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Her Prince (The Wounded Souls Series Book 6)

Page 15

by Leah Sharelle

  “I get it, brother. I see the light,” I said to Booth, then clapped him once on the back before heading to my VP.

  “Come ’ere, Spunky,” I ordered softly, then turned to Meagan and gave her a wink and a smile. She, too, was still in a fighting stance.

  “You should patch in, Meagan. We could use your skills,” I joked.

  “Like fuck!” Steel growled behind me, making everyone laugh.

  Shiloh tossed her interesting weapon of choice away from her and leapt into my arms. I lifted her small body off the ground and held her tight against me, our hearts beating against each other. I buried my face in her hair and took my first easy breath since I walked into the chaos.

  “I love you so much, so fucking much. Love you so much,” I rambled over and over again, needing her to hear it as many times as I could say it.

  “Not as much as I love you,” she whispered back to me, her arms so tight around my shoulders that I could feel the imprint of her nails.

  “Not possible, baby,” I argued and added a little more pressure to my hold on her, afraid that if I let her go, this feeling of pure and blissful love would somehow be snatched away from me.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat had me lifting my head just slightly.

  “Well, that was fucking fun to witness. Can’t say I have ever seen four chicks ganging up on bikers before. Brothers?” Talon looked at each of his mates, and all three of them looked very amused and entertained.

  “Nope, this was a first for me,” Killer replied.

  “Fucking worth the ride up from Caroline Springs. Is this the chick who is going to be president of your club?” Saxon inquired.

  I smiled proudly, giving Shiloh a gentle squeeze.

  “Sure is, Saxon. This is my fiancée, Shiloh, and also the VP of the Wounded Souls.”

  “Nice to meet you, Shiloh. Interestin’ choice of weapons, comical but resourceful way of handlin’ the likes of these unsavoury fellas. I think my Nary would love to meet you,” Saxon said dryly. “You will do well stepping into Booth’s shoes, I reckon.”

  As Shiloh sighed against my chest, I could feel all the fight drain out of her.

  “In a few years, when Booth is ready. First, I think I want some babies before I take on this bunch,” she told Saxon, but her eyes were on me.

  I sucked in a shocked breath, stunned by her decision to not want the top job as soon as possible. “Baby, this is what you want, what you have strived for your whole life,” I spluttered, confused, but inside, I was doing a fist pump. Shiloh was going to be knocked up by the end of the night. Just as well we were getting married the following weekend, or Deck would castrate me if he knew what was going on in my mind right then.

  Shiloh looked up at me with the most amazing smile, her smile for me.

  “What I want is to have your babies first. The job will still be there in a few years, won’t it, Vinnie?” Shiloh looked over at Booth and winked at him. Only she could get away with calling him that.

  “I’ll mark it on the calendar, Squirt.”

  Shiloh turned back and smiled at me. “See, babies first, then club domination. Now shut up and kiss me, my prince, it’s been hours since you last ravaged my lips.”

  “I will spank your sweet arse for calling me that in front of the Hawks,” I threatened with mock anger.

  “Oh, shut up and kiss me.”

  I lowered my head and pressed my lips to her soft ones. Fucking perfect!

  “What the fuck is going on here? Why are my men crying like little bitches?” A loud roar came from the door, interrupting my perfect kiss with my woman.

  I released Shiloh and put her behind me, then waved at Meagan to get behind me, too. This newcomer was not too friendly looking, and I was about at my limit with the Devil’s Advocates for the night—hell, for the rest of my life.

  “Well, you must be the president of these pathetic excuses for bikers. Let me introduce myself. Talon, president of the Hawks, and this here is Booth, president of the Wounded Souls. Excuse me if I don’t shake your hand. I got no respect for arseholes who let his men fight women.”

  I hid my smile behind a cough. Talon was one of a kind. I liked him.

  “The fuck you say,” the arsehole blustered looking mighty uncomfortable all of a sudden. His eyes were on Booth, and I could see the sweat that started to bead on his forehead.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the worst company leader of all time. How are you doing, Frank? I see you still send your men in to do your dirty work for you,” Booth said with a hard edge to his tone. He then took a good look, first at Slither—who as still on the floor complaining about his nose and shin, fucking pussy—and then over to Guts, who was now bound to a chair.

  “Starting to make sense to me now. Talon, let’s take these pricks outside. Wouldn’t do for the girls to see three men shit themselves,” Booth suggested to Talon, and there was a definite gleam in his eyes.

  Exactly what the fuck was going on, I didn’t have a clue, but my guess was Booth had figured out who these guys were, and by the sounds of things, his knowledge gave him the upper hand in dealing with them. Maybe the Devil’s wankers will be pushing out of town sooner and easier than we thought.

  “Lead the way, brother. This night just keeps gettin’ more and more interestin’. Just let me call Kitten and have her hold over my dinner.” Talon pulled out his phone as he walked out the door, his men following, their phones also out.

  “Better call cupcake. Her feet were swellin’ when I left,” I heard Killer mutter worriedly before he followed his pres outside.

  “Shiloh, you coming?” Booth asked.

  “Yep, be there in a second,” she said to Booth, then patted me on the arse twice and added a squeeze to my butt cheek.

  “Gotta go learn from the master. Then we can go home, and you can ravish every inch of my body till the sun comes up,” she sassed as she wriggled out of my arms but not before she gave my hardening dick a once-over. My jeans did nothing to hide the fact I was more than up for some ravishing when we got home.

  “For fuck’s sake, Shiloh. I don’t want to hear that fucking shit!” Deck grumbled as he walked past her, hauling a very embarrassed looking Guts behind him.

  “Deck Johnston, do not say such horrible curse words in front of our daughter,” Charlotte cried from the bar, which she was now sitting on along with Lacie and Evie. My mum was on Dad’s lap while Rainn and Mannix were practically climbing each other. Fucking hell, I didn’t need to see that!

  “Christ almighty, Z, your women are just as fucking crazy as Hawks women,” Saxon exclaimed, shaking his head with amusement. “I was going to suggest Deck’s wife and Talon’s woman, Zara, should meet, but I think that it would sorta be like crossing the streams, ya know? Fuck knows what could happen?”

  I let out a roar of laughter at his reference to the classic movie Ghostbusters.

  “It is never dull, mate, but let me tell you, we wouldn’t have it any other way,” I assured him, then slapped him on the shoulder.

  We laughed as we walked out into the night. I was keen to see how these fuckers knew Booth and why they were so scared of the founding members. Then I was taking my woman home to make a baby or at least practice.

  Best fucking way to start the rest of my life with the love of my life.

  Chapter 19


  As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, the smile on my face said it all.

  Today, I was marrying Zander, my best friend since childhood, my partner in crime, my biggest supporter, and the love of my life.

  My prince.

  I gently caressed my hand down the soft satin of my fitted gown. When Mum and I went dress shopping the day after my disastrous hens’ night, I was worried we wouldn’t find anything within such a short time frame, but as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one. Thankfully, the gods had been on my side, and we found it in the first shop we entered. I might not be as girlie as some of the other girls at the club—I
spent most of my days in grease-covered overalls while the rest of the time, I was in tight leather pants and my cut—but I did like to dress my outfits up with pretty camisoles and heels.

  My best memories of Vegas were of her in her heels, blood-red with glitter, jewels, and spiked. She had the best sense of fashion, and wearing the heels made me feel like she was still with me in some small way. Plus, they made my legs and arse look sensational.

  “I can’t believe our little Squirt is getting married today.”

  I jumped at the sound of Booth’s voice. I had been so lost in my memories, I didn’t hear him open the door. Behind him stood Mannix, Steel, Creed, Uncle Jason, and my dad. All six of them looked so handsome in white button-down shirts and dark denim jeans, their ensembles finished off with chunky military shitkickers.

  “Oh, Vinnie, you scared me.” I gasped, then laughed at my jitteriness.

  “Sorry, baby girl, I didn’t want to disturb you. When we walked in, you had the most serene look on your face. What were you thinking about?” Booth asked as he reached for my hand.

  As his large warm one engulfed mine, so many memories began to stir. How many times had Booth taken my hand as a child and led me through life? Too many to count, I thought absently.

  “I was thinking about Vegas and how I wished she could see me now. See what I have become and achieved,” I replied with a hint of sadness.

  “Yeah, baby girl, I get that, but I reckon the big fella is keeping her up-to-date of all your adventures, the good and not so good.”

  I nodded, then looked over to the corner of the room where Darth was sitting, his answering chin lift telling me that yes, she knew.

  “So what are you guys doing in here? Is there a problem? Are you sure Zander and I going on our honeymoon won’t leave the club too short-staffed?” I fired off the questions without waiting for them to answer.

  When Talon and Booth had confronted the president of the Devil’s Advocates and informed him of his men’s activities, things got a little tense.

  It turned out that Guts knew the Souls from his military days. Frank and Guts, who went by Michael Vaughan back then, was caught by Booth’s team indecently assaulting a woman on the FOB. With some gentle persuasion from my dad and Creed, they found out more than one woman were victims.

  Some of them were soldiers and some civilians contracted to the army. All of them had been threatened by Frank to keep their mouths shut, or he would have their family members back at home hurt. He had a guy, Slither, taking creepy photos of the women’s children, sisters, and mothers and sending them back to Frank so he could prove he was serious.

  All the ladies kept quiet in fear that Slither would carry out Frank’s threats.

  Not wanting the women to go through the hell of a jury and proving their case, Booth decided the best thing was some personal justice dealt out by Commando Team FIVE. One by one, each man belted the crap out of the two pigs who called themselves soldiers until Frank and Guts decided—again with some persuasion, but this time from Darth—to ask for a discharge from the army. They had already been on their CO’s shit list for other reasons, so the army was more than happy to accept and got them on the first plane back home with dishonourable discharges and stripped of their army pensions.

  After Talon informed Frank that the Devil’s Advocates weren’t welcome in town and Frank, putting up a brave front, told both Talon and Booth to go fuck themselves, they got a visit from two interesting characters by the names of Beast and Knife. Turned out they had some pretty unique skills of their own. Two days ago, we got a call from Talon telling us the ‘Devil’s whatever-the-fuck-they-are-called’—Talon’s words—were on their way out of town with a promise they would never set foot back here again.

  Uncle Jason and my cousin James escorted them for seventeen hours until they hit the Queensland border. Two states away seemed far enough for our liking.

  “Will you calm down, Squirt. There is no problem. The honeymoon is on, and the limo is here, waiting until after the reception to take you guys wherever Zander has planned,” Creed assured me.

  I let out a deep sigh. Geez, they had me worried there for a minute. I was looking forward to seven days alone with Zander. Seven days of nakedness and sex—effing bliss.

  “We are here because we have something for you, Squirt,” Steel said, stepping forward. He had a small gift box balanced on his outstretched palm.

  I looked at each man, surprised. I wasn’t expecting anything from them.

  “What’s that?”

  “Open it,” Jason urged me.

  “Okay,” I replied eagerly. Like a giddy child, I tore the pink ribbon and bow off the box and lifted the hinged lid. As soon as I saw what was in it, tears stung my eyes.

  “Holy effing shit!” Gently, I picked up the white-gold bracelet from the velvet cushion. On it, there were seven rose gold charms, and each one had a letter engraved into it. My eyes blurred as I fingered the small balls with D, B, D, M, S, C, and J. In between the D and the M was a red stiletto charm, and next to the J was a pink enamelled love heart.

  “Deck, Booth, Darth, Mannix, Steel, Creed, and Jason,” I said softly as I touched each one. A sob caught in my throat. I promised Lacie I wouldn’t cry until after the photos, but how could I keep that promise after this.

  “We added the shoe for Vegas, and Jason and I added the heart for your mum,” Dad told me. His hands shook as he took the exquisite piece of jewellery from me and attached it to my wrist.

  “You didn’t get to meet your first mother, but Zoe would be so proud of you Shy-Shy,” Jason said quietly. His eyes clouded over, but he smiled at me. Sometimes, I forgot that I had another mother before Dad met my day care teacher and changed my world. I also forgot that Jason lost something that day, too, and unlike me, he knew her and loved her. He not only lost his wife but he didn’t get to take me home from the hospital like they had planned, either.

  “Thank you so much, Uncle Jay. I appreciate that you thought of that.”

  Steel touched my cheek, his Hollywood, pretty-boy looks hadn’t diminished one bit over the years, his hair still blond and long, his smile still cocky.

  “This is your something new. Just a reminder that before you became Zander’s, you belonged to seven blokes and lived with six of them, who, I might add, had no fucking idea what to do with a newborn. There were some real touch-and-go moments when we didn’t think we were doing it right, but seeing you here now, looking so fucking beautiful, we did a pretty fucking good job raising you.”

  That was it. The dam burst and the ugly crying started.

  Bugger, Lacie was going to have to redo my make-up.

  “I loved the way I grew up, and I couldn’t have asked for better men to raise me. You taught me to go after my dreams and to be the best person I could be. I never wanted for anything, and my whole life has been filled with nothing but love. I love you all so much.” I broke down as the last word left my lips.

  Suddenly, I found myself in the middle of a group hug while I cried tears of joy and happiness. A large, warm hand on the small of my back gave me the most comfort. The man who had been present in every single aspect of my life may have been taken from me as a child, but Darth never left my side.

  Just like he promised.


  Ready to go get married, Squirt? Darth asked, watching me play with one of the curls framing my face.

  Evie had done an amazing job taming my long, curly hair into a ladylike updo. At first, I wanted my hair down—Zander loved to plough his fingers through my long tresses—but the back of my gown was so sexy, the draped diamond-back illusion being why I brought the dress. Several strings of diamonds cascaded down my bare back and covering it with my hair would have been wrong.

  I looked at Darth in the mirror. “Is she here?” I asked, meaning Vegas.

  They both are.

  Meaning my birth mother was too. That made me happy. Even though I considered Charlotte my mother, Zoe had a place in my heart

  “Then, abso-effing-lutely.”

  Come on, baby girl, your old man is waiting for you. Done nothing but fucking complain about giving you away to Zander for the last twenty minutes.

  I scoffed. I had sent Darth out of the room for twenty minutes earlier while Evie and Lacie fixed my make-up after my emotional meltdown. I looked down at the bracelet on my wrist, which was the most perfect thing ever.

  “You’re walking down the aisle with me, too, aren’t you, Darf?” I heard the wobble in my voice, but I couldn’t help it. Lately, I got the feeling Darth was getting restless down here with me. He left more often to go be with Vegas and stayed away longer. I knew he would have to leave eventually, and I was selfish keeping him here with me. He told me once that all I had to do was say the words, “I’m good now, Darth,” and that would be his cue to join Vegas.

  Saying them scared the shit out of me because I didn’t want to let him go. I wasn’t ready to love without him yet. I still needed him.

  I’m not going anywhere, kiddo, not until you are ready. Now let’s get you that happily ever after you always dreamed of.

  Darth held his arm out for me, and I tucked my hand in the crook, then looked up at him.

  Love you more than there are stars in the sky, Darf.

  Love you more than my own life, Shiloh Johnston.

  And he did love me that much. He gave his life so I could have mine… to live the rest of it with Zander.




  I kicked the door closed with my foot, my arms stuffed with a fucking huge and expensive bag of dry dog food.

  Shiloh got it into her head that Vader would be healthier and live longer if he ate vegan dry food. How the fuck she came up with that idea was not all that clear, but if my woman wanted a hundred-and-five-dollar bag of wheat shit, then that’s what she got. If Vader’s diet was our biggest problem, then I was a happy man.

  We did have another issue that wasn’t sitting well with me—Shiloh wasn’t pregnant yet. We had been married for two months, and she had her implant thing removed two days before the ceremony, but still, no baby.


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