Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance Page 15

by Jarica James

  “How do I cleanse the stones?” I ask first. Better to ask the important questions while I have the chance, Who knows how long her powers will keep me here. Speaking to deities isn’t exactly something I’m familiar with.

  “Your magic. Just as you tried to heal the land, you will heal the stones. Once the Stones are replaced, put them in your crown, they’ll help you stay strong. Your four knights will protect you and ensure that you succeed. Stay focused and rely on those you trust. When it is complete, we will be able to restore order and life in the realm again.” Just as I open my mouth to ask about the crown, a weight settles onto my head. I can’t move my hands to inspect, but I know it is the crown she spoke of. “Once your crown is restored, it will magically bind you to your mates. You will have one for each court. To be a true queen of balance, you will need these men to balance you and help hold your full magical essence. Trust them and lean on them. You embody what four separate royal families did before you. This is important. Your body is simply a conduit, but they are your anchors. You must connect with all four men or your power will destroy you.”

  “Thank you, Spirit of Faerie, I will restore you," I vow, bowing low. The oppressive magic slowly recedes and my vision blurs again. Apparently she was done answering my questions. Only now she’s left me with more weight on my shoulders and my mind a jumbled mess of information.

  All at once my vision comes back to me and I float slowly back to the floor. Emrick plucks me right out of the air before I can hit the floor.

  “What was that?” Maddox barks at me, but Gerwyn gives him a sharp look that stops him from saying anything else.

  “She clearly didn’t do it to herself," he chastises, his voice full of ice. Maybe it’s magical exhaustion, but that was hot as fuck to watch. The reserved man turning cold and dangerous had me swooning a little.

  “You got yourself a crown!” Bowen exclaims, pointing to my head. I nod, still dazed from everything that happened. I can feel my body quaking as it adjusts to the loss of magic surrounding it and words aren’t coming to me easily.

  “We need a fire,” Allwyn announces and stalks off to find a fireplace, mistaking the shaking as being too cold. Emrick trails behind him, still holding me tightly and I just soak in the strength he’s lending me, whether he knows it or not. For a moment I wonder if he could be one of my knights, but know that’s likely wishful thinking.

  “I’m okay, big guy," I whisper weakly, trying to calm the tremors that are still tearing through my body, knowing it’s worrying the gentle giant. I can feel the tension in his hold and see the small glances he throws my way, like he’s worried I’ll float away again.

  “Emrick, a little help!” Allwyn bellows from the other room. Probably because something heavy needs lifting and not because he’s jealous. At least that’s what I tell myself.

  “I’ll take her," Gerwyn steps forward with his arms open and waiting. Emrick gives me one last squeeze before depositing me into Gerwyn’s waiting arms.

  “I’ve got you, beautiful queen,” he whispers as he follows the others into the room. Before my eyes closed completely, I notice a scowl marring Maddox’s face. I’m not sure what I did to offend him, but I can’t seem to dwell on it. I’m safe and warm, surrounded by my strong protectors.

  Chapter 14

  The first thing I notice when I wake up is the overwhelming heat surrounding me. I’m so fucking sweaty I can barely stand it. As I blink my eyes slowly, I realize I’m sandwiched between Gerwyn and Bowen, their bodies radiating heat like a furnace. It doesn’t help that the fire is still roaring in the fireplace. I sit up slowly and look for the others. Allwyn’s missing, but Emrick and Maddox are asleep nearby, blocking the entrances. My protectors, guarding me even in sleep.

  Problem number two is that I’m in desperate need of a bathroom, so I slowly stand up and step over Bowen. Pausing, I scan the room and listen intently, but I can’t hear Allwyn anywhere.

  Indecision and the need to pee war within me. I don’t want to get lost inside of this huge castle, but I have no choice. Allwyn may have been familiar with it, but I definitely am not. Just when I start debating which of the four would get woken up I hear a creak on the floor above me. Well, that solves that, I can just ask Allwyn to help me find one.

  Unable to wait any longer, I hurry over to the staircase near the door. It’s quiet again, so I pause at the top of the stairs, trying to determine which way to go. A thump at the end of the hallway has me turning to the left and rushing that way. While I walk, I peek in each room, determined to find a bathroom before I’m forced to pee outside like a savage.

  I’m almost to the room when I finally spot a restroom. The moonlight streaming in lights up the room enough that I can make out a tub, a stone basin that must have been a sink, and a fancy looking toilet. It’s made of what appears to be marble or a similar stone. It doesn’t have a back for a tank, instead it has a panel on the wall with symbols etched into it. I peer into the basin, but can’t see anything and I no longer care. I could pee into a royal fae washing machine for all I care at this point.

  After I finish I press my hand onto the panel. Nothing happens at first, so I push my magic into it and hope for the best. When my magic flows into the indent, rune symbols start glowing around my hand. A sound echoes in the basin before the runes start to dim, the toilet now clean. At least I think so… the moonlight only goes so far. Shrugging, I make my way over to the sink, repeating the same process to get the water to flow.

  Now that I can think again, I hurry down the hall to Allwyn. I’m wondering if he couldn’t sleep or if something else is wrong.

  At least I hope it’s Allwyn.

  As soon as that thought hits me, I get nervous and approach cautiously instead. I’m not trying to get killed my first night out of our little safe haven.

  The door is cracked, but I can’t hear anything now. That doesn’t calm my nerves any, though. Once I get up the nerve, I peer inside to find Allwyn staring into a mirror. I let out a sigh of relief, about to laugh at the ridiculous scenarios I was concocting in my head.

  Just as I go to step through the door, the mirror turns smokey and starts swirling. On instinct, I duck back out of view, leaning in just enough to see what’s happening since he seems far too calm. As the magic dissipates, a woman’s smiling face appears in the glass. It’s not just a friendly smile, but a smile between lovers… sultry and loving.

  “There you are, my love,” she murmurs in a low, husky voice. I freeze as my heart drops at the confirmation. He’s already with someone? Why would he flirt with me and lead me on? I know I’m not simply misreading his signals. What a bastard!

  “Sorry, I had to wait for the idiots downstairs to fall asleep. I said I would take first watch while I waited for that stupid little human-lover to wake up.” His voice is back to somber, but with a distinctive sneer in his voice. Tears prickle at my eyes. Was he just using us?

  “She won’t make it to be queen. She has no chance of restoring the land. And she actually believed you were a guard in the Spring Court?” She asks with mocking laughter in her tone. I study her face, feeling like I recognize it from somewhere, but I just can’t place it.

  “She did. I told her that I knew her parents and that was all it took to gain her trust.” He gives a low chuckle that conveys just how stupid he thinks I am. I take a quiet step back, not wanting him to turn this way and spot me. For a moment I debate on running back to the guys, but I want to know if he has something planned first. “When will you be dropping that ridiculous glamour, I miss you. It’s been way too long. I hate having to pretend to not care about you,” he teases and I hold back the bile rising in my throat. She’s someone we know?

  “Don’t worry, I’m almost there. Keep her in the dark. Once she unlocks the land, you will be close enough to kill her and take over in her place. Get her to choose you as her King and no questions will be asked. An outsider has no right to rule the fae, we will rule. She was always a fool and her naivety knows
no bounds. She can’t rule a land she knew nothing about until mere days ago.” At her cruel words, they share a laugh and that’s all I can take. Backing away slowly, I hurry through the halls and downstairs to find my other guards with tears streaming down my cheeks. This is why I never gave my heart away. You can’t trust anyone. But somewhere in me I knew he wasn’t the one, I was just hopeful. He’d been so kind, but other times he was harsh and condescending. I’d tried to look past it because he had shown me so much kindness and he seemed to actually care about me.

  They’re all still asleep, unaware of my heart shattering to pieces. But there’s no time for hesitation.

  “Guys! Wake up!” I hiss urgently, shaking each of them. Their eyes fly open as one, but Emrick is surprisingly graceful for his stature and is up and in a defensive crouch within seconds.

  “Allwyn is corrupt, he isn’t who I thought he was. I heard him speaking to a woman in the mirror upstairs, they were planning on him becoming king and killing me when I finish fixing the lands.” Traitorous tears continue to run down my face, more out of anger than hurt now. He’d played me like a fucking instrument and I’d bought it. How could he be so sweet and attentive, yet not mean any of it? Maybe all of those times he made me feel stupid, were just his true colors coming out.

  Emrick growls low in his throat and takes a protective step in front of me. The others each take a position on the other three sides, closing me into the middle of their formation.

  “It will be okay," Bowen says, his voice uncharacteristically angry.

  “Please tell me you guys aren’t secretly trying to kill me, too. I don’t think my heart could take that," I whisper, glancing at each of their expressions and allowing mine to show my vulnerability. But a girl can only take so much betrayal in one day and I need someone I can trust. Gerwyn seems horrified at the thought, Bowen gives me a reassuring wink, Maddox looks at me like I’m crazy for even considering it, and Emrick gives a possessive growl that has me swooning a bit. Who knew growls can be sexy?

  “We would never betray you, or this realm," Maddox states vehemently. I believe him, his conviction is clear in his voice. As I stare at them, I get a strong feeling that they are the four men the Spirit talked about. Either that or my hormones are in overdrive.

  Footsteps have us turning to see Allwyn sauntering into the room with a cocky smirk on his face. It’s funny how different he looks when he thinks no one is watching. Fucking bastard. He freezes as soon as he takes in their expressions and protective stances and looks around the room. Without hesitation he pulls out his daggers and gives us a quizzical look.

  “What is it?” His voice is somber, but I can hear unease in it. He’s playing off like we aren’t aware, but it’s obvious something isn’t right.

  “Leave… traitor," Emrick bellows. Now it’s my turn to smirk as the traitor flinches. Allwyn puts on a perfect mask of confusion, but his eyes turn hard and fierce.

  “I heard everything you and your evil lover were planning. Sorry to spoil your plans, asshole," I say, peering around Emrick. Allwyn’s face quickly morphs from faux confusion to pure hatred. “But I won’t be dying at your hands. Nor will I be handing over Faerie to you. I’m not your tool to use and toss away.”

  “You stupid human-lover! You’re ruining our plans! To think I had even the slightest bit of feelings for you on Earth," he bellows, rushing forward with a look of pure disgust and intent to kill me now instead of later. His grip on the dagger is so tight his knuckles are turning white.

  The brothers move to block him in one fluid motion, knocking the daggers from Allwyn’s hands and pinning them behind his back.

  “Anyone have any rope?” Emrick grunts, but I reach out a hand to stop him. Now that I have a better grip on my powers, I want to try and test its limits. I need my magic to create an unbreakable magical chain that only my guards or I can remove. It sounds good in theory, but it may be trial and error. Once my magic is dancing under my skin, I reach out for their own brands of magic. Without even opening my eyes, I can tell the difference between them from feeling alone. Gerwyn’s is icy and smooth where Emrick’s is warm and powerful. Bowen’s magic is light and green and finally Maddox’s is white hot and volatile, yet controlled. Once I have a grip on all four, I wind them together with mine and use the makeshift chain to wrap around Allwyn’s hands.

  The moment the magic settles, Allwyn yells in outrage. “You will regret this! You have no idea what you’re up against! No outsider will rule this realm, you don’t deserve it! You grew up as one of those filthy humans, it was disgusting trying to make you think I wanted you!” Spit flies out of his mouth along with his angry words, his rage overtaking him completely. My magic hasn’t failed me yet, so I push a magical barrier around the floor around him and form it into a bubble of silence. The moment it snaps into place, surrounding him entirely, we can’t hear him anymore, and it’s glorious.

  “Oh thank goodness, I was afraid I would have to knock him out," Gerwyn says with a happy sigh. I raise my eyebrows at him and he gives me an unapologetic shrug. My laughter may be inappropriate in the current moment, but I can’t hold it back. My emotions are a swirling mixture of sadness, anger, shock, and happiness, but it’s a perfect outlet.

  “Can he hear us?” Bowen asks, approaching the bubble. He reaches out as if to touch it, but stops himself, which is probably wise.

  Maddox refuses to relax, instead he turns his anger toward the traitor. “Why did you do it?” Allwyn doesn’t respond, he just keeps raging inside of his bubble. “I guess not," Maddox states, before turning his attention to me. “What happened, Arabella?” He asks, looking concerned. At the reminder of the conversation I overheard, another tear slides down my cheek. He’s got me emotionally unstable and I need to get my shit together. Queens are supposed to be stronger than this.

  Maddox walks forward and pulls me into a tight hug. He doesn’t say anything, simply holding me for a moment while I regain my composure. My sadness is soon forgotten in the comforting warmth of his embrace. Just like the feeling I got with Emrick yesterday, a small spark of something dances between us, like our magic knows something we don’t.

  “It’s still dark outside, shall we find a more suitable room? He can’t move, can he?” Bowen asks. That’s not an easy question, since I’ve never done this before.

  “I don’t think so?” I offer. There’s no way he has enough magic to cancel out mine, I would have felt it before now.

  Just to be safe, I concentrate and create a second barrier around him that would give an illusion of darkness around him, making sure he can’t pass through. After a few moments, I see the panic hit him as the darkness settles in. He struggles to his feet and rams his shoulder into the bubble, trying to escape, but it holds strong. We all watch in fascination as the man crumbles into a state of psychotic anger. His face is red and his hands fly at the bubble, pouding against it and yelling his head off. When nothing happens to make the magic falter, I’m finally satisfied it will hold.

  “It will be okay, my Queen. I’m sorry he hurt you, but I’m happy you heard it now and we could protect you from him," Gerwyn says softly, wiping the tears from my face. The tenderness in his gaze bolsters my confidence for a moment, and I reach for his hand, giving it a squeeze of reassurance.

  “I’m okay, I promise. It’s just that I don’t let people in easily, then the first man I do… this happens,” I say with a self-deprecating laugh.

  “He’s no man,” Emrick says firmly. “And you’re not alone, we’re here for you.” The conviction in his tone has me melting a bit more. Why couldn’t I have found them first?

  “Well, staying here isn’t going to help our mood. I bet we can find our queen a royal suite," Bowen sings out. A night of luxury in the midst of this chaos? Hell Yeah! He grabs my hand and pulls me with him, a jolt of cheerful energy rushing into me at the contact. It was strange enough to make me pause, but I wasn’t about to question a good thing. Not after tonight. “Test out this fancy magic of
yours, eh? Try and find us a comfortable bed,” he suggests, waving his fingers like he’s performing a spell.

  I’m more than happy to oblige, I love the feel of my magic rippling through me and filling me with an inner strength. The moment I picture what I want, I feel a tug leading me upstairs. Pulling Bowen with me, I follow the tug to the right hallway, opposite of where I’d found Allwyn. We had to step around random debris, eventually stopping in front of a set of ornate doors.

  Bowen grins and gives a push, both of us tentatively peering inside before I rush forward and let out an excited squeal. Bowen steps in behind me and cheers at my success. He grins and picks me up by the waist, twirling me around as I throw my head back and laugh, losing myself in the moment of celebration and comradery. Fuck, it feels so nice to let out all that negativity, if even for a second.

  “Put the queen down, you idiot!” Maddox barks, effectively crushing the moment. Bowen rolls his eyes, but lowers me.

  “I wasn’t upset, Maddox,” I reassured him. At least Bowen didn’t seem angry at his outburst.

  “You’re a queen and he needs to treat you as such,” he said, refusing to back down. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his redheaded companion. Bowen to his credit, didn’t bother to give him another glance.

  “Good job, a bed is better than the floor. And don’t mind Maddox, he thinks you’re a stuffy royal, clearly he hasn’t been paying attention," Bowen says with a sexy smirk.

  “Maddox, chill out, I’m not some snotty queen. I hate the bowing, I hate titles, and I hate the special treatment," I complain, hoping it will get him to ease up.


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