Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance Page 12

by Jarica James

  The entire way back to the kitchen I try to figure out Allwyn, but it’s useless. He’s like a fortress with his information, only dropping small bits when he sees fit. I just don’t trust that kind of behavior… it’s too close to Sam.

  I’m half worried that the roasted vegetable dish I was making for dinner is burnt to a crisp now, but once I saw Bella, I just ran. At least it looks like someone had my back. As I walk back up, I see that Andras is stirring the vegetables at our makeshift brick oven.

  “Thanks for keeping dinner from burning," I say as I step up next to him. He turns and flashes me a soft smile.

  “I saw what was happening and I knew you were cooking until Bella came back. So I rushed over here to take over while you tended to her. Is there anything I can do to help now that you are back?” He steps away from the pan so I can take over. They looked like they’re close to finished.

  “Do you think this is enough for everyone? I don’t want to leave our people hungry," I frown as I analyze what I prepared. Figuring it’s best to be safe, I pull out several loaves of bread and start cutting, but Andras never answers. I glanced over and he’s staring at me with an odd look. “What?! Is something on me?” I twist around but don’t see any crazy-looking fae bugs.

  “No, I just like how you said our people. And yes, that’s plenty,” he says with a flirty grin, before turning back to the paper bowls and stacking them on the serving table. Now it’s my turn to be shocked. I guess we’re flirting now? I can work with that.

  Trying to keep my goofy smiling in check, I finish cutting up the bread and announce to the crowd that dinner is served. Motioning over to Andras, I wait for him to step over before pointing to the bowls.

  “Help me take food over to Bella and Allwyn?” I ask. He steps up and takes two bowls from me. I grab two more and lead the way to her tent. She’s still passed out so I hand the bowls and bottled water to Allwyn. When I step back out, Andras hands me one of the bowls. “Thanks, want to have dinner with me?” Please say yes.

  “I know just the spot,” he says without even a moment of hesitation. He turns and leads me over to the closest bridge and sits down with his feet dangling over the edge. They’re high enough that no creepy river monsters can bite our feet off. I shudder at that fun thought as I sit down next to him.

  “So, tell me about your life before the war,” It seems so weird that this quiet landscape was once a world full of people and animals.

  “It was a quiet life. I worked in the main library of Spring. It was a glorious building, brimming with books. The King put me in charge of research projects for the court and distributing books to the schools. It was amazing, I loved it.” He has a faraway look in his eyes and a big smile while he describes his work. He’s even more adorable when he’s passionate about something, his smile bright and green eyes sparkling. His hair is shorter than the long hair Allwyn rocks and it looks great on him. The fae are an attractive species in general, but he has a quiet fierceness to his personality that makes him even more attractive.

  “What about family?” I ask quietly. He doesn’t seem to mind my question, though he stares at the water and continues to describe his old life.

  “It was just me and my sister. My parents died long before the war. She worked in the kitchen at the castle. Unfortunately the castle was the first to fall and she didn’t make it. Gods, she was such an exuberant person. Always making those around her laugh, but she protected her family with an almost feral fierceness. There was this one time that she came to the library one day to bring me my favorite sweets from the kitchens. One of the tutors from the school was yelling and calling me incompetent for a mistake he made. I don’t handle confrontation well, so I was letting him get his anger out before explaining for a fifth time that I sent him exactly what he asked for. She walked right up to him, half his size, and tore into him until he was apologizing and walking out scared. It was magnificent. You remind me of her,” he says as he gives me a glance before turning back to his view. His faraway look is now tinted with sadness and I feel like an ass for asking about them. Needing to do something to make it better, I reach over and take his hand, giving it a squeeze for reassurance. He looks at me in shock and I quickly let go, realizing I misread. Way to ruin the moment, you idiot!

  “Sorry, I thought it would be okay. I was just trying to offer you some comfort, since I stupidly brought up your past," I mumble and start to get up to leave, but he pulls me back down.

  “Don’t be silly, I was just surprised. Please don’t leave,” he gives me a pleading look and I settle back into my seat. “Tell me about your family?”

  “There isn’t much to tell. My parents kicked me out the day I told them I was gay. They were really traditional and had plans for my life that I clearly didn't want for myself. They refused to see reason, but I was thankfully old enough to go off to college, so I left. Other than Sam, Bella was my only family. Now she’s all I have. That’s why I wanted to come here. I couldn’t let her leave me behind, and I had nothing worth staying for on Earth. I left my apartment for Sam and that was the last of the loose ends I cared about," I explain. He looks so sad for me, and I appreciate that he cares, but I’m so beyond over that bullshit. “It’s really okay, I’m stronger because of it.”

  “I’m so sorry. It wasn’t a problem here, unless you were royal. I’m also sorry about Sam," he adds.

  We eat in silence for a few minutes before I continue on. “Don’t be sorry about Sam. He stopped loving me and didn’t have the nerve to tell me. We were doomed for a while and I tried to fix it. I’m honestly not as sad as I thought I would be. I’m happy with things now,” I reassure him.

  “Well, I’m happy you’re here,” Andras says as he takes my hand this time. A smile spreads across my face before we both turn back to the water.

  Hello. I wanted to speak to my fae on Earth. It was brought to my attention that some of you stayed only because you may have mixed families now. But I want to make it clear that they’re welcome in Faerie with us. Just remember time flows differently, that traveling back and forth is hard for humans. The choice is theirs. We await your arrival. Be well, my brothers and sisters.

  The intrusion in my head is so abrupt that I yelp and almost fall into the water. How the hell am I hearing this? Andras laughs as he keeps me from falling forward with a strong hand on my arm.

  “You’re in Faerie now, so you hear her too. I guess you should go see her. But I enjoyed our dinner,” he says with a smile.

  “Me too.” With a sigh I stand up to leave our little bubble of peace. I give a small wave before rushing to Bella. But all I can think about is Andras, the man who is apparently making me feel things I hadn’t felt in a long time, even with Sam.

  Chapter 11

  When I open my eyes the first thing I realize is that I’m not in the gardens anymore. Instead I’m inside of a tent with Allwyn on the floor next to me. The moment he realizes I’m awake he rushes forward.

  “The stone," I demand immediately. I feel awful for not getting a chance to contact the people already. Without overthinking, I quickly relay my message. Once I’m done I lean back on the bedroll, feeling like I’ve been run over by a truck. “I feel so weak," I tell Allwyn, hoping he knows why.

  “I think you overexerted your magic, which is surprising since you have such an extensive supply,” he explains. I expect more information about it but I should know better by now. He acts like he doesn’t notice my annoyance as he puts a few pillows behind me to prop me up, then bringing over a bowl of food. I try to take it from him but my hands are shaking too much to even try to pick up the spoon so he keeps it and feeds me instead. It’s the kindest gesture anyone has ever done for me, aside from Jacob, but I can’t help but feel like a fucking failure. Some queen I am, I passed out on my first day and now Allwyn has to feed me like an infant.

  “I’m sorry, my guard," I say in a soft voice, full of shame.

  He looks up, confused. “Why would you be sorry?” He feeds m
e another spoonful of the roasted vegetables, but never takes his eyes from mine. The crystal blue depths swirl with curiosity.

  “I’m a failure of a queen. Day one and I'm being hand fed because I’m weak," I explain. It should have been obvious.

  “You, my Queen, are not seeing yourself correctly. You may have found your magical breaking point, but you also immediately woke up and contacted your people. Faerie wasn’t your home, yet you are here trying to save it. You‘ve done all of this, only because you have a big heart. That right there, is exactly what a queen does. You’re the most humble, beautiful, and giving queen I have ever had the honor of serving,” he says reverently. I blush at his compliments, not believing them fully but appreciating his confidence in me nonetheless.

  “Thank you, Allwyn. You never cease to surprise me," I say with a small smile.

  “How so?” His mouth tips up in a slight grin.

  “First I meet you and you hate me. Then while I’m still human, you save me. Then you pledge yourself to me and become one of my most trusted friends. It’s just funny how only a few short weeks have felt like years.”

  He sighs, the sound seemingly coming from his soul. “I didn’t hate you, I hated humans as a whole. When we first arrived, we were treated like monsters, then that morphed into being treated like trash. I watched a human kill a friend and I have despised them ever since. Then this fiery little girl comes around and protects me with all she is. It shocked and intrigued me. I wanted to know you, before you were fae, but I pushed you away because I was afraid to be disappointed. Then you saved my life, and holding you in my arms as you changed I thought I lost you. In that moment I’ve never been so desperate, so scared. You have changed me, little butterfly,” he says with an adoring smile that has my cheeks flushing with pleasure.

  “I like this side of you," I tease, giving him a flirtatious smile. His smile changes from happy to sultry at my words, apparently learning how to pick up on social cues finally.

  “I have another side I can show you sometime. I promise you’ll like it, too.” His eyes darken and they lower from my eyes to my mouth. I can feel my chest heat and my face flush from his declaration. My heart pounds in my chest as he runs his thumb across my bottom lip, before lightly brushing his lips against mine. The moment was a long time coming, but it didn't disappoint. Even with such a light touch, my body flares to life, desperate to feel more of what he’s offering.

  “You’ll have to wait to see that side. I would break you in the state you’re in now, butterfly.” He gives me one last heated look before he walks out of the tent. I let out a huge breath and try to lower my heart rate, but images of a naked Allwyn are all I can picture now. It’s always the quiet and surly ones you have to watch out for.

  “Queenie!” Jacob’s boisterous entrance snaps me away from my heated thoughts. “Wait a minute, why are you flushed like that?” His eyes narrow as he takes in my red cheeks and heavy breathing.

  “Oh nothing," I try to play it cool. “It’s just a bit warm in here.”

  “Well I think the warmth just left your tent, so you can relax now," he jokes, knowing exactly why I’m so worked up. Leave it to my best friend to call me out.

  “Alright Prince Jacob, how are you doing? How did the first meal go?” I ask, trying to deflect the attention away from myself. Getting Jacob to talk about himself is the perfect excuse, and he doesn’t disappoint.

  “Actually, it went really well. I left everything unattended when I saw Allwyn carrying you in. When I went back after you were settled in here, Andras had stepped in and taken over. He stuck around and helped me cook. Then… then we had dinner together and talked,” he swoons as he tells me about Andras and I can’t contain the squeal of excitement that escapes me. After the bullshit Sam did, he deserves a guy that will genuinely care about him.

  “You did?” I do a weak happy dance for him in my bed. Jacob and Andras would be great together, or at least from what I’ve seen so far.

  The tent flap bursts open, causing both of us to jump. Allwyn looks around with wild eyes, then quickly realizes it’s just us.

  “What happened? I heard you yell!” His tone is exasperated, like I’d done something wrong. One minute he’s sexy, and another he’s like a scolding school teacher.

  “Nothing, I was excited about something Jacob said. Chill out, Allwyn.” My eyes are wide. I didn’t think we were that loud.

  “You fae must have crazy good hearing," Jacob mutters as his cheeks flush.

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t hear your words, I was just paying attention in case she needs me," Allwyn reassures Jacob, but he doesn’t hide the laughter in his voice. “You two will seriously be the death of me. I just don’t understand you.”

  “And you probably never will. We have our own language and silent conversations at this point," I say with a shrug.

  “She isn’t wrong," Jacob adds, now unapologetic. Allwyn gives an exaggerated eye roll before turning and walking out. It’s such a completely un-Allwyn move that it causes us to dissolve into a fit of laughter again.

  “Anyway,” he picks the conversation back up once he composes himself. “It was amazing. I know I should probably not be this excited so soon after Sam, but there’s just something about this man I can’t help but be drawn to. It’s not even his looks, though they don’t hurt either. He’s just so passionate about his books and knowledge, but he isn’t condescending when he shares what he knows. He’s quiet, but also not afraid to join in with everyone. He just has a way of talking to me that makes me feel important, like I matter,” he explains, his voice growing softer as he finishes. I hold open my arms, knowing he needs another hug. He snuggles in next to me and I wrap my arms around him, offering silent support for a few moments.

  “You matter to me, Jacob. You are the most important person in my life," I whisper into his ear as I hug him. It’s the truth. I loved grandmother in her own way, but the love I have for Jacob is different. He loves me for who I am, even through all of this, and never stops encouraging me. He’s the brother I never had but definitely needed.

  “I know, I’ve just been such a mess. Look at me, ruining a fun gossip session. I’m judging myself at this point,” he jokes as he pulls away. He isn’t one for lingering on feelings and intense moments. “Alright Queenie, get some sleep, I know I need some.” He leaves my bed roll and curls up on the one next to the tent wall, leaving a space in the middle. I close my eyes and just start to drift off when a familiar smell of trees and soil hits my senses. I smile, knowing Allwyn has joined us, his scent shifting now that we’re in Faerie. Tomorrow I’ll focus on being a better queen, but for tonight I’m safe and happy.

  Chapter 12

  As I stand on my chair, addressing all of our people, I finally feel the full weight of my new role. “I would like to take a further expedition into one of the Courts. I prefer the Court of Spring so I can check and see if my magic has made progress there. I am offering to take a small company of travelers with me, my guard, and Prince Jacob," I project my voice through the campsite. “I’m eager to start to explore our new lands and make a plan to start bringing Faerie back to life. I know restoration will not happen overnight, but I want to at least get a feel for the land while I figure the bigger problems out as well.”

  “I would like to go, my Queen," Andras announces formally, standing up and giving me a slight bow. Jacob grins at him and Andras looks away quickly before he can blush.

  “Me too," River stands up next, followed by Gwen. I smile at my original fae friends volunteering.

  A throat clearing, pulls my attention to the back of the crowd. “I offer my brothers and I as protectors for your expedition, Queen Arabella," I scan the crowd, searching for the man who spoke. My eyes settle on a group of four fae men who stand up to show their intention. My heart skips a beat as my eyes slowly inspect the brothers. The first brother is clearly the leader. He has long golden blonde hair that’s secured in a bun on his head, the leather strap holding it gives h
im a more rugged look. Well that and the hint of a beard on his face. With his hair out of his face, his striking blue eyes stand out. He has the familiar fae beauty, but he also has a fierce, stoic look to him. I can see his biceps bulging slightly as he crosses his arms over his toned chest. Even from this far away, I can easily see how sexy he is. Wipe away the drool, Bella.

  The second brother is standing slightly behind the first. Where the first man is bulky, he’s a slimmer build. He has short, shaggy red hair. His pale skin is flawless, with a light dusting of freckles across his nose. He has a mischievous look about him, which is maximized by the cocky grin he gives me as I openly stare at them. My cheeks warm as my eyes meet his vibrant green orbs.

  The third brother has gorgeous silver hair. Not that he’s old in the slightest, but another variation of light hair like mine. Maybe he’s from Winter? Unlike his brother, his is long and flowing around his shoulders. The way he holds himself makes him seem reserved and shy. He meets my eyes for a moment before bowing slightly and looking down. The moment our eyes met, his violet gaze drew me in.

  The fourth and final brother has short, dark brown hair. His bright green eyes meet my gaze with a calculating, but unreadable look. His face is stoic, and unchanging. I would have sworn he was a statue if it wasn’t for his eyes blinking every so often. He’s huge, built like a bodybuilder and an image of him throwing me on a bed and having his way with me, flits through my mind. Control yourself, Bella... they’re just men. Sexy gods among men, but still men.

  But they aren’t just men. I feel an instant and all-consuming attraction to all four of them that leaves me breathless. It’s startling and I can’t shake it. And not just attraction, but a magical calling that is too foreign to me to truly understand.


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