Why Did You Hurt Me?

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Why Did You Hurt Me? Page 7

by Phylicia Joannis


  One Door Opens…

  Jennifer smiles to herself in triumph as she closes her notebook. “Six pages of perfection!” she laughs.

  Johnny flops down in a chair next to her. “I only have four pages,” he grimaces. “But I may not have had any if you hadn’t helped me.”

  Jennifer smiles shyly. “It was nothing. Besides, you did all the work. I just pointed you in the right direction.”

  Johnny smiles at her. They are at the public library. It’s become their official meeting place, especially with the research paper for their Government class due the next week. Jennifer agreed to help Johnny with his paper, and in return, Johnny promised to carry her books home for her in the afternoon.

  “Not that I wouldn’t carry them anyway,” Johnny had teased.

  Today is their last day to work on both their English and Government research papers before turning them in. Jennifer is practically glowing. Johnny notes how enthusiastic she is whenever they accomplish a task or assignment. She is definitely different; Johnny has to admit it. Though he was told to befriend her for ulterior motives, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her. There is something in her presence that almost makes him forget about his problems.


  The Master promised him peace for two weeks, and so far, his stepfather has been docile. He’s made no attempts to abuse Johnny, his mother, or any of his siblings. He complained the first week of stomach pains and spent most of his days in bed. A few nights he would get up and watch television, but he spoke very little. He is supposed to go out of town for a few days which will guarantee that they will be safe from his moods.

  Johnny is grateful to the Master for whatever he did. He wouldn’t dare jeopardize the safety of his family for anything. He doesn’t know what plans the Master has, or why he is so interested in Martin West, but he will do whatever the Master asks. Still, there is no reason for him not to enjoy Jennifer’s company. She loves to talk, naturally, but she is a good listener, too.

  “So,” Jennifer waves her hand in front of Johnny to make sure he is listening. “Are you having a private conversation, or can anybody join?”

  “Oh, sorry,” Johnny smiles sheepishly. He didn’t realize that he missed the last few minutes of what she’d said. “Can you repeat that?”

  Jennifer rolls her eyes and sighs loudly. The twinkle in her eyes shows that she is only teasing. “I was asking you, since our papers are finished, does this mean you won’t be walking me home anymore?”

  “Oh!” Johnny smiles. “I guess I could still walk you home,” he says slowly.

  “You guess?” Jennifer laughs. “What? And all this time I thought you liked it. Have you been using me this whole time for your own personal gain?”

  Johnny swallows and forces a smile. “What do you mean?” Is she on to him?

  “You have got some nerve, Johnny Reese!” she continues. “Carrying my books to ensure that you get an A on your research paper? How low is that?” she laughs, and Johnny relaxes.

  “I still had to write it myself, and I think I did a fairly decent job,” Johnny defends himself. “Besides, I carry your books, and your gym bag, and your backpack.”

  Jennifer nods. “That’s true. I do appreciate it, too,” she adds sincerely. “Thanks.”

  Johnny places his hand on top of hers. “I should be thanking you. Being your friend means a lot to me.” More than you’ll ever know, he thinks to himself. “But Jen,” he leans in closer, “it doesn’t have to end.”

  Jennifer feels her heart flutter. “What doesn’t have to end?”

  “Us meeting here; me walking you home, carrying your bag, all of it,” Johnny focuses his eyes on hers. “We don’t have to stop, if you don’t want to.”

  Jennifer gulps. He is making her self-conscious, and she begins nervously playing with her hair. She feels a giddy excitement building in her. She’s truly come to enjoy the time she and Johnny spend together, and though she hasn’t let on, she’s a little sad thinking that today might be their last meeting together. A part of her knows that she is falling for him. A small, faint whisper suggests she keep her distance, but she pushes the warning aside. She looks into his eyes and smiles.

  “I’d like that,” she finally answers.

  Johnny feels a wave of relief wash over him. It’s more than just what the Master has planned. He really does want to be accepted by Jennifer. Knowing that she wants to be around him makes him feel at home with her. He wondered earlier that day if he would be able to lie to her. Looking at her this very moment, it’s easy. Not because he is a good liar, but because it isn’t a lie at all. He does want to keep spending time with her.

  A small red flag waves in his mind, reminding him not to get too close, but Johnny knows it’s already too late. No matter what his motives were in the beginning or how things play out in the end, Johnny is certain about one thing. He has fallen for Jennifer Smith.


  Martin paces his living room floor. His mind is teeming with a million questions – questions he hopes his father can answer when he gets home. He already spoke with Mr. James about some of his concerns. In the last few weeks, he’s probably spent more time waiting on the front steps of Mr. James’ house than he’s spent at home. Something is amiss. Martin can’t put his finger on it, but if the restlessness in his spirit is any indication, it’s something big.

  As soon as Mr. West comes in, Martin demands his attention. Mr. West barely has a chance to put his briefcase down before Martin begins hammering him with questions.

  “Dad, I need to ask you what you know about a gang called the S.K.U.L.L.S.”

  “Hello, Martin, it’s nice to see you too,” Mr. West sighs.

  “I’m serious, Dad,” Martin continues to prod. “It’s important and I promised Max I would ask you about it as soon as I got the chance. I didn’t take it seriously at first, but now Max is telling me that he’s going to give it a try. I don’t know if it’s a gang, or if it’s just a club, but I need to find out before he gets too involved.”

  Mr. West walks into the living room and sits down in his recliner. “What is the name, again?” he asks.

  “They call themselves the S.K.U.L.L.S. Max says they operate mostly out of Mogis Hills. They have a creed and special codes and they’re supposed to be a brotherhood or something.”

  “Right off-hand I don’t know anything about it, but I’ll look into it, ok?” Mr. West offers.

  Martin crosses his arms. “Dad, you’re the DA. You should know everything about... everything!”

  Mr. West sighs. “Martin, kids come up with clubs and cliques all the time. Unless they’re involved in criminal activity, like substance abuse, gang violence, or vandalism, I generally don’t hear about it. But I promise, I’ll look into it and see what I find out, okay?”

  Martin is unimpressed with his father’s offer. “Yeah, that means you’re going to forget all about it as soon as this conversation’s over.”

  Mr. West raises his eyebrows. “Martin I told you I would look into-”

  “I’m your son, Dad, you don’t have to use political jargon on me,” Martin interrupts. “Why can’t you people just be honest and say ‘hey, I’m busy and I don’t care about your little problem’?”

  “You people?” Mr. West looks at Martin, incredulous. He stands and places his face an inch from Martin’s.

  “Martin, you are way out of line, so let me put you back on it. First, I am your father, so watch your tone. Second, you’d do well not to forget that my politics have kept you out of a world of trouble.” Mr. West’s voice is calm, but there is an undertone that suggests that Martin had better back off.

  Martin clamps his mouth shut and swallows whatever he was about to say. He won’t be getting any answers from his father. He has so much more to talk about, but Mr. West is no longer in the mood. Martin can’t hide his disappointment as he watches his father walk past him toward his bedroom.

  Had she been availabl
e, Martin would have called Jennifer. He shakes his head. That’s another issue to deal with. Her relationship with Johnny bothers him, in more ways than one. He isn’t ready to admit that he feels threatened by him, but he bristles every time he sees the two of them together. He can’t deal with his feelings for Jennifer until he figures out what else is bothering him. Martin knows he needs to call Max, but he doesn’t want to call him without having any extra information. He tried the Internet, but found nothing similar to the S.K.U.L.L.S. Max had talked about.

  An hour later, Martin gets the answer he needs. A quick call to Mr. James propels him in the right direction.

  “Pray, Martin.” Mr. James states.

  “That’s it?” Martin is expecting something more profound. “Just pray?”



  “Mr. James?” Martin asks slowly, after a long period of silence.


  “Could you be more specific?”

  Martin hears Mr. James chuckle. “Martin, you have a problem. Right?”

  “Right,” Martin is growing impatient.

  “You tried solving it yourself, and that hasn’t worked. You went to your father next and how did that turn out?”

  “Crashed and burned and I’m lucky I’m not grounded,” Martin admits.

  “Now you’re coming to me, because I’ve helped you in the past, right? I always have a word for you, don’t I?”

  “Yep, pretty much,” Martin answers.

  “Martin... do you notice anything missing?”

  “Only that you haven’t given me an answer,” Martin replies sarcastically.

  “Have you spoken to God about this?”

  “Of course!” Martin replies without thinking. “That was the first thing I did!”

  “And what did He say?”

  Martin is quiet a moment. “I’m not sure. I was hoping you would be able to tell me.”

  “Martin, let me put this in perspective for you. You went to God, but got no answer, so you tried to solve it yourself. Then you went to your father, and now you’re looking to me. The only one with the answer is God. The only way you can solve a problem, or go to your father, or even come to me and receive an answer is if God gives us the wisdom to do it. If God isn’t speaking to you, the odds are good that you won’t hear it from any of us either. I don’t have any answers for you. You have to pray.”

  Martin is annoyed. “Why can’t you just tell me what to do?” he asks in frustration.

  “Because God wants you to learn his voice. If you don’t spend enough time with him and develop your relationship with Him, you’ll miss it when He does speak. I do have a few scriptures for you. They will help you. The first is Matthew 7:7-8.

  ‘“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks will find; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.’ The second is in James 1:5. ‘If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not; and it shall be given him.’”

  Martin thanks Mr. James and spends the evening in his room. He starts off with a simple prayer. “Lord, I don’t know what’s going on with me. I need you to help me, because I’m lost.”

  Martin knows he’ll have to go deeper than that. There is too much on his heart to leave it at that. He continues.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been spending time with you in prayer like I should. I thought I was okay, but now I know that I’ve been avoiding you. It isn’t intentional, God. I just have so much going on.” Martin shakes his head, warding off the emotional rollercoaster he feels. “Max is my best friend, and I don’t understand why he had to move. I know He’s in your hands, but a part of me feels responsible for him. I don’t want anything to happen to him.” His heart aches for his friend. “God please protect him, and show me what you want me to do to help him.”

  He thinks of Jennifer, and his agitation quickly surfaces. “Why did you put us together? She’s so frustrating! I’m trying to be her friend, but she’s rejected me!”

  Have you rejected her?

  Martin hears the question- not audibly, but in his spirit- and allows it to penetrate his heart. “I haven’t rejected her,” he says quietly, but he knows that isn’t true.

  He remembers their last conversation. She did nothing wrong, but Martin had exploded on her. She hadn’t rejected him. Martin knows he was the one who pushed her away. Jennifer was only protecting herself by avoiding him. He hurt her, and he hadn’t made any attempt to apologize or make things right.

  “Okay, so maybe I did reject her.” Martin admits. “But I didn’t mean to... she’s my friend and I care about her. God, I don’t know what’s going on between her and Johnny, but something’s not right.”

  Martin feels a sudden urgency in his spirit as he prays. “Lord, you’re sovereign and only you know what’s going on out here,” he pauses, pointing to his heart, “and in here. Please, give me the wisdom I need to make the right choices in the days to come.”

  Martin continues his prayer all through the night. He finally falls asleep just after midnight. He hoped to have peace after praying, but the uneasiness he’s been feeling is stronger than ever.


  “Jen, can I ask you something?” It’s Wednesday afternoon and Johnny is walking Jennifer home. They’d spent an hour at the park after school, grabbing ice cream and other snacks on the way there. Now they’re heading home. Johnny meant to talk to her while they were at the park but thought it would be easier to stomach a rejection if he didn’t have to walk her home afterwards.

  “Sure,” she smiles and slows her pace.

  Johnny stops completely and turns to her. The sudden halt causes Jen to slightly trip over her feet. She laughs as Johnny holds a hand out to steady her.

  “Shoot!” she gives him the go-ahead.

  Johnny sucks in his breath and puts his hands in his pockets. No, that will seem nonchalant, he thinks. He removes his hands and crosses his arms across his chest, but is uncomfortable with that as well. He puts his hands to his sides. Now they feel heavy, dangling at his side like deadweights. Just get on with it, he scolds himself.

  “Jen?” he grabs her hand.

  Her hand trembles slightly when he grabs it. She looks at him, waiting.

  “I wanted to know if you were going to the dance on Friday?”

  “The school dance? I’m on the committee, so I have to go.”

  “Well, do you have a date?” he asks. He sucks in his breath, waiting for her to say yes. She says no.

  “No?” he is surprised.

  “Nope, I don’t have a date,” Jennifer throws her hands up.

  “That’s great!” Johnny exclaims.

  Jennifer raises her eyebrows. “It is?”

  Johnny backs up. “I mean, it’s great that you don’t have a date yet, because I,” he makes eye contact with her. “I want to ask you to be my date.”

  “Oh,” Jennifer looks away. Whether it is from embarrassment or disgust, Johnny can’t tell. His heart feels like it will beat right out of his chest as he waits for her to respond.

  “Jen?” he touches her shoulder. She looks at him again, concern in her eyes. “What is it?”

  “Well,” she says quietly. “It’s just that...”

  “Just what?” He knew it. She isn’t attracted to him. She just sees him as a friend. He should have told the Master he wouldn’t be able to pull this off. Romance is not his strength, and besides, the feelings he has for Jennifer won’t just go away.

  “Johnny, I’m a Christian,” she begins. “I would love to go with you on Friday, but you have to know that I love God more than anything else. He comes first in my life, and I won’t compromise that.”

  What did she say? She would love to go with him Friday? What does that mean? He asks her. “So, what are you saying?”

  Jennifer thinks for a moment. “How about this? You come with
me tonight, and I’ll go with you Friday night. Sound fair enough?”

  Johnny feels a wave of relief wash over him. She said yes! Almost. “Sounds great!” he replies. “Where are we going?” he asks her.

  “Bible study,” she gives him a sneaky grin.

  Johnny can’t help but smile. He should have known. “No problem,” he says honestly. She wants to include him on the things she finds important. Inviting him to church is a good sign.

  A very good sign.


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