Minor Magics: The Demon Code

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Minor Magics: The Demon Code Page 12

by Sara C. Roethle

  “What about the bodies?” Audrey asked.

  I stared at the bodies in question. “They’ll be taken care of. The werewolves are efficient.”

  She huffed out her nose. “And you wonder why I want nothing to do with the vampires and wolves. They dump bodies often enough that it’s standard protocol.”

  She was right, so I didn’t argue. “Let’s get out of here. I don’t want to be around if the human police show up first.”

  “No sirens yet,” Chase observed.

  I looked up at him, wondering if the bodies bothered him as much as they bothered me, or if he’d become a hardened criminal in his time with Sam.

  He looked a bit green around the edges, and it made me smile. “Small blessing, that.”

  He nodded, likely thinking I was referring to the lack of sirens, when really, I was referring to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The vamp they'd managed to snag was the first one I'd lit on fire. Tonight really wasn't his night. His eyes darted from me, to Devin, to Jason, then back again. His hands flexed where they were bound with chains to the metal chair arms, probably longing to wring our necks. A wooden chair and ropes wouldn’t be enough to hold any vampire. Some could break through the metal too, but this vamp was new. He wasn’t all that strong yet.

  Part of me wanted to kill him where he sat. We still hadn’t found Allison. Half the wolves were still out looking for her, and tracking the other vampires. It made me sick to not be out there looking for her too, but with my human speed and sense of smell, I was utterly worthless. I was physically stronger than a human, but that didn’t help until we found someone to beat up. Our vampire captive claimed he didn’t know why any of the vamps would take Allison, that no one would care about one measly human, but we were about to get to the bottom of things.

  I took a final scan of the warehouse, spotting Chase leaning against a far wall with a worried look in his eyes. Probably feeling guilt over Allison.

  There were other wolves milling around the large warehouse, keeping an eye out for any more vampires. For once, I didn't envy their keen sense of smell. The warehouse reeked of mildew, garbage, and other unmentionable odors. There hadn't been any humans there when we arrived, but it was obvious some had been staying there recently. We'd need to be careful.

  "Who told you we'd be in that alley tonight?" I asked. We had plenty of pressing questions, but that one was bugging me the most.

  "No one," he answered. "We smelled wolves in our territory and came to clear them out."

  It was an obvious lie. Audrey had glamoured away everyone's scents, but the vamp didn't know that. He was probably too stupid to realize he couldn't smell any of us now.

  I summoned a fireball into my palm. "You already know what I can do with these, and I’m running out of patience. You might want to talk."

  He stared back at me. Defiant.

  I turned my attention to Devin. "Vampires can still talk with their hands and feet burned off, right?"

  Devin stroked his chin in thought. "It won't kill him, so I imagine he'll be able to speak once he recovers from the searing agony."

  I turned back to the vamp, fireball still in hand. "Speak, scream, what's the difference?"

  "I don't know who told us!" he blurted. "I was told where to go, and that's it."

  Well that was easier than expected. "You haven't been dead long, have you?" I asked.

  His face shut down again, but his reaction was enough. This man was very new to the vampire world, even newer than I’d suspected, which was worrying. It was risky turning humans into vampires. Many didn't survive. How many humans had the big bad boss vampire gone through to get the "success" strapped to a chair before us?

  "Who told you to go there?" Devin asked. When the vampire sealed his lips into a tight line, Devin gestured once more to my fireball.

  The vampire's broad shoulders rose and fell with a heavy sigh. "His name is Stanos. He calls all the shots. That's all I know." He looked to Jason, standing silently between me and Devin. "You better report to him soon. He doesn't allow vampires in his territory unless they answer directly to him."

  I furrowed my brow. With our scents disguised, he shouldn't have been able to tell what Jason was. "How did you know he was a vampire?" I asked. "Could you smell him?"

  The vampire's gaze turned suspicious. "I can't seem to smell anything right now, so no."

  "He was one of the ones who attacked me at the inn," Jason explained.

  "Did Stanos order you to attack Jason?" I asked the vampire.

  He nodded. "Like I said, no vamps allowed unless they answer to Stanos. He’ll collect the demons next.”

  I extinguished my fireball and crossed my arms. "Got it. Now just tell us where to find this Stanos and we can all be on our merry way."

  The first hint of real fear leaked into his eyes. "No way. He'll kill me if I tell you."

  "Xoe will do worse than kill you," Devin countered.

  He shook his head. "I'll take my chances."

  Well great. I wasn't really prepared to torture him. Throwing fireballs in battle was one thing, igniting a vampire tied to a chair was quite another.

  I sucked my teeth. "You know, we could just keep you here until you starve."

  He shook his head again. ”You wouldn't risk a human coming by. The Werewolf Coalition doesn't need any bad press."

  This was getting tiresome. I looked to Jason and Devin, who both shrugged. If our little friend wouldn't talk, we could always trace the scent of the other vamps from the scene of the fight, but it would be better to know the location before we stormed the castle.

  Suddenly I had an idea. If I was going to be in with the Demon Council, I might as well make the most of it. "I can take him underground," I offered. "There won't be any vampires or humans walking in on us there."

  The vampire snorted. "We have demons on our side you know. They'll rescue me."

  I highly doubted that. Not the demons on their side, but that they'd rescue him. Most demons didn't give a flying fart about other supernatural races unless they proved valuable assets. This vampire was most definitely not a valuable asset.

  Devin seemed to think about it, though I suspected it was mostly an act for the benefit of our new friend. "Yes, I think that's a wise plan," he said to me. "I'm assuming the Demon Council has a dungeon? Perhaps they'd be willing to keep him there, now that you're one of them.”

  The vampire struggled against his bindings, drawing our attention back to him. Once we were all looking, he stopped. "Don't take me underground," he pleaded.

  I walked back toward him. "Why not? I thought all your friends would just rescue you?"

  He glared at me. I'd lit him on fire and was now threatening him. This was probably a vampire I wouldn't want to release back into the wild. He was young and stupid, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous.

  He was the first one to look away. "Stanos is scary, but the demons he works with . . . if they hear I'm anywhere near the Demon Council, they'll torture me for centuries. I'll tell you where to go."

  I raised my brows at him. Should have known he'd be more afraid of criminal demons than anything else. The Council will just execute you. Rogue demons, at least the few I'd met, tended to be ancient and had a sick sense of humor to their violence.

  “Do you think Allison will be at there?” I asked.

  “Your human friend? If they took her as leverage over you, that would be the safest place to keep her.”

  I sure as hell hoped that’s why they wanted her. If they wanted to use her as a bargaining chip, they’d need to keep her alive.

  "You have to do something for me too though," he continued.

  I crossed my arms as Devin and Jason both came to stand at my back. "Name it.” I didn’t like working with someone who’d just attacked those I cared about, but if it would get Allison back . . .

  His eyes darted between the three of us, unsure we'd keep our word, most likely. "You have to get me out of Shelby. I c
an't be anywhere those demons can find me."

  I tilted my head. "Why are you willing to give everything up and run now? You weren't just a moment ago."

  He licked his cracked lips. "If it's between being trapped in the underground waiting for the demons to find me, or being free to run away as far and fast as possible, I choose the latter."

  I turned to Devin. "Can we accommodate?"

  He nodded. "The Coalition will see to it."

  I turned back to the vamp. "It's settled then, tell us everything you know."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Our captured vampire, Steven, became nice and chatty once he had a secure way out of town. I was beginning to suspect this Stanos didn't treat his people very well. While Devin instructed a group of wolves to escort Steven to another location where he'd await safe transport, I searched the warehouse for Chase, eventually finding him peeking out an open sliver in a boarded up window.

  He turned toward me as I approached. "Please tell me we know where Allison is. If she gets hurt because of this—“

  I held up a hand to cut him off. "We have a location, but I'm calling in demon backup for this. Steven is very afraid of some bad demons the head vampire is working with. I'm not going to take any wolves into that sort of fight."

  "You're not keeping me out of this," he said before I could even mention it.

  If I wasn't so tired and worried, I might have smiled. "I wasn't planning on it. I want you there in case you recognize anyone who knew Sam, but you can't come in with whoever the Council sends. I don't want them to question why a demon on trial for murder is there. You'll follow at a distance, watch with binoculars if you have to."

  He shook his head. "I don't like you going in without me to watch your back."

  This time I did smile. He was exhausted, and frankly, looked like hell, but was still just worried about me. "Ethan is a powerful demon, and I imagine anyone else he brings in will be powerful too. You're just going to have to trust me on this, just like Jason and all the wolves are going to have to trust me. I'll get Allison back, and get to the bottom of what Stanos is planning."

  He watched me for several long moments, the only light the lantern near Steven's now vacated chair. "Okay," he agreed, "I'll hang back, but if it seems like you're in trouble, I really don't give a damn if the Council sees me."

  I held out my hand. "Deal."

  He took it, and we shook.

  I released his hand and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Can you find Audrey and tell her she might want to hightail it back to her inn before the demons arrive? I'm going to call Ethan."

  Chase watched me for a moment more, nodded, then went to find Audrey.

  Ethan answered on the second ring. "I didn't expect to hear from you so soon."

  "I found the vamp hideout," I explained. "And I also learned their leader is working with demons scary enough to make lesser vampires tremble in their boots, so I'm going to need that backup."

  "My you are efficient. Where should we meet you?"

  I gave him the address of the warehouse. It was as good a place as any for a group of demons to appear unseen.

  "We'll be there in twenty minutes," he replied, then hung up.

  A moment later, Chase returned with Audrey.

  I glanced around the warehouse, then turned back to them. “The Demon Council is on the way, they’ll be here in twenty minutes. You both should go.”

  Audrey straightened her coat. “Fine by me, but what about your human friend?”

  My gut clenched. “Hopefully we’ll find her at this hideout. I’d rather keep her away from the Council too, but since she’s human they shouldn’t be overly interested in her.”

  Audrey nodded. “Will all of your wolves be going?”

  I shook my head. “No, I want to keep as many of them away from the Demon Council as I can, not to mention we’ll be charging into a lair of rogue demons, and at least one ancient vamp. I won’t risk them.”

  Her eyes were calculating. “You really aren’t like any demon I’ve ever met.”

  I shrugged. “I was raised human.”

  She looked toward where Devin was talking with a few of his wolves. “I’ll stay with your leader. I’m sure some of those vamps recognized me. I’d rather not be left unprotected now until they’ve been dealt with.”

  “Good idea.” I turned to Chase. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s a risk putting you near the Council.”

  “I’m coming with you, Xoe.”

  I sighed. I knew Jason was gonna say the same, but if this Stanos had it out for him, I didn’t want him anywhere near the whole affair. “Fine, but binoculars, that’s it. You and Jason will both stay far enough away that no one can smell you if the glamour wears off.”

  Jason approached as I said the last. “I think we can all live with that.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, that’s the point.”

  Audrey cleared her throat. “Well, this has been a lovely evening, but it’s time for me to take my leave. Have fun with your Demon Council.” She turned away, her boots clacking as she walked toward Devin.

  I looked from Chase to Jason, then back again. “It’s time for you two to hide, and when we leave, keep your distance. I’d rather have you lose us, then have the demons realize you’re following.”

  “Xoe!” Devin called across the warehouse.

  I turned as he chucked his keys at me. Jason’s hand shot out and caught them before they could reach me. Just as well, I inevitably would have fumbled them. He turned and handed them to me. “Be careful.”

  “I’m always careful, how many times do I have to tell you that?”

  He smiled. “Just a few more.” He turned to Chase. “Let’s go, we’ll wait in my car on the street.”

  They followed the wolves as they filtered out of the warehouse, eventually leaving me alone.

  The space became far too quiet for my liking. Every tap or groan was a demon or vampire in disguise. When the last car had driven away outside, I walked toward Steven’s vacated chair, jingling Devin’s keys in my hand as I went. I sat, then leaned my elbows on my knees.

  “What an odd place to meet,” Ethan’s voice said from behind me. I hadn’t heard him arrive. I hadn’t even felt a shift in the air.

  Remaining seated, I turned toward him. “Don’t tell me it’s just you. Weren’t you supposed to bring back up?”

  He walked toward me. “They’re outside, I want to make sure we’re not followed.”

  I resisted the urge to squirm. Had they spotted Jason and Chase outside?

  Ethan offered me his hand.

  Ignoring it, I stood. “Let’s get this over with. I’ll drive.”

  Ethan caught up to walk at my side. “Why not just travel? I can give you a free pass while I’m here.”

  I reached the exit. “I only have an address, I’ve never been to this place,” saying that, I wondered how Ethan had managed to travel to a warehouse he’d supposedly never visited. I shook my head. “And I’d like to approach slowly. I have no idea how many vampires and demons might be waiting. Heck,” I added, walking out into the quiet night air, “they might even have witches. There could be demon wards. They won’t bother me,” I looked him up and down, “but I have a feeling they might bother you.”

  “Yes, I am nearly full-blooded demon.” He said it like it was something to be proud of, which I’m sure he thought it was. For me, half demon was more than enough.

  Three more demons waited outside. Two women, one tall and thin with short black hair, and the other petite with what looked like mousy brown hair, though it was hard to tell in the dark, and one man, stocky with his dark hair buzzed closely to his scalp.

  They didn’t seem terribly scary. “Well at least we’ll all fit in the car.”

  Ethan only smiled. “Trust me, we are more than a match for rogue demons, and an ancient vampire or two.”

  I started walking toward Devin’s SUV, parked near the perimeter surrounded by a chain-link fence. “What ab
out three?”

  Ethan reached the SUV at the same time as me, claiming the front passenger seat while I climbed into the driver’s side. The other three demons piled into the back. I put on my seatbelt, started the engine, and backed away from the fence.

  “Now three ancient vampires,” Ethan said, continuing our conversation, “three I fear would destroy us all.”

  The male demon in the back chuckled.

  I put the SUV into drive and headed toward the open gate. “Demons really have the worst sense of humor.”

  The demon in the back laughed again, thus proving my point.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I hadn’t seen Jason’s car anywhere on the way up, but I was pretty sure I’d spotted his headlights a few times as I drove, following the directions from the GPS on my phone.

  There was nothing out of the ordinary about the house we approached at the end of a long paved drive, at least as far as human eyes could see. I parked about thirty feet back from the wrought iron gate.

  I turned to Ethan. “Do you sense any demon wards?”

  His eyes on the moonlit gate, he shook his head. “No, but I sense . . . something.”

  His three cronies were silent in the back seat.

  “Something . . . demonic?”

  “Perhaps.” He opened the door and stepped out.

  Shaking my head, I did the same. I glanced in the direction we’d come, wishing I’d known if Jason and Chase were parked nearby, or if they’d fallen behind. They had the address at least. They could find it on their own. While I wanted them to stay out of this, I’d have felt safer knowing they were nearby.

  I followed Ethan up the driveway while his three cronies tagged behind us. Ethan walked up to the wrought iron gate, examined it, then pushed it open. It was just an old school gate, with no alarm or electric sensors that I could see.

  Ethan continued leading the way up the drive, and I had to jog to catch up with him. “So I guess we’re not worrying about the element of surprise?”

  He kept walking. “They are vampires. They already know we are here.”


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