The Guy Next Door Amazon Final

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The Guy Next Door Amazon Final Page 3

by Angel, Claire

  “You’re beautiful,” Jacob murmured before brushing his lips over mine. I gasped as electricity filled the air, reaching out to him. He kissed me again, gently.

  Chapter 5


  Her lips were every bit as sweet as I thought they would be. I kept the kiss gentle as she moaned against me, wanting to claim her as mine. I reminded myself that Rory wasn’t one of the girls I met at a bar. She was dipping her feet back into the water, and I needed to respect that.

  Her arm slid around my neck slowly as I pressed closer to me. My tongue slid across her lower lip before she parted her mouth for me, giving me access. I took it, meeting her hesitant tongue with mine before sucking gently on it.

  I hadn’t kissed a woman like this for years. There wasn’t an intention to end up in bed as much as I would like that, but there was a hunger between us. She kissed me as back as I kissed her, moaning when I pulled away to take a breath.

  “Oh my God,” she breathed, dropping her face into my chest. I held her in my arms, breathing in the scent of cherries for a moment. I was hard as hell right now and wanted to push her back and ravage her. The curves that were pushing into me promised a lot of enjoyment, and I touched her lightly through our embrace. “I can’t do this right away, Jacob. I just can’t.”

  “I don’t want that. I mean, I do, but I understand. You’re not a casual girl, Rory. I think that’s one of the best things about you.” She laughed weakly as I played with her thick hair.

  “I thought that guys would hate that I wanted to take things slow.” She turned her face to the side, and I pulled her against me.

  “I’m not a teenager. I like things to mean something.” I thought back and realized that women hadn’t meant a lot to me in the past. What was different about Rory?

  “How old are you?” She asked, and I smiled before kissing her hair.

  “Twenty-eight. I lucked the hell out when I started working for my boss Lachlan back in LA a few years ago. I was honored when he asked me to make the move here with him to run the East Coast side of things.” I told her what I did for a living, and she told me what she used to do. I heard how much she loved it in her voice.

  We kissed for several moments before I pulled away. “I am going to end up sleeping on this couch with you unless I get out of here. I don’t want to let you go.”

  “I don’t want you to go, but Sienna.” She stared into my eyes. “I don’t want her to know about this. Not yet.”

  “I understand. Work on getting a sitter so we can go out.” I pressed my mouth to hers hard one more time, feeling her moan through my lips. I pulled away and stood, taking her hand so I could bring her with me. I walked her to the door, kissing her cheek as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Sleep well.”

  “You too,” she murmured before kissing me again.

  “If I don’t go, we’re waking up together,” I promised her as she dropped her head back to look into my eyes. I reached for the door and opened it. “Lock up behind me.”

  “I will.” I slipped out and heard her lock the door behind me before moving to unlock mine. I walked in and cupped my groin, feeling my erection under my hand. That woman got to me more than anyone before her.

  I locked my door and walked through the living room to my bedroom. It was after eleven, and I marveled at how long I was over there. The time flew by, and I recognized that I enjoyed myself with her beyond the making out. I liked Rory, and Sienna was charming me more every time I saw her.

  I decided to take a shower before bed. I turned on the water and stripped down. I stepped under the spray closing my eyes as I remembered how her mouth tasted. I thought about how her soft skin tasted under my teeth. I was hard just thinking about her. What the hell was Rory doing to me?

  I dried off and pulled on some lounge pants and dropped to my bed, glancing over at my laptop. I could check some emails and prepare for the morning. I could also just think about Rory and our future date.

  I chose the latter, drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face.

  I rose early for a long run and showered before work. I considered staying home but couldn’t get the woman across the hall from me out of my mind. I decided to go into our office and grabbed some coffee and breakfast on the way. The rooms were empty as I keyed in, and I walked through as someone at the desk greeted me. I was here earlier than ever and unlocked our glass door before settling myself at my desk.

  L: Where are you? Want to get some breakfast before work?

  J: I’m at the office. I got something on the way in.

  L: What the hell?

  J: I was up early. Why not?

  L: I’ll be there soon. Are you looking for a raise?

  He paid me plenty, and I didn’t need a raise, so that made me smile. I set my phone down and turned my attention back to the many emails I had waiting for me. I did think about Rory a lot, so much so that I didn’t hear Lachlan come in. He said my name, and I jumped, turning my head to look back at him.

  “Lost in work?” He smirked as he sat down at the desk behind me, and I reached for my coffee.

  “I think I need a nap. I did get here early.” I joked as he laughed. We both knew that I was a hard worker and earned my position here.

  “You do seem a bit chipper for this early hour.” I felt Lachlan looking at me.

  “Just a good run. I figure the earlier, the better with us being ahead.” I replied and glanced at him. He sipped his coffee as the computer warmed up. “How’s Peyton? Is she home?”

  “Yeah. For a couple of weeks. They don’t want to be gone with Delila this pregnant.” He replied with a smile.

  “Yeah. That’s soon, isn’t it?” I asked, and he nodded. “Just one this time?”

  “I think Michael might run screaming if it was twins again. They have a nanny, and that helps, but it would still be a lot.” Lachlan laughed, and I thought about Rory and Sienna. “I guess you do not need to know all of this since you’re not there yet.”

  “Probably not.” I agreed, wanting to keep this thing with Rory to myself for now. We worked through lunch and ordered in to handle a conference call with the home office. I went back to my apartment later that afternoon, looking at Rory’s door as I wondered if she was home. It hit me that I didn’t even have her phone number and shook my head as I unlocked my door.

  I’d remedy that situation soon. I might not be able to see her every night, but we could text and call. I wanted to do that.

  I made some dinner at around six, listening for voices outside my door. I knew that there was a night nurse, but not how often she came over. I knew that her sister helped as well but not the schedule. I dropped to the couch with my plate and set it down, scrubbing a hand over my face.

  What the fuck was I doing?

  I was just finishing up when I heard voices. I glanced at the door as Sienna laughed. I didn’t want to rush out and blow this for Rory, and I heard her tell Sienna to go inside, and she’d be in soon. I grinned when there was a knock at my door. I went to open it and saw Rory on the other side, smiling nervously. “Hi.”

  “Hello yourself.” She looked at her closed door and licked her lips.

  “I thought today that you didn’t have my number and wanted to give it to you.” She handed me a folded piece of paper. “I also have a sitter when you’re ready for that date.” Rory lowered her voice at the last part, and I grinned. I opened the paper and looked at the phone number before sticking it in my pocket.

  “How does Friday night sound?” I queried, and she smiled.

  “I can work with that,” Rory replied and turned her head again. “I have to go. She’ll be in bed around eight.” I watched as she hurried into her apartment and turned to get her number into my phone.

  We communicated in some form the rest of the week after that night. Sometimes it was a few texts or a phone call. Thursday night before our date, she invited me over after Sienna was asleep. We sat on the couch with just th
e TV on, talking and kissing until she was ready to fall asleep. I left the apartment and told her to lock her door. I walked home and crawled into bed, going over the details about the date tomorrow.

  I finished work at five and headed home to change into something for dinner. I was taking Rory to one of the best seafood places in the city tonight. I put on some black slacks and a button up that brought out my eyes, adding a black leather jacket. I slipped my feet into some new boots and headed into the kitchen to get my keys.

  It was a short walk to her door, but I was anxious the entire time. I didn’t do standard dates and met most women out with friends. They were easy without the work, but that wasn’t who Rory was. I knocked on her door and waited as I heard steps coming towards the door on the other side. It opened, and she looked out at me with a shaky smile. “Hi.”

  “You look beautiful,” I told her, taking in her teasing, clingy dark purple dress slowly. It left a lot to the imagination while it clung to her curves, and I shifted on my feet as I watched her blush.

  “Thank you. I didn’t know what to wear. It’s been so long that I asked Jane for help.” She looked down and then told me that she was just going to grab her purse.

  When we left, I took her to my black Blazer and helped her into the passenger side. I breathed in slowly as I walked around the back in the garage underneath our building and got inside the car, inhaling a sweet, fruity scent that filled my car.

  It was her, and I breathed it in like my life depended on it. I drove us to the restaurant that overlooked the Hudson River, grinning when I saw that it was perfect timing. The sun was setting, and after that, the light from the buildings and full moon would be shimmering on the water. Rory took it in with soft eyes as we were seated, and I realized she was wearing a little makeup tonight. Nothing dark but enough to make her already gorgeous eyes pop and her full lips tempt me further. I blinked and looked away as a waitress asks what we’d like to drink, ordering water.

  We started chatting once we ordered dinner, and she slowly opened up. She told me that she hadn’t been on a date since sometimes after Sienna was born and it was with her ex-husband. When she was on her own, Rory chose to focus on her daughter and their life. She couldn’t imagine introducing her daughter to anybody after such a crushing loss.

  “Jacob?” I heard a female voice as Rory took a break and sipped her water. Turning my head, I saw Peyton with a smirking Lachlan following behind her. “Hi!”

  Rory looked stunned as I hugged Peyton, surely wondering who this strange woman was. I hurried through the greeting to introduce the women to one another, followed by Lachlan as he took Rory in with interest. She blushed as she looked at them, giving me a shy smile. I knew that she probably wasn’t ready to have them join us for dinner and glanced around the room. “Where are you sitting?” I asked as understanding crossed Peyton’s face.

  “We have a table over there.” She pointed to the other end of the window. “I just wanted to say hi since I was gone for a couple of days.”

  “It was great to see you. We’ll get together soon.” I assured her as Lachlan gave me a look that promised we’d be talking soon. I smiled at Rory as they left, wanting to be back where we were before the interruption. She was starting to speak freely and show the sweet personality that I knew she had.

  When dinner was over, I paid the bill and led her from the restaurant with my hand on the small of her back. Rather than go to the car, I asked if she wanted to take a stroll along the water with me.

  Chapter 6


  Everything was too much tonight. The feelings that were coursing through me were somehow new and familiar all at once. I knew this was an attraction, but it terrified me.

  When he asked me to take a walk, I agreed with a quick look around. There was a cement path with several lights, and I could see a few other people out here. It was set up for walks and whatever else people could come up with, making me blush.

  He told me about the couple in the restaurant, explaining that it was his boss and friend that he moved here with. They were close and connected quickly when they worked together. When Lachlan asked him to move here, Jacob agreed. He told me that Peyton was his fiancée, and they were planning to get married the following year.

  “She’s beautiful,” I murmured as we reached the end of the pier, looking out over the powerful water.

  “Yes, she is, but you realize that you are as well. Right?” He asked as I turned my eyes to his. “Rory, you are the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. You’re gorgeous on the outside and so kind and sincere inside. I see it when you’re with Sienna and now.”

  “I’m not stunning.” I knew that Kyle always said I was beautiful, but he was biased.

  “You are.” Jacob took my hand and pulled me closer to him as my heart raced in my chest. He stared down at me, cupping my face with one hand as his eyes burned through me. I could see the need there, the same one that was taking me over right now. “Fuck. I can’t help myself around you.” He took my face in both of his hands and claimed my mouth in a hungry kiss. I moaned against him, and he pressed me into the railing as I reached out for his shoulder.

  Desire flooded my veins, and I found my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. His lips parted gently, and I opened my mouth to allow him entrance, addicted to the feeling of our tongues dancing together. Heat flushed my skin as he kept kissing me, tasting me. I hadn’t done anything like this in years and shivered as his hands gripped my waist. “Are you cold?” Jacob asked in a low voice as he pulled back just enough to speak.

  “No. I am fine.” I told him, pulling him down for another kiss. He ended up pulling me to a bench and sitting us down, pulling me over him as I looked around. “Jacob.”

  “Can I take you home?” He asked me as I perched on his knees. I knew what he wanted. It was blazing in his eyes and all over his face. I considered my answer as I held myself there, knowing there was no turning back if I said yes. I nodded. He smiled and moved us to a standing position before kissing me again softly.

  We made our way to the car, and he asked if I wanted to get some ice cream from one of his favorite places to eat once we were home. I agreed, and we went to an old parlor around the block from our building, ordering some chocolate to go. I held it in the car, and he parked in the garage, glancing at me as he shut the engine off. “Do you have a car?” Jacob asked as I shook my head slowly.

  “We share one. I moved here just after mine broke down for the last time and Jane is more confident driving here. Since Mom lives just down the block and that’s where I spend most of my time, it makes sense not to right now.” I offered, meeting his eyes in the lights of the garage. I leaned in slowly, rewarded with a slow kiss as I lost myself in his hungry mouth. We pulled away reluctantly and smiled as he mentioned getting upstairs.

  “Is Sienna at your place?” Jacob asked, and I blushed. Jane insisted on keeping her at her apartment and told me overnight was just fine with her. I shook my head. “Ah. In that case, your place or mine?”

  “I think yours. I’d just feel weird at home… not that I necessarily want that much to happen.” I said as he shook his head slowly and got out of the car. “I’m sorry,” I spoke when he was helping me out, clutching the ice cream in my hands.

  “I didn’t take you out to get you in bed, Rory. I genuinely like you, and I’m fine moving at the pace you’re comfortable with.” He pushed the button for the elevator, and we rode in silence to our floor, getting out and moving towards his door. I considered just going home and ending this, but I needed him too much. He unlocked his door and looked up at me, gesturing for me to go in first. I realized I’d never been there and walked in with a curious expression.

  It was the same layout as my apartment with a few different features. He had plush tan carpeting throughout most of the living room and a more prominent fireplace. “I like it,” I told him as I went to set the ice cream down. His arms wrapped around me, making me
jump as Jacob pulled me against him.

  “I like you.” His words were a whisper, and I whimpered as he moved my hair to kiss my neck. He was gentle, and I arched into him as one hand pulled me closer by the hip. Everything was sparking now, and I closed my eyes as my nipples pebbled. My thighs ached, and I knew what I wanted him to do. I waited until he was nibbling softly at my skin before turning around to kiss him with everything I had.

  Jacob groaned as I pressed into him, one hand tracing his taut skin shyly through his shirt. Jacob was all lean muscle, and I moaned as he sucked my tongue into his mouth. One hand was tangled in his hair as I lost all control, tilting my head for better access.

  The kiss heated up as we moved together, and I moaned when he lifted me to his counter. Jacob kissed my lips and then down my neck as he pressed between my open thighs, hard and ready for me. I shivered again as he slid an arm around me, massaging my back to the rhythm of his sweet tongue. Jacob was tall enough to stand before me and kiss me like this, and I reached out to pull him closer. He pecked my mouth as one hand traced up my side, slowly moving to the curve of my full breasts. I arched into him, feeling his thumb stroke underneath my bra as I groaned against him.

  “So sexy,” he said as he cupped me, feeling the weight in his hands. His thumb moved over me, and I felt him press against my nipple as I closed my eyes. “I want my mouth on these.”

  “It’s a wrap dress,” I explained as he pulled away to look at me in the light above the stove. Oh, God. What was I doing?

  “Just a tie here?” He asked, skimming my waist where the bow holding it together was. I nodded, and he kissed me softly. “Can I see all of you, Rory? I’ll stop whenever you tell me to.”

  I nodded shyly as he tugged and released the straps. The dress fell open, revealing my black lace bra as I blushed. I wasn’t as skinny as I’d been before pregnancy with everything going on. I worried about that and closed my eyes as he traced a finger down my chest.


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