Durability: indestructible.
Balancer Divine bracelet.
Unique item.
On activation: on damage, balances the target with the attacker for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 24 hours.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Durability: indestructible.
Isis’ Blessing Divine artifact.
Unique item.
Isis, Old Goddess of Fertility, placed a particle of her being into this ancient artifact.
For a day, creates perfect weather within a 50 yard radius. All life within the artifact’s area of effect grows three times as fast.
Cooldown: 7 days.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Durability: indestructible.
Elemental Concentration
Divine ring.
Unique item.
The bearer of this ring gains +50% immunity to magic of fire, water, earth, air and electricity.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Durability: indestructible.
Divine scalable trident.
Unique item.
Damage: 4-8 * level.
A weapon of the Old God of Thunder, Zeus. Holds an enormous supply of energy that can summon lightning to strike down enemies once per day (can only be used outdoors).
On activation, summons a lightning bolt that deals 10,000,000 damage to the target. Cooldown: 24 hours.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Durability: indestructible.
Righteous Shield
Divine artifact.
Unique item.
Creates an impenetrable stationary magic bubble with a set radius. The effectiveness of the defense drops in proportion to the size of the bubble.
Fed by maria battery crystals. Ability to transform 10% of absorbed damage into mana to maintain shield.
Requirements: level 3 clan fort.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Grain of Transformation
Divine artifact.
Unique item.
Nothing wrong with changing your mind!
Onetime use: resets all main stat points and allows you to redistribute them.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Unconquered Herald Set
Epic scalable armor set.
Consists of 16 items: fist weapon, quiver, bow, helmet, necklace, shoulderpads, chestplate, belt, pants, boots, gloves, ring, bracelet, earring, cloak.
4/16 Unconquered Herald set bonus: damage taken reduced by 5%-
6/16 Unconquered Herald set bonus: 5% damage reflected back to opponent.
8/16 Unconquered Herald set bonus: 5% chance to reflect damage taken to the enemy in full. io/i6 Unconquered Herald set bonus: Thorn Aura (deals 300% base damage to all enemies within 30 feet once every 3 seconds).
Bottomless Healing Potion
Legendary potion.
Use: restores 30% of total health points. Never runs out.
Cooldown: 10 minutes.
Chance of loss after death lowered by 100%.
Pets, battle avatars and mounts
Swamp Needier Iggy
Epic battle pet.
Swamp needlers are gigantic swamp flies altered by emanations of the Nether. The mutation gave rise to a new species—aggressive, merciless and fervently loyal to the Nest. Your pet is one of the last five of its species. His ancestral Nest was destroyed, so now he is loyal only to you.
Storm the Storm Dragon
Legendary battle pet and flying mount.
+1500% movement speed.
The Storm Dragon, the last of its kind, the time ruler of the skies. It has never had rivals in the skies or on earth, which is what caused its extinction; every intelligent creature considered it a duty to find and destroy the eggs of the Storm Dragons.
An ancient mage preserved this particular dragon by sealing its essence in an artifact.
Is a battle pet and can take part in conflicts. Apart from basic moves, attacks with a precision lightning sti’ike.
Sharkon, Underground Terror
Divine battle pet.
An ancient mage suffering from an excessive sense of humor performed an experiment to cross a shark, turtle and armadillo. The animal turned out to be what he needed—deadly, armored and very stupid. His creator has long since diedand the deserted city he lived in—covered in sand. Sharkon became the terror of the Lakharian Desert and lived many thousands of years here until he met you. For some time, he had to exist as your undead servant. His soul was inexti’icably linked to yours.
With the help of the Sleeping God Tiamat and the essence of being of the disembodied Old God Neratakon, Sharkon was returned to life.
Diamond Worm Crash
Legendary free battle pet.
Diamond worms are extinct underground monsters that grow up to a hundred feet long. With a very thick skin covered in diamonds, they easily burrow paths through stone, cliffs and volcanic rock. No predators or monsters dared to enter the territory of the depth worm, lest they themselves became pray when the time master appeared.
Attention! This type of pet belongs to the free category: it must be bound to a specific area.
Crusher the Fierce Wolf
Epic battle pet.
This gigantic wolf ‘leader of the Gloomwood pack, was exposed to the breath of a Sleeping God in its youth. As time passed, his mind clouded, and he tore apart all the members of his pack, even his own cubs. This gave him new strength: the ability to summon the members of his fanner pack, and a ghastly howl that strikes fear into enemies.
When he died by your hand, Crusher turned undead and took on a new name: Punisher. The monster terrorized Gloomwood and was killed several times, reviving each time and absorbing dead energy.
Your fates were linked, then later, when you removed the mark of the Destroying Plague, Crusher was returned to life by the Sleeping Goddess Tiamat.
Ancient Reptile Montosaurus
Divine battle avatar.
The beast god Montosaurus, Ancient Reptile, hid from the New Gods for centuries in a spatial pocket on the island ofKharinza, where he destroyed all life. The Montosaurus acknowledges only strength. Having lost a duel to you, he has become your battle avatar.
Spotted Mechostrich
Rare mount.
+200% movement speed.
Once considered the height of gnomish technology, the mechostrich has become a popular means of transport among all the races of the Commonwealth. It requires no food, water or particular maintenance.
The gnomes sag that the mechostrich is made without a drop of magic, but then how does it restore itself and what is its power source?
Not a battle pet. Does not take part in conflicts. Hides head in the sand at first sign of danger.
Scyth’s achievements and rewards
Morituri te salutant!
You became the champion of the Junior Arena!
Rewards: Junior Gladiator rank; Junior Gladiator perk (+5% damage in battle against players; +5% to Resilience skill in battle against players; +10 to all main stats).
Fearless Explorer.
Discover 10 zones where no other player has ever been.
Reward: Strong Back perk (+50% carrying capacity).
Mightiest Punisher
You eliminated 500 players of an enemy faction at a much higher level than yours (by 50 levels or more).
Rewards: title Mightiest Punisher, perk Mightiest Punisher
(+25% damage against other players).
Most Magnificent Avenger
You interrupted the global record sti’eaks (one hundred or more) of unpunished kills of 25 players without a single death!
Rewards: title Most Magnificent Avenger, passive aura Most Magnificent Avenger (-25% to damage and defense of all nearby enemies).
The Lich is Dead! Long Live the New Lich…
You defeated the main crypt boss all on your’ own (!), an
d it was five times (!) higher level than you. Better yet, you didn’t even take any damage!
Dargo the Cursed Lich is dead, never to return. But before he shuffled off this mortal coif he inadvertently transferred you a modicum of his power.
Reward: passive skill Mark of the Desti’oying Plague.
Just A Perfect Day To Die!
You have leveled up to 500 without dying once, and your name will go down in the history of Disgardium!
Reward: chance of Second Life passive skill activating increased to 100%. Choice of where to revive after death (place of death or linked respawn point).
First Completion: Treasury of the First Mage.
The path opens to the courageous! You are the first in Disgardium to have completed one of the Paths of the Treasury of the First Mage!
Reward: Portal Key to the Holdest continent.
First Kill: Sharkon, Underground Terror
You are the first in the world to kill the local boss Sharkon, Underground Terror!
An ancient mage suffering from an excessive sense of humor performed an experiment to cross a shark, turtle and armadillo. The animal turned out to be what he needed—deadly, armored and very stupid. His creator has long siTice died, and the deserted city he lived in—covered in sand. Sharkon became the terror of the Lakharian Desert and lived many thousands of years here until he met you.
Reward: Sharkon’s Mane shield.
First Kill: Kar’sanmai Queen
You are the first in the world to kill the final boss of Kar’sanmai Lair—the Kar’sanmai Queen!
The Kar’sanmai Queen is dead, but before she died, she unintentionally gave you a modicum of her power.
Reward: Snow Wanderer perk.
First Kill: Devourer of Flesh, Giant Dalezma
You are the first in the world to kill the local boss Devourer of Flesh, Giant Dalezma! The Devourer of Flesh is an ancient dalezma of the solitoid genus. For centuries, it has grown in power, and with time it might have become the ruler ofTerrastera, if not for you.
Reward: Solitoid Terror perk (you deal 10% more damage to solitoids).
First Kill: Bonechewer
You are the first in the world to kill the final boss of Snowy Mutant Cavern—Bonechewer! The corrupt influence of the Nether gave rise to a cross between a polar bear and a giant scorpion. The beast terrorized the inhabitants ofHoldest until it ran into you.
Reward: Polar Explorer perk (you take 10% less damage from inhabitants ofHoldest).
First Kill: Crusher
You are the fii’st to defeat this local boss in the sandbox—Crusher! This gigantic wolf leader of the Gloomwood pack, was exposed to the breath of a Sleeping God in its youth. As time passed, his mind clouded, and he tore apart all the members of his pack, even his own cubs. This gave him new strength: the ability to summon the members of his former pack, and a ghastly howl that strikes fear into enemies.
Through your actions, Crusher was put to rest forever. He died a final death, but before he shuffled off this mortal coil, he inadvertently transferred a modicum of his power to you.
Reward: active skill Ghastly Howl.
First Kill: Mok’Rhyssa, Rock Queen
You are the fii’st to defeat this local boss in the sandbox—Mok’Rhyssa, Rock Queen! This monstrous centipede was one of the ruling leaders of a nation of insectoids, sentient sai’antapods in the Rock Hive.
MokRhyssa, Rock Queen is dead, but before death, she inadvertently transferred a modicum of her power to you.
Reward: Lifesteal property.
First Kill: Mur kiss.
You are the first to defeat this local boss in the sandbox—Murkiss! This nightmarish scorpion is a creation and incarnation of Evil from the Depths. The breath of a Sleeping God gave rise to this creature with a single purpose: to kill all sentient life, for it is said that the Sleeping Gods will finally awaken only when rwt a single thinking creature remains in all Disgardium.
Murkiss is dead, but before death, she inadvertently transferred a modicum of her power to you.
Reward: Depths Teleportation skill.
First Kill: Neratakon the Sand Golem
You are the first in the world to kill the local boss Neratakon the Sand Golem! The wandering essence of the excarnate Old God Neratakon took over a sand golem and gained strength, but the merging of the two creatures demanded so much mana that Neratakon spent most of his life rwt moving. For many years, he gathered tiny particles of magical energy and saved them, to one day awaken and become the overlord of the desei’t. And then he met you…
Reward: Inert Reinforcement Stone.
First Kill: Chuff, Queen of the Swamp Needlers
You are the first to defeat the final sandbox boss—Chuff, Queen of the Swamp Needlers! Emanations of the Nether corrupted her essence, transforming her brood into the most dangerous creatures of Disgardium.
Reward: Swamp Needier Egg.
First Kill: Shog’rassar, God of the Sarantapods
You are the first to defeat the final boss of the Sai’antapod Hive—Shog’rassar, God of the Sar’antapods. Cast out of this layer of reality by the Sleeping Gods, the ancient mage Shog’rassar made himself a god in another• world, subjugating the sarantapod race. Ever since, he has yearned to return to Disgardium, never losing hope. He created a portal through to our world and sent an advance party of sarantapods, and soon followed them through.
Reward: divine symbol Shog’rassar’s Protection (+50% damage resistance against insectoids; +100% poison resistance).
You are the first player to set foot on the continent ofHoldest, the most mysterious and obscure continent on the planet. A magnificent snowy desert, the coldest place in Disgardium, in the depths of which lies the South Pole. What awaits intelligent life on this continent? Unique environmental conditions that cannot be found anywhere else, unknown flora and fauna, deadly monsters and… who knows what else. Magnificent treasure? Lifeless wastelands? Death and oblivion?
Reward: title Pioneer, perk Pioneer (+300 feet to view radius, +10% to mounted movement speed).
Beast God Conqueror
The beast god Montosaurus, Ancient Reptile, hid from the New Gods for centuries in a spatial pocket on the island of Kharinza, where he destroyed all life. The Montosaurus acknowledges only strength. Having lost a duel to you, he is now your battle avatar!
Reward: Beast God Conqueror title, Beast God Conqueror perk (+10% reputation with beast gods).
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered — Forever!
You have received another achievement in the First Kill category on your first attempt! It seems the gods of Disgardium not only favor you, they give you prominence above all the other heroes!
Reward: combines all rewards of the previous stages of this achievement; title Dungeon Hero, perk Dungeon Hero (+25% damage and movement speed in instances).
First Ever: Level 400!
You are the first in Disgardium to reach level 400! Your name shall forever be recorded in history; people like you expand the limits of what is possible for all sentients, and give others an example of what can be achieved!
Reward: artifact Grain of Transformation.
First Ever: Level 500!
You are the first in Disgardium to reach level 500/ Your name shall forever be recorded in history; people like you expand the limits of what is possible for all sentients, and give others an example of what can be achieved!
Reward: active skill Flight.
First Ever: Mightiest Punisher
You have earned the Mightiest Punisher for the first time in the history of Disgardium!
Reward: ColdBlooded Punisher.
First Ever: Most Magnificent Avenger
You have earned the Most Magnificent Avenger achievement for the first time in the history of Disgardium!
Reward: perk Magnetism (loot from enemies you defeat is automatically sent to your inventory, with filtration options available).
First Ever: Just A Perfect Day To Die!
Achievement Just A Perfect Day To Die! earned for the first time in all the history ofDisgardium!
Reward: active skill Spirit Shackles.
Treasury of the First Mage: Path of Courage
To the brave will be given! May the walker take gg steps! You completed the Path of Courage!
Reward: ability to make one achieved stat boost permanent for use outside of the Treasury.
Choices available:
+50% base damage
+30% movement speed
+20% dodge chance
+20% parry chance
+50% critical damage
+10% critical hit chance
+50% armor
+5% chance to stun an enemy for 1 second when dealing any damage.
That Doesn’t Happen!
Defeat an enemy who is more than ten times higher level than you.
Hmm… You better• contact tech support and make a bug report. Did the mob get stuck in the terrain? Haha, just kidding. Everything is possible in Disgardiurn! What an incredible achievement!
Reward: Legendary Storm Dragon Summoning Whistle.
I’m on Fire! I am the Fire!
Defeat 100 enemies who are more than five times higher level than you.
This is so impossible that it speaks for itself You re on fire, no doubt about that.
Rewards: +100% health points; Diamond Reputation Token (+2000 with any faction instantly).
Holy War Page 40