A Deception of Massive Proportion: A Romantic Comedy (The Billionaire Club Book 3)

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A Deception of Massive Proportion: A Romantic Comedy (The Billionaire Club Book 3) Page 12

by Victorine E. Lieske

  The woman smiled and pointed at Riley. “Is this your girlfriend?”

  Jalen’s heart stopped. What was he supposed to say to that? Luckily, Riley smiled and took care of it. “I’m his assistant.”

  “Oh?” The woman adjusted her purse. “How long have you worked for him?”

  Riley shot a look at Jalen. “A while.”

  “Well, you would make a cute couple. I thought I saw you together last night, and I assumed you were on a date.” She winked. The woman wouldn’t stop fiddling with her purse. It made him nervous.

  “Where are you from?” Riley asked, deftly changing the subject.

  “California.” The woman took a step closer to him. “That’s where you’re from, right?” she asked him.

  Why was this woman making him feel so uncomfortable? He nodded out of politeness.

  “Do you fly out on Saturday?” the woman asked.


  Riley walked around to her side of the machines. “This one is a better washer,” she said, pointing. Her elbow bumped the woman’s purse, and it fell to the floor. A camcorder shot out of it, clattering across the tile.

  “She’s a tabloid reporter!” Riley yelled.

  Evan rushed to get the woman, but she jumped out of his reach and grabbed for Jalen, catching his shirt in her hand. “The people have a right to know who you are!”

  Jalen stumbled backwards, his shirt ripping at the shoulder, exposing his scars. Evan was there in a flash, apprehending the woman and pulling her away. “I’ve got her,” he said.

  Jalen held his shirt closed, his heart racing. Of course, she would have ripped it where his scars could be seen. He wasn’t sure how apparent they’d been, though. Had she seen? Had Riley?

  Evan dragged the woman out of the room while Riley picked up the camcorder. “I’ll erase what she got.”

  “Thanks,” he said, his nerves making his stomach tight. “How did you know she was a tabloid reporter?”

  “She kept positioning her purse to get you on film. And I could see the hole she’d cut out.” She pointed to the purse, and Jalen studied it.

  “That’s so small. You saw that?”

  Riley nodded, a look crossing her face that he couldn’t interpret. She messed with the camera, then handed it to him. “I think I got it. Want to double check?”

  He pushed the play button, but the display said there was no file. “Looks good.” He shoved it back into the purse. “I’ll have Evan return this to her.”

  “Are you going to press charges?” Riley stared at the rip in his shirt. The one he was holding shut.

  “No.” The woman didn’t hurt him. He just needed to go change. It wasn’t a big deal, but it did make him glad he’d brought the full detail of security that he did. He should be careful. There could be more reporters out to expose him.

  Chapter 19

  Riley’s pulse raced as she stared at the door, the image of Shadow and his ripped shirt still fresh in her mind. His shoulder…had she seen what she’d thought she’d seen? Scars on his skin? The same burn scars that marred Jalen’s face. That had to mean that Jalen was Shadow, right?

  She took a ragged breath in, all the pieces fitting together. She’d wondered why Shadow knew everything she told Jalen. He must have used a body double dressed as Shadow coming into the lobby. And all the photos of them together were done on purpose, to make people believe they were two different people.

  Yet, she’d gotten a text from Jalen while she was with Shadow. How had he done that? Riley pulled out her phone and looked at the number. Jalen had said it was his new number. She had to know for sure, that Jalen was Shadow, before she wrote an article.

  One press of the button and her phone dialed him. A recording played. “The number you have dialed is invalid. Please try again.”

  Riley stabbed at the red hang-up button. He’d faked the texts. That had to be it. She’d figured it out. She knew who Shadow Walker was!

  Her elation was short lived as the conversation from earlier played back in her mind. What would happen if the world found out who you are?

  My career would be ruined.

  A sick feeling stared in her gut and spread through her. In order to get her promotion, she had to ruin Shadow’s career. Jalen’s career.

  He’d obviously put on a mask in order to hide his scars. He’d tried to get into the music business as himself, but no one wanted him. So, he’d hidden himself. Now he had fans all over the world. He was one of the hottest pop stars on the tops of the charts. But if he were to take off the mask, would anyone want to see who he really was?

  Riley would like to think that his fans wouldn’t care, but she’d seen people turn against stars for things she never thought they would. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that Shadow’s career would be ruined if she told the world who he was.

  But could she go home and not write the story? Her boss would murder her if he ever found out. No, he wouldn’t. He would just torture her until she was at the brink of death, then nurse her back to health so he could do it all over again.

  Plus, what would she do with all the bills she couldn’t pay? Could she afford to walk away from a story like this? She was late paying the rent…very late. She already had to figure out how she was going to pay the late fee on top of everything. Her mother took the 200 dollars she’d left for her father. And now he’d have another ER bill to add to the stack.

  Her throat closed, and she had a hard time breathing. She gripped the washing machine and tried to drag in air to her lungs. She couldn’t give up now. She couldn’t let her father be evicted from his apartment.

  “Are you okay?” Shadow’s deep voice cut into her thoughts, and she jerked around. Shadow…No, Jalen stood near the door, a look of concern in his eyes.

  “Yeah,” she managed to say, nodding her head for good measure. “I’m fine.”

  He crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. “You look shaken. Did that woman hurt you? Are you really okay?” He looked her over.

  It was odd, knowing Jalen was behind that mask. But his concern for her was obvious, and it touched her. “I’m not hurt. Really.”

  “Let’s get out of here. Go somewhere else,” he said.

  “But your laundry…”

  “It looks done. I’ll toss it in the dryer, and we can go for a walk.”

  Wait, the washing machine had gotten done? She hadn’t even noticed. Feeling foolish, she helped him transfer the wet clothes to one of the dryers and stepped into the courtyard with him. Evan trailed along behind them.

  “Where do you want to walk?” Jalen asked.

  “The beach.” Then she remembered he was dressed as Shadow, the beach would be crowded, and it was a warm day. “Would you rather go somewhere else? Maybe not as sunny?”

  He smiled. “The beach is fine.”

  “No, I’ve changed my mind. Let’s just go walk to that park that’s near the resort.” It would be shady and more private.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “Yes. That’s what I want.” She walked beside him through the courtyard to the main building, then out the front doors. As they walked, she had an uncomfortable conversation with herself. Should she reach out and take his hand? It wouldn’t be odd, right? They’d been holding hands, but she hadn’t known it was Jalen at the time, so it seemed weird. But she still missed the feeling of his hand on hers. Indecision plagued her.

  Luckily, she didn’t have to think about it much longer because Jalen made the decision for her by sliding his fingers through hers in an easy manner. Flutters erupted in her stomach. She could easily imagine Jalen walking next to her, no mask on. Just the two of them enjoying one another’s company, like a real couple.

  “You seem pensive.”

  “Yeah, just thinking.”

  He chuckled. “About what?”

  About him. Being Jalen. It was blowing her mind a little. Yet, she couldn’t tell him that for obvious reasons. “Nothing important.”
br />   “Are you still worried about your father?”

  “Always.” Not a lie. She was terrified something would happen to her father.

  They took the path into the park. A few people milled about, but the gazebo was empty, so Riley steered them toward it. They stepped up into the structure, while Evan hung back.

  Jalen turned toward her. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Yeah, he could give her permission to write a story about who he was under his mask. A story like that would give her enough money to save them from being kicked onto the street. And it would get her that promotion. She didn’t even want to think of the cost of the transplant surgery, or the medications he’d have to take forever afterward.

  But she couldn’t ask him to do that. She shook her head, her heart in her throat. “No.”

  “I’m sorry.” He leaned against the beam of wood behind her, his face just inches from hers. “I wish I could do more.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  He cupped her face. “You are amazing, you know that? I still can’t believe you figured out that woman was a reporter and outed her. She was ready to rip my mask off. She might have succeeded if you hadn’t stopped her.”

  Guilt made her stomach fill with acid. The only reason she pegged the tabloid reporter is because she’d used the same tactics herself. But she didn’t want to keep talking about her “heroics.” She didn’t feel like a hero. She felt like a traitor.

  “Not to change the subject, but can I ask you a question?”

  He took a minute to study her before speaking. “Of course.”

  Before she could take some time to think, words began spilling out of her. “If you had two people you cared about, one who was hurting and in pain, and the other one who could help but it would put them in a bad position, would you ask the second one to help, even if it meant you could be causing them misery?”

  After that string of nonsense was out, she pressed her lips together. What was she doing, exactly? Trying to get his permission to ruin his life?

  He squinted at her. “Is this about your father?”

  “Never mind,” she said, waving her hand. It was stupid to even bring up. Why did she do that? She couldn’t talk about her predicament with Jalen. And she certainly couldn’t get his permission like this.

  “No, I’m trying to understand.”

  “Forget it.” She didn’t want him to understand. It was a mistake. She closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to his. He responded, taking command of the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he took a step forward, her back pressing against the wooden beam that was behind her.

  His lips were tender. Seeking—exploring—sending waves of desire through her. She imagined Jalen before her, without his mask hiding his identity. His strong cheekbones. His silky, blond hair falling to his forehead. Her fingers grazed over his skull cap and mask, probing to find the definition of his face. For some reason, she needed confirmation that she was right.

  He made a small moaning sound as her fingers grazed over his skin below his mask. It was Jalen, she was sure of it. He’d made the same sound that first day, when he’d taken a bite of the shrimp. Her heartbeat picked up.

  “Riley,” he whispered, his lips pulled back just enough so he could speak.

  “What?” she whispered back.

  “You’re making it very hard for me to resist you.”

  She rested her forearms on his shoulders, her fingers playing with the tie on the back of his skull cap. “Why do you have to resist me?”

  “Because. The more we do this…” He kissed her. Tingles erupted over her skin. “The more I feel guilty for not being myself with you. The more I want to—”

  She put a finger on his lips to stop him from saying it. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. Would he reveal himself as Jalen to her? Was he saying that’s what he wanted to do? If he did that, she would feel even worse handing in a story about him to her boss. It would be obvious who the rat was. Could she hurt him like that? Kiss him, and then stab him in the back?

  Panic rose in her, and she pushed him back. “Oh, my goodness. I totally forgot. I have to call the insurance company and tell them that father went into the hospital.” She patted her hair back into her bun. Not that it was coming out. She needed something to do to cover up the lie. “How could I have forgotten that?”

  “Go ahead and call.”

  “The uh…number is in my room back at the resort. But it’s okay. You stay and enjoy the park. I have to get the laundry out of the dryer anyway. I’ll put it in your room after I fold it.” She backed away from him. “Sorry. I don’t know how I could have forgotten to call.”

  She rushed down the gazebo steps and onto the sidewalk, her heart beating against the inside of her ribcage. She couldn’t let him reveal himself to her. Not now. She wasn’t ready to face it. If she knew for sure, she would have to write the article, and she didn’t want to. Not yet. She had to think about what she was going to do.

  Chapter 20

  Jalen watched as Riley practically ran to the resort. Had he scared her off? He was only trying to be honest with her. And if he were being completely honest with himself, he was falling in love with Riley.

  His heart nearly burst at the thought. He was in love. But how could she love him back, if he wasn’t being honest with her? In order for them to have a chance at a real relationship, he had to take off his mask and show her his real self. His scars and all. He couldn’t pretend he was someone else any longer. It was time for him to let her know.

  However, he had no idea how he would say it. He was nervous and unsure, but he didn’t want to back away from it anymore. If he were to continue having a relationship with Riley, he had to let her know who he was. Even if it meant losing her.

  But she’d stopped him mid-sentence. She hadn’t let him tell her what he was feeling. Was she not feeling the same? Or did she simply remember a call she had to make?

  He didn’t want to stay in the park, so he walked back to his room and filled Sir Barks’ food bowl. He pulled out his notebook and stared down at the lyrics he’d been working on. His song about Riley. And suddenly, he knew what he needed to do. He had to sing it tonight. For her.

  Pulling out his pen, he sat and reworked the lyrics once again. This time, he was not writing a song. He was opening himself up and bleeding onto the page. He was going to confess his love to Riley tonight, even if she rejected him.

  Riley waited backstage as Jalen belted out one of his popular songs, the crowd going wild. She gripped his half-empty bottle of water, her knuckles white. She couldn’t get her heartrate to calm down. Her body wouldn’t stop reacting to his kiss and his words. She had it bad. Every time he came near her, she longed for his touch. It was driving her crazy.

  Why couldn’t she get a grip? She was like a teenager with raging hormones. Sheesh.

  Jalen finished his song, then turned around and flashed her a smile—which made her knees go weak—and a thousand butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She gripped the water bottle tighter, and the plastic crinkled. Why was she so affected by him? This crush of hers was over-the-top. If she didn’t get a handle on things, she was going to embarrass herself. She was a grown woman, for Pete’s sake.

  Jalen spoke into the microphone. “I’m going to sing one more song for you. This is a new one, so bear with me as I get out my lyrics.” She heard rustling sounds and turned to see Jalen setting up his notebook on a music stand. He pulled a stool over and sat down with his guitar. “I wrote this song for a special someone in my life.”

  Wait, what? Her palms grew sweaty. Was he talking about her? Did he write her a song? He strummed a couple of chords, and Riley’s breath caught. It was the song he’d sung for her. The one that had struck her so much. She stood, motionless, as he began to sing. Only, he’d changed it. The melody was the same, but the lyrics were all different. Her mouth went dry as his words came through the microphone.

  Here I sit, in my w
orld of stone, wrapped in cold loneliness.

  And then you come. You steal a kiss, and then my heart.

  You leave me sitting here…


  But I’m too afraid, so I withdraw into the shadows.

  I see you. I want you. But I can’t have you.

  So I put on my mask and hide…


  Tears sprang to her eyes. Was this how Jalen felt? Was he too afraid of how she would look at him—at his scars—to reveal himself? How awful it would be to be worried about not being accepted for who you are. It crushed her soul. Didn’t he know those things wouldn’t matter to her?

  Had others treated him badly because of his scars? The thought about broke her heart. From what she knew about him, he didn’t spend a lot of time around people. His words from the beach came back at her with full force. Pop stars can be lonely, too.

  Was he afraid of being alone for the rest of his life? He was such a tender-hearted man. He shouldn’t have to worry about his scars. He must have had such disappointment and hurt in the past for him to feel this way.

  She blinked back her emotions as she listened to him pour out his soul in his song. She couldn’t see his face, but from the way he was sitting, she could tell he had his eyes closed. He was once again letting his music flow through him.

  Riley stood still, waiting to see how it would end.

  Alone in the dark, I reach for you.

  You come to me, comfort me.

  You make me so…


  I finally realize I’m nothing without you.

  I stumble in the dark. I need you. I love you.

  I take off my mask and wait…


  Everyone sat in silence as the last few notes strummed on his guitar. As the notes faded, the crowd erupted into screams and applause. Riley stood, stunned. Did he just tell her he loved her? A rush of emotions swelled in her.

  She couldn’t think. Shadow Walker had just confessed his feelings for her in a song. No…Jalen had. The man she’d spent the last three days with. The man she wanted more than anything.


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