Bhagvad Gita Treatise Of Self Help By BS Murthy

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Bhagvad Gita Treatise Of Self Help By BS Murthy Page 5

by BS Murthy


  Varied I made vicissitudes As the case with attitudes.


  Willed I birth of progenitors all Seven seers great 'n elders four Not to mention sovereign fourteen.


  Grasps as one the power of M ine Keeps he would his mind then firm.


  Who this gets in M y worship Tends he then to turn to M e.


  Whoso to Me thus taken Delight he takes in praising M e.


  Him I help to realize that Which is needed to reach M e.


  Doubts I dispel his for good Grant I wisdom to his thought.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  0 Lord Thou, Supreme Brahman Abode Ultimate, Purifier Primordial Indweller Permanent 'n God Primeval.


  That's how sages down the ages Narada foremost described Thee, Affirmed Asita, Devala 'n Vyasa All of that now Thou confirm.


  None can ever be sure of Thee Hold I true thus what Thou say.


  God of gods 0 Lord of all,

  Thou but know Self Thy true.


  Pray Thee confide Thy nature With which Thou all worlds transcend.


  How to grasp all aspects Thine,

  How to engage Thee in mind?


  M ake me privy, 0, M y Lord Forms 'n attributes of Thyself.


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  Of all countless Glories M ine Suffice thee knew a few of them.


  I'm the Self of one and all I'm the beginning as well end Not to speak of in between.


  Vishnu Am of all deities Sun the luminousof luminous Mareechi Am immortal As well moon the star of stars.


  I am the Sama of Vedas It's Me Indra, god of gods Of all organs, mind is Me And so life in all beings.


  Shankar Am the Lord of Lords Kubera, richest of Yakshas Of the Vasus know Am Fire And Am M eru, peak foremost.


  In those echelons ruled by gods It's M e Bruhaspathi priest of priests, M arshal that great Skand on earth Besides the ocean among the seas.


  Bhrugur I am the well-realized So Am 'Om' that sound supreme,

  Of rituals Am prayer muted Himalayas high that kiss the skies.


  I'm the fig, the tree foremost And so heavenly sage Narad,

  M aestro divine Chitraradh Am Besides Kapila, the sage attained.


  Uchhaisravas, Am horse foremost Nectar that was churned in seas Airavat white, Indra's elephant Sovereign whoso crowns mankind.


  Vajrayudh Am weapon mighty Kamadhenu the cow holy Cupid who aids to sustain life Vasuki the fierce king serpent.


  It's Me Ananth of Nagas Varun I am of aquatics,

  It's M e Aryama, mane of manes Yama the ruler of beings.


  Prahlad Am, the demon godly Among the reckoners, I'm the Time It's Me lion, of wildlife all As well Garud that rules the skies.


  I'm the wind that purifies all Among the archers Ram I'm

  I'm the shark that mighty fish And the Ganges, ever in flow.


  Hinge I am that holds all worlds Source is M e of spiritual thought Of Vedanta, I'm pro contra.


  Alpha Am of alphabets all Likeness I'm in like compounds I'm the time of endlessness It's M e Brahma of four heads.


  I'm the death that devours all As well brings forth that beings Besides what makes woman's glory.


  Am Sama the grand octane Like none metre Gayathri,

  M argasir pleasant month I am As well splendid spring season.


  I'm the splendour of splendrous Besides fraud in dice as well I'm the goodness in great souls Effort that takes to succeed well.


  It's M e Vasudev of Yadavs Of the Pandavs thou art M e,

  Know Am Vyasa of sages Poet Laureate, Sukra great.


  Justice I'm in every court Policy Am of all conquest,

  Secret I'm of every mute Wisdom Am of what is wise.


  I'm the seed of all beings From M e apart none exists.


  Endless are M y attributes This brief is for just thy grasp.


  All that's glorious all therein Is but spark of M y splendour.


  0 dear friend need there none to delve in full Suffice to say it's portion M ine that supports all.

  Ends thus:

  Discern the Divine,

  The Tenth Chapter Of Bhagavad-Gita,

  Treatise of self-help.

  Chapter 11

  Nature of Omnipresence

  This fascinating chapter of 55 slokas, known as visvaroopa sandarsana yoga, Espial of the Universal Form, is about the character of the Supreme Spirit. Lord Krishna enables Arjuna to espy the All-encompassing Universal Form of the Supreme Spirit by granting him the required ESP. The descriptive nature of the State Supreme falls in the realms of Universal Vision.

  Owing to the improbability of their being, s9-sl4, make an amusing reading. S3 states that Krishna grants Arjuna the divine sight required to espy His Universal Form. Of course, the ESP that Vyasa granted Sanjaya (s75 ch.18) might have enabled him to monitor the goings on at Kurukshetra in order to appraise the blind king Dhrutarashtra about the same.

  Thus, only from Arjuna's averments Sanjaya could have gathered what the former was divining in the Universal Form, which obviously was beyond his own comprehension. But slO - sl4 have him describe the Universal Form as though he himself was witnessing the same, even before Arjuna utters a word about it. At the same time, the Lord made it clear in s52, 'Ever craved gods 'n angels too / Just to behold what thee beheld'.

  Thus, the Universal Form that was seen by Arjuna surely was beyond the scope of Sanjaya's ESP. Hence, s9-sl4 that picture beforehand what Arjuna would witness later, are clear interpolations. Contrast this with the parallel situation in s50-s51, when the Lord reassumes His human form, but handled differently by Sanjaya.

  The s29 which seeks to emphasize what was already pictured in s28, albeit with not so appropriate a simile, could be but an interpolation.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  Thy words compelling, Spirit about indwelling Uttered in compassion, dispelled my delusion.


  Besides I've heard, about Thy glories Origins of beings, and how it all ends.


  Thou art verily, what Thee aver Wish I espied, form Thy Divine.


  If Thou so feel, I'm worthy Let me espy, Thy True Self.


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  Divine I let thee, divinity M ine Of hues varied colours 'n kinds.


  Find Adityas, twelve therein Vasus eight, and Aswin twins Rudras eleven 'n Marutsfour-nine Wonders umpteen none else seen.


  M ay thou discern in M y frame

  Much more than thy thought would take.


  Bestow thee that ESP

  Helps which espy form Supreme

  Beyond the pale of god's own sight.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  In Thou find I Brahma on lotus,

  Gods and sages Beings 'n serpents!


  With no beginning End none sighted,

  Boundless find I In Thee universe!


  Find I blinding Light that blazing From Thy diadem Club and discus!


  Thou art Supreme Indweller Ancient,

  Eternal Refuge Dharma's Guardian.


  Eyes sun like And oven for mouth,

  How Thou radiate In arms thy manifold!

p; 20

  Fills Thy Frame The space entire,

  Makes Thy sight The worlds tremble.


  See in Thee the angelic world Find them all Thou pray in awe Spot I sages in their scores Hear them extol, Thee in hymns.


  Demigods all 'n celestial folk Stand they stunned 'n look at Thee.


  M akes it awful sight Thine terrible Bear as Thou those weird organs.


  Perplexed am I by Thy sight Seems I've lost my sense of self.


  Discern I nadir in Thy face Pray assume now Form Normal.


  See I Bhishma, Dron 'n Karn

  Kauravs, ours, making way to mouth Thy wide.


  Nauseates sight of teeth Thine terrible Gnashing heads of theirs in smithereens.


  Rivers as run, towards the seas So these armies, towards Thy mouths.


  Consume worlds as mouthsThy blazing Find I blinding rays those scorching.


  Who art Thou, this Terrible Thing! For what avail, mission this Thine!! Gripped now am with urge to know.


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  I'm the time that infolds all It's all over for most here Doomed are they, never mind war.


  Since I've handed them sentence Thou art no more than hangman, Finish them all 'n flourish in turn Brings as reign thee power 'n pelf.


  Take up arms 'n lap up crown For Drona, Bhishma and Kama,

  As well Jayadrath with the rest Truly are they doomed by M e.


  Thus spoke Sanjaya:

  Stunned as he by what transpired Beseeched Partha, Lord Krishna.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  Sing Thy praises the rejoiced world Hither 'n thither run wicked in awe Bow to Thee those self-realized.


  Can one fail to worship Thee Creator's Creator, 'n Universal!


  Thee the Primal, All-Dweller Thou All-Knower, One to know.


  God of gods, 0, our Father Thee I salute on and on.


  One and All, who pervades all Thou All-Powerful, praise be Thee.


  Ignorant being of Thy Great Being Owing to contempt familiarity bred Sadly I have been badly behaving.


  As I tookThee for granted Kindly forgive, 0, Great Soul.


  Thou art Greater than greatest None Thee in three worlds equal.


  Treat me kindly 'n forgive All I crave for, is Thy grace.


  Form Thy Current holds dreadful Pray show Divine Grace of Thine.


  With mace, discus 'n diadem Pray assume Thy Form four-armed.


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  As thou please Me, so I've shown Form My Endless, none else seen.


  Take to penance

  Or pore over four Vedas

  None that helps to see this Form.


  Having beheld M y bewildering Form Now ease with My Form Normal.


  Thus spoke Sanjaya:

  Having said thus Lord assumed His form normal that calmed Arjun.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  0, Lord now I feel normal With Thy gentle form human.


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  Ever crave gods 'n angels too Just to behold that thee beheld.


  Austerities well Vedic grasp Charity, as well ritual regimen Get none to what thou had seen.


  Yet in devotion, divines man Attains besides, Form this M ine.


  He that takes M e for Supreme And treats his work as M ine own one,

  Gets who rid of his restraints And keeps his faith in M e always,

  He who bears no ill-feeling Ever on move, he comes to M e.

  Ends thus:

  Nature of Omnipresence,

  The Eleventh Chapter Of Bhagavad-Gita,

  Treatise of self-help.

  Chapter 12 Doctrine of Faith

  This chapter of 20 slokas, known as bhakti yoga, Doctrine of Faith, enumerates the human qualities that are endearing to the Supreme Spirit. In this also are discussed the ways in which one still could win the Lord's favour yet failing to set store on Him.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  Pray tell who's better realized,

  One that devoted as stated Or relies who on God Obscure.


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  Me in devotion who worships Him I reckon as well realized.


  Having said that add I might Looks as one to God Obscure


  Doth he fine with senses reined If well disposed towards the world.


  But it's tough ask nonetheless For one to realize God Obscure.


  Whosoever hath faith in M e And leans on M e heart 'n soul


  Him I help to crossover Ocean vast of births 'n deaths.


  If thou develop faith in Me Take for granted I take thee.


  Were thee to fail develop faith It's not thou reached blind alley, Ever M e having in thy mind Practice lets thee turn the bend.


  If thou feel that's hard as well Indulge then in deeds M e please. 11

  If thou find that difficult too Give thyself to M e Supreme Act then with thy subdued mind With no thought for what follows.


  Scores thought over mere rating Betters meditation awareness too What helps man to find moorings Are acts his with no axe to grind.


  Kind-hearted 'n considerate Friendly natured, forgiving too Lays no store on highs and lows Suffers no pride 'n possessive not


  Who's patient 'n cheerful Self-willed as well persevering, Who's hearty ever at work M akes he devout M y beloved.


  Troubles he none or perturbs It's such poised I'm proud of.


  Who's simple, never in want Covets he not in vantage post Shakes him none, he keeps his nerve It's such who M e please the most.


  He's M y darling who craves not Yet won't shun the pleasures of life Takes but things all as they come.


  Treats he equal friends 'n foes Scorn or honour minds he not Keeps he cool in grief and joy Nurses for none soft centre


  Pats 'n slights all in the score Treats as equal score M y man Takes he in his stride his lot But won't put the blame on M e.


  Who in dharma this engage Them I hold in special esteem.

  Ends thus:

  Doctrine of Faith,

  The Twelfth Chapter Of Bhagavad-Gita,

  Treatise of self-help.

  Chapter 13 Field and Farmer

  This chapter of 35 slokas, known askshetra kshetragjnya vibhaga yoga, Field and Farmer, deals with body and spirit in the first half, and for the rest about Prakruti (Nature) and Purusha (Supreme Spirit). It may be noted that customarily the first verse that is carried here is either omitted altogether or retained unnumbered for reasons none explained.

  Thereby to avoid confusion in comparison, the same is numbered 0 in this text. One might notice that slO, advocating asceticism to which Lord Krishna is opposed, doesn't jell with the rest, either contextually or philosophically, and thus should be seen as an interpolation.

  S22, which states that the Supreme Soul, lay in beings as a sustainer, consenter, enjoyer and overseer, contravenes its very nature expostulated in sl6-sl8, ch.15. Besides, as can be seen, it affects the continuity between s21 and s23 of this chapter. S30, akin to sl5 is an irrelevant interpolation too.


  Thus spoke Arjuna:

  What is nature 'n its role,

  What is spirit 'n its nature,

  What is frame 'n who lords it What makes feeling 'n sixth sense?


  Thus spoke the Lord:

  Sees who body his as field Sees he all there is to see.


  Knows who Spirit One dwells in all Knows he all that's there to know.


  Lend thy ear, as I reveal Nature of thy frame, as well Spirit that tenants as farmer Besides Him and His prowess.


  In chants validate what Vedas Aspects that well Brahmanas delve Reasoned wise in varied ways.


  Subject to reason, ego as well Steeped is frame in elements five, Earth, water, fire, ether and air Organsthose ten, as well mind.


  Desire, derision, pleasure 'n pain Pitch their tents in frames human.


  Knowing is being

  Amiable and humble, simple 'n honest Patient 'n decent, clean and clear Not to speak of fair and firm


  Void of desires, egotism devoid Passion none for life and times


  With no craving for possessions Fondness none for things of life None the averse, all the same.


  Naive though fail to follow suit Tend all wise to probe nature And strive to see the Spirit in M e.


  Let M e tell thee what's needed To let thee grasp the State Brahman Which if done would bring in bliss.


  All-Reaching, He's All-Seeing All Hearing, He pervades all.


  Organs in His likeness made Unlinked though to their senses,

  He that sustains all three worlds Unattached though to goings on.


  In beings all 'n objects too Within He lies, without as well.

  If one comes to grasp this well It's perception that's Supreme.


  It's how Brahman dwells in all Till He ends all what that keeps.


  He's the Light that leaves no shade He's the One for one to know He's the Goal of all learning He's the Tenant in every heart.


  It's the knowable of the frame M e who worship come to grasp.


  Spirit 'n Nature, ageless both Nature of beings, of Nature born.


  It's Nature that tends beings Binding Spirit to one's own acts.


  Spirit that lay in beings all Inclines to one's attitudes,

  With the ethos it imbibes Tends it one to like rebirth.


  Gets one freed, as he grasps Aspects Nature 'n Spirit as well.


  Indulge who in meditation Find they Supreme Spirit in them, Some as divine through wisdom Others do so by deeds selfless.


  He who findsthisall too hard M ay he obtain wise counsel And be rid of births and deaths.


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