Kidnapping a Mate

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by Marcy Jacks


  Wolf Souls 3

  Kidnapping a Mate

  Bodolf is brazen, bold, and he doesn't trust the humans to do a damned thing for anyone connected to the shifter world. So when he discovers a group of wolves kidnapping and selling wolf souls to the highest bidder, he sets himself up as a buyer.

  Plans go awry when a foul-mouthed human is brought out of one of the tents, and the spicy sweet scent of a wolf soul is strong on this one. Strong enough to be Bodolf’s mate.

  Dex will get away from these bastards before they can sell him, but one wolf catches his eye, and when all hell breaks loose and Dex is kidnapped again, he has to say, he doesn't mind so much, especially when Bodolf touches him in all the right places.

  But the traffickers are still out there. They want their property back, and Bodolf must be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the life of his soul.

  Genres: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 25,209


  Wolf Souls 3

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Kidnapping a Mate

  Copyright © 2018 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-484-2

  First Publication: November 2018

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada, with her loyal dog. She spends most of her time writing sexy romances with tortured heroes. She loves writing, drawing, reading and videogames. For more romances, check out

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Wolf Souls 3


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Bodolf watched as the many wolf souls were pulled out, one at a time, from the tent in the back.

  They were chained by their hands, each connected to the other.

  They looked as though they had seen better days.

  Dirty, likely hungry, each wearing what they had been taken in.

  Some were in suits, others in fast food uniforms, while a few were in casual wear.

  The sight of them made Bodolf want to rip the heads off of the males who were leading the souls out.

  Some of them were wolf shifters.

  Filthy betrayers. That was what they were, and meanwhile, Bodolf was forced to smile with the other buyers, as though this was just another day in the life.

  He was going to attempt to buy one of these people, likely one of the females, get at least one of them out of here, though there were a dozen or so others who were trapped here.

  "What do you think, Brad? Any of them catch your fancy?"

  Brad being the name he'd given to this disgusting pig that Bodolf was forced to smile at.

  Nathan Smith. Probably not his real name, but he was the guy who'd brought Bodolf here thinking he would be able to make some money off him.

  Yeah, he'd get a little cash from him. Just enough for Bodolf to get one of these poor bastards out of here before he went to the police with this information.

  That was it.

  "Some of them have seen better days. I thought you said these were high-end souls?"

  Nathan grinned, pulled a cigarette out from his inside jacket pocket, and then lit up. "Trust me, my friend, they are. Sometimes a few just need to learn a hard lesson after an escape attempt, but trust me, I've seen what every single one of these souls has looked like before we got them. Good stuff. You can even look at their files again if you want to."


  There was no point in pretending he wasn't disappointed. Nathan was already picking up on that, so Bodolf just acted as though he were a snobby customer and wanted to get a look at what he was being offered.

  He hated this so much. He wanted to turn Nathan's face inside out as he looked over the pictures.

  And it was true. Everyone here looked young and attractive, healthy, good teeth, bright smiles. These photos had obviously come from their Facebook pages or whatever. These photos had been taken in settings with family or friends. The people in these photos couldn't have known they were being stalked by humans and shifters alike.

  Some hunters used wolf souls to bait and trap shifters. Then there were the humans who took them against their will and tried to sell them off to other shifters.

  Because there were still shifters out there in the world who were stupid enough to believe that fucking any random wolf soul would be enough to give them powers over their animal shapes.

  Because that was what a wolf soul did. They called to shifters with their spicy, sweet scents, and even beneath the smell of body odor and dirt, that scent called Bodolf even now.

  But the problem was it wasn't enough for the scent to call to a shifter. The shifter had to be mated to the wolf in question. Otherwise, the power and control these souls gave to the shifters who fucked them was little to nothing.

  That didn't stop some shifters from wanting to fuck as many wolf souls as they could or wolf souls from selling their bodies to any shifter who would take them.

  Or human traffickers like Nathan from coming out of the woodwork.

  So much shit to dig through before he could even try to help these people. Bodolf hated it, and his inner wolf growled, wanting out, wanting to tear into one of these bastards for daring to do something like this.

  "Would you like a drink?" Nathan offered, clearly a little concerned about the growling noises that were coming from Bodolf, though he probably didn't want to say anything for fear of offending a customer.

  "I'm fine. I have better control over my wolf than most."

  Which was a lucky break for the man standing next to him.

  Though, when Bodolf looked at Nathan, he couldn't stop himself from letting out a bit of a growl.

  "Have any of your wolves sampled the wares?"

  "Only a select few, and there will be a discount on those should you be interested."

  Fuck, just perfect.

  Down, boy. Get down. You'll have your chance to rip the faces off of every single one of these bastards in good time.

  At least that was what Bodolf told himself, if only so he could make the wolf inside his head heel.

  He just
needed to get a grip. He was all right, but his inner wolf was being strangely uncooperative, and Bodolf was having a harder time than usual getting it to back down.

  Why? Maybe it was the scent in the air. He was being pulled toward those wolf souls, and it was having its effect on him.

  "Would you like to see them? I have been told by the wolves who work here that being near so many wolf souls at the same time can have a positive effect on the wolf inside you if you find you are having difficulties with it."

  "Sure. Let's do it."

  There were other werewolves around him. Some of them looked scrappy, twitchy, as though they were barely holding back from taking what they wanted. Some looked as though they had hardly any money to their names. Most likely they were here to pay for a one-night stand in hopes that simply touching and being inside one of the prisoners would offer them some relief from their wild wolf halves.

  Desperation forced their hand to wicked deeds. Bodolf wasn't so sure if he felt sorry for them or not.

  Looking back at the wolf souls, he was going to opt for not feeling sorry for them.

  They could use any other method to find control, to keep their wolves from harming anyone else.

  They could use meditation, or they could abstain from being near humans on the days when they struggled for control.

  They could join packs that worked together to control each other using buddy systems when some of their members were having more violent days than others.

  There were ways around this, and these motherfuckers were turning to this.

  Nathan walked Bodolf down the lineup of prisoners. Some of them cried, and some of the males stood with their backs straight, as though daring Bodolf or Nathan, or any of the other wolves here, to do anything to them.

  Or anything else.

  Others in the lineup had eyes so dead it was as though they'd already been broken.

  And despite how good they smelled, as much as his inner wolf whined to be closer to them, Bodolf couldn't imagine himself ever having the urge to want to fuck any of these poor bastards.

  This whole thing was sick.

  Meanwhile, for every person he passed by, one of the shifters lifted one of those better-looking Facebook photos to show what the prisoner actually looked like when cleaned up and not quite so dead to the world and miserable.

  "What do you think?" Nathan asked.

  God, the man was like an eager car salesman. Did he not know how annoying he was?

  “They smell great, but I'm still not so sure about how they look. Are you sure this was absolutely necessary?"

  Nathan's eyes flashed. Not in the same way a shifter's eyes would, but there was something dangerous flickering in his brain.

  He didn't like being questioned, did he? Stupid asshole.

  "Let me assure you these souls are the finest we have ever—"

  "Let me go, you dumb cocksuckers!"

  Bodolf turned to look toward where the cursing was coming from, and a string of harder curses, profanity so terrible he wouldn't dare utter any of it at a truck stop, came from someone being carried out of the tent by two shifter males.

  One held his legs, the other his arms as the creature struggled between them before they finally dropped him on the dirt ground.

  The man oofed, but even with his hands chained together, his face and clothes dirtied, he still pushed himself to his feet. "Your mothers are a sack of cunt stains, you stupid parasitic rats! I hope you all get testicle and ass cancer, you vaginal waste infections!"

  Bodolf's brows shot up high. On the one hand, he was horrified, and on the other, he'd never heard anyone talk quite like that before and he wanted to laugh.

  He might have laughed if one of the men the orange-haired prisoner insulted hadn’t stepped forward and knocked his fist into the side of the man’s head.

  The man went down. Bodolf growled, but for some reason, the redhead didn't stay down.

  Weren't gingers supposed to be extra feisty and all that? He supposed this proved it because the man got back to his feet.

  "That was nothing! Was that the best you got, you fucking pussy?"

  The second shifter knocked his fist into the man's stomach, and Bodolf could handle no more.

  "Stop that!"

  They did stop, and they looked at him and then at Nathan, as though they were unsure of what they were supposed to do while the redhead continued to glare at them.

  Nathan smiled, seeming to allow it.

  "This one is new. He came in two days ago and is still learning his place. We've had to keep him sedated since he's been trying to infect the others with very bad ideas. Isn't that right, Dexter?"

  Nathan took a fistful of Dexter's hair into his fist, lifting his face up and forcing him to look into his eyes.

  This turned out to be a mistake, as Dexter spit in his face, and Nathan turned into a wild animal on him, raining fists down onto him.

  Dexter did his best to keep the man's fists away from him, covering his head with his arms, but it did little to protect his ribs when he was kicked or his ears from being boxed.

  And all the while, Bodolf came to a slow, horrified realization as he watched the violent display.

  His wolf continued to growl, continued to fight to come out despite putting into practice every little trick Bodolf knew.

  The smell he thought was so sweet and wonderful wasn't simply coming from the number of wolf souls standing behind him, and he stepped forward, grabbing Nathan by his wrist before he could land one more hit on his mate.

  "I'll buy this one. I want him."

  Chapter Two

  Dex couldn't believe it. Oh no. Oh fuck, please no.

  He didn't want this. He'd wanted to make himself look as ferocious as possible so no one in their right mind would want him if he happened to get picked.

  He'd also wanted to be enough of a pain in the ass so that these guys wouldn't want to bother with him and, hopefully, they would just let him go home. They would get sick of the abuse he'd hurled at them and let him go back to his shitty job and his shitty life.

  No. Apparently he wasn't going to get that because for some reason the guy above him…was…

  Dex couldn't think for a solid minute. He could hardly breathe as he stared up at what had to be the most handsome man he'd ever seen in his life.

  And what he could see was pretty limited without his glasses, but he was close enough to make out a couple of features on this man.

  Wait. No, not a man. This was a shifter. Fuck, was this guy a beta? He was huge. Maybe he was an alpha. That alone was enough of a reason to freak Dex out a little.

  If this guy decided to hit him, then he was going to end up putting his fist through Dex's face.

  Dex didn't want that, but at the same time…it was stupid, he knew it made no sense, but he also wanted to go up to him and rub his body against the man's legs like an overly affectionate cat.

  His body suddenly trembled with the desire to do just that.

  What the hell was wrong with him? That made no sense. Why would he want to do something like that when it made absolutely no sense for him to want that?

  Nathan, the asshole who had been acting like he thought he was the Grand Kai of the whole universe from Dragon Ball ever since Dex had woken up, stood and eyed the buyer, as though he couldn't understand why he would make an offer like that for Dex.

  Dex couldn't understand it either. Mostly he couldn't understand why he would want such a thing when there was no reason for him to want it.

  "You want this one? He's a little on the violent side, as you've seen. Broke his damned glasses fighting with us.”

  Dex hated that. No, one of Nathan’s stupid men had broken his glasses. Big difference.

  The shifter looked down at Dex, and his eyes actually flashed a bright shade of red.

  “He has sight problems?”

  “I can see close up, asshole,” Dex said, sneering up at him, trying not to be taken in by his looks or to let his belly melt w
hen the man smiled at him.

  "I'm sure I could break him in."

  That did it. Whatever spell Dex was under from looking at this man immediately melted away when the guy looked at Dex and threatened him like that.

  Holy shit. Dex had been thinking of letting this guy touch and fuck him? He was still thinking it! He couldn't stop thinking it, and he wanted to get away from him at the same time.

  Nathan looked just as shocked, as though he couldn't believe anyone in their right mind would want someone like Dex.

  Dex couldn't figure it out either.

  "Well, I'll be damned. Dexter, look at that. Even a foul-mouthed little bitch like you can get someone's attention."

  The man smacked him upside the head. Dexter growled at him, but the meanest growl came from the alpha shifter who wanted to buy Dex.

  "Since I've agreed to buy him, please don't touch him like that. I don't want any more bruises on him for when I take him."

  Nathan smiled. "Of course. No one took him before you, though because of his foul mouth, I'm obliged to give you a bit of a discount. Would five thousand be sufficient?"

  Dex felt like someone had dropped an anvil on his head Looney-Tunes style.

  That was it? That was what he was worth on the black market? He wasn't sure why, but he expected it to be so much more, and it was such a disappointment to know that he didn't earn out anymore money than that. He'd heard some of the guys around here say they could find and sell their own wolf souls for at least ten.

  Not that he was going to get any of that money, but it would have been cool to know what he could sell himself for on eBay when it came down to it.

  "I can pay it."

  "I'll give you seven thousand."

  Dex looked to the side as another wolf shifter stepped forward, a buyer with his checkbook in hand. "I'll pay you seven thousand dollars for that redhead. I like redheads."

  Dex cringed. This guy…he wasn't old. Not really, but he was…


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