The Queen of Diamonds

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The Queen of Diamonds Page 13

by Raven Cavalleu

  Nikki pulled her up and kissed her. As they parted she said, "Take me." She fell back against the bed as Alex knelt on the floor between her legs, pulling her to the edge. She groaned as she leaned in and ran her tongue through the slick folds, lightly flicking against her clit.

  Alex closed her eyes and immersed herself in everything that was Nikki. She imprinted the smell, taste, and feel of her against her tongue into her memory, delighting in the sounds of pleasure she made. She pulled back and looked up the long, lean body into her flushed face. "You taste so good."

  Nikki whimpered as she pulled away. "Please don't stop, baby. I need you."

  Alex smiled, leaned in closer, and exhaled, allowing her breath to blow across Nikki's aching clitoris. Her hips jumped off the bed, straining upward. She reached out and ran her tongue through the folds swollen with desire, focusing her attention once again on Nikki's need. Within minutes she was writhing and moaning, begging Alex to let her finish. She buried her tongue inside Nikki, feeling the muscles as they clenched against her tongue as she pushed her over the edge into ecstasy. She pulled out and ran the flat of her tongue through the folds and over her clit, setting off another round of spasms.

  Alex stood, placing one leg between Nikki's, and leaned over her, pressing her thigh into her warm wet center. This caused Nikki to groan and shudder once more as she leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. She pulled back, and looked into Nikki's heavy lidded gaze. "You are so lovely, mia cara." She slowly crawled up onto the bed beside her. "Scoot up here and let me hold you." Nikki rolled over and looked at how far she needed to go, before creeping up and collapsing beside her. Alex pulled her close, and gently caressed her back. She heard her breathing change, as she fell asleep, and smiled. Alex closed her eyes and let her mind drift as she luxuriated in the feel of Nikki's body pressed to hers.

  Nikki woke some time later, and realized it hadn't been a dream. She really was in bed with Alex. Memories of her caress, as well as her ingenious use of her tongue, caused new stirrings of desire. She suddenly realized she'd fallen asleep before she could give Alex as much pleasure as she'd been given. She carefully lifted her head from her shoulder and looked into her sleeping face. She looked at the clock and smiled when she realized she had a couple of hours before needing to head in to work. She began to place soft kisses along her shoulder and collarbone before slowly moving down her chest.

  The light from the bedside lamp allowed her to see Alex's nipples harden under the satin and lace of her bra. She placed her mouth over the one closest to her, running the flat of her tongue over the stiff peak. She heard Alex's sharp intake of breath as she sucked it into her mouth. As she began to pull away, Alex buried her fingers in her hair, pulling her closer and said, "Please don't stop. Oh God, that feels so good."

  Nikki bent back over her and blew on the wet fabric, causing the nipple to become even more rigid. She propped herself up over her, and settled between her legs, allowing her better access to her body. Alex welcomed Nikki's weight as she pulled her in for a kiss. When they parted, she said, "I'm sorry I fell asleep."

  Alex smiled warmly and pulled her closer. "That's okay, mia cara. I'm sure you are about to make up for it."

  "Yes, but I think you are overdressed for the occasion. As beautiful as these undergarments are, I would much rather see what lies beneath." She sat up and helped her shed the last of her clothes. Alex lay back against the sheets, her blonde hair spilling across her pillow, as Nikki watched mesmerized. "You are so incredibly beautiful," she whispered as she reached a hand out and lovingly traced a path from her cheek to her knee. Her lips soon followed the same path in reverse. She tenderly kissed the scar along her thigh before moving up her body. Alex groaned as Nikki captured one nipple between her lips, sucking gently before setting her teeth to it and tugging. She pulled back and looked into Alex's eyes, seeing her desire mirrored there.

  "Please, Nikki," Alex groaned. "I need you." When she ran her hand down her side to her hip, Alex whimpered, kissing every inch of exposed skin she could reach.

  Nikki ran her hand from Alex's hip down to her knee, luxuriating in the feel of the silky soft skin under her fingers, and groaned as Alex wantonly spread her legs, wordlessly begging to be touched. Nikki slid her hand between her legs, and began to tenderly caress her. She groaned when she encountered the wetness pooled there, and looked into her eyes as she slipped one finger inside. When she saw Alex's eyes flutter closed, and felt her hips rise to meet her thrusting finger, she inserted a second, plunging deeper.

  Nikki leaned down and ran the flat of her tongue over one of her nipples, causing it to stiffen. She wrapped her lips around the stiff peak, and sucked hard making Alex gasp. She began to pull back and felt Alex slip her hand into the hair at the base of her neck, pulling her closer. With this sign of approval, she turned her attention back to the plump breast, worshiping and tormenting the turgid nipple. She pulled back and looked into Alex's heavily lidded eyes and smiled tenderly. "I love you."

  "I love you too," Alex replied as she pulled her in for a kiss.

  As they parted, Nikki slid down her body, lovingly kissing the silky, soft skin beneath her as she moved lower. She gradually settled between her legs. She leaned in close and inhaled the scent of her desire before letting her breath brush over Alex's sensitive skin. She smiled when she raised her hips, seeking Nikki's mouth. She grabbed her hips, stilling her movement, and began to slowly explore every inch of her womanhood. She ran her tongue through the folds, savoring the sweet nectar she found there as she carefully avoided the bundle of nerves.

  "Please, baby," Alex whimpered. "Let me come for you."

  Nikki moaned at the need in her voice. She lifted her head and looked into the deep blue pools of Alex's eyes. She slipped her index finger inside, and curled it, seeking the rough patch just inside her opening. She watched as Alex's eyes lost focus and drifted closed when she found what she was looking for. She leaned down and pulled her clit into her mouth, sucking gently as she rubbed her G-spot. Within seconds Alex came, screaming Nikki's name. She quickly crawled up the bed and pulled her into her arms. She slipped one leg between Alex's and pressed into her, causing another round of shudders. As the second orgasm racked her body, she set her teeth in Nikki's shoulder, biting down as her body convulsed. Nikki moaned and rubbed against Alex's thigh, triggering another wave of pleasure as she too climaxed.

  It was some time later when Alex finally managed to open her eyes. She snuggled closer and sighed. "What's wrong?" Nikki asked as she wrapped her arms tighter around her, holding her close.

  "Absolutely nothing. I was just thinking about how safe you make me feel, how loved, and wondering what I did to deserve you."

  "You are safe with me, my love. I will never hurt you." Nikki placed a kiss on her forehead. "I love you."

  "I love you too." Alex slowly ran her hands down her sides, caressing softly.

  "It's time for me to get up. I need to leave for work soon."

  "That's too bad. I was hoping to stay right here all day," Alex replied as she began to kiss along the exposed column of Nikki's neck and along her collarbone. She paused when she reached her shoulder and saw the bite mark. "Oh honey, I'm sorry," she said as she gently kissed it.

  "I'm not," Nikki replied. "That was amazing."

  "I meant the bite, silly."

  "So did I." Alex sighed as Nikki climbed from the bed. "You know I'd much rather stay here with you, right?"

  "I do now, and just knowing that is enough. Go take your shower. I'll be here when you get back." She watched Nikki head for the bathroom, admiring her naked form. She snuggled back under the covers with a smile and quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Alex watched Nikki as she helped Ilario set up the rented table and chairs out in the courtyard. With the promise of a beautiful early April day ahead, it didn't take much to convince Dani and Nikki to have lunch outside. "You are not holding up your end of the bargain, Tesoro," Maria called out to
her as she set the onions beside the tomatoes on the counter. She looked over at Maria guiltily. "I'm happy you are in love, but you will not have any food for your guests if you do not get your mind, and your eyes, back to work."

  "Okay, okay." Alex set to work cleaning and chopping the onions for Maria's special meat sauce for the lasagna. "Do you need some basil?"

  "No. I already clipped some this morning. We have enough for today." She smiled at Alex and shook her head. "There is no need for you to go outside right now. Chop those tomatoes into a nice fine dice. We want them to look pretty for the bruschetta."

  Alex heaved out an exaggerated sigh and said, "Sì, Madre." She ducked away from Maria's swat, and reached for a tomato. She chopped and prepared all of the ingredients while Maria sautéed and assembled her meat sauce. Alex looked around to see what else needed to be done and realized they were finished, even the desserts were made. The sauce needed to cook for another hour or so, and then the lasagna could be assembled. She pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and turned to Maria. "How is Caitlyn doing? I haven't seen her for months."

  Maria beamed and the pride she had in her only child became evident. "She is doing very well, working hard her senior year. She will be coming home for a visit soon, now that softball season is wrapping up."

  Alex rubbed her thigh as she said, "It’s a good thing she didn't need me to work with her this year." She smiled as she thought about her protégé. "She really didn't need it anyway. She's already very good. The fact that they made the championship again this year is evidence of that."

  Maria nodded her head and squeezed Alex's shoulder. "True, but she will always look up to you. You have been her mentor for many years, Tesoro. That is not going to change. I think she uses the lessons these days as an excuse to spend time with you."

  The corner of Alex's mouth lifted slightly as she replied, "Maybe I do the same." She turned when she heard Nikki and Ilario enter the kitchen.

  Nikki walked up to Alex and gave her a quick kiss. "I'm going to go take a shower. I'll see you in a little bit." Alex watched her leave the room, and blushed when she realized Ilario was making fun of her.

  "Behave yourself old man."

  "He smiled at her as he tilted his head in the direction Nikki had disappeared. "That one is a keeper, Tesoro, and she obviously loves you very much."

  She walked over and put her arm around him as she replied, "Sì, Papà. I am very lucky, almost as lucky as you."

  He grinned as he looked over at Maria. "Almost, but no one is as lucky as me."

  When the doorbell chimed, Alex, Rachel, and Madison headed for the kitchen while Dani and Nikki answered the door. Alex pulled several dishes from the refrigerator and began to assemble the bruschetta and crostini. With Rachel's help, the appetizers were arranged neatly along the counter, and the kitchen tidied before their guests wandered in.

  "This is some place. Must have set you back a couple of million. I didn't realize they were paying you that much over at St. Mary's."

  "This isn't mine, Dad. It belongs to Alex." She looked over at her and smiled apologetically before introducing them. "Alex, these are my parents, John and Donna."

  "Pleased to meet you." Alex was startled when they ignored her completely.

  "Well, if this isn't yours, have you bought your own place yet?"

  "No, sir. I've been staying here for the last few months helping out." She looked up and smiled as Alex helped Madison get some bread with ricotta and honey.

  "I have appetizers here if you'd like. Please help yourself. We have tea and soft drinks in the fridge." Alex told the group as she helped Madison climb up onto one of the high chairs at the counter. "I have some apple juice or milk for you, piccola. Which would you like?"


  Alex was surprised to hear Donna call out, "Don't you have any wine?" She closed her eyes briefly and sighed as she continued to pour Madison's juice.

  "Here you go, piccola. Keep it far enough from the edge that you don't spill, okay?" She smiled as Madison nodded and took a bite of toast. She looked up at Donna who was watching closely, and nodded. "Of course. Let me get that for you." She turned to Rachel and asked, "Would you mind lending me a hand for a moment?" At her nod, Alex turned towards the western hallway, quietly leading her from the room.

  Once they turned the corner, she looked at Rachel and rolled her eyes. She walked a few feet down the hallway to the small alcove containing a statue of a nearly naked woman holding a gallon jug. While Rachel admired the piece, she walked up to it and placed her right hand on the bottom of the jug, inserting her finger into the small fingerprint scanner. Seconds later, the hidden door beside the statue unlatched and swung silently inward, revealing a staircase. She motioned a slack jawed Rachel through the door ahead of her, and quietly closed it behind them before they headed down the stairs.

  "What is this place?" Rachel asked as she reached the bottom.

  "Welcome to the bat cave." Alex laughed at the look of wonder on her friend's face. "This is part of the panic room I had put in when I had the house built. I converted this half to a wine cellar about a year or so ago."

  "What about the other half?"

  Alex shrugged as she looked for a suitable bottle of wine. "Mostly storage these days." She noticed her look of curiosity and said, "I told you Jo stole things from me when I kicked her out, right? It took me a while to get everything back, and when I did, I locked it away for safekeeping. I've just never pulled any of it back out."

  "All of your softball memorabilia, right?" Alex nodded. She walked up to her, placed a hand on her arm and said, "Maybe it's time to pull it out again, put it back in the office where it belongs."

  Alex shrugged and pulled a bottle from the shelf. "What do you think of this one?"

  Rachel's eyebrows rose as she read the label, noting the name of the Italian winery. "I think it's one I'd love to try sometime, but not today. Donna is a lush and wouldn't appreciate such a fine wine. Do you have something a bit less expensive?"

  Alex returned the bottle to the shelf and said, "In that case, how about these?" She pointed to several bottles in a cardboard box in the corner. "They were a gift from the carpenter that built the racks for me." She held up the bottles in question and Rachel smiled her approval.

  "That's more Donna's speed." She handed them both to Rachel and began the slow climb back up the stairs. Her limp was fairly pronounced and the climb was slow. "Is your leg bothering you today?"

  "A little bit. I saw my doctor yesterday. She said that the ache is normal, as is the pain from the nerves firing off, and both may or may not go away completely. We'll just have to wait and see as it continues to heal." She paused on the landing at the top of the stairs, and with a touch, a panel in the wall slid to the side to reveal a flat screen monitor and keypad. She checked the monitor to ensure the hallway was empty before keying in the code to unlock the door. She saw Rachel's raised eyebrows and shrugged. "What? What good is a panic room if everyone knows where it is? Trust me, there was a time when I needed this room." They stepped through the door, and she secured it behind them. "Oh I did get some good news yesterday. My doctor released me from my driving restrictions. I have successfully passed the required amount of time without a single incident of seizures or blackouts."

  "Good for you. I'm sure you're happy to be able to drive again, instead of relying on one of us," Rachel replied as she set the bottles on the counter.

  Alex pulled the corkscrew from the drawer and began to open one of the bottles. "It's a relief. I hate to keep bothering Dani."

  Dani turned away from the discussion between Nikki and her father, and walked over to Rachel. "You're not a bother, Alex. I don't mind taking you places, besides it lets me spend time with an intelligent adult during the day. Please tell me you'll still call."

  "Of course. We have to take advantage of the time we have, after all you'll be starting work before you know it." She placed the open bottle on the counter and began to pull wine gla
sses from the cupboard.

  Everyone was startled when Donna interjected into the conversation. "You're going back to work, Danielle?"

  Before Dani could respond, Alex handed her a wine glass and said, "Indeed, Donna. You must be so proud of Dani. She managed to land a very good job even though she's been out of nursing for a few years. They are so impressed by her that they are even willing to allow her to wait until Madison goes to school this fall." She watched as Donna filled her glass then turned to Dani with questions. She caught Dani's eye and winked as she turned away from the group to check on Madison. "Hey there, Maddy. How's it going over here?"

  Madison sighed. "It's okay. Can we go outside?"

  "Of course, piccola." Alex helped her down from the stool and took her hand, allowing her to lead her out the back door. They walked to one of the sitting areas a few feet from the open door and sat down. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

  Madison climbed up into her lap, and Alex helped her get comfortable while keeping her weight off of her left leg. "Who are those people and why are they so mean?"

  Alex looked down at Madison and wondered how to explain adults to a four year old. "They really aren't mean people, Maddy, they just don't know us yet."

  Madison shook her head and scowled. "No, they're mean. They said bad things about you and Momma when you were gone. I don't like them." She leaned against her and cried. "You and Momma won't leave me will you?"

  The question nearly broke Alex's heart. She wrapped her arms around the little girl and held her close as she began to rock in the chair. "No, sweetie. Your Momma loves your Mommy and you very much. She's not going to leave you." She kissed the top of her head and said, "Do angels lie?" Madison shook her head. "Am I your angel?" Madison nodded and wiped her nose. "That's right, and because I'm your angel, I'm not leaving either. So you just dry your tears, piccola, okay?"

  Madison threw her arms around Alex's neck and gave her a hug. "I love you, Angel."


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