Realm of Knights

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Realm of Knights Page 13

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  Reid’s father was friends with the late King Hudson. Did he know any of this?

  “Henrick decided to get even with his twin brother, so he dressed in Hudson’s clothes and seduced Leigh. They slept together. In the morning, he revealed he was Henrick, not Hudson, and he laughed in her face.”

  Reid’s stomach twisted. The thought of someone doing that to another person was revolting. Poor Lady Leigh.

  “Ashamed and afraid Hudson would no longer marry her, my mother didn’t tell anyone what happened. She went on to marry Hudson, but she discovered a short while later she was with child. When I was born only seven months after they were married, she knew I was Henrick’s son.”

  “Did Hudson question her about it?”

  “No. I was a tiny baby, so people assumed I was delivered a little early.”

  “And Henrick didn’t tell Hudson?” If the point of Henrick sleeping with Leigh was to get back at his brother, wouldn’t he have thrown it in Hudson’s face and told everyone?

  “Henrick never had the chance. Before the wedding took place, my grandfather became extremely ill. On his deathbed, he felt guilty Henrick had nothing, so he granted him the county of Axian as compensation. The king died, Hudson was crowned king, and Henrick moved to Axian. He didn’t attend the wedding, and he has never once visited us here in Alder.”

  “What happened to the duke of Axian?”

  “He didn’t have a male heir, so the land reverted to the king.”

  Dread coursed through Reid as she started to understand the machinations of the kingdom. Not only was Henrick sending soldiers north, most likely testing the counties’ defenses and response times, but he’d also sent two groups of assassins to try to murder Gordon, Ackley, and Idina. Now Reid understood why Henrick hadn’t wanted to kill Eldon. “Henrick plans to take the throne, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, he does. As to what he intends to do with me, I don’t know.”

  “Does he have a strong enough army to challenge ours?” Even though Axian was a large county, it wasn’t nearly as big as the other counties combined.

  “The size of his army isn’t what concerns me.” Eldon crossed his legs. “Of all people, you should understand what this means. Since I am not King Hudson’s son, his land and title cannot pass to me, even if he named me his heir.”

  Reid understood land and title could only pass from father to son. Eldon was neither to the late king. Which meant Gordon was the legitimate heir. However, no one knew the truth. Even if Henrick claimed Eldon was illegitimate, he had no proof.

  “I received a letter a few weeks ago from Henrick. He demanded I step down and pass the crown to him. If I don’t, he’ll expose the truth of my birth. I confronted my mother, who confessed everything. She begged me not to tell my brothers and sister. I agreed not to say anything for the time being. But I don’t think I can keep this from them.”

  Reid understood that. “I assume you have no intention of stepping down?” Otherwise, he wouldn’t be telling her any of this.

  “No, I do not.”

  “Good.” Henrick would be a tyrannical leader. Even if Eldon wasn’t the true ruler of Marsden, at least he was a good and fair king.

  “Which is why I need you.”

  Reid had no idea how she could help him.

  “Henrick claims to have evidence I’m his child, and he plans to show it to the dukes.” And since the late king hadn’t named a legitimate heir, the throne could shift to Henrick because he was the direct descendant of King Broc. “The dukes will have no choice but to back him. Henrick will have the throne without a bloody war.”

  Which was probably why he’d been trying to kill Gordon, Ackley, and Idina. If the siblings were dead, they couldn’t contest the throne. The plan was surprisingly well thought out. “How can I help?”

  “Your unique situation is what’s going to save us all.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Ackley told me you were raised as a man. Which means you can pretend to be a man in order to travel into Axian alone. Once you’re there, I want you to dress as a woman and sneak into Henrick’s palace. I need you to find the evidence he claims to have.”

  “Please tell me you know what the evidence is.” Unless he knew, she’d never be able to find it. She wasn’t a trained spy, and this was well beyond her capabilities.

  “Mother said he boasted of having everything in a small box disguised as a book. You won’t be able to open it because it’s locked. What I need you to do is find the box and bring it to me.”

  If the box looked like a book, it had probably been hidden among others in an office or on a bookshelf in the library. Reid rubbed her forehead. “To clarify, you want me to travel into Axian as a man, go to Henrick’s palace as a woman, find a box that looks like a book, and bring it back to you?” That seemed like an awful lot for her to accomplish on her own.

  “That is precisely what I need you to do.”

  “Why me?”

  “We only employ men in our army,” Eldon explained. “And Henrick knows this.”

  And since Reid was a woman, Henrick wouldn’t suspect her. “You don’t have someone better suited for this task than me?”

  “Both my brothers speak highly of you.” His eyes darkened and his cheek twitched. “Plus, I know the truth and have something you need. I know your father lied, and you want him pardoned for his crimes. In addition, he has no legal heir. If you do this for me, I will grant the pardon and allow the duke’s land to be deeded to anyone he so chooses.”

  The same thing Ackley had promised her. When the prince went to the king to procure the items, he’d unknowingly told the king what she desired most, thus putting her in this awkward position.

  Eldon stood and went over to his desk, rummaging around. He returned to the sofa holding a piece of paper. “Here’s a map.” He handed it to her. “You can go east, through the Modig Mountains here.” He pointed at a spot with a small “X” written on it. “There won’t be any soldiers in this area, and there is an archway that will allow you passage to the other side. Henrick’s palace is here.” He pointed to a marked square. “Here’s a bag of money for the journey.”

  “When do I leave?”

  “Gordon returns to Lake Folme in a couple of days. I’ll send Ackley on an errand to get him out of here. Once they’re both gone, you’ll leave.”

  She nodded and stood. A couple of days wasn’t a lot of time to prepare for a journey of this magnitude.

  “And remember, you can’t tell a single person.”

  “I understand.”

  Eldon bowed his head, and Reid assumed it was her cue to leave. When she exited the room, Harlow was still standing in the hallway waiting for her.

  “Shall I escort you back to the great hall?” the queen asked.

  “No, my bedchamber will suffice.” Reid wanted to change so she could go into the city to find her friends.

  Harlow led her down a flight of stairs. “Your room is that way.” She inclined her head to the left.

  After changing into pants and a tunic, Reid pulled her hair back and tucked it under a cap. Satisfied, she exited the castle, passed through the gate in the wall, and entered the bustling city. She made several turns, making sure to backtrack a few times in case someone was following her. She even went into a couple of stores just to be certain. When she felt confident she didn’t have a tail, she snuck out the back of a store and into a deserted alley.

  Her friends were most likely staying at one of the less expensive inns, so she headed to the outskirts of the city, visiting every inn she could find to inquire after them. She had to be careful since she was in the seedier section. A few people were sleeping on the street, most windows were so dirty she couldn’t see through them, and several malnourished children asked if she had any money or food to spare.

  Just when she was about to give up, she heard music coming from a tavern a block away. Nearing it, she saw a small dilapidated inn located above the building. She climbed the
outside staircase, then entered the second level. Blinking, her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. An elderly man with a graying beard glanced up from behind his desk.

  “I’m looking for two men. They just arrived today,” she said in a deep voice.

  He nodded. “Room three.”

  Reid went down the narrow hallway until she came to a door with a three painted on it. After knocking twice, she entered. Both Knox and Harlan were asleep, Knox on the bed, Harlan on the floor. She cleared her throat.

  Knox flew upright, a knife in hand.

  “It’s just me,” she said. “I could have stabbed you before you realized someone was in here.”

  Groaning, Harlan sat up. “We’re exhausted. We’ve hardly slept the past week while traveling here.”

  She’d figured as much. “We need to talk.”

  “It’s good to see you wearing pants again,” Knox said. “The dress threw me off.” His voice was gravely from sleep.

  After closing the door, Reid stepped farther into the room. “What I’m about to tell you is confidential. Understood?” she whispered. Both men agreed. “I’m being sent on a mission. I can’t tell you where, and I can’t tell you what I’m supposed to do. However, I don’t think it’s wise for me to go alone. I’d like the two of you to accompany me.”

  “Of course,” Harlan said without hesitating.

  “The duke would be furious if we didn’t,” Knox added as he tucked the knife under his pillow.

  “I’m leaving in a couple of days. We’ll need to meet up somewhere so no one sees you with me.”

  Harlan pushed to his feet and came over to Reid, searching her eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Are you in any sort of trouble we should know about?”

  “I’ll explain more later. Just be prepared to travel for about three weeks.” It was just a guess. She wasn’t actually sure how long it would take to get to Henrick’s palace in Axian or how long she would be there. “When I figure out where to meet, I’ll let you know.” She made a move to leave.

  “Do you want to have a drink with us?” Knox stood, stretching his arms over his head.

  “I need to get back before I’m missed.” She’d already been gone longer than she’d intended.

  “If you change your mind, you know where to find us.”

  Reid left her friends, hurrying toward the castle. Nearing the gate in the wall, she found Ackley lounging a few feet away from the sentries on duty.

  “I was wondering when you’d return,” he said by way of greeting. Pushing off the wall, he joined her. “Care to tell me where you’ve been?”

  “Out exploring.” He didn’t need to know the particulars.

  The sentries granted them entrance.

  Walking along the path that led to the front of the castle, Ackley asked, “Were you with your friends?”

  “I was on my own.”

  He glanced over his shoulder. Lowering his voice, he said, “I heard King Eldon spoke to you this morning.”

  She nodded, not able to discuss it with him.

  “Is it true no one else was in the room?” He grabbed her elbow, pulling her to a stop.

  “Yes.” She jerked her arm free. “We had a private conversation, and I am not at liberty to discuss it with you.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You do understand you’re a Knight—not a whore.”

  It felt as if he’d slapped her. Was that what people were saying? That because the king had seen Reid alone in his private sitting room, she must be sleeping with him? Pivoting, she stormed away. As Lord Ellington, she could have private conversations with men without being questioned. But as a woman, the same courtesy wasn’t extended. Frustration boiled inside of her.

  “Reid,” Ackley barked from behind her. “I am still your prince, and you cannot walk away from me.”

  Stopping, she took a deep breath. Once she had her temper leashed, she whirled on him. “What do you want, Your Highness?” Her words were sharp and mocking.

  Taking slow, deliberate steps, he neared her, invading her personal space. “You are a Knight.”

  “I know.”

  “You belong to me.”

  Her spine straightened. She belonged to no one but herself.

  “Tell me why my brother summoned you,” he demanded.

  “I’m not at liberty to say.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  Tossing his head back, he groaned. “Eldon is sending me to the county of Ryder to meet with the duke.”

  She shrugged, not sure what this had to do with her.

  “Gordon is engaged to Duke Ryder’s daughter. I am going there to have the finalized contract signed so the ceremony can take place.”

  Reid had only seen Gordon with Lady Dana once, and there hadn’t been any passion between them. The marriage had to be a political match. “I’m surprised the king is sending you. Doesn’t he have people who do that sort of thing for him?”

  His eyes flashed. “I’m the useless errand boy.” Leaning closer to Reid, he whispered, “But I’ll admit it feels like he wants me gone. Away from you. Now why is that?”

  His warm breath tickled her ear, and she retreated a step. “You came to Ellington,” she pointed out.

  “Gordon went to Ellington. I accompanied him.”

  “Why?” She’d never thought to question his presence there.

  “Since I’m such a good swordsman and Eldon thinks I have nothing better to do with my time, he wanted me to go with Gordon because of the recent attacks from Axian rebels.” As he spoke, his words became slower and his hands curled into fists. He mumbled something and turned his back to Reid, cursing.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he snapped, putting his hands on his hips. “I need you to answer yes or no to my questions.” His focus remained on the castle. “Did my brother touch you?”

  That was easy to answer. “No.”

  “Did he ask you to do something for him?”


  “Did he swear you to secrecy?”


  “Are you leaving the castle?”


  “Is whatever he wants you to do dangerous?”

  She hesitated. “Yes.” Which was why she’d asked her friends to accompany her. She wasn’t stupid enough to travel into a hostile county, sneak into the prince’s palace, and steal something without having some sort of backup.

  “Could someone else do this task instead of you?”

  Again, she hesitated. It was difficult to answer with a single word. “No.” Another Knight may be better trained to accomplish the mission. However, since she was the only female Knight, she would have the best chance of success.

  “One last question. Is whatever you’re doing helping Marsden?”

  Another question she couldn’t easily answer. If the truth came out, both Henrick and Gordon would have a legitimate claim to the throne. However, since the late king didn’t specifically name Gordon his heir, there was a high likelihood Henrick would be the victor. Marsden had strict laws and regulations, which had to be followed.

  Eldon seemed like a good king—he was fair and kind. Marsden was prosperous. From what she knew of Henrick, he was evil and incapable of ruling justly. So why was she hesitating with her answer? It came down to the fact the law was the law. And she was knowingly breaking it. Just like her father had when he’d said Reid was a boy. Did that make the law unfair? Or wrong? Did she have the right to decide something so important? Wasn’t that why there were ten counties and dukes? To ensure the law was upheld and justice prevailed? She rubbed her forehead. “I am helping King Eldon.”

  “But what of Marsden?”

  “I can’t be certain.” If Gordon, Ackley, and Idina knew the truth, they would probably support Eldon. They might even want the evidence destroyed. If Eldon was the legitimate ruler, she wouldn’t hesitate. However, he wasn’t. And that was where things became muddled.

  Ackley faced her. “You’re a Knight.”

  She nodded.

  “If you need help,” he whispered, “don’t be afraid to ask for it. Knights support one another, understand?”

  She pinched her lips together, afraid to say anything. While she understood what the king was asking of her and why, she wished she had the support of the Knights. If one went with her, he could help plan how she would sneak in the palace. His advice would be invaluable, especially since he had more experience doing this sort of thing than she did.

  “Reid?” Ackley said, drifting closer to her.

  “The king outranks you,” she reminded him.

  “I know.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “But know this—the Knights are my family, too. That’s the only way our organization works. We have to trust and support one another.” His right hand slid down her left arm, stopping at the spot where she’d hidden her tattoo beneath her sleeve. “Anyone who bears this mark,” he squeezed her arm, “is trustworthy.”

  He could be testing her on Eldon’s behalf. “I understand,” she replied. “And I thank you for your support.” She edged backward, so he no longer touched her. Why was she second-guessing everyone? Why had this odd feeling of unease filled her?

  “What’s going on?” Gordon asked, making Reid jump.

  She hadn’t even noticed him approaching. “I’m just returning from the city.” Sidestepping the brothers, she strode toward the castle.

  “Don’t forget what I said,” Ackley called after her.

  Raising her hand in acknowledgment, she was relieved when neither brother pursued her since she needed some time alone to get her thoughts in order.

  Chapter Twelve

  At supper that night, Ackley was notably absent, having already left for Ryder. Reid couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation earlier. Should she have trusted him enough to reveal where the king was sending her? Or had she done the right thing by not telling him? She didn’t know. At times, he seemed sincere and trustworthy. Other times, he came across as cunning and dangerous.

  “Reid,” Gordon said, gaining her attention.


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