Daddy's Girl

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Daddy's Girl Page 1

by Indie LaRue

  Layla just met her brand new Daddy. He has blue eyes, tattoos and lots of muscles.

  When Layla's mom has to go away on an extended business trip, Layla gets to stay with her new Daddy at his mansion and swim in his pool whenever she wants.

  Layla loves her new Daddy. He's so much fun … and so naughty!

  **This book is extremely steamy. It contains explicit love scenes, adult language and possible triggers. For readers who enjoy very naughty OTT daddy romance, here's a fun quickie to ignite your kindle. 18+

  Copyright © 2019 by Indie LaRue

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email the author at [email protected].

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  Stalk Indie

  Chapter One: Kidnapped by the Mountain Man

  Chapter One: Pleasure Island

  I first met my new Daddy when Mommy brought him over to our apartment for dinner. Mommy cried before he came over. Last night she told him she loved him but he didn’t say it back.

  She’s been dating him for around two months. I think one of the reasons she wants to keep him is because he lives in a big mansion with a fancy infinity swimming pool and a view of the hills and even the city skyline. She’s worried he’s going to break up with her so she thinks cooking him a meal will help.

  “Mommy, you’re cooking’s not good enough to keep a man.”

  “Don’t sass me, Layla. Men like it when you cook for them.”

  If she says so.

  I’m never going to cook for a man.

  “Why don’t you go get changed for dinner,” Mommy says.

  “I don’t want to. It’s hot.”

  One of the pots is boiling over when the doorbell rings.

  “Get the door, Layla.”

  Jeez. Bossy much?

  But I go over to answer it. Partly because I’m curious. I haven’t met her new boyfriend and, since her cooking sucks, I probably won’t get another chance.

  I open the door.

  And I’m greeted by a wall of enormous, muscular he-man. He looks like a freaking Viking.

  He’s huge.

  He has a blond beard and tattoos and longish dirty-blond hair that, even though it’s long, it looks clean. Everything about him looks … tough, but also expensive, even with that longish hair and all those tattoos. He has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.

  His business shirt is straining against his big muscles, like he might burst out of it any minute if you got him mad about something.

  This makes me giggle.

  He’s staring at me with this funny expression. There’s something almost scary about the way he’s looking at me. He reminds me of a hungry tiger.

  “You must be Layla,” he says. His voice is deep. And kind of husky. Like a Viking’s would be, which makes me giggle again.

  I’m still wearing my bikini from swimming in the pool in our apartment complex a little earlier and his blue eyes stare at me. All of me. Mommy said I’m growing out of this bikini. The way he’s staring at me, I think she might be right.

  He’s naughty, you can tell. He has a twinkle in his blue eyes.

  And so do I.

  “And you must be Dallas.”

  He holds out his hand for a handshake, which makes me giggle again, especially when he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. If blue could be described as hot then that’s how I’d describe the color of Dallas’s eyes.

  He follows me into to the kitchen and kisses Mommy on the cheek. She looks a little sweaty from cooking and her hair has come loose.

  “Hi, Dallas. I’ll just finish up here and serve up our dinner. Layla, show Dallas around.”

  Dallas’s eyes are still doing that thing where they stare at my bikini. I’ve filled out a lot over the past year and I realize this bikini really is getting a little small for me. There wasn’t much of it to begin with. I bought it last summer because I wanted to get as much of a tan as possible. At the strict boarding school I just graduated from, we weren’t allowed to wear bikinis.

  It’s weird but I feel like teasing him. It’s fun to make his eyes flash like that.

  So I take his hand and lead him out into our tiny living room. His hand is so warm. And kind of rough. He laces his strong fingers through mine. “This is the living room,” I tell him. Duh. “And out here’s our balcony. It’s small but we can see a palm tree if you stand way over at the edge.

  “Show me,” says Dallas. He’s not quite smiling but his eyes are playful.

  “You want to see the palm tree?” Mommy told me Dallas’s mansion has an unreal view of the ocean and palm trees, so I’m not sure why he’d want to see this one, but I lead him out there anyway. I point to the palm tree. “There.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He’s not even looking at the palm tree. He’s looking at me. It’s weird. He’s making me feel warm and sort of squirmy, just from the way his eyes are roving my skin. It’s like he’s shooting invisible laser beams that can warm me just by looking at me. His thumb is touching my palm and it tingles where he’s touching me.

  “How old are you, Layla?”

  “I’ll be eighteen on Saturday.”

  “Happy birthday. We’ll have to celebrate, won’t we? You should come over to my place.”

  “That would be so fun. Can I swim in your pool?”

  “Of course.”

  “Mommy wants me to go change before dinner,” I tell him.

  “I like your bikini.”

  “You do? You don’t think it’s too small?”

  “No. I think it’s perfect. I think you should leave it on.”

  I’m starting to understand why Mommy would want to cook for Dallas. I want to keep my bikini on. Just because he asked me to. I twirl a strand of my long, sun-bleached hair around one finger. I smile at him because he seems so nice. “Okay.”

  “Dinner’s ready,” Mommy calls from inside.

  I wish I could keep talking to Dallas. Talking to him feels like a game. Like we’re teasing each other.

  I’m still holding his hand so I lead him back inside.

  We eat dinner and Dallas says it’s the best meal he’s had in a while, but then he winks at me. I try not to laugh because I know he’s lying.

  “There’s something I want to ask you two,” Dallas says. “Kathy, I’d like you—and Layla, too, of course—to move in with me.”

  Mommy’s excited. She was so surprised. She said it was like he had a total change of heart. She laughed and said maybe it was her cooking.

  She wishes she could cancel her sales trip, which is scheduled for only a few days after we move in with Dallas. But she said she can’t really cancel it, since she’ll be meeting with important clients. She’s basically obsessed with her job. She sent me to boarding school because deep down I know she’s more interested in work and travel and money than she is in being a parent. Whatever. Since we haven’t spent that much time together over the past few years, we’re not really that close.

  We pack up our stuff and some moving people come and put it all into a moving truck.

  We drive over to Dallas’s house. First we have to go through a big iron gate with a security system. Then we dr
ive up a long driveway and up to an enormous stone and glass house. This is more than a mansion. This is, like, a movie star’s house. It has a flat lawn with an infinity pool that looks out over the ocean.

  Holy cow.

  “I can’t believe we get to live here,” I say to Mommy.

  “I know, honey. Just be good, okay? I don’t want you to get in Dallas’s way or be an annoyance to him, okay?”

  “I won’t.” I already know Dallas won’t mind me being there. I’m not sure how I know that, but I do.

  He’s waiting for us and opens his gigantic front door. “My girls are here,” he smiles. I almost forgot how blue his eyes were—and how big and muscley he is. He’s unbelievably handsome. He’s wearing jeans and a worn t-shirt so I can see all the tattoos on his arms. He has a lot.

  “Hi, Dallas!” I run up to him and he picks me up in a bearhug. “Can we go for a swim?”

  “Of course you can, sweetheart. I’ll have the movers take your stuff up to your new room. Go and take a look if you want. It’s at the top of the stairs to the right.”

  I kiss his cheek because I’m so excited. My old room was tiny, with one small window that had a view of a brick wall. And my room at boarding school is two bunk beds that I share with three other girls. The nuns say luxury is a sin but secretly, I think it’s kind of cool.

  I run up the stairs and find my room.

  It’s so pretty.

  It’s painted white and has a big bed with a white bedspread. It has its own balcony with a view of the ocean. But the best thing of all is that it has its own bathroom. It’s like a princess’s room. Or a celebrity’s.

  The movers bring all my stuff up so I take my bag and go into my new bathroom. I put on my white bikini. I stand and look in the mirror for a few minutes. I really am growing. My boobs are big and bouncy now. All my clothes are starting to get too tight for me because I haven’t done much shopping since later summer. During the year we’re only allowed to wear our school uniforms. This bikini doesn’t really even fit me, either. Oh, well. Dallas liked my other bikini. Maybe he’ll like this one, too.

  I run downstairs and straight out the backdoor to the pool.

  This place is like paradise.

  Dallas and Mommy are having a glass of champagne on the patio. They watch me swim for a while. We have dinner and Mommy talks about her business trip.


  “Why don’t you go an unpack some of your stuff, Layla,” Mommy says.

  “I don’t want to. I want to go for another swim.”

  “Layla, don’t argue with me.”

  “But it’s summer vacation, Mommy.”

  “Let her swim,” says Dallas.

  Dallas is a little bit bossy. Mommy doesn’t argue with him and he winks at me. So I laugh and jump up and go over to the pool.

  I swim for a while. Mommy goes inside to talk on the phone with one of her clients. I get out of the pool and walk over to where Dallas is watching me.

  His eyes are doing that tiger thing again. Maybe it’s because I’m all wet he doesn’t want me dripping on the carpet.

  “Layla?” he says, with that husky voice.


  “Your mother and I have been talking. She said sometimes you go stay with your aunt when she goes on business trips.”

  “I hate staying there.”

  “There’s no reason you can’t stay here with me if you’d like to. I work from home and it’s no trouble. It’s up to you.”

  “I do! I want to stay with you, Dallas. That would so fun.”

  “It’s decided, then.”

  I hear Mommy calling me. Dallas smiles at me as I walk away.

  “Layla,” Mommy says, “My trip has been moved forward and I have to leave tomorrow. Are you sure you’re okay to stay here with Dallas while I’m gone? I mean, you don’t even know him that well.”

  “It’s fine, Mommy. I like Dallas. I’ll stay out of his way, I promise.”

  “Let’s take you shopping for a few new things when I get back, okay? You really are outgrowing that bathing suit.”

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  I give Mommy a kiss because she’s leaving early in the morning. Then I go upstairs and spend some time unpacking my things. I put on a baby doll nightie and leave my covers off. It’s a hot night.

  I turn out my lights but I can’t sleep. I can hear the ocean waves from my bed. I love this place.

  Much later, I hear a soft knock on the door.

  It opens and I’m a little surprised to see Dallas in here. He’s so big he takes up the whole doorway, but he comes in and closes the door behind him.

  He sits down on the side of my bed. Even though it’s dark in the room, his eyes glow blue. “Just wanted to check and make sure you were comfortable.”

  “I am. This bed is so big.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Layla. You can have anything you want, okay, sweetheart? All you need to do is ask.”

  “You’re so nice, Dallas.”

  “Call me Daddy if you want to, honey. Now that you’ll be living here.”

  This makes me giggle again. I’ve never had a Daddy. Mine left when I was a baby. “Okay, Daddy.”

  “How was your birthday last Saturday?”

  “I had a few friends around and we swam in the pool. It was okay.”

  “Maybe you could have some of your friends come over here sometime. We could make it a real party.”

  “Really? That would be so awesome!”

  “It’s decided, then.”

  “Thank you, Dallas—I mean … Daddy.”

  “Do you want your new Daddy to give you a bedtime kiss?”

  I like my new Daddy. He makes me feel warm and … tingly, it’s so weird. “Yes.”

  Dallas—Daddy—kisses my lips. His lips are warm but his beard is tickly and it makes me giggle again.

  “What do you want to do tomorrow, sweetheart? We’ll swim and we can go down to my private beach. I’ll take you out on the boat if you want.”

  “You have a boat?”

  “Yes. A yacht. Would you like to see it?”

  “I’d love to see it … Daddy.” I’ll have to get used to calling him that.

  Daddy kisses me again. “We’re going to have fun while your mom’s away.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Daddy leaves me to sleep but before he leaves, he murmurs, “Me either.”

  Mommy’s gone by the time I wake up the next morning.

  I go downstairs. There’s a note on the kitchen counter. Layla, help yourself to anything. Have a swim if you want. I’m in my office if you need me. ~D

  I open a cupboard and find some chocolate chip cookies. I can have anything I want, Dallas—Daddy—said so. I eat some cookies and get my bikini on. Then I go down to the pool and float on a blow-up dolphin.

  It’s so nice here.

  I feel happy. I close my eyes and float for a while.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  I open my eyes. “Hi, Daddy.”

  Daddy smiles. “Don’t get sunburnt. Let me put some sunscreen on you.”

  I float over to the shallow end and climb up the steps. He pats the lounger next to his.

  Daddy’s dressed in board shorts and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His lower arms are big and muscley and tattooed. His skin is so tan. I look pale compared to him. “Lay on your stomach,” he says.

  I do and I feel his warm hands rubbing the oil onto me. His hands are sort of scratchy, like a cat’s tongue. This makes me giggle again. “That tickles, Daddy,” I laugh. I squirm a little.

  “You’re so pretty, baby girl,” Daddy says. It makes me feel funny when he calls me that. Like he really is my Daddy. He’s easy to get to know because he’s so nice. I feel safe with him.

  “Let me put some on your tummy.”

  I turn over onto my back. I like the way his blue eyes watch me, like I’m special. Like I really a
m beautiful. His rough-looking dark blond beard and his big muscles make him look tough, but he’s touching me so carefully.

  He starts rubbing lotion onto my shoulders and my arms. He makes sure to get every inch. Then he rubs some along the swell of my breasts, moving my bikini top so he can make sure I don’t get burned. “I’m going to take this off, honey.”

  “Why, Daddy?”

  “So you don’t get tan lines.”

  I giggle again. He’s so funny. “But then I won’t have a top on.”

  “It’s just me. No one else is here.”

  I guess he is my new Daddy.

  He doesn’t even wait for me to decide, he just pulls it off and tosses it aside.

  It feels weird to lie here without my top on.

  Good weird. I know what the nuns would say. But the nuns aren’t here. In fact, I never have to go back to that boarding school again. I’m free now, to do whatever I want.

  Daddy’s rough hands rub the lotion across my skin. He even rubs it across my nipples.

  “Daddy!” I squeal. He really is naughty.

  “Daddy likes taking care of you,” he says. “Let me.”

  He’s so bossy. He rubs more oil over me, getting me really oily.

  “Does that feel good, honey?”


  “I like making you feel good.”

  “I like it too, Daddy.”

  His fingers start swirling around my nipples again. This time he gently pinches one. I squirm but I don’t move away. It feels funny. It makes me feel warm … and tingly. Not just where he’s touching me, but lower, under my bikini bottom, between my legs.

  “Daddy, that feels funny.”

  “That’s because you’re getting soft and warm, baby girl. That’s what’s supposed to happen.”

  “It is?”

  “Yes. I can make you feel even better if you want me to.”

  “You can?”

  “I can make you feel so good, you’ll feel like you’re floating.”

  I laugh. “How?”

  “When you’re ready, I’ll show you.”

  “I’m ready now, Daddy.”

  He laughs. He swirls both my nipples with his rough, oily fingers. “I don’t know if you are.”


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