A Case of Extreme Mistaken Identity

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A Case of Extreme Mistaken Identity Page 16

by Lieske, Victorine E.

  Well, he had a point. Why did she always do that to herself? She always assumed she was being stupid. Now, she’d embarrassed herself again.

  I don’t know. Forget I said that.

  Dani’s face grew hot. Why was she always like this? Now he was going to think she was drunk texting him, or something like that. But she had no other intelligent thing to say to him.

  She grabbed her pillow and put it on top of her face, hoping to smother out the embarrassment. Why did she even text him? He was probably with a girlfriend or something. How lame could she be?

  Her phone alerted her to another incoming text. She held her breath, pretty sure it was Austin saying he was busy and please don’t text him again. But when she read his text, her heart did a small leap in her chest.

  I miss you, too.

  She touched the words, which blurred as tears formed once again in her eyes. He missed her. Did that mean he wasn’t dating anyone else? That he might want to talk to her?

  She gathered up the courage and texted back.

  Maybe we could get together sometime.

  She waited ten minutes for an answer, but none came. Her heart sank as she realized that no answer was probably the answer. He maybe missed her, but he didn’t want to see her again. He had gotten over her and moved on. And that probably was for the best. She had told him she didn’t want to date him because of his fame. If she saw him again, she would be opening up that world of cameras and paparazzi. The world she hated.

  But if she were being honest with herself, she was hurt that he didn’t want to see her.

  * * *

  Dani wiped down the counter as there was a lull in customers. She’d been working since eight that morning, and right now was the first break in the steady stream of people coming in the door, and it was almost noon. The Friendly Bean was a popular place.

  The bell above the door rang and someone walked in. Dani glanced up and froze. Austin stood there, his thumbs hooked into his jeans pockets. Her pulse quickened and she had to force herself to breathe normally.

  He walked up to the counter. “Hey,” he said casually.

  Her heart did not know how to function properly. It decided to beat so wildly in her chest that she had no idea how it was even pumping blood around. “Hey,” she managed to say.

  “Sorry I couldn’t continue our conversation last night. I was driving.”

  “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have texted me back.”

  He shrugged. “I was in the drive-through while we were chatting, so I wasn’t texting while on the road. But I wanted you to know why I didn’t answer back after you suggested we get together. By the time I got home, it was late and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “Oh.” She twisted the towel in her hand, her mind racing. He didn’t blow her off last night. And now, he was here, at her place of work. “How did you know I’d be here?”

  His cheeks turned pink. “I saw where you work on the news.”

  “You mean the gossip channel?” She tried not to smile, but failed miserably.

  Austin chuckled. “Yeah.”

  She glanced at the clock. “I get a break here in a second. If you don’t mind waiting a couple of minutes…”

  “I don’t mind.” He motioned to the menu. “I’ll take an Americano.”

  “Okay. I’ll bring it to your table.”

  As she made his coffee, her fingers trembled. Why was she so giddy? She needed to calm down. This was a simple visit from a man who helped her six months ago. Nothing more. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel it was something special.

  After she made his coffee and clocked out for her break, she sat across from him at a small table near the entrance. Her stomach fluttered as she looked at his face. His sculpted cheekbones and defined jawline made him extremely handsome. How had she forgotten how good-looking Austin was? She nervously glanced down at the table. “So…”

  “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable by coming here.”

  “No,” she said too quickly. Her face flushed and she shook her head. “I mean, it’s fine.”

  “I admit I was surprised to hear from you last night.” He picked up his coffee cup. “I didn’t think I’d hear from you again.”

  Guilt rose in her throat. She had cut off all communication with him. She hadn’t meant to ever see him again. Which was probably stupid of her, because she really liked the guy. He was a truly nice man. How could she have doubted his intentions? “I wasn’t sure either.”

  “I have to be honest. You broke my heart six months ago.”

  He raised his gaze to meet hers and she lost all rational thought. His blue eyes pinned her to the spot. She swallowed, trying to think of words to say. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready to go through that again.”

  His words stung, and she leaned back in her chair. He hadn’t come to see her again? Had she misunderstood? She ran a finger over the edge of the table, unable to speak.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not quite sure why I came. I guess I wanted to see if my feelings for you had changed.”

  She grew brave and looked at him. “And they have?” she asked quietly.

  He shook his head. “No. Which is probably why I should leave.”

  Dani couldn’t even think straight. He was going to leave? She tried to speak, but no words would come out of her mouth. He stood, his chair scraping on the tile floor. “It was nice to see you, Dani. I’m glad you’re doing well.”

  She sat on her chair, frozen, unable to process what was happening until Austin had walked away. The bell rang on the door and broke her out of her state. She jumped up and ran after him. She caught up with him in the sidewalk. “Wait,” she called out, grabbing his arm.

  He turned to her, his jaw working. “Dani, I’m sorry. I can’t. I thought I could see you again and be fine, but it turns out that I just can’t.”

  “Don’t go,” she said, her voice cracking. She needed Austin in her life. She didn’t know it six months ago, but she knew it now. Her life was dull and gray without him.

  There was no one like Austin. He was the kindest man she’d ever encountered. He helped her out of the goodness of his heart. He didn’t want anything from her. He simply helped because she needed help.

  She stared up at him, her emotions swelling in her. She had no idea what else to say to him. He was precious to her. She couldn’t have him walk out of her life again. “I need you,” she whispered.

  He blinked, his features softening. “If I thought it could work between us…” He didn’t finish his sentence.

  “I was wrong,” she blurted out. “I was so unsure of my own feelings. And what I wanted out of life. I didn’t realize I would be so lost without you.”

  He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I’m still famous. If you date me, you won’t be out of the limelight.”

  “I don’t care anymore.” She hadn’t realized how true those words were until she said them. Yes, she still hated the paparazzi and being on camera. But people would stop being curious about them dating after a while.

  “You don’t care?” He raised one eyebrow.

  “I guess…I mean, I do care. But I care less about being on camera than I do about being away from you.” She was messing this up. The words weren’t coming out right. She shook her head. “I mean…I love you.”

  He took a step back from her. “You what?”

  She couldn’t turn back now. She had to keep going, or she was afraid she’d lose him again. “Somewhere in the last six months I realized that I had fallen in love with you. And I regret not holding on to you.”

  Tears formed in her eyes and her vision blurred, but she had to keep going. “I miss you every night. I thought maybe I could get over you, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I can’t seem to get over you.”

  Austin wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was warm and soft. When he brok
e away, he put his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. “I love you, too.”

  She was so relieved that she kissed him again. “I’m sorry I was so mistrusting of you.”

  “I understand. You had a lot of reasons to be.” He stroked her cheek.

  “I don’t want to say good-bye again.”

  “It might be hard, with my schedule, and with the cameras sometimes.” He stared into her eyes.

  “I know.”

  “But if you’re willing to hold onto me, I’ll make sure you don’t get hurt.”

  Her heart swelled. “I’ve learned my lesson.” She kissed him again. “I won’t let go.”


  Dani stood at the back of the church, her fingers clutching the bouquet of flowers so tight, she wondered if she were going to break it. Her heart raced, and she took a calming breath. It would be okay. It was a small wedding, in a tiny church, just the way she and Austin wanted it.

  Her father walked up to her and stretched out his arm. “It’s almost time. Are you ready?”

  She nodded and took his arm. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “You sure about this?” Her father motioned to the chapel. “He’s the one you really want?”

  It was such a dad thing to say, she burst out laughing. “Daddy…”

  Her father smiled and winked at her. “I’m just teasing. He’s a good man. I like him. And you know I don’t say that about just anyone.”

  “I know.” She smiled at him.

  The music began, and her father opened the door for her. They started walking down the aisle. Dani made sure she didn’t trip over her dress as the “Wedding March” played.

  As Dani got closer, Austin turned to her. The way he looked at her, with such love in his gaze, melted her heart. She couldn’t believe she was going to be married to Austin. He was the most loving man she’d ever known. He was the blue sky in her world of gray. He always knew what to say, or what to do. He was her rock.

  It was a crazy coincidence how they had met, at the resort on Grand Cayman. And it was embarrassing that she’d mistaken him for the maintenance man, but Dani now believed it had been fate. She was meant to be with Austin Scott.

  Her father let go of her arm and took his place. She stared into Austin’s eyes. He gave her a quick wink. She held in a giggle. He was reassuring her, as he always did.

  They had no paparazzi there. Hardly any guests, even. It was family and very close friends, and that was it. To say that she wanted an intimate wedding was an understatement. She actually had wanted to elope, but her father had been so disappointed, she’d finally relented and agreed to a small affair.

  The minister spoke, and she tried to listen to what he was saying, but it was difficult. She was going to be married to the love of her life. That was so hard to believe. There had been a time in her life when she’d thought that was impossible. She wasn’t sure if she could ever trust a man again. But she was so thankful that she had put herself out there and had texted Austin. This last year had been full of so much joy.

  Austin reached out and took her hands in his. It was time for him to recite his vows. “Dani, I’ve loved you ever since I saw you covered in Jacuzzi tub bubbles.”

  A smattering of chuckles came from the audience. He smiled at her. “I am so thankful for you in my life. I promise to love, honor, and cherish every moment we have together. My life is better with you in it. I look forward to spending every morning and every evening with you.”

  Her turn. She cleared her throat. “Austin, words cannot express how lucky I am to have met you. I was lost in a world of pain, and you threw me a lifeboat. You saved me, literally. You are my hero. I’d be lost without you. I’m so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life loving you.”

  The minister made a few more remarks and then told them it was time to kiss the bride. Austin leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and made the kiss more passionate. A few people hooted in the audience.

  She grinned at him. This was it. They were now husband and wife. She couldn’t believe her luck. Of all the people to get stranded on an island with, Austin Scott was the perfect one. He was her savior, her knight in shining armor. He was her one, true love.

  And she was looking forward to spending the rest of forever with him.

  * * *

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  Here’s a sneak peek at my next book A Deception of Massive Proportion.

  Sneak Peek: A Deception of Massive Proportion

  Chapter 1

  Riley adjusted her glasses as she stared over the novel she was using as a prop. The gentle sound of cascading water from the nearby fountain joined the soft music playing over the speakers to create the upscale atmosphere in the lobby. People came and went as the afternoon turned late and the busy time for checking in heightened. She couldn’t help bouncing her foot as she nervously waited for Shadow Walker to enter the Billionaire Club resort.

  She was a pond sucking lowlife. A tabloid reporter. Riley had come to terms with it. It was better than her last job which was being the hotdog on times square. No, she didn’t sell hotdogs. She was the hotdog. You know those annoying people in costume who try to get you to take a picture with them? Yeah. That was her. Being a bottom feeder tabloid reporter was actually a step up from that.

  But she never thought she’d find herself sitting incognito at a resort, waiting for the famous masked singer Shadow Walker to come in. Of course, if he wasn’t in costume, she wouldn’t recognize him. No one knew his true identity. But even if he wasn’t in costume, she knew exactly what his manager looked like. She’d done her homework. Jalen Carter had a very distinctive burn mark on his face making it impossible for her to miss him.

  The lobby door opened but a woman entered, and Riley let out a breath. So much was riding on this. She’d taken a huge gamble to even come to Grand Cayman. She bit her lower lip as doubt made her chest tighten, and not for the first time that morning. When Gary had said she could have a promotion if she uncovered the famous masked singer’s true identity she knew he’d been joking. But the more she thought about it, the more the idea wouldn’t leave her.

  And Sheila didn’t help at all, encouraging her to take vacation time and buy a plane ticket. She even called to reserve Riley a room at the exclusive resort where Shadow Walker would be performing. Some roommate she was. She probably just wanted the apartment to herself.

  Anxiety surged in Riley. If this didn’t work, she’d be out a ton of money, and could kiss any thought of a promotion good-bye, and then she wasn’t sure how she would get the money to save her father’s home. He was about to be evicted, and had nowhere to go. She could maybe manage things if she had a raise. But at her current income she couldn’t make it work.

  Digging in her purse, she exhaled when she saw the last piece of wintergreen gum. She unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth. The burst of icy flavor helped calm her. She could do this. This was nothing. On a scale of one to crazy, this didn’t even hit number five in the strange things she’d done to get a story.

  Following Alisha Keys into the women’s restroom and pretending her stall was out of toilet paper was maybe a two. Posing as a police officer to talk to Brad Pitt was more daring, maybe a six, and could have gotten her into trouble if anyone had found out. But the craziest thing she’d ever done had to be when she pretended she was a waitress. Her face heated at the mere thought of it, and she shoved the memory out of her mind. No one needed
to remember how she dumped shrimp down the front of Lady Gaga’s dress.

  Taking a deep breath, Riley stared as the doors opened and an entourage entered. She spied Jalen right away, carrying a small dog. Maybe a terrier? She wasn’t up on her dog breeds, but he was adorable.

  Jalen was followed by a flock of men clad in black suits and ties. The bald one touched his earpiece and spoke. Security. Her mouth went dry as she held her breath. A moment later Shadow Walker entered the lobby followed by another group of security guards. A bell boy followed suit with a full luggage cart.

  Riley stared at the masked man as if she could unravel the mystery just by sheer will. He was tall and thin, and his black outfit and mask made him look like the Dread Pirate Roberts. He wore gloves and a skull cap, and the only part of him not covered by his costume was his mouth and jawline.

  He nodded at a few passersby, but didn’t do anything extraordinary. He ignored people for the most part and waited for his manager. For some reason, she thought maybe he would be more charismatic. At least, on television he seemed to be. Maybe he was just tired, but seeing him in person fell flat for her. What a letdown.

  Too bad. But it didn’t matter. She wasn’t there to fall in love with the man. She just needed to figure out his true identity, which actually meant she would be spending all her time with his manager anyway. Her gaze traveled back to Jalen.

  He was taller in person than she expected. And despite the mottled skin that started at his hairline and went down a little past his eyes stopping at his cheekbone, he was a rather handsome man. She would guess he was in his late 20’s or early 30’s. His blonde hair was long enough to fall onto his forehead and appeared silky soft. He moved in a graceful manner, petting his dog to calm him while speaking with the woman behind the desk. His smile came easy. Riley leaned forward as the woman handed him the room keys. “You’ll be in 175, which has indoor access. I gave your team the entire wing so there shouldn’t be any foot traffic.”


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