Almost Dead (Blackwell Academy Book 1)

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Almost Dead (Blackwell Academy Book 1) Page 4

by Rae Hendricks

  “Welcome to Blackwell Academy. l am Brady, and I am your happy tour guide. Even though you saw some of the main halls when you registered yesterday, we are going to begin here.” We walked into the building and went past the office. It was empty because it was Sunday. No work was done by the faculty on Sundays, but they were still on campus, if needed.

  “The school first opened its doors in 1801. This was the first building where classes took place. Constantine Grey was the original Headmaster of the school. He was responsible for the growth and establishment of the academy. He had many connections and a benefactor who helped pour money into the school. It was his vision to help all gifted children.”

  We continued walking around, and I was amazed that there were more pictures of alumni. Some pictures were more recent while others were very old. The academy taught all kinds of children from all walks of life - it was very diverse here. Being that I am of mixed heritage, I liked that.

  “We're going to go up to the second floor, the elevator is down the hall, or I can always carry you.” Again, he gave me one of those lewd looks, and I just ignored him and continued down the hall.

  Once we got inside the elevator, he smiled at me. “So, what happened to your leg?” There was something about his voice and his mannerisms that made me want to smack him. He didn’t seem genuine to me, at all. He seemed like there was someone else underneath the rude boy act. I looked at him and he appeared fuzzy around the edges. Like if I squinted my eyes a little, I could see the real him. His freckles and soft look definitely didn’t scream jerk. He made me curious.

  “I was in a car accident.”

  “Tough shit.” I looked at him again because I swear I heard him snicker a little. Maybe I was wrong, and this guy really was a class A jerk. I will be glad when this tour was over.

  On the upper floors of the building, he showed me different classrooms and different interesting points. I must admit I was pretty interested in the building and in the school. It seemed to be very rich in history.

  We went from building to building as he showed me around. I was so irritated. He kept brushing against me, and all he would say was oops or excuse me, all while wearing that disgusting grin. I didn’t say too much at all - there was no point.

  He ended the tour by showing me around to all the dorms. I got to meet a lot of new people. At least this part was beneficial, even if I didn’t like Brady much. We walked past my dorm, and this part of the campus, of course, was familiar to me.

  “Hey, what's up with the iron fence? I notice it goes all the way around the campus. Why is security so high? Do the kids get out that much?”

  He laughed at my question. “It’s not that they're trying to keep us in, Anastasia. They are trying to keep others out.” This stopped me dead in my tracks. Why were they trying to keep others out? Was there something going on here that I should know about? Was I in danger?

  “Are we not safe?” My raspy voice dropped even lower.

  “Oh yeah, we're safe. We haven't had any instances or problems here. It's just a precaution. Think of the world today and all of the school shootings. With all of the things that go on, we just want to make sure we're okay.” The words that came out of his mouth were believable, but the feeling that I got behind it, was not.

  “This is the last building on the tour - Champion Hall. Which happens to be my dorm. It is the oldest hall on the campus. It has produced some of the most productive members of society."

  It was the biggest hall we had seen so far. When we walked in, I could see why. This was where the rich kids dwelled. The furnishings and decor were more lavish here. There was a group of guys standing around outside.

  "Hey, Brady. Who's the hottie?" one of the guys shouted out.

  "Ummmm, this is Anastasia. She is new here. Anastasia, the guys." I received no individual names, just one collective introduction. It was okay because, from the way they were looking at me, I wouldn't care for another meeting.

  “Hi,” I spoke softly. I was taught to be cordial to people, and I tried not to judge.

  “Hello,” they all spoke back. I was shocked that even a couple of them smiled as they spoke.

  “Hi, I’m Liam, and this is Sam and Tom.” Liam was of Asian descent and was absolutely adorable.

  “Hey. What hall are you in?” Sam asked me. He didn’t smile at all. I had a feeling that he never did.

  “I stay in Chief Hall.”

  “Oh, okay.” All of the guys looked at each other with understanding between them.

  “Okay, guys, I have got to get her tour finished, and I will see you later.” Brady walked me up the hall to the elevator. When the door to the elevator closed, I moved into the corner.

  “Why are you over there? Scared I’m going to bite? Not that I wouldn’t mind, you are quite beautiful.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He was seriously looking at me like he did not understand why I was wary of him.

  “I'm sorry, is there a problem? I've been here at the Academy for a while, and Aberdeen loves me. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want me to go and tell her that you have an attitude problem.”

  Did this guy just threaten me?

  When the elevator door opened, I pushed by him, and I stepped into the hallway. He slowly walked past me.

  “Now, for the best part of the tour.” He reached and opened a door that was over my right shoulder, and he walked in the room. Feeling his slimy hands on my arm, I yanked it out of his grasp, and I headed back for the door. He blocked my way, and I scowled.

  “I know a lot of things that go on around here. I know that you are here on a scholarship and you have no money. Having a friendship with me will get you some perks. My family can help your parents out a bit.”

  “Move out of my way right now!”

  Instead of him moving out of my way, he snatched my arm again. He twisted, and pain seared up to my shoulder. It was the arm I had broken in the accident. I screamed, and he pushed me.

  “Stop resisting - you know you need my help. Just join up.”

  “Join up? Join who? You are crazy! Let me out of here!” I was screaming, and I didn’t care who heard it. I had to get out of there. I felt that weird itchy feeling in my belly, and I felt my insides quake. He took a step back and looked at me strangely.

  “I said move!” He grabbed my arm again and tried to pull me to him, and I felt my body move before my brain could even register the movement. The leg missing the brace came up and connected with his balls, and he let out with a loud growl. I ran to the door and flung it open, but his fingers yanked on my hair. I screamed loudly for him to let go. There were people in the hallway, and they all were looking to see what the commotion was. He grabbed the back of my shirt, and it ripped as I twisted around to make him lose his grip. I was successful and fell into the hall.

  “You bitch, I’ll get you for this.” He was holding his groin, and it was so embarrassing because several people were looking down the hall and others were coming out of their rooms to see what the commotion was. I ran as fast as I could to get away from there. I could still hear him calling my name as I walked out of the building.


  Friend for a Freak

  When I stepped out of the building, it didn’t take me long to realize that I had no clue where the hell I was. I looked left and right, and nothing looked familiar. I felt the tears as they fell down my face, and I just wanted to go home to my parents. In my mind, the best plan that I could come up with was to just walk. I was fearful that he would follow me out of the door.

  I saw a girl around my age, sitting under a tree, reading. She was a beacon of hope for me. It was hard to walk without limping now. Apparently, my act of violence had renewed my pain.

  “Excuse me, can you help me?” I must have looked a fright because she jumped up off the ground and dropped her book, wrapping her arm around me. She was taller than me, and I laid my head on her shoulder. Then the tears really started to fall.

  “Oh my gosh, a
re you ok?” She had a soft voice, and she seemed so genuine.

  “I am lost, and I don’t know how to get back to my room,”

  “Are you new here?”

  “Yes, I’ve been here for one day.”

  “Do you remember the name of the hall you stay in?”

  “Yes, Chief Hall.”

  “Okay, good, I stay in the same hall. We are not far from there now. Do you think you can walk there, or do I need to call for help?” Her voice was so comforting.

  “I can walk.”

  “Okay, let’s do it together - it will be okay. Be calm.” I felt my emotions settle, and suddenly it was okay. She held on to me tightly as we reached the hall.

  “What room are you in?” Up until that moment, we didn’t speak, and her voice startled me. I answered her, and we walked to the elevator. I handed her the key to the door, and she opened it for me.

  Once we entered the room, she let me go.

  “Who did this to you? Your shirt is ripped, and your hair is all over. I am calling the faculty for help.” I remembered what Brady had said about how much the staff loved him, and I stiffened up.

  “No, please don’t.”

  “What? You are hurt.”

  “Look, I was in a car accident a few weeks back, and I am still healing. I was on a tour, and the tour guide got a little handsy, that is all. I overreacted and caused an unnecessary scene.”

  “Brady.” When I looked down, that was all the confirmation that she needed.

  “I need this to not go any further, please. I am here on a scholarship, and I don't need the drama. Please,” I begged her. I didn’t want my parents to be unnecessarily worried. I could handle whatever needed to be handled on my own.

  She looked at me from behind her glasses. She reached up and readjusted them and then she stared me down. She reached out and touched me, and then she sighed.

  “Okay, but you have to know that this is not okay. You are worth more than this. Come on, let me help you.”

  “You don’t have to.” I was pretty raw because my lip quivered as I spoke. Matter of fact, my whole body was shaking.

  “You are shaking like a leaf, and you are in shock. Do you think I would actually leave you like this? Use your sixth sense - it led you to me for a reason. Trust it.”

  “Sixth sense?”

  “How long ago was your accident?” Her eyebrow was raised up.

  “About six weeks ago.”

  “Just six weeks, and you came here that soon?

  “Yes. I healed pretty fast, and I received the offer letter with the scholarship. So, my parents and I felt like it was for the best.”

  “Hmm,” was all she said. She walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “You better get in. I have a feeling that if you wait, sweetheart, you will be sore. Did your doctors give you anything good for the pain?” We looked at each other, and we both started laughing.

  “I promise I am not a drug addict. That sounded really bad. Whoops, my bad. Let me rephrase that. Do you have anything that will help you with the pain?” She could barely get it out because she was laughing. I laughed right along with her. I needed that right now because I was having a seriously bad couple of months.

  “I didn’t even get your name. I just drug you from your peaceful moment.”

  “My name is Charlotte. Charlotte Granger.” Her smile was contagious. She had long, dark, thick hair. Her french braid ended past her shoulders. Her big brown eyes sucked you in, and they screamed innocence and trust. Her curvy hips and thighs were hidden in a pair of black tights, and she was covered by a long black tee.

  “Like Harry Potter. Thank you, Charlotte Granger, for being a friend and coming to my rescue.”

  “You are welcome.” She gestured for me to fill in the blanks. I stuck out my hand and smiled. “Anastasia Perez.”

  After my shower, we hung out for a time and listened to some music. We both had an early start tomorrow, so we had to jump in the bed.

  “I am just in 302 if you need me. Even though this is my third year here I’m sure we will see each other.” Before she stepped out, she stopped. “Have you gotten your schedule yet and spoken with the dean?”

  “No, I was told to report in the morning.”

  “After the day you will have tomorrow, do you want to hang? I have a feeling you will need it.”

  “First day and all, I probably will.” That was so nice of her.

  “Yep.” She walked out the door and stuck her hand in and gave me a little wave.

  I prepared myself for bed. Charlotte was right, I was going to have a long day tomorrow.


  I woke early and collected everything that I needed. I straightened up my room and took a long shower. Charlotte was right. I woke up so stiff and sore. Bastard, I hoped someone taught him a lesson.

  I walked out of the door and locked it. I took the elevator to the first floor, and when it opened, I was temporarily blinded by the bright sun. I didn’t mind because the sun warmed me on the inside.

  I had a meeting with Dean Andrews this morning, and I would receive my schedule. I wondered what kind of math I would have to take this year. It had always been a stumbling point for me, requiring extra study time.

  I began walking towards what I hoped was in the right direction to the main hall. I saw the tree that I met Charlotte at yesterday, and I thought about her and wondered how she was doing this morning. I continued walking on and then soon realized I had made a wrong turn - this was the way to where Brady lived. Champion Hall.

  Sure enough, there was his dorm. I stopped to look because outside of his dorm were a bunch of people standing around an ambulance and a bunch of cop cars. I went closer so that I could hear the murmurs and whispers from everybody.

  “What happened?”

  “A student was found dead this morning.”


  “Yeah, sad, isn't it?” He really sounded sarcastic.

  “Who is it?”

  “No one really knows right now; they're not releasing the name. However, I heard a rumor from some of the people that stays in the hall, and they say it was Brady Huntington.” A little short redhead butted into our conversation.

  “Wait, did you say Brady?”

  Another girl butted in, and I was beginning to see gossip was the same here as it was at any other high school. It just didn’t usually involve a dead student. “Yes, I heard the same thing. I also heard a rumor that he got into an argument with a girl yesterday and that it was heated, and it was really physical. They say she ran out of here with her shirt torn, and she was screaming. She must have fought back and attacked him because I heard he was holding his junk. I know for a fact that they're looking for her, and I heard talk about reviewing cameras.”

  I backed away slowly. I felt like I was going to throw up. He was dead? How? The jerk was just fine when I left him. How did this happen? A dead boy had his hands on me less than twelve hours ago.

  That was it. I needed to get away from this place - it was too much here. But I knew my parents were dependent on me getting this education.

  “Courage and strength,” came Mama’s words, and just like always, they were just what I needed at the moment.

  Be cool Anastasia, be cool. I repeated it to myself over and over again as I headed to Dean Andrew's office. It was amazing to me that I found it after getting lost so many times. He was waiting in the office for me as I walked in.

  “Miss Perez, thank you for being on time today. I believe we need to have a talk.”

  I followed him into his office, and he gestured for me to have a seat.

  “Miss Perez, did you kill Brady Huntington?”

  My mouth fell open.


  Prime Suspect

  “Sir?” After my mouth hung open for several minutes, I finally answered him. Did he just ask me did I kill someone? Why would he ask me that?

  “I asked because you had an argument with Brady yesterday,
and we found him dead this morning. It might have been an accident, but you need to come clean.”

  Did he just answer the questions I asked in my head?

  “Yes, I did.”

  I jumped up so fast I knocked over my chair.

  “Anastasia, be calm. I’m sorry to have to come to you this way. We typically ease our children into this part of the school. We start them off in the normal classes, and then, when they are ready, we help them with their gift.”

  “What are you talking about? Stop that!” My heart was racing, and I was sweating. That itchy feeling in my stomach had returned along with it my rainbow symphony. He was an electric blue, and it wasn’t just a ribbon - he was covered.

  “Anastasia, I am not an enemy. I am here to help you and teach you. I apologize that you have to experience coming into your gifts this way, but we have no choice. You are coming along faster than normal, and we are not sure why, but we have to meet you where you are.”

  I clung to the corner of the room. I had no idea what the hell was going on.

  “Aberdeen, can you please come into my office? We have a small issue.”

  She came into the office not two minutes later. She was all smiles until she saw me in the corner.

  “Oh boy!” She was a glorious pink, like a magenta. She was beautiful.

  “My dear, you must calm down.” She looked at Dean Andrews with concern. “This one is strong. We have to protect her. She is important.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  What were they talking about? They were crazy! I had to get out of this place. First, Brady had attacked me, and then this. I closed my eyes so that I wouldn’t see the colors. I opened my eyes, and I almost screamed. There he was, the old man from my dreams. He was standing in the middle of the room and I knew I wasn't hallucinating because the other two looked at him.

  “Mr. Stockwell, welcome.” He looked at Dean Andrews, then he walked toward me.

  He stuck his hand out to me, just like he did in the dream. I reached for his hand, and again, he turned into a young man. His gray eyes twinkled, and my mouth fell open.


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