Patsy Murray

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Patsy Murray Page 11

by Douglas E Roff

  Patsy looked at Adam. He was silent.

  “FYI, none of us have ever succeeded at getting him in bed to do the big nasty, but not for want of trying. When he was with Misti, he was fastidiously faithful, though we did a little smooching and may have gotten naked and did some show and tell. But he was the partner we all wanted. When he loves, he loves only one at a time. And we think, whether he’s said it or not, he loves you — all good.

  “We looked into the deaths of your two friends, and we are happy to report you are not responsible for their accident. We examined the knots you tied that they asked for and found they were never going to hold; they must have known that.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “It was in the police report, and there were pictures on their cells. We wondered why they would ask you to tie a knot like that and the autopsy, which I understand you refused to read, answered the remaining questions. They were both dying. One or the other contracted a rare disease, transmitted sexually but not an STD. The late stages are excruciating, and I think they wanted to go out on their terms, but not suicide. Like Adam, they were devout Catholics.

  “We have the autopsy and the photographic proof if you want to see it, but this was not your fault. We shared this with the Philly police so that they know what happened.”

  “But why …”

  “We think your friends could not ask you directly to do this thing. So, they did it their way. I don’t think they thought it would affect you as it has.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Hold that thought. We also checked you out, and you are the real deal, but we found out your other secrets too; family, school and boyfriends. It’s not up for discussion, as it is your private business, but we all want to plead with you to talk to Adam and get this out in the open. He loves you; your past won’t change a thing.”

  “I’m not sure that was called for.”

  “You’re right. It wasn’t. But Adam has always been protective of us and we of him. We aren’t going to let someone waltz in and break his heart again. He’s not built like that. If he falls for someone, he’s an idiot and believes everything they say. Or don’t say. Feel free to be angry with us; it won’t affect what we do for you. But we have your best interests at heart, even if you disagree.”

  Beata turned to Adam. “You, my friend, on the other hand, have no good news. I have checked out your ex, and I am sorry to report that she was cheating on you from her freshman year in high school until the very end. Worse, the only person in Barrows Bay and Seattle who didn’t know it was you.”

  “You’re saying Mom and Dad, Maria and Pops, Rod and Cindy all knew?”

  “Sorry, but yes. And if you must know, Misti was banging Cindy too.”

  Adam fell back on the couch and put his hands over his face. “Wow, I’m an idiot. I wasted years pining over a lost love. How could I be so stupid? Why didn’t anyone ever say?”

  “No clue, bud. But it’s time to put it behind you. I know you’ll dwell on this and start to question everything and everyone and obsess, but don’t lose focus on what you have in your life now. Patsy is a good girl; she seems made for you. Not planning your wedding and names for your kids, but don’t be fucking stupid and let Misti do this to you all over again. We good?”

  “Yep. I’ll count my blessings instead. I told Patsy that come what may, we need to let go of the past, and I will have to do so too. And thanks. It takes a real friend to tell me what I don’t want to hear.”

  “We love you, you moron. You should marry the five of us and have Patsy on the side. You’d be a lot happier and so would we.”

  She paused. “There’s more. There may be some truth to what Misti told you. Nice job by the way with the jerks in Barrows. The four of them think you’re going to off them, but that’s your deal, not ours. Anyway, it must have crossed your mind that Lola’s murder was an attempt on your life, not hers.”

  “It has. Just don’t know why. I don’t have any enemies.”

  “Not that you know of. But if I understand it, you were at the restaurant every night at 6:30 sharp, except the night of the explosion. You were stuck in traffic. The bomb went off at precisely 7:00 that night while you were still in gridlock. I think the bomb was meant for you. Lola and her parents had no enemies. Lola slept around a lot, as you know, but nobody wanted her dead. We all conclude, and so do the police, that you were the target.”

  “But who? Who could hate me enough to want me dead? I have competitors, not enemies. And if that’s the case, am I still in danger? Patsy too?”

  “There’s a contract out on you right now. The only reason you’re not dead is no one knows where you are, and no one knows who Patsy is. No one knows, do they?”

  “Kalindra. Maybe my folks in Barrows too. And I may have said I had a girlfriend.”

  “I know you’re proud of her, but that was probably a bad move. Which brings us to our next topic.”

  “Which is?”

  “We are all leaving San Diego. Right away. Tomorrow.”

  “What? We’re safe here. No way,” said Adam. Patsy looked anxious and panicky.

  “Way. We’re not safe here anymore.”

  Alana said, “We have to go. I know neither of you wants to change anything but get your heads out of your asses. There’s a contract out on you Adam, and that means they’ll try to find you through Patsy or smoke you out using her. I’m sorry, but those are the facts.”

  Patsy said, “I didn’t sign up for this. And where would we go anyway?”

  “You’re right,” said Beata. “You didn’t sign up for this. I recommend you get out of town and hide somewhere safe. The only other alternative is for you come with us.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You can all do what you want, but I’m staying right here. I’ll call the police. I’m sorry, but this was never part of the bargain, no matter how I feel about you, Adam.”

  “Give me a minute.” Adam went into the bedroom and locked the door.

  Alana said, “Think this over Patsy. Take a break. We’ll sort this out, but you may be in a lot of peril right now.”

  “Maybe? Might? I don’t know anything, and I’m not going to run away somewhere like a criminal. You do what you have to do, but I’m outta here.”

  Adam reappeared. “Patsy, I’m sorry about this, but I contacted my private banker. You’ll have half a million dollars in an offshore account tomorrow at my lawyer’s office in the Bank Building down the street. You’ll have a new identity and can go wherever you want and chill. But I have to leave. I’d rather you came with me; it’s safer, but I understand this is really fucked up.”

  “You should have told me. This is all your fault.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m sorry, but the money and new identity will keep you safe. We go to group, then bolt as soon as it’s safe. I have people coming to get us out. Then once you’re away from here, do whatever you please. Just don’t be stupid.”

  “Fuck that. I’m leaving now. Loan me some money. I’ll pay you back when I can, but I’m not staying here another minute.”

  Adam went back to his room. “Here’s ten thousand. Get the package at the address on this card. I can’t protect you unless you come with me, but it’s your decision. You might be right. No one knows you. You can be free and clear.”

  She grabbed her backpack, stuffed her new things in it, took the five thousand she got from her landlord and left.

  “Don’t ever contact me again. I should have known better.”

  Alana said, “Patsy?”


  “For the record, Adam didn’t know any of this. We only found out yesterday. And he was only trying to help you. So, leave, and you’re right. He’s better off without you. You’re a coward and an ingrate. It didn’t have to end this way. He could have hidden you. Now you’re on your own. So, fuck you.”

  “Easy Alana. No need to escalate this war of words. Patsy’s r
ight. If she had never met me, she’d never have been in this spot. Not intention, just fact.”

  Beata said, “Well, here’s a bulletin. The Philly PD was looking into filing charges against Patsy. Her friends, unbeknownst to her, left her a lot of life insurance and the cops couldn’t figure out how experienced climbers could make a rookie mistake. You were headed for trial and jail. Say thanks and then leave. Alana’s right, you aren’t worth the effort.”

  Adam said, “For the record, you are worth the effort and more. That’s my decision, nobody else’s. But whether I’m to blame or not, do what you must.”

  Patsy turned and left.

  “She’ll be dead,” said Adam.

  “She’ll be fine,” said Beata. “Octavio, Bella and the Twins are in town. I took the liberty of asking them to get here ASAP. Bella will follow Patsy and make sure she’s OK. Then, we take her wherever she wants to go whether she likes it or not. If she wants to come back, that’s her choice. She’ll be fine tonight and tomorrow. You need to go to group tomorrow as usual, then go to ‘Bellucci’s Bistro’ in Gastown for lunch. We’ll get you out of town from there. Patsy too.”

  Beata paused, as Adam was silent. “We clear on the deal?”

  “Yes. Where are we going?”

  “Oceanside to the airport, then to your secret Bat Cave on that island off of Crete you bought last year.”

  “How did you know …?”

  “I read your private files every day on the Mainframe. Got your passwords one time when you were high. Mostly boring shit; seems like Kalindra does most of the heavy lifting.”

  “I help.”

  “Yeah, you’re an ‘idea guy’ right? Really, pay her more,” said Alana.

  Beata asked, “And by the by, what do we get for the new job?”

  “Fifteen million each, and a bonus from me if I come out of this alive.”

  “If not?”

  “I left my company and all my assets to you guys and Kalindra equally. I’m worth more to you dead than alive.”

  “How much?”

  “Ten, may twelve billion. Seven in cash.”

  “I’m going to be a lot nicer to you in the future.”

  “You’re nice enough now. I owe you.”

  “Does this mean I get a special treat tonight? Mind tricks and a little physical ‘thank you very much’?”

  “I guess I’m sans girlfriend again, so I should do whatever you ask. You sure you want to do this?”

  “We want to do this. We start now, and we’ll let you know when we’re done.”

  “Work, work, work … that’s all you guys ever think of.”

  “I know. But some tasks are more fun than others. Now let’s get naked and get high. Where do you have it hidden?”

  “The safe. 34-18-56. Right, left, right. Pipes are there too. In the closet under the rug.”

  “All right now. Don’t be so puppy dog sad. We’ll help you mend. You did her a favor; I hope you know that. Don’t beat yourself up about it. We’ll do that to you just the way you like it. Besides, there’s nothing more to be done right now.”

  “No rest for the wicked, I suppose.”

  “Let’s hope not.”

  Chapter 13

  Adam received a phone call well after midnight from Octavio and his wife, Bella, that they had tracked Patsy and found her being followed by a pair of men who had been stationed outside the building in which Adam and Patsy lived. She had walked from Adam’s building to an upscale chain hotel a few blocks away. As she began to walk across the courtyard to the main entrance, the two men stopped Patsy between cars in a small island shaped area of valet parking. Bella went around to block the exit toward the hotel entrance, while Octavio closed in from behind. There was just the passageway between cars along the sides as they were otherwise parked bumper to bumper.

  The two men had Patsy wedged against a Suburban, one on either side of her, grabbing her arm, and looking to walk her back out toward the street. A 4 x 4 had pulled up blocking the entrance/exit to the hotel courtyard awaiting them.

  Octavio had pulled a silence nine-millimeter handgun from his shoulder holster as had Bella. Octavio flashed his gun to the two men as another man exited from the 4 x 4, but Octavio waved him off then pointed his weapon at the man closest to him.

  “Stay where you are, and your friends here walk away to see their friends and family. Make one aggressive move, and they’ll be dead. Now back away and get in your car. I won’t ask twice.”

  Bella said, “Excuse me Ms. Murray, but we’re late for your appointment with your friends. The ones who just arrived. My name is Bella, and the big guy here is my husband, Octavio. He’s Adam’s cousin from Seattle. Adam asked us to keep an eye on you when you left. Actually, it was Beata Armistead, but that’s just a detail. I think it would be best to come with us now. I’ll call Adam, and you can speak to him. We’ll take you wherever you ask, but I think it’s prudent to leave here. What would you like to do?”

  “Talk to Adam. Then you should take me somewhere safe. I’m shaking I’m so scared. Those men were going to kidnap me. I don’t have any idea why. They just asked if I knew Adam and said I was coming with them.”

  Octavio said, “Ms. Murray, it’s Adam.”

  Adam asked, “Are you all right Patsy? Nobody hurt you, did they?”

  “No, just scared me. I thought I’d pee in my pants. They didn’t seem very nice. Can I come home? Being away from the residence doesn’t seem like a very good idea right now. I’ll leave in the morning. Octavio said he would take me somewhere safe.”

  “Of course. Come straight back here, and we’ll figure something out in the morning.”

  They bound the two men, relieved them of their weapons and took their passports and wallets. As they walked away, Octavio turned and said, “If I ever see you anywhere near my friend, here again, I’ll kill you both sight unseen. Nod if we’re clear. Now get on your cell phone and tell your friends in the 4 x 4 to drive off quickly. And stay away from the condo tower you were staking out. It’s a dangerous part of the City; lots of crime.”

  The man did as he was instructed and the group watched the vehicle drive off on the one-way street; Bella took their cell phones

  Octavio and Bella delivered Patsy back to Adam’s place ten minutes later. They handed the wallets and passports to Adam, while they handed the cellphones to Alana. She was on Adam’s computer quickly, bypassing security and had the data on the phones downloaded onto a thumb drive in minutes.

  “We’ll sleep out here tonight. Then we’ll take Ms. Murray wherever she wants to go.”

  “Thanks, Octavio and you too Bella. I owe you big. Are you and the Twins available for some light duty? I need your help. Maybe your crew from Desert Storm.”

  “The Twins are already in town waiting for a call. They’ll come here in the morning early, so get some sleep now. We’ll be leaving at six. Leave everything where it is and pack light. We’ll move fast, and we have a ways to go.”

  Patsy asked, “What about me?”

  Adam said, “What about you? Octavio and Bella will take you somewhere safe. Just don’t go anywhere people might know you. Take the third bedroom and set your alarm. Or you can stay here if you choose.”

  Adam and the ladies turned to walk away. Alana said she was going to stay up and look into who these men were, JoJo and Bella went with Adam. The other ladies went to the second bedroom.

  “You’re going to need my help,” said Patsy to Adam.

  “And you think that why?”

  “Because you need a genealogist. And because I think I know what’s going on.”

  “I can hire a hundred more qualified genealogists than you. They’re already clients and friends. As for what you think is going on, if you did, you’d have said something by now. You didn’t. I’m afraid I don’t believe you.”

  “Ask Bella what I did when I left here.”

  Bella said, “She went to an all-night diner,
had something to eat, then started texting and calling on her cell, wrote some things down, then left. It was around one.”

  “What’s your theory.”

  “Not saying unless you take me with you. Once we’re up in the air, I’ll tell you. All of you.”

  “We’ll land in the middle of nowhere and let you out if you’re bullshitting me.”

  “Fine. But let’s be clear. You guys know your tech but have no clue about what I do, my contacts and my work. You have zero idea what to do first, second or third. I do. Right? Big fucking brain Adam and bigger fucking mouth Beata and Alana? Any idea? C’mon, spill. Nothing? Thought so.”

  Adam said coldly in his computer voice, “Even so, you’re a liability. And you exercise poor judgment, much less that can we ever trust you. You’ll run first chance you get and leave us high and dry. I’m done with that BS. You showed your true colors tonight. Once again I made another mistake with a woman.”

  “Maybe so, but let’s put that aside for a moment. We both have an interest in staying alive. You’ll do better with me than not. I can get you into places you could never get through the front door. And if I’m right, you’ll need instant knowledge and contacts. You may have a big ass computer, but what are you going to ask it to do? Where are the bad guys? If you don’t think I can help, drop me off somewhere, and I’ll ghost myself. But there is an explanation for what has happened, and if you don’t listen to me, I guarantee you’ll be dead in a matter of months if not weeks. The covers of your pop tarts here will be blown, and they’ll likely be dead too.”

  “How so?”

  “Because you don’t know who you’re dealing with, and I can guarantee you that the people involved don’t use the internet or the dark web. They’ve been at this a while, and their business model is multi-generational. You’ll all eventually come out of hiding, and then they’ll pop you. So, reconsider Adam. Otherwise nice knowing you and good luck. I will disappear and read about your tragic deaths in the New York Times.”


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