Minor Magics: The Demon Code

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Minor Magics: The Demon Code Page 15

by Sara C. Roethle

  Ethan sighed. “Fine, I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. I tracked you through the phone I gave you. You should have been honest with us, it won’t do for you to withhold secrets from the Council.”

  “Well it doesn’t really matter now considering you scared the vamps and they took Nix.” I hiked my thumb in Sam’s direction. “I doubt we’ll be getting much more information out of this one.”

  Ethan smiled a truly frightening smile. “No matter, we have all we need.” He gestured toward Sam. “Apprehend him.”

  Legs and Mouse stepped around Ethan.

  Sam lifted his hands and backed away. “Please, Chase, they’ll kill me. You have to let me go.”

  “I’m not the one stopping you.” Chase’s voice was pained.

  Ethan laughed. “My dear demons, no one escapes the Council for long. Ms. Myers is the only one who seems to understand that.” He glanced at the witches huddling in the corner. “You two, leave now, unless you want to be killed for hearing too much.”

  Rose tugged on Mel’s hand, but Mel resisted. “We are not leaving until we find out where Nix went. She deserves to die for what she’s done.”

  Rage washed across Ethan’s normally bemused expression. It was the first real emotion I’d seen from him. “Do you think it wise to threaten demon lives in front of the Council? The only reason you still live is because I imagine one of our own,” he extended a hand toward me, “would like you to remain alive. But Ms. Myers’ protection only extends so far.”

  This time when Rose tugged, Mel went, but she glared at us all as Rose dragged her past Ethan and up the stairs.

  Once we were witch-free, Ethan turned his attention back to me. “Now, would you like lenience administered to the sphere-stealer? Or is our business here concluded?”

  Sam looked to me with Legs and Mouse on either side of him, but it was the pleading look in Chase’s eyes that did me in. He would never forgive himself if Sam died because of him, even though Sam hadn’t paid him the same courtesy.

  Jason stood back, smartly staying out of demon business. Honestly, I was surprised Ethan hadn’t made him leave too.

  As I looked from Sam to Chase, I realized exactly what had happened. I sucked my teeth and cocked my hip as I turned back to Ethan. “You were the one who framed Chase, weren’t you? He said one of the Council’s Sanguis Demons found the murder weapon in his apartment, but there was no murder weapon because Sam is still alive.”

  Ethan laughed. “I knew I was right about you. You’ll be a valuable asset.”

  “You used me to find Sam. You knew he wasn’t really dead, so you framed his brother, my ex, knowing he would come to me for help. That first demon I saw at the warehouse, then again at the inn. He was one of yours, wasn’t he?”

  He nodded. “I sent Arturos to keep an eye on you. To make sure you were doing as we wished, and finding the clues we’d hoped you’d find.”

  “And he went back and burned the warehouse after we’d seen what we needed to see?”

  Ethan smiled.

  “But why?” I pressed. “You already knew I’d be helping the wolves with the vampires and rogue demons. You already had what you wanted.”

  He strolled further into the room. “Ah, but I didn’t quite have it. I didn’t have a contract signed in blood, but it is forbidden for us to use illegal means to force a contract.”

  I furrowed my brow. “You had me, then you lost me.”

  “I could not simply threaten an innocent demon to force you into signing a contract. The Council holds Demon Law above all else. Chase would have never gone to trial, he would’ve never been executed, but Sam on the other hand,” he paused for dramatic effect, “his crimes are real. I am within my legal rights to apprehend him, I just needed to find him first. He will go to trial, and he will be executed. Only through the pardon of a contracted member of the Demon Council may his punishment be lessened.”

  Manipulative bastard. He knew Chase wouldn’t want Sam killed, and he knew I wouldn’t want to hurt Chase. Just how long had he been watching me? For how many years?

  A shiver went down my spine. It didn’t really matter how long he’d been watching, because he totally had me. “Let me guess, I’m the only person who would care enough to lessen his sentence, and to do that, I have to sign your contract.”

  “Very good, I was beginning to think you weren’t as smart as I’d originally thought.”

  Jason moved to my side. “Don’t do this, Xoe. Sam deserves to pay for his crimes. He would have gotten Chase killed, just like he got your father killed.”

  “I wouldn’t have been killed,” Chase interrupted.

  Jason glared at him. “But Sam didn’t know that.”

  “He’s still my brother.”

  I held up a hand to stop their bickering. Honestly, if I was only considering my feelings, I’d let Sam die and I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. Who knew how many lives he’d ruined? Not to mention he knew exactly the consequences he risked in stealing the spheres.

  “Where’s the damn contract?” I grumbled.

  Jason put his hand on my arm. “Xoe, no. Don’t let them force you.”

  I looked to Chase. “Is this what you want me to do?”

  He swatted at a tear on his cheek. “I know I cannot ask it of you. A contract with the Council is forever. There’s no going back.” Another tear slid down his face.

  Damn it all, I hated tears. I turned back to Ethan. “I’ll ask one more time. Where’s the damn contract?”

  Ethan smiled the proverbial crocodile’s smile. He had me. I knew it, he knew it, we all knew it. The only question was, now that he had me, just what did he plan to do with me?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After a thorough search, we left the lair behind, thoroughly defeated. No Allison, no Nix, and no answers except the ones I wished I had realized sooner. If I’d only refused that stupid phone from Ethan, we could’ve figured out what to do with Sam on our own, and I wouldn’t have signed Ethan’s contract in blood. Now I was an official, full-fledged member of the Demon Council, something my father had wanted me to avoid at all costs.

  We reached Jason’s car and Devin’s SUV to find Mel and Rose waiting for us. Rose’s compact car was now parked behind Devin’s vehicle.

  Spotting us, Mel stepped out of the driver’s seat. “We are going to track Nix again, you can’t stop us.”

  I tugged Devin’s keys out of my jeans pocket and unlocked the SUV doors. “Have fun getting murdered by ancient vampires.”

  Mel approached, blocking my way into the SUV. She crossed her arms. “I can handle vampires.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “In case you didn’t notice, your spell didn’t do jack to those two old ones. They’re too strong for you to handle, but if you want to try, I mean, you’re pretty annoying, I’m not going to stop you.”

  “Xoe,” Jason interrupted, “we should get back to Devin, let him know what happened.”

  Rose walked up to Mel and tugged on her sleeve. “It’s time to let it go, Mel.”

  Mel turned wide eyes to her. “Nix killed your sister. She destroyed your family.”

  Rose threw up her arms. “Do you not understand that we almost died tonight! The Demon Council could have us killed with a single thought, and it wouldn’t take those ancient vampires much more effort.”

  Mel’s jaw clenched. She still hadn’t moved out of my way. “We can’t back down to the vampires. I won’t become their slave.”

  Rose turned to me as she said, “I know when to admit I’m out of my league. And I know not to make a true enemy out of the only member of the Demon Council who cares if I live or die.” She turned back to Mel. “We can’t keep making enemies just to avenge my family. Nix will get what’s coming to her one way or another.”

  Mel’s shoulders slumped. “It’s your choice what to do with Nix, but I won’t ally myself with demons.”

  I cleared my throat. “No one is asking you to. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if I never had
to see you again.”

  She leaned against the SUV. “The feeling is mutual.”

  I gestured toward the vehicle. “And yet, you’re still blocking me from leaving.”

  Mel pushed off the SUV, then stormed past Rose.

  Rose bit her lip, despite the new hair and the new angry lover, she reminded me more of the teenager I’d known than ever. “I’m sorry I let it go this far. I’m sorry my need for vengeance helped push you into this situation.”

  “Not that I’m not happy to hear it, but what changed your mind?”

  “Sam might not have killed your father, but his actions led to his death.” She looked down at her feet, then forced her eyes upward. “Yet you indebted yourself to the Demon Council to spare his life.”

  I shrugged. “I’ve never been praised for making good decisions. I figured I might as well keep it up.”

  Rose nodded. “I’ll let go of what Nix did to me, but not because I’ve forgiven her, or I don’t think she deserves to die. I’ll let it go, because you’ve been a friend to me despite our differences, and I know if I’d been the one in danger from the Council, you would’ve saved me too.”

  I wasn’t quite sure what to say, so I didn’t say anything. Mel was already waiting in the driver’s seat of their car.

  Rose patted my shoulder. “Be careful, Xoe.”

  I rolled my eyes and smiled. “I keep telling you guys, I’m always careful.”

  I watched her leave, then turned back to Chase and Jason. I looked to Jason first. “Do you mind driving by yourself back to Devin’s?”

  He gave me a tight-lipped smile. “Of course not, I imagine you have a lot to talk about.” He glanced at Chase. “I’ll see you both back there.” He walked toward his car, leaving Chase and I alone.

  I gave Chase a cool look. “Shall we?”

  He managed a small smile, then walked around to the passenger seat.

  As I opened the driver’s side door, I debated what I’d say to him. Could I really blame him for wanting to save his brother? Would I have done the same if the roles were reversed? I wasn’t really sure about the latter. I’d never had a brother. I’d had an evil grandmother once, and I’d been just fine with her dying, but I suspected the situation was a bit different. I knew if I had needed him to join the Council for someone I cared about he would have done it. He wouldn’t have refused me, just like I didn’t refuse him. I knew he’d done the only thing he could think of given the situation, but I still wasn’t sure I could forgive him for it. He’d altered my life forever.

  Question: How do you forgive someone for ruining your life?

  Answer: Maybe you don’t. Maybe they just have to live with their own decisions. Maybe he actually had to suffer a consequence, which was nice, because in that, at least I wasn’t alone.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The following evening found me at the address listed on Stanos’ note. By this point I was pretty sure he didn’t want to kill me, so I went alone. I’d claimed I was going to the Council to meet with Ethan, leaving behind Jason, Chase, and the wolves to continue the search for Allison on their own. I could only hope they wouldn’t get themselves into much trouble while I was away, but considering the number one baddie was meeting with me, they should be alright.

  I leaned my back against the home’s brick exterior wall. I was early.

  I looked up at the moon, thinking of the mess I was in. Chase was at least safe, and Sam was in custody. While he’d still go to trial, he wouldn’t be killed. He would just serve out his sentence behind bars.

  Movement to my right alerted me to Stanos’ presence. Audrey was at his side, her red hair covered by the hood of her green coat. Somehow, I wasn’t surprised to see her. Someone had betrayed our plan to the vampires the night Allison was taken. It made sense that it was her.

  I watched them approach. “I’m here, now where’s Allison?”

  Stanos inclined his head. “She’s being returned to your wolves as we speak.”

  I pushed away from the wall. “Don’t lie to me. Where is she?”

  He stopped walking a few paces away from me. “I told you she would be returned once you met with me.”

  “And what’s to stop me from leaving now that she’s safe?”

  He smiled. His cheeks were so gaunt, the expression looked painful. “I have faith that your curiosity will compel you to hear me out.”

  I crossed my arms. “You’re killing people in Shelby. You had your goons attack Jason. You’re gathering half-demons. And you’re framing werewolves for vampire murders on the East Coast. What else do I need to know?”

  He put his hands in the pockets of his black dress coat. “I knew your father for very long time.”

  Yeah, he knew I would stay to listen, and he knew that was why. “I doubt the two of you were friends. He wasn’t really into the killing of innocents.”

  He removed one hand from his pocket and stroked his chin as his lips curled into another painful to look at smile. “No, he was not, but he was also exceedingly pragmatic. More so than his daughter, methinks.”


  “A war is coming,” he explained. “This world is going to change. The vampires and demons are stronger than the witches and wolves. It is only natural that we should rise to the top. The Demon Council will stand in our way, but they will not be able to match the strength I have gathered. It would be wise for you to join us.”

  I wrapped my arms more tightly around myself. “Yeah, no thanks.”

  He stepped toward me, and I stepped back. “You will not have a choice in this, Alexondra. You may value your friendships, but above all, you are a survivor. Just like me.”

  I looked up the long bony length of him. “I’d say I’m nothing like you, but some of us don’t want to be walking clichés.”

  He laughed. “I see you have at least inherited your father’s sense of humor. Do you still have his old books and journals?”

  “How do you know about those?” I did still have them, but I hadn’t mustered the heart to ever look at them. They sat gathering dust on the shelf in my dad’s study.

  “Search them. There is a leather journal I believe you’ll find quite enlightening.”

  I shifted my weight to my other foot, I was getting antsy to get back and check if Allison had actually been delivered. Just then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. My real phone. Ethan’s phone had met a quick death under the tire of Devin’s SUV.

  Stanos gestured toward the phone buzzing in my pocket. “Answer it. Assure yourself that your friend is alive and well.”

  I did.

  “Xoe,” Jason’s voice said as soon as I answered. “Allison is back. She doesn’t know why, but the vamps just dropped her off. Did you have anything to do with this?”

  I kept my eyes on Stanos and Audrey. “I’ll explain later.”


  I hung up the phone.

  “I always keep my word.” Stanos stepped back. “Now go home and sort through your father’s things. There’s no point in us speaking further until you do.”

  “Now wait just a—”

  He was already gone.

  I turned my attention to Audrey. “You played us. You told him our plan. That was how he knew to have Allison taken.”

  Audrey shrugged. She at least seemed embarrassed about the whole situation. “I told you he was blackmailing me. I couldn’t risk being handed to the Council. At least with Stanos, I have the illusion of freedom.”

  I stuck my hands in my coat pockets and rocked back and forth on my heels. “I suppose this makes us enemies.”

  “It doesn’t have to.”

  “Yes it does. Where will you be when the full moon comes?”

  She looked down at her feet. “As far on the sidelines of this war as Stanos will allow.” She looked back up. “I am sorry, you know.”

  I shook my head. “Doesn’t matter.”

  She smiled softly. “I suppose it doesn’t.” With that, she walked past me, then continued
on down the street.

  Maybe she had a car coming to pick her up, but she could walk all the way back to her inn for all I cared. I wasn’t about to help her out.

  Grumbling to myself, I walked toward the back of the house. I’d had to take a cab there to avoid the suspicions that would come with borrowing someone’s car. Now that I’d seen the house, I could travel back at a later date. Not that I’d likely need to.

  Out of sight from the street, I closed my eyes and envisioned Devin’s driveway. Tomorrow, I’d go back to obeying the Demon Code. Tonight, I was tired, and Ethan and the rest of the Council could suck it.

  The next morning I was back in the underground. After returning to Devin’s to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for, and to make sure Allison hadn’t been tortured—she hadn’t—I’d gone home. After an awkward goodbye, Chase had returned to his apartment to continue on with his life.

  I sat on the floor in my dad’s study, next to my cup of coffee. Dorrie was in the kitchen making us a late breakfast. I sifted through various books and journals, wondering what the heck I was looking for. I doubted I’d find anything labeled as obvious as, Journal of That One Time I Met Stanos the Vampire.

  I set one journal aside, then took up another. This one was held closed by a piece of twine wrapped around a decorative metal clasp inlaid in the leather cover. I unwound the twine, stiff with age, then opened the journal. Sheets of paper, yellow and thinned by time, fluttered to the carpet.

  I picked one up just as Dorrie entered the study behind me. “Whatcha got there, Poptart?”

  I examined the paper, feeling uneasy. I was pretty sure I already knew what it was, but I forced myself to look, holding my breath as I read it.

  I lowered the paper to my side. “It’s a contract. It’s a full book of contracts my father made with mortals.”


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