Cop Killas II

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Cop Killas II Page 4

by D Mann

“Where we headed?” Dana questioned.

  “Downtown,” Sharon replied. “The Alley.” “The Alley?” Dana repe ated, dumbfounded. “Must be a helluva sale there, the way you driving.”

  “A friend of mines has some information and he sounded really nervous over the phone,” Sharon revealed. “I think he’s found something big on our commission or the police league.”

  “What’s up with the alley though?” Dana asked, still blinded as to why Sharon was headed to downtown’s fashion district.

  “It’s always crowded and easy to lose someone one following you,” Sharon divulged. “Plus the noise of the crowd makes it difficult for anyone to mic up or record your conversation with all that fancy spy equipment. These devils use every trick or tool they can.”

  “That much I do know,” Dana agreed. Sharon talked more about her crew and Dana listened while they rode along, the downtown skyline was visible now.

  Dana posed the question she had thought about earlier in her head and Sharon took a deep breath. Sharon paused wondering was it worth it.

  “At first I was trying to do something I thought was noble; admirable even,” Sharon confessed. “You know, help rid the community of crime, be a positive role model for children growing up in the inner city. Hmm, did I ever learn the hard way! It’s more criminals wearing badges and three piece suits than there are walking the streets of LA.”

  Sharon merged with the crowded downtown traffic pulling over on the corner. “Why you stopping here?” Dana asked, looking around the busy street. “The Alley across the light in the middle of the block.”

  “You getting out here. Hang around this end of The Alley. Act like a regular shopper just browsing or something,” Sharon directed. “You’ll see me and Elliot walk right pass you, if you see anyone following us call my phone. Let it ring but don’t hold it up to your ear, put it in your pocket. If we being followed, make your way home.”

  “Got you,” Dana replied, giving her weapons a last minute inspection before tucking them in her waist band and exiting the vehicle.

  Dana began her stroll towards the alley as Sharon accelerated away. Dana stopped at one of the many refreshment booths along The Alley. She ordered a drink since she lost the last one earlier in a temporary moment of rage.

  Dana hadn’t been down here in years, and not much outside of the merchandise being sold had changed. She frolicked along the different vendors pretending to be a potential customer as she moved along.

  Dana had neared the middle portion of The Alley when she spotted Sharon and Elliot moving in her direction. She walked into a booth and began to inquire about a grey and black Khaki jacket; Dana was into some men’s attire.

  The man grabbed his long metal hook and pulled the jacket down while Dana watched Sharon and Elliot passed in deep discussion. The man passed Dana the jacket and Dana held it up to her eye level.

  “Forty five dollars,” the man uttered, as Dana stood with her back to him; glaring outside. She spread the jacket wide while turning it from front to back, as she continued to scan the largely packed crowd moving along.

  Dana’s mind was just about to call off the search when she noticed two men traveling along both sides of The Alley. The white man nearest her sported a cap and dark glasses; he kept his hand to his ear. Dana spotted the clear plastic coil like wire connected to his ear. She could smell a pig.

  Dana put the jacket on, grabbed a baseball cap from the shelf and pulled a hundred dollar bill from her money and gave it to the man. The man said he would return with her change; Dana instructed the man to keep it as she moved back towards the entrance of the booth.

  Dana stopped short eyeing a display glass. “How much for the blade?” Dana asked.

  The man reached in the display case, grabbed the blade and handed it to Dana.

  “You’ve already paid young lady,” the man returned. Dana stood in the threshold of the booth glaring over the crowd behind the two men, no one else looked suspicious. Dana walked out of the booth and followed the crowd keeping her eyes on the two men, she was certain were tailing Sharon and Elliot.

  ~ Sharon and Elliot walked the crowded corridor as they talked. “The Commission was made of up of some dirty politicians stealing every dime they could get their hands on, but the police league was and still is a completely corrupt entity,” Elliot shared. “In fact there’s a rumor that says unless you’re willing to kill one of your own, you can’t be brought in. No member has truly ever joined, their all selected. Handpicked mercenaries.”

  “Just like the detectives that were killed,” Sharon added. “Uh -huh. It seems somewhere in the 1990’s the Commission and the Police League had a big falling out. Even though the Commission was supposed to be the authority of the two, the Police League exercised full control,” Elliot told. “The big wigs of the Police League blatantly bullied and intimidated members of the Commission. In two separate incidents, two commission members were found dead; both cases were labeled suicide by the coroner. No one was ever brought to justice or questioned.”

  “Mercenaries and assassins,” Sharon interjected. “You can only wonder how many people they’ve got away with killing.”

  “According to some of the old reports I’ve read, the number was high as thirty,” Elliot continued, passing a small file over to Sharon. “Anybody who spoke a word against this group came up dead. These fuckas were suspected of killing several rich business men, drug dealers and every witness willing to testify against them. Hell they were even suspected of killing a doctor, a judge and a pair of prominent black attorneys who were investigating damn near everybody within LAPD’s top brass. Not one grand jury indictment though.”

  Sharon understood the implications quite well. The police league ruled with an iron fist and a bloody sword.

  “With that kinda’ shit going on,” Sharon started, pausing a second to process the information. “They were bound to have people in high places under their thumb.”

  “Exactly! The then coroner and mayor for certain,” Elliot assured, catching something suspect in a mirror hanging from a booth’s entrance way. “And I’m pretty sure it was more than just them two feeling the pressure.”

  Elliot was dropping mental bombs on Sharon when his gut started sending signals. “Hey let’s stop at th at taco cart and grab something to eat,” Elliot urged, dragging Sharon by the elbow. “Don’t look! We gotta tail. Two white boys. The first one twenty five feet away; the second about forty feet, both to our six o’clock.”

  Sharon spotted Dana about fifty feet back and checked her phone for a possible missed call; nothing. She took the moment her phone turned black to use it as a mirror. She made the two white boys in caps lingering around their areas.

  “Why exactly the tail?” Sharon questioned. “Somebody went in the Archives room at Parker Center and removed all the files pertaining to the police league and commission,” Elliot continued, changing his position to keep the two men in sight.

  “Cover up,” Sharon guessed. “Yeah, but the commander came back on Ronald’s shift asking about missing files,” Elliot said, indicating the first source of their current predicament. “Ronald got to the files right before the files came up missing from the Archives room. But he only copied them. Somebody else stole ‘em.”

  “They suspect Ronald?” Sharon asked,


  Elliot nodded his head. “Ronald told me other day his locker and his home were ransacked,” Elliot informed. “And his superior has been riding his back for everything since that day; he finally put in for a transfer.”

  Elliot paid the owner of the stand and took another glanced at their followers, they were still hanging back. He and Sharon continued walking as they ate and talked.

  “I’ve been s eeing a tail on me for nearly the past 48 hours,” Elliot notified. “I just moved my family to Arizona three days ago until this blows over and my house was broke into last night.”

  “Where are the copies of the files now?” Sharon asked. “Ho
usekeeping,” Elliot replied.

  “Why there?” Sharon questioned, quizzically.

  “Didn’t know where else to take ‘em,” Elliot answered. “Shit has really turned up a notch since someone started asking the right questions.”

  “Let’s chill here for a second,” Sharon suggested, pulling her phone and holding it up as if she was trying to get a signal. “Check our view.”

  Elliot pretended to look at shirts while Sharon studied her phone. She still hadn’t received a call from Dana.

  They both witnessed one of their followers take a seat attempting to hide his presence. A few minutes later the other follower took a seat concealing himself with the large moving crowd.

  “They’re trying to hide,” Sharon spoke.

  “Yeah I see that,” Elliot responded. “C’mon, let’s keep it moving while they play possum.”

  “So who’s still around from the hay days?” Sharon probed.

  “A lot of the people mentioned in the files that I’ve read so far are still alive,” Elliot assured. “So what part did the chief play in all this?” Sharon requested.

  “Don’t know,” Elliot confided. “He was just a low level league member at that time.” “Nevertheless he was a league member,” Sharon countered. “A chosen member. I’m gon’ to need to get a look at those files.”

  “Help yourself. You know where they’re at,” Elliot returned. “Just make sure you’re not being followed.”

  “Speaking of which I haven’t seen our stalkers in a minute,” Sharon said, now scoping out the area. “You?”

  “Naw,” Elliot commented. “Haven’t seen ‘em since they started playing hide-go-seek. Maybe they got pulled off surveillance detail.”

  “Possible. Thanks for everything Elliot,” Sharon said, giving Elliot a hug. “Be careful and watch your back.”

  “You too,” Elliot returned.

  ~ Dana walked out of the booth calm, cool and collected placing her cap on her head. She made her way through the crowd moving along the outer edges of it. She could hear Pocket’s voice in her head guiding her steps.

  Dana walked up behind the first man grabbing his shoulder. The man turned around and Dana buried the man’s face into her neck silencing any loud noise. She leaned in closely to him, pushed her blade with force upwards while twisting into the man’s sternum.

  Cover the mouth, lean in, push up hard, twist and they’ll lay themselves across your shoulder like a baby, nice and quietly. Dana could hear Pockets’ words as she followed his instructions. It worked!

  It was just as Pocket’s had told her; the man buckled without making a sound. The man held both his hands across his stomach as he sat down. Dana pulled his cap down over his eyes and searched his pockets for identification. She found it, put it in her pocket and blended back into the crowd.

  Dana spotted the other man on the opposite side of the walkway. He seemed to be having some communication problems, as he continually finger tapped the coiled plastic wire connected to his ear. The man seemed befuddled; staring at Sharon and Elliot, then looking cross the way behind himself.

  The man was obviously confused, looking for his partner who he had lost communication with. Dana could sense his dilemma and continued to follow the dead man’s partner. The partner must have assumed it was some technical problem because he stayed on his assignment.

  Dana saw the perfect upcoming spot to neutralize her next victim; she sped her pace. Dana didn’t have to worry as long as the man couldn’t yell; no one would pay them any attention. Downtown Los Angeles was littered with homeless men and women whose bed was a concrete sidewalk. Another stretched out body in downtown Los Angeles wouldn’t raise a hair.

  She was now closing in on the second man, her heart pounded a little heavier this time as she neared his back side. With another touch on the shoulder the man turned around into gut wrenching pain. Dana muffled any possible sound the man could have made by smashing his face against her neck.

  The man’s scream was nev er heard as Dana applied extra force in her push upwards, twisting into his sternum. He fell over Dana’s shoulder gently; Dana laid the man down next to a toy display and searched his body. She found what she was looking for and kept it moving.


  Sharon hustled back to her car only to find Dana leaning against it sucking down a smoothie. “What you doing here?” Sharon asked, making her way around to the driver’s side of her car. “I thought I told you to make your way home if I was being followed. I know you saw the two guys behind us.”

  “I saw them,” Dana responded. “The problem was they didn’t see me. I handled both of their asses with ease, like two babies.”

  “Whatchu’ mean handled?” Sharon inquired, closing her car door and glancing over at Dana. “Handled dem’ fools,” Dana shot back, closing her door. “Took dey’ ass down; you know killed dey’ ass off.”

  “Girl stop playing,” Sharon hissed. “I’m bout’ as serious as death and taxes,” Dana answered, tossing Sharon the two identifications she had snagged from the bodies. “Still think I’m playing.”

  Sharon took a moment to investigate the ID’s, neither brought any remembrance or stated an occupation. The two cards were basic California identification cards. Sharon would run them through the cop’s database later.

  Sharon fired up the engine and headed for the exit. As soon as she turned out, she and Dana noticed two squad cars pulling in with wailing lights.

  “That was just in time. Somebody musta’ found our sleepers,” Dana alerted. “Damn good timing. They’ll be locking this place down in a little,” Sharon warned, as she joined the multitudes of cars in the crowded downtown traffic.

  She was on her way to share the information with the rest of the crew. She was about to put Dana up on game now.

  Chapter 5

  The Alliance “Bruh, with all this new shit happening,” Crafty spoke, climbing out of his truck to an awaiting DA. “I think it’s about time to bring in some help. We got dudes following us around, taking shots at us nshit. I’m starting to feel like shit about to hit the fan.”

  “We need somebody computer savvy and I’m definitely thinking about bringing in some skilled help,” DA spoke. “It’s time.”

  “I agree. I agree,” Pockets chimed in, closing his car door and joining in the forming discussion. “I gotta’ few killas who’ll get down just on the strength of fuck the police. But I gotta’ special homeboy for this mission. I’m finna’ round my crew up. You cool witdat’ DA? You cool witdat’?”

  “If it’s your crew Pockets, hell yeah I’m cool wit’ it,” DA settled, glancing over to Crafty who expected some challenge from DA. “I don’t even know the brothers. But if they fucking with Pockets I’m sure about two things. One, they ain’t snitching and two, they ain’t gun shy. Might be the edge we need.”

  “I think we should bring in the Bag Brothers,” Crafty advised. “It’d be nice to have their skills on hand if the funk pops off.”

  “Yeah I’ve been thinki ng the same thing. Skilled help,” DA admitted, grabbing two shoulders of supplies from his truck and following Dana and Sharon inside the building. “Grab the rest of that shit and C’mon.”

  Crafty and Pockets grabbed the duffle bags from the rear of the truck and hustled inside behind the crew.

  The crew gathered in the kitchen. Most were on their phones rounding up additional crew members while they briefly discussed their latest


  The men showed signs of success as they no longer spoke on their phones and unloaded the bags of its equipment.

  “Where you say we havta’ go to get the rest of those files?” DA questioned, Sharon.

  “Out to Hemet,” Sharon replied. “My people have it and they’ll meet us there.” “I already got shit prepared for them so I hope they down with our game plan,” DA spoke, with a tone of threat to it.

  The entire room became silent as DA issued what most took as a one-time warning. “My people might have to k
ill several cops just to survive the work day,” Sharon argued. “I’ll say they’re more than down.”

  The crew looked at each other and nodded. “ Damn why so far out? Hemet out in the desert,” Crafty asked, smiling and breaking the intense moment. “Cops can’t hide shit in the hood no more?”

  “Hell naw,” Sharon retorted. “Never hide cheese around rats.” With the increase of violence the crew was beginning to experience, everyone was now gifted a black jumpsuit with woven Dupont Kevlar. A lightweight bullet proof vest was added for extra protection. DA highly recommended the crew get used to wearing them constantly.

  “Aww shit!” Pockets exclaimed. “Bruh dun blessed us with some OO7 type shit. I’m putting in work. I’m putting in work.”

  “So what kind of information you have in that file you brought?” DA asked, smiling at Pockets as Pockets turned the jumpsuit from front to back.

  “Don’t know exactly,” Sharon answered, opening the file and taking a glance. “We’ll know in a little bit though.”

  “This is tight DA,” Crafty spoke, studying the jumpsuit. “You can feel light plating in the backside too.”

  “A little sumthin’ extra to watch your back,” D A returned, focusing on a duffle bag laid against his chair.

  The crew took to their individual tasks

  unpacking. Sharon sat down and read in disbelief. “Most of this is pretty much common knowledge now but we have a couple names we can research,” Sharon added, still perusing the file. “We need to find out if the coroner and mayor from back then are still alive.”

  “Yeah that’s cool but are we exactly sure who in this group is being followed,” DA inquired. “The first time we believe they were following Sharon. The second time they were on stakeout at Jonah’s and the third time they were following Elliot.”

  “I believe it’s an internal thing on my end. My brothers and sisters are under the scrutiny of the department,” Sharon commented. “Somebody high up is looking to clean up some old dirt real fast.”

  “You sure your people gon’ meet us there?” DA asked.


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