Wild for You

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Wild for You Page 11

by Cheyenne McCray

  He climbed in and returned her wave before he drove back to his ranch.

  Dara’s stomach did a somersault when she saw Bailey’s number come up on her screen. Time to get it out. Not all of it, but enough.

  She touched the answer icon and brought the phone to her ear. “Hi, Bailey.”

  “So good to hear your voice.” Bailey’s bubbly personality made Dara smile.

  “Ditto,” Dara said. “Let me three-way Charlee.”

  “I’m holding,” Bailey said.

  Dara got Charlee on the line. “First thing, or I’ll make it as painful as possible.” Charlee’s tone held warning as well as teasing.

  “Let’s warm up to it first,” Dara said.


  Dara sighed. “Connecting now.”

  She joined the calls with Bailey. “We’re all here now.”

  “I miss you, two,” Bailey said. “We three are so getting together once I’m back in the states.”

  “Can’t wait,” Charlee said. “Dara has some news you’re gonna love. Don’t you, Dara?”

  Dara groaned to herself. “Yep. This is probably going to surprise you.”

  “What?” Bailey said. “Tell me.”

  Dara heard Charlee snicker.

  She took a deep breath before she blurted out the words. “I’m dating Jack.”

  A pause.

  Dara winced.

  “You’re dating my big brother?” Bailey said slowly.

  “Not for very long, but yes.”

  “Wow.” Bailey seemed to be collecting herself. Then, with excitement clear in her tone, she said, “That is so freaking awesome.”

  Relief flowed through Dara. She didn’t know why she’d worried about it.

  Dara smiled. “Yeah, I kinda think so.”

  “Wouldn’t that be amazing if we ended up being sisters-in-law?” Bailey said with enthusiasm.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Dara said. “We’ve only been seeing each other a couple of weeks.”

  “Oh, I know my big brother,” Bailey said. “Jack never does anything he’s not serious about. The fact that he’s seeing you now is big.”

  “Tell us more,” Charlee said. “Give us the good stuff.”

  “Uh, not that good.” Bailey laughed. “This is my big brother we’re talking about.”

  “Don’t worry,” Dara said, “I’ll keep any juicy details to myself.”

  “You can tell me later,” Charlee said.

  Bailey laughed. “Come on, what have you done together.”

  Dara told her about the night at Nectars, the flour affair at the school, and 4-H meeting, and bumping into Jack at the grocery store.

  “How’s Leslie taking you two seeing each other?” Bailey asked more quietly.

  “Not well.” Dara sighed. “We used to get along great, and now she barely talks to me.”

  “Does Leslie still work for you?” Charlee asked.

  “Yes.” Dara shook her head. “She does a good job as always, and is civil, but that’s about it.”

  “I wish I was there to talk with her,” Bailey said. “I think I’ll call her, just to say hi, and maybe she’ll mention it.”

  “You are her favorite aunt,” Charlee said. “She’ll probably want to talk with you about it.”

  “But she knows we’re close friends,” Dara said.

  “You never know,” Bailey said. “She just might need an ear to listen to her.”

  “And someone who can give her good advice,” Charlee said.

  “Thanks, Bailey.” Dara felt a little lighter. “I just hope she’s going to be okay.”

  “She’ll be fine,” Bailey said. “She just needs time.”

  “You went with Jack to Danica and Creed’s barn dance last night, didn’t you?” Charlee asked.

  “Oooh. They have the best barn dances ever,” Bailey said.

  “I’ve never been to one like it,” Dara said. “It was fantastic.”

  “Did you see Mom and Dad?” Bailey asked.

  “Yeah, and your other brothers, too.”

  “I bet they were pleased to see you and Jack together,” Bailey said.

  “They were awesome.” Dara smiled as she thought about their fun acceptance. “All of them.”

  “What’s next for you and Jack?” Charlee asked.

  “We’re going to Sedona next Saturday.” She didn’t mention the part about staying the night.

  “I love Sedona,” Bailey said. “Have a wonderful time.”

  “Then tell us about it,” Charlee said with a laugh.

  Dara turned the conversation to Bailey then Charlee. They learned about Bailey’s adventures in Europe, and Charlee’s employees’ ongoing dramas.

  When they finally said their goodbyes and made plans for their next call, Dara disconnected and smiled. She couldn’t be luckier than to have friends like Bailey and Charlee.

  Chapter Ten

  Dead Horse Ranch State Park was beautiful everywhere Dara looked.

  She pushed her western hat back a little and shifted in her saddle. She was perched on the back of a pretty white and gray mare nicknamed Puff.

  She watched Jack mount a black gelding called Pride. Jack looked so good as he swung up into the saddle, his snug Wranglers hugging his ass. He wore a lined jean jacket over a blue, white, and black flannel shirt, and had on a black Stetson

  Her heart had started pounding a little faster when Jack had helped her onto the white horse. She hadn’t been on one in years and didn’t really know what she was doing.

  He’d rested his hand on her thigh as he reminded her about a few things before going to his own horse. Her heart had pounded faster for a whole other reason.

  She glanced around the ranch that provided horses and guides for trips around Sedona, the valley, and the nearby wineries. It was a ranch a lot like the one she’d gone to with Jack for the barn dance.

  A group of adults and children gathered together on the opposite side of the big red barn, preparing to head out on one of the tours. Chatter and laughter came from that direction.

  “How long have you known the owner of the ranch?” she asked Jack.

  “Taylor and I went to school together from elementary to junior high.” Jack guided his horse closer to Dara’s. “He moved away our freshman year. We bumped into each other several years ago and we go out for a beer every now and then.”

  “It’s nice of him to loan us the horses and let us explore on our own.” Dara leaned forward on her mount and patted the horse’s neck with its coarse white hair. She straightened. “Looks to be a beautiful day for a horse ride.”

  “Sure is.” Jack nodded. “But we won’t ride too long or you’ll end up so sore you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

  Dara laughed. “All right. I’ll do whatever you say.”

  He flashed her a grin as his blue eyes sparkled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Pleasant warmth filled Dara at the way he looked at her and his teasing.

  “We’ll head on up that trail.” Jack gestured toward a well-worn path leading from the ranch. “Dead Horse Ranch State Park borders Coconino National Forest.”

  Dara rocked in the saddle as they started out. The fall Arizona sky was clear and the sun warm, but the breeze cool enough that she was glad for her jacket. She wore jeans and a comfortable top. She had on the same pair of western boots she’d used for the barn dance.

  She breathed in the fresh air that carried not only the smell of horse, but the scent of earth and high-desert vegetation. Hooves hit the ground with a steady clop and the horses snorted and blew out their breath.

  “The Verde River runs through what’s called the Verde River Greenway,” Jack said. “Makes for a fine oasis in the desert.”

  “What’s the elevation?” Dara asked.

  “Right now we’re at approximately 3,300 feet.” Jack gestured in front of them. “The Sedona area is around 4,300.”

  It wasn’t too long before they reached the edge of the f
orest. It started out with scraggly oaks, palo verde, desert willows, creosote bushes, and yellow grasses.

  “Plenty of trails suitable for horses that we can choose from,” he said as the forest grew more dense as they continued on.

  It was fall, and some varieties of trees had started to turn.

  “Do you know the trails well here?” Dara asked.

  Jack shrugged. “I’ve been around the area plenty of times since back when I was just a kid. Couldn’t have been more than four when my parents started bringing me up to this area.”

  “I’ve always liked your parents.” Dara tilted her head to the side. “Considering how much trouble Bailey, Charlee, and I got into when we were young, it was amazing they didn’t ban me and Charlee from your home.”

  “They’re pretty patient,” Jack said. “Mom has more than Dad, but I think the five of us about drove her out of her mind more than once.”

  “She was pretty patient with us.” Dara grinned. “But we must have been easy compared to the four of you boys.”

  He shook his head. “I dunno. Bailey sure got in trouble plenty of times.” He cut his gaze to Dara. “And I do believe you instigated more than one of the incidents.”

  “Who, me?” She batted her eyelashes.

  Jack laughed. “Yeah, you.”

  Fun banter passed between the two of them as they rode through the scenic forest. They traversed near Sedona’s famous red rocks, and on to a winery near Oak Creek that served Arizona wines.

  When they reached the winery Jack dismounted, then helped Dara down from her horse. They walked Puff and Pride to a nearby stable where the horses were turned out into a good-sized corral.

  Jack took Dara’s hand as they walked away from the horses and to the front doors of the winery.

  She loved the feel of her hand in his, and the protective way he kept her close to him. He didn’t smother her, he made her feel wanted, needed.

  Their boots thumped on the porch before they walked into the winery, and then on the wood floor of the establishment that looked to be made from refinished old barn wood. A long bar also made of the same wood lined one side, with stools before it.

  High-backed, comfortable leather chairs were arranged around short oak barrels with wood tops that served as tables in the room.

  Fine art and quality souvenirs were sold at one end of the room, and bottles of wines with the winery’s labels lined the bar.

  She loved Jack’s calm authority when he spoke to the owner. Confident, but thoughtful, too.

  After confirming they did have a reservation, the owner escorted Jack and Dara to a small table near the bar.

  Jack helped Dara into her comfy leather seat, then took his own. He set his Stetson on the seat beside him. Dara left her hat on.

  Hat hair and all that.

  Dara decided on a flight of white wines, while Jack chose red. It wasn’t long before their wine was served, and they were told their lunch would follow shortly.

  She watched Jack from beneath her lashes as she sipped her wine. Damn, he was one of the sexiest male specimens she’d ever had the pleasure to meet, much less date.

  His strong jawline and features gave him a look that made her feel like he was an Old West sheriff there to protect his town and its people. He made her feel protected.

  The owner brought them a box lunch. The filling meal included a barbeque pork sandwich, potato salad, vegetables, a selection of cheeses, and a flourless chocolate torte with fresh berries.

  Everything tasted delicious to Dara. When she was finished, she picked up the glass of white she had ordered during their meal.

  “Simply amazing.” Dara sighed and leaned back in her chair as she held the glass stem between her fingers. “I don’t know what it is—maybe the horseback ride through this incredible place and the amazing countryside—but this is one of the best meals I can remember having.”

  “Agreed.” Jack had already finished. “Although I’m inclined to think it was due to the company I’ve been enjoying all day.”

  * * *

  Dara’s smile caused something to tighten in Jack’s gut. She drew him closer with every smile, every laugh.

  What was it about her that had gotten so under his skin that he felt she was a part of him, as if she always had been?

  She sipped her wine. He watched her lips and the way her throat worked as she swallowed. How could everything she did make him want her?

  Dara was nothing short of stunning. She had her long auburn hair pulled back loosely from her face with a clip holding the mass back behind her shoulders. Wisps of hair had escaped the holder as they’d ridden from the ranch, and they fell softly around her face.

  The black western hat on her head had slipped a bit so that it was tilted a little to the side. He liked how it looked on her.

  Her shirt pulled tight over her breasts, and he couldn’t help but think of what it would be like to touch them. Taste them.

  He mentally groaned. He had to stop thinking this way now. The future—he knew she’d be in his arms. If not tonight, then another time. He wouldn’t push her. He wanted her to be ready. No regrets about one little thing.

  He couldn’t believe just how much she meant to him now. In this short time, he’d grown to care for her so much that it surprised him with the intensity of his feelings.

  Feelings that seemed to grow every single day.

  They laughed and talked a little longer before he said, “Ready to head on back to the ranch?”

  She nodded. “What’s next, after we get back?”

  “Might be a good time to shower, change, and walk around Sedona a bit before we have dinner,” he said. “Maybe get in a little shopping if you like to do that.”

  She smiled. “I’d enjoy it. Shopping is always interesting in Sedona.”

  “Into crystals and all that vortex stuff?” he asked.

  Dara couldn’t help a laugh. “Never found it to be something that interested me, but I do like jewelry. I wouldn’t mind finding some citrine and tiger eye to go with some of my outfits.”

  “You never know just what you can find in that town,” he said.

  He stood and slid her chair back so that she could stand before he picked up his hat and placed it on his head. After he paid, they left the winery and headed for the corral to get Puff and Pride.

  Dara and Jack checked into the Sedona resort to get settled and change out of the clothing they’d worn on their ride.

  True to his word, Jack had booked a two-room suite with a living area between the rooms.

  After dressing, Dara met up with Jack in the center room, where he waited, his hip hitched up against the wall. He looked so damned sexy that a thrill ran through her belly, straight between her thighs.

  Jack took her arm as they left the room. She glanced at him and melted when he gave her a sexy little grin.

  She loved the resort.

  They walked down a long corridor, the rust and verdigris floor tiles marbled with copper. Murals on the walls depicted Sedona scenery.

  When they entered the expansive lobby, Dara only half noticed the furnishings and decor that mirrored and complimented the red rock the small paradise was cut into.

  He kept hold of her arm as they waited for the valet to bring around the truck.

  Beneath a hip-length leather jacket, Dara’s chocolate-brown sweater dress hugged her curves to just below her knees. Her black suede boots kept her feet and calves warm in the chilly breeze.

  Under his leather coat, Jack wore a cream-colored western shirt, and had on a pair of dark blue ass-hugging Wrangler jeans. His boots had been polished to a shine, and he wore a leather belt bearing a gold and silver steer-head buckle.

  She walked with Jack up to the truck after the valet returned with it and parked it in front of the resort doors. Jack helped her in before climbing into the drivers seat.

  “I love this town.” She looked at the sights as he drove to a small strip of shops and found a place to park on Main Street in
Uptown Sedona.

  She pointed to one of the shops. “And they have the best fudge, ever.”

  Jack grinned before helping her out of the truck cab. “I agree on the town and on the fudge. We’ll have to take some back to Prescott with us.”

  Dara breathed deep when they entered the place. It smelled like heaven or close to it.

  They bought half a pound of chocolate fudge, another half-pound of peanut butter-chocolate, and the same amount of dark chocolate. They decided on white chocolate fudge as well.

  The weather was cool, so they put the goodies into the truck without having to worry about it melting in the Arizona heat.

  Jack and Dara visited a few of the stores surrounding the shop. Boutiques, souvenir shops, and fine art stores.

  “Sore from riding?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Not much. If we’d ridden any longer, I might have been.”

  “We’ll have to get you on a horse more often,” he said. “I’ll turn you into a cowgirl yet.”

  Dara laughed. “I’d love to ride more.” She smiled as she squeezed his hand in return. “Not sure about the cowgirl part.”

  He winked. “I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”

  Heat flowed through her, causing her face to warm. “Thanks.”

  He kept her close as they walked across the street to a jewelry store. Through the doorway, Dara saw just about every kind of crystal she could imagine, and then some.

  They entered the establishment, and Dara walked up to a display of citrine close to a counter filled with orange stones and crystals.

  “I’m Sylvia,” The white-blonde haired woman on the other side of the counter came closer. “Citrine is the stone of prosperity.”

  “Prosperity sounds good to me.” Dara smiled at Sylvia. “Then I could buy as much as this stuff as I wanted.”

  Dara wasn’t up on the meaning of crystals and gemstones, and wasn’t sure she believed they did anything more than look pretty. But hell, one never knew.

  Jack stood next to her and pointed to a polished golden-brown stone with a silky luster. “I like those.”

  “The tiger eye gemstones are beautiful.” Dara nodded. “I have a few at home.”


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