Kidnapping a Mate

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Kidnapping a Mate Page 4

by Marcy Jacks

  Let this man do whatever he wanted to Bodolf's body so long as he got more of that wonderful sensation. His inner wolf did a sit-pretty trick, begging for more.

  The rumors were true.

  A wolf soul really did keep their mates wrapped around their little fingers because, with one blow job, Bodolf was already whipped and desperate for more.

  Dexter took Bodolf's testicles into his hand. He gently rolled them, his long fingers perfect for the job. Bodolf found himself thrusting harder, fucking just a touch faster into his mouth.

  More. He wanted more. He watched to watch as Dexter's lips became swollen and dark with lust and use. He wanted to turn the man over onto his hands and knees, put his ass in the air, and take what belonged to him.

  The wolf inside of his head stopped presenting its belly as it sat up, yipping excitedly, as that was exactly what it wanted to do, as well.

  Bodolf ran his fingers through Dexter's hair, touching the back of his neck, even his ears and shoulders.

  He felt alive again, rejuvenated, as though he'd never been injured in the first place.

  Bodolf took one quick glance down at his chest. He noted the thick scratches were now thin, still red, but they looked more as though they had been made by a cat.

  He grinned at that, and though it pained him to do so, he pushed Dexter back just enough so the other man had to stop that good work that he was doing.

  And Dexter made that terrible, kicked-puppy moan again. "No. I want it."

  "I know you do, baby. On your hands and knees."

  This wasn't going to be romantic. Bodolf swore to himself that he was going to make it up to the other man at another time. He would have a perfectly romantic mating heat with him when they were not on the run from those who wished to do them harm.

  For now, Bodolf needed this. He needed to fuck his mate and really reap the benefits of that strength that Dexter could give to him.

  Dexter turned around, presenting himself on his hands and knees before looking back at Bodolf, as though wondering what the holdup could possibly be.

  And Bodolf was more than happy to give his mate what he wanted.

  He settled himself down onto his knees. Dexter moaned and shivered when Bodolf simply rested his hand on the man's waist.

  "Touch me, please, God, I need you to touch me."

  "I know," Bodolf said. He knew exactly where Dexter was on the meter of lust and pain. He would be a terrible alpha if he were to leave the man like this.

  Everyone knew that both the alpha and the wolf soul experienced discomfort during the mating heat, but it was also common knowledge that, more often than not, it was the human or the beta who got the worst of that pain.

  So excruciating, yet pleasurable, that some alphas considered it a form of abuse to deny their mate when they were in heat.

  Some alphas could apparently control when their mates came and when they did not. It was a strange sort of gift that could either bring great pleasure or great suffering to the mate.

  An alpha who played with his mate, who teased and tormented him without the intention of providing release, was a cruel alpha.

  An alpha who denied an orgasm for a few moments, knowing the pleasure it could give to his or her mate, was an artist.

  Bodolf was not interested in denying his mate anything. Especially not now. If this was an ability he had, then he would play with his mate later. He would discover his limits and help Dexter to reach past them. He would never use the man’s pleasure, or his mating heat, as an excuse to punish him.

  Well, maybe a little, but if he ever did that, then it would be for Dexter’s pleasure. Not for his suffering.

  Bodolf’s fingers trembled, seeming too thick, like sausages, as he struggled to get the wrapping off of the tiny bottle and get it open.

  It took too long. Bodolf growled and stuck a claw through the plastic at the side, squeezing the lubricant out from the hole he'd made, pouring the slick into his palm before tossing the bottle beside him carelessly.

  "Hurry. Touch me, please hurry."

  Dexter was clearly not in a mood to wait around. Bodolf noted the way his arm moved, that rhythmic motion that could only mean he was stroking his cock.

  Bodolf loved it. He watched the way Dexter's arm moved, and he wished it was him who was touching Dexter's cock like that.

  Soon. He pressed his clawless fingertip to the man's asshole instead. Teasing him, enjoying the shiver Dexter released.

  He was tight. Bodolf could see that and feel that, just by the way he let his fingers slide against the man pucker.

  “You want my cock inside you?”

  Dexter nodded, shivering again. “Yeah.”

  “I want that, too.” The wolf inside him growled, but there was nothing threatening about it. There was nothing to suggest the animal was about to lose it and do anything they would both regret because it wanted this, too.

  “I want to put my scent all over you. I want every shifter who ever crosses paths with you to know that you belong to me.”

  And to know that Dexter was not to be fucked with or else.

  “Tell me you want that, too.”

  Dexter didn’t reply. He continued to moan and twitch, seeming to have no control over what he was doing as he thrust his ass back against Bodolf’s fingers.

  Bodolf did, but now his inner wolf was growling at his mate. Still not threateningly, not even really a warning, but it was there. The wolf wanted something, and it was determined to get it.

  “Answer me.” Bodolf hooked his fingers, touching the man’s prostate, letting them linger there.

  “Nnnnnhg! I want it!”

  That was better, but Bodolf still pulled his fingers back. He pulled them back then thrust them in again, pulling back and thrusting forward one more time.

  He liked it. He liked the feeling of having his mate’s hold clenching around his fingers again and again. It was a pleasure all of its own, and as he stretched and scissored his mate, Bodolf realized Dexter wasn’t going to last.

  Bodolf had pushed him too close to the edge. He was going to come.

  Bodolf leaned in close, pressing his chest to Dexter’s back. He let his mouth and teeth play along the fleshy part of Dexter’s ear, tasting him, teasing him.

  “I’m going to fuck you, and then you belong to me.” He kissed and sucked on Dexter’s ear again, batting the man’s hand out of the way and gripping Dexter’s prick with his own.

  Dexter didn’t fight him on that. He moaned and let Bodolf take him, moaning as Bodolf pumped his cock.

  Then he was thrusting his ass back against Bodolf’s fingers while fucking into his fist.

  Bodolf chuckled, sucking on his mate’s throat, his teeth particularly interested in the flesh there.

  But then Dexter moaned, his body jerking and shuddering. Bodolf felt the clench around his fingers, the warmth shooting onto his hand as he pumped his mate through his orgasm, but even then, Dexter still wasn’t finished.

  His cock remained hard. He still moaned and puffed for breath as though he was a hairsbreadth away from orgasm.

  “Wh-what’s happening to me?”

  “Mating heat, baby.” Bodolf kissed his throat, stopping himself before he could do something he regretted. Like sink his teeth into that delectable flesh.

  “But…what…what is this?”

  Did he really not know? Well, some wolf souls liked to stay ignorant of these things, and maybe he’d tried to avoid anything about shifters in order to keep away from people, like those who had been trying to sell him.

  “It makes you want me and me want you. Don’t worry, this will pass.”

  Hopefully. Bodolf pulled his fingers free from the other man, and Dexter looked back at him with wide, almost horrified eyes. As though he didn’t want Bodolf to remove his fingers from him.

  “N-no, don’t stop.”

  “I’m not. I promise.”

  And he meant it. He wasn’t going to leave his mate hanging like this, but he also ne
eded to slick himself with the last of the lubricant on his hand.

  Giving Dexter two orgasms would hopefully be enough to curb the pain of the mating heat. It would allow them to travel much easier, especially now that Bodolf had done some healing thanks to their contact.

  But Bodolf was going to be gritting his teeth the entire time they were traveling together. Until he managed to get his mate out of here and in a place where they could properly fuck and work through their heat, he was going to be in agony. One orgasm was not going to cut it, but he didn’t have the time to be lollygagging around here, waiting for Nathan, or whatever the fuck his name was, and his men to find them.

  He pressed the crown of his prick against Dexter’s asshole, groaning at that small pleasure in and of itself. He pushed forward, testing the resistant, loving it as he felt Dexter’s body accommodate him.

  Fuck, he was so tight. If he wasn’t a virgin, then, at the very least, there hadn’t been many before him.

  Bodolf growled, pushing that thought away again. He didn’t want to think about anyone else having the body that Bodolf was taking now. Not when Dexter moaned and shuddered, his body suddenly opening and accepting Bodolf inside of him.

  “That’s it. Oh fuck. That’s what I want,” Dexter moaned. He pushed his ass back against Bodolf’s cock, as though he couldn’t wait to be impaled by him.

  And Bodolf was more than happy to let him do this. He gritted his teeth as he felt himself being swallowed up. Bodolf looked down, watching the length of his prick vanishing inside of Dexter’s body.

  And then he was home.

  Chapter Six

  Dex never in his life thought he would feel something like this. There was pleasure, like getting-off-in-the-shower kind of pleasure, and then there was pleasure.

  He’d never felt so out of control. So needy. So…animalistic. This urgent sense to have Bodolf inside of him, to claim him as his own, was unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

  And he did feel kind of whorish to be begging to be fucked like this.

  And yet, even though he’d never in a million years thought he would have these thoughts and urges, it was as though he were under some sort of spell. He shouldn’t want this, and yet the only thing he worried about was that he might die of lust if he didn’t get it.

  Dex took all of him in. He moaned when he felt the entire length of the man settle inside of him.

  Stretched wide open, burning, aching. Somehow it still wasn’t enough.

  He needed more. He moaned as though he hadn’t just had an orgasm, as though this was going to be the first orgasm of his life.

  “That’s what I want. God, move, please move.”

  Bodolf did. He didn’t hesitate, and thank God because Dex didn’t know how much more of this he could take. He moaned long and loud, throwing his head back, feeling like a wild animal as he was fucked hard and fast.

  Even when Bodolf reached his hand around, cupping it over his mouth, he could still hardly stop himself from crying out.

  “You need to be quiet, sweetheart. You’re going to bring the entire forest down on us.”

  But how the hell was he expected to be quiet when this was the best sex he’d ever had in his life? Not that there had been many for him to compare this to, but this, this…

  He never wanted this to end.

  He moaned into Bodolf’s hand, lost to the pleasure, loving every minute of it. Adoring this man and everything he was.

  He felt fur at his back, not just chest hair. It didn’t bother him. He felt claws at his mouth where Bodolf tried to keep him quiet. Didn’t bother him either. Even after everything he’d been through with those shifters who’d kidnapped him, he didn’t care that Bodolf was a shifter.

  He could be whatever the hell he wanted so long as he continued to cant his hips like that and make Dex feel good.

  More. He wanted more. He wanted the other man to fuck him harder, but he couldn’t tell him that because of the hand over his mouth.

  And God, the way he moved was like magic. Dex tried to push back against his cock, to pull the other man closer still to him, to make sure that he never left Dex’s body.

  It didn’t seem it was going to work out like that.

  It was too much and not enough at the same time. It was almost as though there was some sort of block inside him. Something preventing him from coming while Bodolf slammed inside of him again and again.

  At first Dex loved it, but then it got to be too much. He needed the release. His cock and balls hurt, and that hurt spread out into the rest of his body.

  “I…I need to come. Please. I want to come. I…I…”

  “I know, baby, I know.”

  But he didn’t know. There was no way he really understood the pain Dex suffered with because this was killing him.

  And Dex needed him to know that. He shook his head, gasping for breath as the pleasure turned into something else. The build-up within his body demanded release. He was going to implode.

  “Bodolf, please, I need it. I need it.”

  A desperation he’d never felt before filled him to the brim, and if Dex didn’t have his orgasm soon, he swore he was going to die.

  But then Bodolf pulled him up, sitting Dex down onto his lap. God, the other man was so damned huge that Dex felt tiny in his arms, and he wasn’t a twink.

  But the position was good, sitting on him like this gave the impression that the other man was fucking even deeper into him.

  Bodolf’s deep, growl of a voice in Dex’s ear seemed to be the thing that he needed because the moment Bodolf gave the command, Dex melted.

  “Come for me, sweetheart. Stop holding back and give me what I want.”

  As if that was the command that the other side of him had been waiting for the entire time, Dex was finally able to let go. His balls tightened, everything surged, and he shouted as the sweet release hit him.

  Bodolf had to cover his mouth again. Dex didn’t mind. He was more than all right with that as the other man grunted, fucking him through Dex’s orgasm.

  Somewhere in the back of his mind, Dex felt Bodolf coming within him. A beautiful rush of heat that filled him up. More than just where Bodolf’s cock touched, it spread throughout the rest of Dex’s body.

  He moaned again, unable to stop the sensation that he was being tied to the man. Silky threads, like spiderweb, shot out from nowhere and wrapped themselves around Dex’s and Bodolf’s bodies. Tying them tightly together before vanishing.

  But Dex could still feel those threads. He still knew he was connected to the other man, and he absolutely loved it.

  Dex fell against Bodolf’s chest. He panted for breath but still couldn’t quite catch it even as Bodolf started doing the majority of the work. He felt bad for just sitting there and letting himself be used, not putting any effort in while Bodolf still had to finish, but there was no more energy.

  Man, this guy was intense, though. He’d already had an orgasm, and yet he was fucking into Dex as though he was just getting started. How was he doing that?

  That fantastic high he’d reached had been entirely removed from him. There was nothing else to be done for it except to wait until Bodolf finished.

  It was about a minute or so later, after Dex’s body started to feel more than a little sore, that he felt another heated rush inside him. Bodolf growled low into Dex’s ear, his body shuddering, and then he seemed to slump.

  Even as tired as Dex was, as grateful as he felt for it to be over, he was stunned.

  Did Bodolf really come inside of him a second time? For real?

  Well, Dex couldn’t be too shocked. Bodolf had somehow managed to bring him off more than once within a time span of two minutes, so for him to be able to do the same shouldn’t have come across as that much of a stretch.

  Now the man was panting as heavily as Dex had been a moment ago. His body was warm. Really warm, actually.

  Well, it had always been warm, but this time around, it felt especially heated. As though the
re had been an actual fire lit inside of him.

  Bodolf almost sounded as though he was purring as he nuzzled at Dex’s neck, but that didn’t make any sense either.

  Dex took one look at him, and he was shocked to see fur growing on his face and around his throat.

  He laughed nervously. “You’re not about to turn into anything while you’re still in me, are you?”

  Bodolf shook his head. “You’re safe from my wolf. It just wants the chance to touch you as I do.”

  He wouldn’t stop nuzzling his face against Dex’s throat.

  It tickled with the fur, but he had to admit it still felt kind of nice, so Dex allowed it.

  “What was that?”

  “Mating heat,” Bodolf said, still sounding as though he were in a dream world.

  Dex swallowed. He was still in a haze, but he needed some answers. “Was that why you wanted to buy me?”

  Bodolf stopped with the lovey-dovey stuff pretty damned quick, pulling his face back from Dex’s neck.

  Dex had to admit he already missed the scratchy-soft feel of his fur.

  And then he missed the heat of his body pretty quick as Bodolf pulled out of him.

  Dex hissed, his body suddenly cold and empty, and he turned and looked at the other man, wondering if he’d just made a huge mistake.

  Bodolf gave him a look that Dex couldn’t place. “Get your clothes back on. We need to leave. You’ll have to ride me again.”

  Shit. It was practically full dark now with the trees blocking out the last rays of the sun, and his clothes were messy and all over the place.

  Dex righted his T-shirt and yanked his pants back on, but he couldn’t look away from the other man.

  “You wanted to buy me. Why?”

  “Let’s just get out of here and I’ll tell you everything you need to know when we get to my pack.”

  But Dex didn’t want to go to his pack. He wasn’t sure how much he trusted this man in the first place.

  “I don’t want to go to your pack. Take me to a police station.”

  “I’ll take you to my pack. It’s safe there, you can have a shower, and then I’ll give you a phone so you can contact whoever you want and we’ll get the police involved.”


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