Kidnapping a Mate

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Kidnapping a Mate Page 8

by Marcy Jacks

  “All right, lift your hips up, baby. You’re going to love this.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Part of Dex had to wonder if it was really a good idea or not to let the other man do this. He was still injured. Dex was going to have to ride in his lap to keep the man from opening his wounds while they healed up.

  And yet, Dex was a selfish man because, as much as he wanted to be responsible and say no, to make Bodolf wait until he was better recovered, it was as though he had no control over his own body.

  Bodolf thrust his fingers in and out of him, hooking and scissoring them, finding Dex’s sweet spot before pulling away.

  He never let his fingers linger long enough for Dex to get the real pleasure he craved from the man.

  But it was more than enough to tease him. To make him desperate to come. Desperate to come on Bodolf’s stomach.

  Wait, no, that would be a bad idea because there were bandages there.

  Fuck, now he wasn’t thinking right, and he needed to get a grip.

  “You should see yourself right now.” Bodolf leaned in, pressing his mouth to Dex’s chest. “Fucking down onto my fingers, your prick so pretty. I love the look of it when it curves against your belly like that.”

  Jesus. Who the hell talked like that? And why in the hell did Dex have to think it was so damned hot to hear it?

  His body was overheating, but Dex still craved more. As though the heat would be nothing in comparison to being without those fingers. Or Bodolf’s cock.

  He touched the man, taking Bodolf’s dick into both of his hands, stroking the man while he fucked down onto Bodolf’s fingers.

  Bodolf growled, a low noise deep in his throat. Once again Dex watched as some of the wolf’s fur began to come in through his pores, but it wasn’t much. He didn’t turn into the wolf man.

  If anything, Bodolf’s chest and arms just became a little more hairy.

  Dex decided he was into hairy guys. He liked it, and he wanted more.

  “You going to put this inside me, or are you just gonna keep teasing me?”

  Bodolf’s eyes flashed to that dangerous golden color. Dex shivered, but he didn’t feel threatened by this.

  He just wanted more. He wanted more until he couldn’t think about anything else. Until he was lost to the pleasure.

  Just as he’d been the first time Bodolf took him.

  The playful side of Dex suddenly vanished, and he was left with the desperate puddle he’d become when he needed the orgasm more than he needed air to breathe.

  “Don’t tease me so much today. Please. Not now. I…I need you, too, you know?”

  Bodolf’s expression changed, and then he nodded. “Yeah, I know,” he said, and he pulled his fingers out of Dex’s asshole.

  He hissed from the sudden loss, but then he sighed when he felt the head of Bodolf’s cock against his pucker, putting pressure against the ring of muscle.

  That was what he wanted.

  Dex sighed. He’d been waiting for this, and he hadn’t realized how much he’d needed it until right at this moment.

  “You ready?”

  Dex didn’t get the chance to so much as nod his head when Bodolf suddenly thrust up and inside him, impaling him, and Dex opened his mouth in a hard gasp.

  Bodolf released a heavy gasp. The man shuddered. It was like feeling a powerful creature bending the knee to Dex, and he had to admit it felt good to have such a powerful man beneath him moaning like that.

  For him.

  Dex had to remind himself that, despite Bodolf's size, and despite how fast he could heal when they were joined, the man was still injured. For that reason alone, he didn't add too much pressure as he wrapped his arms around Bodolf's neck.

  "Fuck me hard," he said into the man's ear, his mouth instinctually kissing and sucking and biting on Bodolf's throat.

  He wanted to sink his teeth into the man, like a vampire or something. He couldn't explain that, so Dex just settled himself with pressing biting kisses to the man's throat and jaw.

  Maybe it was an animalistic mating thing, but then it didn't matter what it was because Bodolf took Dex by his hips as he started fucking up into him, pulling Dex back and forth, encouraging him to move his hips.

  He didn't need to do that much encouraging. Dex groaned, thrusting forward and back as he bounced in the stronger man's lap.

  Maybe he didn't have to worry too much about how strong Bodolf felt, or his injuries, because, right then, Bodolf seemed to make it his mission to make sure Dex never made a nailing comment ever again.

  Dex couldn't seem to get a proper grip on the man as he was bounced up and down. It was ridiculous. He laughed as he was fucked and kissed because of how good it felt, and how high Bodolf kept pushing him.

  And he still needed more. Dex circled his hips, throwing his head back, groaning as he felt the heat of Bodolf's mouth on each of his nipples.

  God. The man could kiss and suck on Dex like that until the cows came home and it wouldn't be enough. Dex thrust his fingers into Bodolf's hair, trying to bring him closer still, but it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

  "F-Fuck me harder."

  He thought he heard Bodolf chuckle at that, but Dex couldn't be too sure. He was too busy struggling against the sweet sensation of being fucked like this.

  "More. God, give it to me harder."

  This time Dex was positive he heard a low growling noise. "If I give it to you any harder, I'm going to throw you off the bed."

  Dex did laugh at that. Even the intensity of pleasure couldn't stop him from finding that funny. Only then did he realize the noises the bed was making.

  Squeaking hard as though it were begging for some mercy.

  Dex got a crazy idea in his head about how funny it would be if he could break the bed while getting off, but he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to do that. This was Bodolf's bed, after all, and he didn't want the other man to have to spend his time recovering on the couch.

  "I thought you said you were going to nail me."

  Bodolf's eyes flashed to a shade of red.

  Dex grinned at the man, still bouncing on his lap. "This doesn't feel like a nailing to me."

  "Are you trying to kill me?"

  Dex couldn't help but laugh at that. "No, not really."

  Bodolf actually stopped fucking into him. He froze, staring up at him as though he'd just seen an alien.

  "What do you mean, not really?"

  Dex shrugged, realizing only then that he was panting for breath. "In a good way."

  "Is there a good way to kill me?"

  "With an orgasm?" Dex asked. "I wasn't thinking about it like that."

  Bodolf snorted, but then he started the slow process of circling his hips again, pushing his cock deeper into Dex's body.

  Dex hissed, closing his eyes and letting his head roll back. "Yeah, that's it."

  "You are so lucky you're cute," Bodolf said. "Otherwise, I might have been upset that you went ahead and insulted me while my cock is still inside you."

  Dex grinned at him. Sweat formed in a thin sheen all over his body. He was getting cold whenever he didn't move. He didn't want his body to cool down. He wanted the orgasm promised to him by his mate.

  He wanted to feel complete.

  "Do you feel better? When you're inside me?" Dex said, puffing and panting for breath as he built up his pleasure.

  "I feel very good when I'm inside you."

  Dex laughed then moaned as he felt his prostate being teased again and again by Bodolf's cock.

  "Not what I meant," he moaned. Dex had to shake some sense back into himself. He gripped the base of his cock, trying to hold back his orgasm. "I mean, does it help with healing you? Are you feeling better? Because, if you aren't, I could maybe focus a little more attention on you."

  Dex clenched his hole around Bodolf's cock, canting his hips and trying to bring Bodolf as much pleasure as he could.

  Dex was pretty sure he succeeded when it looked as though Bodolf was try
ing to keep his eyes open but couldn't quite do it.

  Dex grinned, and getting power trippy, he did it again.

  "You like this?"

  Bodolf showed off his teeth.

  Dex leaned back, smiling nervously at the other man. "Uh, do I need to be worried about that?"

  "That depends entirely on you."

  As though to prove his point, Bodolf took Dex's hand, removed it from his cock, and then thrust up into him so hard that there was no holding back.

  As though a dam had broken and Dex hadn't even been aware the risk to the dam was there. The man pumped his hips again and again, fucking hard into Dex then shocking him when he grabbed Dex around the waist, pushed himself up, and landed with Dex on his back, Bodolf on top of him.

  Dex wanted to tell him not to do that. That he shouldn't be letting himself get carried away like this when he could be hurt, but the fucking was so sweet. It was so good that there was no other way to describe it.

  Better than it had been the first time because at least now they were in a bed.

  Dex reached between their bellies. He couldn't think. He no longer cared about getting Bodolf's bandages dirty as he took his cock in hand and pumped himself hard and fast while his lover fucked into him.

  He barely had to touch himself before his belly clenched and warm cum shot out from him.

  Dex moaned long and loud, Bodolf no longer holding his mouth shut out of fear someone would hear them.

  Only now Dex kind of wished someone would hold his mouth shut because at least then he wouldn't have to worry about the entire pack hearing him screaming Bodolf's name.

  Bodolf continued to fuck into Dex long after Dex's body relaxed. Dex didn’t think he had anything else to give, but somehow there was still more. His body throbbed with the best sort of ache that came after being fucked so well by his mate. He felt a little sensitive, but aftershocks of pleasure continued to hit him, and then those aftershocks turned into something nuclear when the other man tensed and shuddered.

  Bodolf released a hard growl against Dex’s throat, and the warmth inside of Dex was beautiful. He sighed when he felt it, and like before, just like the first time, there was that sensation of being joined by invisible threads. Of being bound together in all the right ways.

  Forever and ever. And it didn’t scare Dex one bit that he was binding himself to another man for the rest of his life.

  If anything, it made him feel complete.

  He must have blacked out for a few seconds because, when Dex came to, it was to the feeling of Bodolf rolling off of him. The other man released a whoosh of air, letting his fingers slide through his hair before he turned and looked at Dex with a smile.

  “How do you feel?”

  “How do I feel?” Dex couldn’t believe it. “How do you feel? I mean…that wasn’t too much…was it?”

  Now that the desperate need that came with the sex was over and done with, all Dex could think about was what if he’d accidentally hurt the other man by being so callous with him. What if Bodolf had opened a wound?

  “Well, let me see.”

  “Wait, what are you doing?” Dex pushed himself to sit up, but before he could reach out and stop him, the other man was pulling his bandages back. Bodolf didn’t seem to have any regard for his own health, and when he took a look at the damage, it was with something of a careless shrug.

  “Not as healed as I would have thought, but much, much better compared to before.”


  Bodolf smiled at him then went back to looking at the wound on his stomach.

  It looked as though someone had sliced him a couple of times with a kitchen knife. The wound was shallow, still bleeding, but definitely nothing deep that needed to be worried about too much.

  “I’m fine. You should have seen this when Sasha found me. I was still healing, but damn. Having you here definitely made this much better to deal with. I probably kept it open as much as I did by moving around so much.

  Dex tensed. “Then we really shouldn’t have been having sex.”

  Bodolf raised a brow at him. “You don’t know anything about mating heats if you think the sex can be avoided. Trust me, in a couple of hours, you’re going to be begging to have me inside of you again.”

  Dex felt a miserable heat flooding into his cheeks at that comment, but he was pretty sure the other man wasn’t lying about it.

  After all, he’d begged to be allowed to come when Bodolf had been actively fucking him. It was as though the intelligent side of his brain had turned itself off and he became something so animalistic in nature that only instinct prevailed.

  “Well, I just have to be more gentle with you the next time around.”

  “Trust me”—Bodolf put his hand on the back of Dex’s neck—“you can be as rough with me as you want. You’re going to have your entire life to get used to seeing what a wolf can put up with.”

  Which was about when Dex realized he and Bodolf really were going to be together for the rest of their lives. They were going to have a life together. Most likely right here in this pack.

  “Does this scare you?”

  Dex swallowed, that warmth rushing through his body again. “No…not really, it’s just strange how fast it all happened. We just met, and…after thinking you were dead, I already know I don’t ever want to be without you.”

  And the more he thought about it, the less scared he was of it.

  He looked into Bodolf’s face, into his eyes, and realized there was no one else on the planet he wanted to be with.

  “A sexy, badass wolf who came to my rescue would make for a pretty fantastic life partner, right?”

  “That’s absolutely right.” Bodolf took him by the back of his head and brought him forward for a soft, sweet kiss.

  A kiss that ended too soon before Bodolf pulled back, eyes flashing, mouth quirking in a mischievous grin.

  “Because a foul-mouthed wolf soul sounds like the perfect life partner for me, too.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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