bit out there, but he’d love a chance at keeping the weirdly adorable man. Unfortunately, Harmon was determined that he was only a friend. He didn’t have time to say anything before Harmon ushered him into the diner. Harmon motioned him onto the bench seat of the booth first, same as Livingston did with Fielding.

  “Little, Liv, Fielding, what are you three doing here during the day?”

  “Just finished at the gym. This is Little’s friend, Poe. This is the beautiful Heidi.” Fielding answered as the man leaned into his husband’s side.

  “Hi, Poe, I’ve seen you in here a few times. How did you hook up with t
hese heathens?”

  “Harmon kidnapped me.”

  She just laughed and shook her head. “I can see him doing it. What can I get y’all to drink? Your usual apple juice, Little?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Heidi took their drink orders and left them menus. When she came back, he ordered a burger and fries like the rest of them. It would be the first real food he’d had since he’d taken Harmon dinner on the stakeout. While they waited for their food, Harmon stretched his arm out along the top of the booth seat, and he took a chance. He settled into Harmon’s side, and the big man seemed to relax at his weight. It was nice, and he enjoyed lunch with people he might be able to see as friends. Although, he didn’t want to be just friends with Harmon, he’d deal with it just to be able to be with him. The man made him feel good for the first time in a long while.

  When Had Harmon Last Hung Out With a Man: Never

  He ran around the house, and then he’d rolled a blunt and was trying to bring his nerves under control. Poe had called him that morning and asked him if he wanted to hang out. He never hung out with a man before, well, his friends but that was different. This was a man he liked a lot. They’d talked and exchanged messages because he’d worked nights and Poe mostly days. It wasn’t much but something. They’d even gotten together at the diner at least once a week in the past month.

  After the gym incident, he’d made the personal trainer’s life hell. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. The man barely had any clients left and not to mention the fucker’s girlfriend found out about his other girlfriend and wife. He didn’t believe monogamy was a default setting. As long as it was agreed to, that was different. The man deserved to get knocked down from his throne. Those people who thought they were better than everyone else because of status or body fat pissed him off.

  He finished throwing all his dirty laundry in front of the washer and dryer at the back of the warehouse. He had to write it on his board of things to do. Being stuck on cheating spouse duty made him lazy. He liked his job, loved it most of the time, but he hated when he was cooped up in the back of his van for too long. The walls started to close in around him.

  The buzzer went off. Shit, Poe was early. He jogged across the expanse of the first floor and slammed his hand onto the button for the doors. He stepped forward and held his breath as he’d never felt such disappointment when he noticed it wasn’t Poe.

  “Little, man, ya gotta help me.”

  “What did you do to Fielding?”

  “Nothing, my boy is fine, we’re fine. Give me that,” Livingston growled as he passed him and grabbed the blunt.

  Liv rarely smoked with him, must be something big.

  “If you and your boy are good, why the fuck are you smoking then?”

  “Fielding thinks it’s time for a pet.”

  He bit his lip to keep from laughing as he followed Liv to the living-slash-kitchen area. He cringed as his couch creaked when the big man fell onto it. He really needed to get new furniture, especially now that he had a man friend. He couldn't call Poe his boyfriend. Did the man even want to be his boyfriend? Shit, don't think about it.

  “Dude, you two are married, he didn’t ask for you to breed, so I don’t know why you’re panicking about a pet.”

  He stole the blunt back and took a seat in his favorite recliner.

  “We already had the kid talk. I’m too old and selfish. I love having Fielding to myself.”

  Livingston being a dad, he couldn’t see it. Not that the man wouldn’t be a good one, but Liv didn’t want to share Fielding. “You two talked about kids?”

  “Don’t sound so fucking shocked. It’s not like our friends don’t have kids. It was logical as fuck to have the conversation.”

  “I see this was an issue.” He stopped a smile from forming by taking another hit as Liv sent him a very clear I’ll kill you look.

  “It’s not an issue,” Liv growled.

  “Did you want kids, Liv?”

  “No, absolutely not. Like I said I’m selfish, but Fielding’s young, he might change his mind and aren’t pets like test runs to see if you can keep a mini carbon-based life form alive?”

  “Sometimes people just want pets.” He took a deep inhale and held it, then exhaled as he talked. “Fielding wasn’t allowed things. Maybe he always wanted one, and since he’s happily married to your cranky ass, he’s ready.” He placed the rest of his blunt in the ashtray for later. He didn’t want to be too messed up when Poe got there. He’d needed to take the edge off his anxiety.

  “I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that boy of mine agreed to marry me.”

  He watched as Liv leaned forward to rest his forearms on his knees. The two men were so perfect for each other. He knew Liv was self-conscious with his background and the amount of scarring on his face and body. It didn’t matter how badass the guy was, shit like that bothered a person.

  “You’re lucky, man, why fucking question it?”

  “He’s in his early twenties, beautiful, and here I am old and scarred.”

  “Don’t do that shit, Liv. Everybody who sees how he looks at you knows Fielding loves you.”

  “It’s just so much, like too much too soon I guess. I’m just waiting for all that shit to explode in my face.”

  “It won’t, man. You two are in it for good. So, what kinda pet does—”

  “Hi. You left your door open. Hope you don’t mind I came on in.”

  He spun around as he saw Poe standing there in jeans and a yellow t-shirt. He was slightly disappointed Poe wasn’t wearing a bow tie. But he noticed one thing Poe always wore something in his favorite color. Poe remembered the details and more than anything those small things made him feel important.

  “No, hi, shit.” He stood up and offered his chair to Poe. He froze as the man gave him a quick hug around his waist and took a seat in the recliner.

  “I saw Livingston’s bike. I figured you had company. I’m not interrupting some work thing, am I?”

  He lowered himself to the floor to sit beside Poe’s legs, “No, Liv’s boy wants a pet.”

  He tried not to look like an idiot when Poe draped an arm around him and kissed the top of his head. Poe touched him a lot. It wasn’t anything sexual. He held his hand. Hugged him. No one had touched him so much in his life, not even Lily who was super affectionate with him.

  “Pets are great. What kind does he want?”

  “Don’t know, he just mentioned it when I called him at lunch, and I said we could discuss it when I got home.”

  “Discuss means Fielding will ask, but Daddy always has the final say.” He raised his hand to cover his mouth when Liv gave him the death glare. The man was a professional at it.

  “You know, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings to kill you.”

  “Then I wouldn’t have to listen to you fucking your boy while we try to talk about work.”

  “Not my fault you call when I’m having a moment with my boy.”

  Poe’s musical laughter came from behind him, and he felt the man shaking with it.

  “I find your exhibitionism disturbing.”

  He’d gone out to Liv’s place too many times since his friend married Fielding to find them fucking outside. They didn’t even stop. If he had a man of his own, he wouldn’t let anyone see his man like that, but people got off on stuff. Wasn’t his place to judge.

  “It is what it is, man.”

  “You came here asking for help. What did you want help with?”

  “Nothing, just killing some time before I gotta go home.”

  He chuckled. “The big, bad death junkie is hiding from his cute husband.”

  Liv shook his head and sighed heavily. “When he bats his lashes and calls me Daddy I can’t tell him no.”

  “Completely whipped.”

  Liv nodded toward Poe and smirked. “You’ll know what it’s like one day. I’ll let you get to your date.”

  He stayed seated as Liv got up and headed for the door.
Poe called out a goodbye, and Liv waved over his shoulder.

  “I hope I didn’t ruin your talk with Liv.” Poe squeezed him and pressed a kiss below his ear.

  “No, he really did come to avoid going home for a few.”

  He didn’t even know if Poe noticed all the touching, but he couldn’t ignore the hands rubbing his chest as they talked.

  “Fielding doesn’t look all that scary.”

  “He’s not, but Liv is a control freak, and he can’t tell Fielding no.”

  “I think it’s sweet.”

  He groaned. “Don’t ever let Liv hear you say he’s sweet.”

  “I will refrain.”

  He turned his head to look up at Poe, and he froze as Poe lowered his mouth to his. It was a soft brush. There wasn’t a push for deeper or more.

  “So, what are we going to do tonight?”

  He loved the warm rush of Poe’s breath across his mouth. He raised his hand to stroke the back of his fingers along the soft skin of the man’s cheek. Poe leaned into his touch and seemed to relax. In all his thirty-two years, no one had ever reacted to him the way Poe had. He would’ve sworn Poe would hate him after he’d displayed his embarrassing lack of impulse control.

  “I thought we could take a ride to go get some takeout and come back here, watch a movie or play a game.”

  “I’ve never played video games before.”

  He was sure he looked horrified. What person hadn’t played video games? What the hell had Poe done growing up? Read? “Are you joking right now?”

  A smile spread the corners of Poe’s mouth wide. “No, I’m not joking.”

  “We really have to change that.” He pushed to his feet and grabbed Poe’s hands. “What do you want for dinner?”

  “What’s the quickest and easiest? I got busy today and forgot to have lunch.”

  “There’s a few fast food places.”

  “You’re on. I require grease and fat.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  They hopped into his van, and he drove down to the highway, then to the nearest fast food place. He could’ve probably left Poe at his place, but when he was with Poe, he didn’t want to be away from him. Even after a few months of friendship, he still wasn’t secure that he’d have Poe around for long. He ordered and pulled around, then he took the bags and handed them to Poe.


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