Fatal Alien Affection

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Fatal Alien Affection Page 7

by Natasha House

  Jonathan drank in Zahara’s kisses. His fingers tucked around the edges of the top of her dress, and he gently eased it off her shoulders. Trickling his touches down the front of her, he heard her gasp in response.

  “I love you, Zahara.” The words slipped out as he continued to kiss her, loving the sounds she was making.

  “I love you too.” Her hands caressed against him, and tiny tingles swept his entire body. The door handle suddenly wiggled, and Jonathan and Zahara both gasped quietly.

  “Get down,” he told her. She ducked her head beneath the blankets, giggling lightly. The door handle stopped moving, and whoever was there must have realized they had the wrong room.

  Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief, then grinned as Zahara’s fingers traveled to the inside of his thighs. She popped her head back out from beneath the covers and grinned at him.

  “I have an idea, if you’re up for it…”

  “Yeah?” He chuckled as she kissed the side of his neck.

  “I found a place…” Zahara climbed out of bed and pulled up her straps.

  “Whoa…okay.” He clambered to the floor, laughing as with a grin she grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the door. Zahara put a finger to her lips as she stuck her head out to see if the coast was clear. He enjoyed watching her, loving how she was still grasping tight to his hand. Finally she gave a nod and slipped out the door.

  They made their way down the hallway, Zahara keeping a careful watch.

  Where are we going?

  Zahara finally came to a stop in front of the music room. She turned to him briefly, winked, and opened the door.

  “This is going to be fun,” she said with a grin. Jonathan’s entire body buzzed with heat as she pulled him inside.

  “Are we going to sing as we…?” He chuckled under his breath.

  “Something like that.” She grinned.

  Zahara made her way over to one of the statues and grabbed the arm of the figurine. She gave it a tug. Jonathan watched in shock as the wall gave way and an entryway formed. What’s this?

  Zahara motioned with her hand, and the two of them quietly headed inside. The moment they stepped in, Jonathan could hear a soft humming noise. The door slid shut with a hiss.

  “How do we get out?” he whispered to her.

  “It’s fine.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him forward. With a laugh she ran down the hallway, tugging at him to move faster.

  “Where are we going?” he said.

  “Just wait.” Zahara came to the end of the hall, and with a heavy push, turned the handle and opened the door.

  A mixture of smells overpowered him as they entered the room. Wow this is beautiful. Jonathan’s eyes widened at the sight of a colorful garden.

  “Come on, a little further.” She tugged on his arm with a teasing smile. Her fingers caressed his chest, making his body stir.

  Zahara approached a stream of vines dangling down from the ceiling. “This way.” She swished through the vines, a sensual smile on her lips. Jonathan hurried through after her, loving how playful she was being. He gasped at the beauty of the colors, stream, plants, and figures.

  Zahara grasped the sides of his face, kissing him long and hard, sending excitement racing through his blood. She gasped for air, looking up into his eyes a brief moment. He reacted back, coaxing her shoulder straps off, running his fingers down the front of her soft skin, loving the way she groaned in response.

  Zahara caressed his muscled chest, feeling down until she rested her touch between his thighs.

  “I love you, Red,” she whispered. “I want to be with you.”

  Heat pumped through him at her intimate touch, and he pulled her into a long kiss, making her gasp. He loosened the rest of her dress, and it fell to the ground with a ripple. They kissed deeply, losing reality around them, all the world standing still at their passion. Zahara groaned as he rubbed down the front of her, loving how soft her skin felt beneath him.

  Jonathan scooped her up into his arms, his mouth exploring hers with a gentle touch. He put her down on the canopy bed, brushing his knuckles against the side of her face.

  “You are beautiful.” His eyes drank in the sight of her bare body, in wonder that this gorgeous woman was in love with him. She grinned at him suddenly, removing the rest of his clothes so that he hovered above her bare.

  Zahara caressed him, and spirals of pleasure swept over his body. He lay on his side, pulling her tight against him, so that there was no more space between them. They fit together naturally, and Jonathan’s heart hammered at the pleasure of this beautiful woman. He drew her in for another kiss, as music between them continued to build. With pleasured gasps they cried as beneath the canopy of vines and flowers they became one.

  Jonathan gently brushed Zahara’s face as she lay curled up against him. He’d never known someone could make him feel so loved and wanted as this woman. Her body fit perfectly with his as if they’d been created as one. God, please let me protect this woman. The ritual of marriage played through his mind—it wasn’t as if he and Zahara could be married the traditional way, but in the sight of God they’d joined together. He’d need to wake her soon, but the feel of her soft skin against his was too satisfying to let go of at the moment.

  God, what can I do to save us all? Images played around in his mind. His village. His family. The warehouse. No matter how amazing he felt, he couldn’t forget the driving purpose deep inside of him. He knew Zahara felt it too. He wanted to be free to have a family with this beautiful, amazing woman laying curled up against him.

  “Jonathan?” Zahara stirred, tipping her head up and kissing his chin. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Is that even a question?” he said with a laugh.

  “I’m a bit sore, but that was the most amazing moment of my entire life. And I’m not trying to be cheesy about saying that.”

  “You’re sore?” He gently touched her, feeling concerned.

  “I was a virgin, genius.” She kissed his neck.

  “Right.” He gave a soft sigh. “Zahara?”

  She snuggled up against him, and his heart melted. “Yeah?”

  “I meant it.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “What I said. I love you.”

  “I meant it too.” She eased away and turned over to look at him. A few seconds passed before she grinned at him. “You smell like the mush they used to feed us.”

  “Oh my god, you’re so bad.” He gave her a little shove, and she fell onto her back with a soft laugh.

  “Red, you know I have to tease you. It’s my job.” She scrambled from the bed. “We should probably get out of here.”

  He climbed across the bed and got to his feet. He pulled her as tight as possible and kissed her more passionately than he’d ever kissed her before. It left her breathless.

  “My god you’re amazing.” She stroked his face.

  He gently touched her bare body, lingering his fingers for a long moment. “I want you to know I will always protect you. I promise.”

  “I know.” Zahara stared deep into his eyes.


  Her laugh. It was something that he could listen to all day. Jonathan found himself sneaking glances at Zahara. He caught her gaze back, and it made him smile. What had happened last night had changed something in the both of them. We can’t fall in love. This is crazy. He knew the rules—they couldn’t procreate, they couldn’t fall in love. But how could he not? It was like telling himself to stop breathing. It was unnatural to not love this girl. She was tough. She was beautiful.

  He stood in the music room with Zahara learning a new song. He couldn’t bring himself to call the blonde girl the Citizen-given name, but for some reason the name Red was beginning to stick in his head. More and likely because it was Zahara who’d first given it to him.

  “Earth to, Red, are you listening?” Zahara waved her hand in front of his face, her blonde curls neatly arrayed today.

�sorry.” He laughed at himself, the sweet smell wafting off Zahara distracting him.

  “Did you hear the melody I just sang?”

  “What?” He looked over at her to see her grinning.

  “The melody. I made it up. What do you think?” she said the words slowly as if he was hard of hearing or a bit dense. Jonathan found his face heating up. His mind had got caught up in the way Zahara moved when she sang—not so much the song itself.

  “Sorry.” He dipped his head down, an embarrassed smile on his face. “Didn’t hear anything.”

  Instead of getting mad at him she just laughed it off. “It’s okay. I’ll sing it again.” She began a fast tune, her words streaming from her mouth in beautiful arcs. At the end, Jonathan had a hard time breathing. What was it about this girl that made him feel like he was losing his mind? She was staring at him again as if saying were you listening now?

  She laughed at him. “Where’s your head today?”

  He gave her a smile back. “Let’s see if I remembered anything.” He sang the song back to her. She crossed her arms looking rather impressed with him.

  “Not half bad for someone who can’t sing.”

  “Oh, I can’t sing can I?” He lightly shoved her, making her wobble to the side. She shoved him back.

  “You’re awful. I mean that pitch…eech…” She made a face at him.

  “La la la.” He went off-key on purpose making Zahara cover her ears and shake her head.

  “You need to get out.” She pointed to the door, her blue eyes sparkling. He dropped his head and mockingly walked toward the door. He could hear her giggling behind him. He paused and looked over his shoulder with a grin.

  Suddenly, a sharp pound came to the door.

  A rush of air swept the room as a Guardian flooded the area, his wings extended. Jonathan’s first concern was for Zahara, who was standing frozen, the smile now wiped off her face. Everything within him was urging him to grab the girl and run somewhere safe.

  “What’s going on?” he managed to say. The creature just gave him a bored look as he moved about the room.

  “There has been suspicions that this household is hoarding a hidden safe haven for humans. We have been ordered to search the place.” The male Citizen moved about, checking corners and scattering some of Mistress’s finery.

  “Get out! Who gave you orders to come into my home?” Fanna stepped through the door, her face twisted with displeasure.


  Her face lost color at the name. Two more Guardians came into the room and began to cover every inch of it. By the end of their destruction, Fanna was fuming.

  “You’re destroying my home! I hope Jeol is paying to have it all replaced!” She stomped her foot, her blonde curls a mess at her distress. After a few more minutes of searching, they moved on, Fanna following behind them still shouting at them. Jonathan exchanged a look with Zahara.

  Chapter 16

  The room felt drained of air. Zahara watched their mistress leave, but the sense of dread she felt when the Guardians came into the room hadn’t left her. She had a bad feeling they’d be back. What if they discover the hidden rooms? What will they do to Mistress? The thought shook her. Despite the fact that she was a slave, she was thankful that it was to this Citizen woman. She’d been treated kindly here and allowed to sing. There could have been worse ways to be living in slavery. Jonathan looked at her, and she had a feeling he was thinking the same thing she was.

  “We need to get out of here now,” he said, putting a hand on her back. “What about that secret tunnel?”

  Zahara’s eyes fell to the statue. Without another thought, she ran over to it and pulled the arm. He was right behind her. Zahara’s heart sped up as the entryway formed. Hurry…

  They crossed through, urging the door to shut silently.

  “Is there an exit? I never checked,” Zahara whispered to Jonathan.

  “There must be a way they deliver these supplies. Come on.” Jonathan came to the first room and started packing a small satchel of food, a blanket, and a jug of water. Zahara picked up a bag of her own and filled it with supplies as well.

  “Jonathan, I saw something, I forgot to tell you about it…” Zahara’s voice wavered. “I think…Master has a creature he’s making the ointment from.”

  “What?” Jonathan sounded distracted as he finished packing, loaded the bag onto his back, and ushered her out the door and into the hall. “Tell me all about it later. We gotta get out of here.”

  Their footsteps echoed down the long hall as they ran. They came to the final room, and Zahara turned to look at Jonathan. She pulled him into a fierce kiss, her eyes searching his. “I love you, remember that.”

  Jonathan gave her a quick smile, but Zahara could see lingering worry. “Let’s get somewhere safe.” His eyes rested on the end of the hall, his brows furrowing in thought. “Maybe there’s another lever like the one in the music room. Check around.” His hands ran over the walls.

  “I used to hear Moon hum something all the time.” Zahara sucked in a deep breath, urging her mind to remember the gentle tune. She let out the string of notes, humming them under her breath.

  Jonathan grinned as a low thrum filled the hallway. The wall gave way and slid to one side, a long, dark tunnel leading out. “Zahara, you are a genius!” He gave her a quick kiss, grabbed her hand, and they ran.

  Zahara could hear whirling noises above them, as if they were under the streets of Cathrach somehow. When they reached the very end a door loomed before them.

  “Let me scout ahead, you stay here.” Jonathan kissed her again, opened the door, and slipped outside. Zahara’s heart pounded louder and louder as she waited for him. She could hear rustling noises up above her, Guardians tearing their home apart. What do they want? Her mind drifted back to the creature in the garden locked up tight. Is that what Jeol wants? That…thing?

  Something banged down the hall, startling her. Hurry, Jonathan! A mixture of emotions played inside her. She had started to enjoy her life in their mistress’s home. Once we’re free then what? Do we try to run back to our old villages? The thought of that made her stomach churn. They’d never make it that far—plus there was nothing to run back to. Water from a pipe dripped on her face, and she wiped it off with the back of her hand. An echo of voices bounced off the walls, and a wave of fear hit her. I have to get out of here! I can’t wait for him.

  Zahara slid the door open, cautiously looking, before going through, heart pounding loud in her ears. Where did he go? She quickly shut the door behind her, but dread filled her gut. Something is really, really wrong. The city was a tangled web before her, speedcars, noises, dark alleys with deep shadows making the breath catch in her throat. If I leave here, he’ll never find me again. She tucked herself up against the side of the wall, feeling exposed even in the dim light of the streetlamps.

  A dull thump sounded behind her. The door! She bolted forward, feet desperately eating up the ground as she ran.

  “STOP!” The door was open behind her, and she could hear the flutter of wings.


  Something hot struck her back leg. “Ah!” Her leg buckled as the pain ran through her thigh. “Jonathan!” She stumbled as another pain hit her other leg, sending her tumbling to the pavement. Rocks dug into the palms of her hands, and she felt the heat of blood as her face struck the ground. Her eyes fluttered once. Cold hands gripped her arms and dragged her to her feet.

  “I remember this little princess. I’ll take care of her.” A twisted smile filled Moy’s face as he threw Zahara over his shoulder, half conscious.

  Chapter 17

  Jonathan’s chest burned like fire as he ran, trying to find a clear path for him and Zahara. A sudden thought struck him. I need to get back. I’ve been gone too long. He turned around, replaying his exact steps toward the hidden exit. A cold dread coiled through his stomach. Something’s wrong. Jonathan pressed his body up against the alleyway across fr
om the door. Can I get back in? Suddenly, he noticed something spilled across the street—Zahara’s bag.

  Zahara! He drew in some breaths to steady himself. How could I have left her behind like that? Anger boiled inside until his face grew hot. What kind of a man am I? He was about to leap out of the shadows to go find her, when something grabbed him by the arm and yanked him back.

  “They are out there looking for you,” a soft voice said. A young man stood inside a rundown shop, his face covered by a hood. “Come.”

  Jonathan looked toward the hidden door then back. He hesitated a moment then stepped inside the shop.

  “I saw her get taken,” the hooded man said in a harsh whisper. “There is nothing you can do now. I couldn’t reach her in time before they grabbed her. I’m sorry.”

  Jonathan’s stomach churned at the thought of Zahara in the hands of those monsters. What will they do to her?

  “The Guardians have arrested Lon and Fanna, there is no going back.” The young man sounded sad as he looked toward the direction of the hidden tunnel. “If you wait, we can retrieve the girl. But you must be patient.” The lowness of the man’s voice held surety as if he’d done this many, many times. “Come with me now.” The young man faded into the shadows of the shop. Jonathan stood there for a moment. Stunned. Who is this? Something inside of him told him to follow. He took a deep breath and stepped into the shadows. The man’s form was barely visible as he walked to the back of the shop. He carefully pulled back a bookshelf to one side where a door was waiting. He opened it and slipped inside, waiting for Jonathan. Jonathan noticed a rope that the young man pulled, putting the shelf carefully back in place before shutting the door. A flight of stairs lay before him.

  Once they were down it, a shadowed alley stretched away, small torches along the walls to light the passage.

  “I’m Quint.”

  Jonathan paused for a moment then said, “I’m Red.” For some reason keeping the name Zahara gave him filled him with determination that he’d find her again. They came to a door, and Quint led him down another flight of stairs. The air grew colder the further down they went. A soft plinking sound came to Jonathan’s ears, water hitting old pipes. At the bottom of the stairs there was a tunnel, shadowed again by the few torches that were held in place on the wall. Once they reached the end, an ancient looking metal box hooked up to some strong cables lay before them.


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