Falling For Trance

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Falling For Trance Page 14

by Rena Marks

  Her husband was all too ready to take her to the bedroom and make love to her.

  The bedroom had crushed rose petals scattered inside, the delicate scent wafting up to her nose. It was so perfect. Who would have ever dreamed that Vien and Potierre, her very first cooking clients, would end up being the perfect wedding planners? When she’d confided to them her dreams of a perfect wedding—never admitting her actual dreams of Trance as her husband, of course—they’d immediately begun research into the process. The gift of the wedding they’d given her and Trance made everyone notice them with a new light.

  “Our first time together as man and wife,” Trance muttered. “Out of our dreams. This has to be perfect.”

  “It’s always perfect with you. You’re my hero. My savior. My knight in shining armor.”

  “My perfect, delicate bride.”

  Not really. She had tons of cracked bones that showed up on deep scans. Scars. Memories. Lessons. But he thought she was perfect and delicate and so the fact that she was no longer broken was all that mattered.

  He laid her gently on the huge bed, fisting his hands as if he wanted to rip her skirts. “I’m going to assume you want to keep this frothy concoction?”

  She laughed. “Zipper’s on the side here. Hidden. See?”

  Oh, he saw all right. He gently slid the zipper down and helped her from the dress. Her silvery white satin shoes came next. Carefully he peeled her slip and underthings from her.

  When she finally lay naked, he removed his clothes with shaking hands and then covered her with his strong, warm body. Strength she no longer feared because he would never use his against her.

  Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. He groaned, and the swelling of his genitals started immediately.

  “I love this,” she whispered.

  “Love what, baby?”

  “That we can lie perfectly still and stare into each other’s eyes while your cock does his thing.”

  Sure enough, the attachment gently linked to her clit. Further below at her entrance, she felt his body prodding her. She lifted her hips by tightening her legs around him, but even that wasn’t necessary as he slid into her, filling her with penetrating heat that hardened and thickened.

  His groan matched hers in intensity and she twisted them around so he was flat on his back and she was on top of him, slowly so their connection was never broken.

  “What?” he gasped, full of amazement. “How have we never done it this way?”

  She smiled, her knees up on either side of his chest as she hunkered down to stare into his eyes instead of sitting up fully. She couldn’t. He was doing glorious things inside her that was taking her breath away.

  “I love that expression on your face,” he whispered. “The one before you come.”

  “You make me come way too fast,” she chided as he pounded inside her.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he groaned, as his cock sped faster in thrusting through her.

  She gasped, her body starting to tingle deep inside. Then it tightened, curling into the now familiar orgasms he brought her.

  “Oh, god, Trance.”

  “Leah. My wife,” he gritted, exploding inside her as she screamed.

  She collapsed onto his chest, panting, her heart racing and melding their heartbeats together.

  Slowly she stretched her legs down and he pulled out of her, making her shudder from the sensitivity. Then he was curling her onto his shoulder where she could look up at his perfect face.

  But his face froze as he looked up toward the ceiling.

  “Trance? What is it?”

  He tore his eyes from the ceiling to focus on her. “Nothing. Just a link from the others. Jason and Shawn are heading to Iota Nine to find the manager at The Bella Suites where we stayed. They found out he’s an old friend of your ex-husband.”

  Even protected in his arms, in the middle of Xenia, surrounded by friends and loved ones, she shivered. “His friend was that close to us?”

  “Close enough to switch your sleeping tabs. Brock wanted your testimony so amped at the trial it wouldn’t have made sense. But they had to do it legally since your blood was scanned in the courthouse. So a huge dose of B vitamins the night before—especially if you were tired from not being able to take your prescribed sleep aid, might have made you ramble senselessly and appear not to be a credible witness. They failed miserably.”

  He settled her back down onto his chest, his arm around her, his other hand linked with her fingers.

  They remained in contemplative silence, though it wasn’t the terror she’d have normally felt. No, the healing had begun and it was all because of Trance.

  “I have a confession,” he said, kissing her temple as he held her. “I dreamed of your ex last night.”

  At first her terror sparked before the meaning of his words dawned on her. Trance pulled him into his dream.

  “Across all this distance?” she whispered.

  She felt the movement as he nodded. His fingers danced in hers. “Apparently it works if I’ve once been in close proximity of a person? Or if I want it bad enough.”

  Her voice was a whisper. “What did you do?”

  “Something you wouldn’t be proud of. I showed him what it was like to be the weaker sex. The smaller individual. He’ll remember the beating long after he leaves Earth for Mars.”

  “You’re wrong,” she said and felt him tense ready to be chastised. “I’m so very proud of you. You’re my protector. My man.” She twisted up to look in his eyes to find him looking down at her.

  “I will love you with my last breath,” he said.

  “And I’ll be there for it. I’ll be there for every breath you take. Nothing you could ever do would ever disappoint me.”

  The world faded as they found each other’s mouths.


  “MAY I HELP YOU?” A lyrical accent carried softly across the foyer.

  The woman who acted as hostess in the posh hotel where Trance and Leah had stayed during the trial swept down the stairs in a ballroom gown of sheer silk, rainbow-colored layers of fabric. A wisp of the same material floated over her lower face, as was the custom among all the upper crust. For a brief moment, the fabric shimmered as though the gown was a hologram. That perhaps she moved naked.

  But as she got closer, they realized the gown was indeed real—and incredibly expensive. Of course, Jason was used to the amount of money spent in Iota Nine, but Shawn had grown used to the reality of Earth-Ground.

  “Jason Becker and Shawn Tanner, milady. We’re looking for Lord Wilson Dolan.” Jason smiled easily, his accent matching hers. As expected, she was a thread more forthcoming than professional when she realized he was from the same floating city.

  “Wilson? I’m afraid he’s not here. He’s been on vacation for about a week now.”

  “During the holidays?”

  A frown of confusion whispered over her face before it disappeared just as quickly. “Yes. Believe me, I’m just as surprised. This is the first time I hosted the annual party on my own.”

  “Where’s he on vacation at?” Shawn asked, his rougher tone matching that of Earth-Ground. It was no longer necessary to fit in.

  She blinked at him. “I’m—uh—not sure?”

  “Who did he leave in charge of the hotel?”

  “Why, me. Of course.” She didn’t extend her hand, but that was expected. Iota Nine residents were standoffish and pristine. Touching was kept to a minimum. “Lady Alannah Holland, at your service.”

  “In that case, Lady Holland, we have a warrant to search the quarters of Lord Wilson Nolan.” Jason produced the warrant from the upper pocket of his uniform.

  “I see.” Her eyes roved over the document. With her left hand, she pressed a button on the bracelet of her upper arm. A small white light came from the center of her palm. She passed her spread hand over the document, checking for authenticity.

  Seemingly satisfied, sh
e handed it back to Jason.

  “Lady Holland?” Another employee called from the top of the staircase. “Everything all right?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be a while. Take over for me, please?”

  He nodded and disappeared back into the room that hosted the party.

  “Follow me, please.”

  She didn’t wait for affirmation before turning and floating to the elevator doors. She passed her hand over the identifier screen, and the doors slid open. Once inside, her palm print closed the doors.

  The elevator whooshed with a sideways twist, indicating transportation. Sure enough, a queasy feeling hit the pit of their bellies, a side effect of transporting. But the manners of the Lords and Ladies of Iota Nine required that they would never show unease. When the doors opened, she walked them to a set of double doors.

  “Do you have access?” Jason asked.

  “I do.”

  Her identification rolled across the viewing screen.

  Alannah Holland. Girlfriend.

  “You’re in a relationship?” Shawn asked.

  Her lips tightened over his crasser accent, but professionalism won out and she nodded once. “He’s my boyfriend.”

  Once the doors slid open, both men drew their lasers as if expecting Wilson to come crashing out of the suite. They cleared the area and switched their beams to a black light, looking everywhere. Every drawer. Every wall. Every light switch. The medicine cabinets. Closets.

  She realized having their court-licensed black light beams incorporated into their weapons allowed those weapons inside the higher, violence restricted Iota Nine without an additional bodyguard or law enforcement paperwork.

  Very clever.

  “What are you looking for?” She finally asked after twenty minutes of searching.

  Shawn turned to her as if assessing something. “Primarily medications. Instead of a liquid tincture for B vitamins, it would be processed into a dissolvable tablet form similar to a tiny piece of cellophane.”

  “Like these?”

  She waved her right palm with the bracelet on her arm over the other palm, expanding an image of a hologram pill box that looked just like Leah’s. A mimic of Amanda’s prescription.

  “Where did you see that?” Jason asked.

  “My apartment. The prescription is in my name. I’ve always carried a script for the B vitamins. But Wilson recently had the liquid reformed into the tablet form. He thought the box would be easier to deal with. It was a kind thought.”

  “He set you up, sweetheart,” Shawn grumbled.

  “Pardon?” The look on her face was blank.

  Jason spoke. “The patent on the dissolvable tablet is only available for sleeping pills. Putting your prescription into the new form was to set you up. A woman who took the sleeping pills, prescribed by my sister, Dr. Amanda Becker, stayed in this hotel. Her sleeping meds were exchanged for the Vitamin B version while she waited to testify at a trial for Brock Ciregna. Since those illegal substances are yours, we’d like to know how they turned up in Leah’s bags?”

  Alannah turned up her nose even though a sinking suspicion hit her midsection. She knew that name, Leah Margulies. She’d noticed it when she returned to work and saw a five-star meal for two comped under her budget. She’d assumed it was a mistake and shrugged it off because it wasn’t like she excessively abused the comping meals. No one would blink if they saw her do once or twice. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve only been given one box.”

  “Where is it?” Shawn asked silkily.

  “My apartment.”

  “Show us.”

  Her eyes crinkled as if she smiled underneath the face covering. “That warrant is for Lord Nolan, correct?”

  “Actually, no,” Jason said. “It’s for him and all acting management of The Bella Suites of Iota Nine. You took us to his apartment and we thank you. But you also admitted to being left in charge in his absence so carry on.”

  Her face tightened and she turned without a word. They followed her down the hall where she barely paused to slap her hand against the viewing screen of another door. When it swooshed open, Shawn stayed near her while Jason held his scanner out, following the beeps to the bedroom.

  He returned to the living area holding a small bag. “We got it. Normally this is a jail sentence, Lady Holland.”

  “I had nothing to do with that. I didn’t even request it. He was doing me a favor, since I’d spilled my liquid drops once—”

  “He made a mistake, Alannah. He expected Brock to have a verdict of innocent. He was probably assured that without her sleeping meds, Leah would seem agitated and confused on the stand. Nothing punishable. But Brock was deemed guilty. And now Xenia wants to know how and where your boyfriend developed the meds for you. He knew this and disappeared. But the fool forgot to take the box.” Jason slipped it into his upper pocket. “So he’ll be coming for you.”

  “Why me?”

  “Because records show you alone had access to Leah’s quarters. Like we said, he set you up.”

  “That’s untrue. I wasn’t even on duty Thursday and Friday.” Yet she’d never corrected her comp records and that was one more strike against her.

  “Then someone managed to change the records to show you were. For that reason, we think he may come after you. He needs your leftover meds…and he needs you to keep quiet about your day off. You’re the only person who can implicate him. All other evidence points to you.”

  “Ma’am, you’ll need to come with us to the new city of Xenia. It’s the only place we can protect you until he’s caught,” Shawn said.

  “Caught? He doesn’t even know—”

  “A world-wide statement is going out within the hour posting a manhunt. Every bounty hunter on the planet will be searching for him. It’s only a matter of time. If you want to live outside of prison, I’d suggest you follow us.”

  Alannah Holland’s jaw dropped. She’d never been on any city other than Iota Nine. Certainly not the crass Earth-Ground, where creatures existed. Where clean, filtered soil was plain old filthy dirt. Where the temperature wasn’t regulated and actual disease infested bugs filled the air.

  Was it even a step up from a prison?


  Thank you for reading! This book was a little off whack—Trance was supposed to be Book 11, but Tempest’s book cut in, making him Book 12. When she was done, my timeline was thrown off. Thanks for that, Tempest.

  I hope you enjoyed the turnout of this book! Please remember to sign up for my newsletter on my FB author page or my website for news regarding upcoming books.

  Book 13, Damaged Goods, is available now on Kindle Unlimited or for purchase. Please click here: https://books2read.com/u/3yED0e

  Xeno Sapiens

  Catch up with the first novel in the series! The original Xeno Sapiens story.

  Futuristic earth finds alien DNA and creates a new species of hybrids in hidden labs. It’s up to two small females to teach these beings they’re worthy, and beautiful, and loved…and to save them from mankind.

  My name is Dr. Robyn Saraven. Earth has changed greatly in recent years, the governments of the world merging into one united front, the Global Government. Disease, starvation, and prejudice have been eradicated from our existence, and it appears our growth as spiritual beings is finally on track.

  But the discovery of alien DNA pairs a prestigious research facility with our government to create new beings. Suddenly our spiritual growth is halted when mankind plays God. Like old Earth, our modern-day world has to deal with prejudice, corruption, and greed.

  Or was it always there, lurking beneath the surface?

  Book 1—Xeno Sapiens

  Book 2—Earth-Ground

  Book 3—Siren

  Book 4—Beast’s Beauty

  Book 5—Almost Human

  Book 6—Forbidden Touches

  Book 7—Coveting Ava

  Book 8—For Everly

  Book 9—Assassin’s Mate

  Book 10—Sextet<
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  Book 11—Tempting Tempest

  Book 12—Falling For Trance

  Alien Stolen

  Rena Marks

  Our world is different from anything we’ve ever known. Years ago, aliens came to live among us. They claim to be the good guys, and yet every day, humans go missing—never to be heard from again.

  Sian and her family resist the leadership of the new regime, along with dozens of other factions across the world. However, without electricity, they’re at a loss as to how to communicate with each other to band together for strength in numbers. For that reason, they fight alone. When her father and best friend are captured by the military, she pretends to be a pleasure worker to infiltrate the base. Unbeknownst to her, a pleasure worker has been summoned to service a new breed of alien—one with a known weakness. Sex drains his strength.

  None of the militia realizes that when a Nisibian comes across his mate, he doesn’t lose his power…but instead transfers it to her.

  Drunk on the power of being a female Rambo, Sian decides to steal the massive alien for herself. This much power at her fingertips could tip the scales in the resistance fight for humans.


  Book 1 in the Blue Barbarian series.

  Alien abductions are real.

  I was the third female awakened aboard the spacecraft that specialized in kidnapping females. Their mission? To sell us to other galaxies.

  Human female Numbers One and Two didn’t make it, but I was lucky. I was able to comprehend the instruction from Drakar, a caged abductee from the planet Blaedonia. I live only because of his warning to me not to fight the aliens who have me on the table. Together, we formulate a plan for escape for both us and the ten other unawakened Earthlings.

  Lucky for Drakar, the spaceship crash-lands back on his planet. Unlucky for the Earthlings, we’ll never be able to travel back home.


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