stalks. Dabney was trying very hard not to let the disparity in stature show too much. He glanced around the bar. The Roasan Wobble Ball team was gone and so were his Poker partners. The Quint bouncer and bartender stood nearby peering at him as he stood there in only his pants, still bare foot with his large chest, dark brown hair rampant upon it bare for all to see. He normally didn’t like baring his chest. He didn’t much like his hair. Fortunately, there were no humans in the room as they didn’t seem to have tracked down the screaming woman and the only patrons still present were the Grousans who had begun to expel hissing, belching chuckles from their seat in the corner.
The Quint Bartender and bouncer looked at each other.
“He doesn’t look the same,” said the bouncer.
“The bartender nodded. “I don’t remember him being so darkly colored.”
The officer nodded, his eye stalks bobbing. “Yes, yes. But humans normally wear more covering than this. His front was probably covered when he was in your place.”
The bartender shrugged. “Beats me whether it was the same human. They look too alike to me. Why don’t you cut him loose?”
The officer’s eyestalks bobbed sedately and with some grunting he reached up and patted Dabney on the shoulder. “Well, thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Indiana. You can go, but keep your toys off planet from now on.”
Dabney nodded to the officer and the bartender and the bouncer and the Grousans and walked out of the bar with a spring in his step. He noted with a glance that the booth where his acquaintances had sat was bare and he walked over it and leaned to take a look at the cushion. Nope, his boots and socks were gone. Perhaps the Roasan and the Septapus had traded one item for another so that they had matching pairs. His shirt was also gone. He sighed and walked out of the bar with his hands in his pockets. He wondered if he could find ankle high boots to fit a human on this planet. He began to blush and hunched his broad shoulders. He wondered where he could find a shirt quickly. It was one thing for other species to see him like this; it was another for a human or a chick to see.
Until next time.
I hope you liked this, the first installment of Dabney’s adventures. There will be more since Dabney has a lot of things to lose and gain.
I’m Caitlan Burns, I write. I have several books in progress and one complete.
The Wind-Up Terrier; A ladies’ patent office Mystery is a an alternate Victorian era mystery that I’ve nearly completed.
If you like what you’ve read, I’d appreciate if you checked out my other works, especially since, the more interest I see, the more I feel the fervor to write.
How Dabney Got His Hat Page 3