inequality in northern England 57–8
internal markets 133
Manchester 11–12, 61, 64, 67
Old Poor Law 52–3, 132–3
state capability 128
taxes 128
see also Britain
England, Paula 182
Enlightenment 24–6, 27, 58, 66, 98, 144 and human behaviour 156
and the marginal revolution 148
entrepreneurial spirit 22, 50, 53
environmental issues 30–2, 85, 176
equitable prosperity 141
erotic capital 98
Europe age of marriage 43–4, 49
Black Death 63, 64, 66, 80
early economic growth and trade 16–18
early parliaments 127
economic decline 28
and gender equality 63–4
history of the modern state in 126–9
income inequality 72
Industrial Revolution 11, 12, 18
Little Ice Age 30
marriage and women's freedom in 39–40, 41, 43–5, 46–7, 49, 63–4
post-Roman feudal world 126–7
see also medieval Europe
European Women's Lobby 94
Evans, Alice 172
extremist groups, and women's bodies 89–90
families and economics 2–3, 4, 6, 166–71, 173 care and dependency 169–71
taxation 181
family law and market redesign 115, 177
and state capability 123, 124, 128
family size 49–50, 64, 83, 115
family systems female friendliness index 39, 40
patriarchal 19, 23, 51–2
traditional 48–9, 50, 52
and women's freedom 23, 40–4, 45–7, 132
see also the home; nuclear families; patriarchal family structures
farming early development of 15–16
early farmers and the rise of the state 126
female labourers 64
and gender inequality 61–2, 63
women in Africa 42–3
Federici, Silvia, Caliban and the Witch 107, 112–13
female friendliness index 39, 40
feminism feminist groups and sex workers 91, 94
the feminist movement 84
and the Industrial Revolution 66
libertarian feminists 90
sex negative 90–1, 94, 95, 96, 98
sex positive 98
sex radical 90
and society 171–3
and women in the labour market 67
and women's bodies 87, 89
see also Marxist feminists
feminist economics 2, 3, 141, 179–83 and capitalism 103, 104
and women's reproductive work 156–7
feminist standpoint epistemology 180
fertility 4 and age of marriage 65, 166
and dependency 182
and environmental issues 176
and population dynamics 29–30, 48–9, 80–1
and poverty 80, 84
restrictions on women's 25–6
unplanned pregnancies 5, 78, 82, 165
and wages 49
and women's bodily autonomy 29–30, 80–3, 164–6, 173
FGM (female genital mutilation) 88, 113, 180
Folbre, Nancy 157, 171 ‘Exploitation Comes Home’ 167–8
folklore 23
Fontaine, Laurence 41–2, 109
foot binding 88
France 64, 72, 129
Francis, Pope 84
Fraser, Nancy 84–5, 107, 115–16, 117, 182
free speech 24, 38
free-market economists, pro-market arguments of 109–13
freedom 37–8 and economic prosperity 23–6
negative and positive 38
see also individual freedom; women's freedom
French Revolution 21, 29, 129
Frey, Carl 74
Friedman, Milton 95, 110, 114, 155, 161, 183 Capitalism and Freedom 112
Froide, Amy, Silent Partners 111
Gama, Vasco da 17
gangs behavioural economics and gang culture 159–60
in prisons 126
GDP (gross domestic product) alternatives to 31–2
and care work 31–2, 181, 182
and the environment 31
government spending as a percentage of 103
and unpaid work 181
Geier, Kathleen 76
gender and the digital age 68
and economic outcomes 3
economists’ neglect of 4
and environmental concerns 30–1, 32
gender roles and society 171–4
see also men; women's bodies; women's freedom
gender equality 175–6, 182 and care work 120
and economic growth 36–7, 108, 109
and the family 168–9
history of 59–69
market versus state question 5–6, 111, 114
and nature 60
and state capability 122–4, 125, 131
see also women's freedom
gender inequality 5, 59–69, 176–7 and economic growth 121
economists’ contribution to 142, 162
Engels on 106–7
and the family 168–9
global gender gap 59
and income inequality 5, 11, 57, 58, 76–9
indices 39
and the Industrial Revolution 64–6
and Marxist feminism 108
and prosperity 121
and sex 90, 98
and sex workers 94–5
and technology 60, 61–2
and women's freedom 175
gender mainstreaming, of state interventions 123
Germany 64, 103 gender wage gap 60
income inequality 72
lack of early state formation 128
Gibson-Graham, J. K., Community Economy 115
gig economy 170
girls, education of 31
Giuliano, Paolo 46, 62
Giusta, Marina della 95, 96
global financial crisis (2008) 3, 19, 70, 104
global income inequality 71–2
globalization and economic growth 17, 81, 118
and income inequality in the West 73–5
and Marxist feminism 108
Goldin, Claudia 59, 67, 74, 84
GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator) 31
Great Depression (1929) 70
Greece, ancient 16, 46, 142
Greif, Avner 132
Grid Girls 92
Gupta, Rahila 96–7
Gutenberg, Johannes 1
Habtezion, Senay 32
Hajnal, John 48–9
Hakim, Catherine 98
Hammar, Olle 71
Hartmann, Heidi 107
Hayek, Friedrich 95, 112, 117
health, gender gap in 59
heuristics (rules of thumb) 153
Hickel, Jason 111–12
Himmelweit, Susan 170
history 3, 6–7 of economic growth 14–18
Hobbes, Thomas 144
Holland 18
the home families and economists 166–9
and gender equality 176
markets and the state 135
violence against women within the home 115
and women's freedom 38
and the workplace 182
households income and gender inequality 76, 79
single-parent 76, 78
Howell, Martha 42
Htun, Mala 123–4
human behaviour 139–41 individual 142–9
motivation 150–2
rational and calculating 141, 152–4, 154–5
tensions in 14
see also behavioural economics
human capital 98
Hume, David 144–5
Humphries, Jane 27, 50, 108, 150, 162, 182
hunter-gatherers, and gender equality 60, 61, 131
IAFFE (International Association for Feminist Economics) 3
immigration policies 123, 170
imperialism 109, 145–6
income inequality 5, 11, 70–85 and economic growth 5, 14, 67, 75–6, 83
economists on 83
in the family 168, 169
and gender inequality 5, 11, 57, 58, 76–9
global 71–2
and poverty 70–3
predistribution agenda 79
and wealth inequality 75–6
in the West 71, 72–6
and women's freedom 175
see also wages
incomes and population 29
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare 31
India child brides 81
income inequality 71
inheritance law 115
marriage and family structure 40–1, 44, 46
individual differences and the Enlightenment 24, 25
and the market 116
individual freedom and economists 149
and the market 110–13, 116, 144–5
and the rational individual 148–9, 163
and the state 128
and women's bodily autonomy 164
see also women's freedom
individuals early thinking on individuals and society 143
history of 142–9
individual rights 144
and the market 19
as rational/self-interested calculators 141, 142, 148–9, 152–4, 161, 163, 172–3
see also behavioural economics
Indus Valley 15, 63
Industrial Revolution 11–13, 15, 18, 24, 146 and age of marriage 49
and cheap female and child labour 108
and economic growth 119
and the Enlightenment 25
in Europe 11, 12, 18
family size 50
inventions and human behaviour 155–6
the market and the state 109–10, 113, 114
Marx on 27
and political institutions 21
and state capability 129
in the United States 11, 27
and wages 27–8, 80, 83
and women 12, 13, 20, 27, 64–6, 176–7
inequality 2–3, 5, 57–8 and feminist economics 3
and the state versus market question 104
and women's freedom 52
see also gender inequality; income inequality
inequality between women the body versus the brain 5, 58, 86–100
and capitalism 107
inheritance law 115, 177
institutions and economic prosperity 20–3, 32, 34
redesigning the market 115–16
and women's freedom 52
see also political institutions
interdisciplinary approach to economics 2–3, 179–80
international development, and gender equality 36
International Labour Organization 77–8
intersectionality 107, 194
Islam 21, 128
Italy age of marriage in 47
early economic growth 17
lack of early state formation 128
medieval 17, 34, 86–7
Japan 60
Jericho 16
Jevons, William Stanley 147
Jewell, Sarah 96
Johnson, Noel 119, 125–6, 130, 132
Kabeer, Naila 108
Kahneman, Daniel 153
Katz, Lawrence 74
Kenny, Lawrence 134
Kessler-Harris, Alice 77, 122–3
Keynes, John Maynard 156, 157–8 General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 157
Khan, Arsalan 111–12
Klemp, Marc 50
Kok, Jan 39, 131
Konner, Melvin, Women After All 60
Korn, Evelyn 96
Koyama, Mark 119, 125–6, 130, 132
Kranton, Rachel 159
Kuznets, Simon 70–1
labour market and the Black Death 63, 64, 83
and capitalist production 107
European women 41–2, 64
gender and income inequality 59, 77, 83, 84
increasing access for women 177
and the Industrial Revolution 64–6, 108, 114
Marx on women in the labour force 106
medieval Europe 111
post-Second World War 84
and state capability 123
twentieth-century 66–7
labour movement and gender inequality 65, 68, 123
and women's work 114
laissez-faire approach and economic prosperity 34
and state capability 122, 129
Lambrecht, Thijs 52
Latin America 28, 46
Laverte, Marleen 97
Lee, Laura 91–2, 97
Lee, Richard Borshay 160
legal institutions, and economic prosperity 20
Lenin, Vladimir 109
Levi-Strauss, Claude 40
Levine, David 154
Liberal Democrats 91, 94
liberal feminism 107–8
libertarian feminists and capitalism 104
and sex work 91
and women's bodies 90
libertarian paternalism 158–9
Lindert, Peter 75
Lister, Kate 96
literacy, and family size 50
Locke, John 128, 144, 148
Lott, John 134
Lu, Jason 95
Lu, Yi 121
Lucas, Robert 83
macroeconomics 148
Malthus, Thomas, on population and the economy 28–9, 48, 79–80, 164
Manchester 11–12, 61 cotton industry 64, 67
and feminism 67
Mandeville, Bernard 145 Fable of the Bees 144
manufacturing, early development of 15–16, 62
marginal revolution in economics 146–8, 162
markets 2, 3, 7, 180 and the business cycle 157
and care work 170–1
and culture 22
different forms of 113
and economic prosperity 19–20, 34, 120
and families 166–7
and freedom 38
and gender equality 176
and Marxist feminism 105
need for 109–13
redesigning 115, 117, 177
and sex 86
social benefits of 105
and state capability 122, 124, 125, 126
and state formation 128
state versus the market debate 5–6, 103–5, 109–17, 145, 177–8
women and prosperity creation 47–53
and women's freedom 7, 111–13, 176–7 democracy and the state 51–3
investment and skills 49–50
marriage and family structures 41–2, 43, 46–7
population, fertility and wages 48–9
see also capitalism; labour market
marriage age of 43–4, 45–6, 47, 48, 49, 65, 80, 81–2
arranged marriages 40, 41, 45–6
and capitalism 50–1
and the family 168
global comparisons of systems of 40–4
and income inequality 78, 80
married women and work 66–7
modern idea of 46–7
monogamy 49
unmarried women 47
and women's freedom 40–4, 45–7, 50–1, 63–4, 80, 111, 132, 134
marriage bars 67, 123
Marshall, Alex 113
hall, Alfred 162
Marx, Karl 26–7, 40, 60, 61, 109 Das Kapital 106
on human behaviour 146
and the marginal revolution 147
Marxism 116
Marxist feminists 7, 104, 105, 107–9, 167–8
Matthei, Julie 65
Mazzucato, Marianna 120
McClintock, Anne 26
McCloskey, Deirdre 20, 22 Bourgeois Trilogy 25
McCulloch, John Ramsay 122
McElroy, Wendy 91
MacKinnon, Catherine 93
mechanization, and labour costs 27
medieval Britain parliament 21
women's freedom in 47
medieval Europe economic growth 17
Italy 34, 86–7
labour market and women's freedom 111
markets 19
marriage in 40, 47
sex workers 99
Menger, Carl 147
merchant class, and state development in Europe 128, 144
microeconomics 148
Middle East 21, 30, 128 early economic development 15–16
and the Enlightenment 24
and gender inequality 63
markets 19
marriage, kinship and women's freedom 41, 42, 43, 46, 132
state development 131
Mies, Maria, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale 107
Milanovic, Branko 11, 73
Mill, John Stuart 53, 110, 110–11, 131 The Subjection of Women 11
The Sex Factor Page 30