Australians: Flappers to Vietnam

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Australians: Flappers to Vietnam Page 81

by Thomas Keneally

  John Herington, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume III: Air war Against Germany and Italy, 1939–43 (Sydney 1954)

  John Herington, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume IV: Air Power Over Europe, 1944-45 (Sydney 1963)

  Wilson, The Brotherhood of Airmen

  Martin Middlebrook, The Nuremburg Raid (London 1986)

  John Terraine, The Right of the Line: The Royal Air Force in the European War, 1939–1945 (London 1985)

  Robert Jackson, Storm from the Skies: The strategic bombing offensive, 1943–45 (London 1974)

  War History/Units/462 Squadron, AWM

  Operational Logbook, Pilot Officer Max Martin, by courtesy Martin family

  The war over women

  Anne-Marie Cook, ‘Demonising the “good time girls”: female sexuality as moral panic in wartime Australia’,

  Marilyn Lake, ‘Female desires: the meaning of World War I’, AHS, volume 24, number 95, 1990

  Joy Damousi and Marilyn Lake (eds), Gender and War: Australians at war in the twentieth century (Melbourne 1995)


  David St Alban Dexter, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume VI: The New Guinea Offensives (Sydney 1961)

  Allen Seymour Walker, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Medical, Volume I: Clinical Problems of War (Sydney 1962)

  Horner, High Command

  Ham, Kokoda

  Bradley, Hell’s Battlefield

  Peter Dornan, The Silent Men

  Tom O’Lincoln, ‘Kill or be killed’; Overland, 194, 2009

  A.L. Graeme-Evans, ‘The 18th Brigade AIF at Buna: Australia’s Pacific battle of the Somme’, AWM Journal, January 1993

  Lieutenant Colonel S.C. Graham, ‘Tanks against Japan’, Australian Army

  Journal, volume 1, number 2, online

  Making the golden society

  Butlin, War Economy 1942–45

  Glenda Strachan, “‘Still working for the man”: women’s employment experiences in Australia since 1950s’, Australian Journal of Women’s Issues, volume 45, Autumn 2010

  Crisp, Ben Chifley

  Day, Chifley

  Nugget Coombs, ‘The establishment radical’ in Robin Hughes (ed.), Australian Lives: Stories of twentieth century Australians (Sydney 1996)

  Thompson, Fair Enough

  Brett, Menzies’ Forgotten People

  Australia will be there?

  Gavin Merrick Long, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Army, Volume VII: The Final Campaigns (Sydney 1963)

  Horner, High Command

  Day, Curtin

  Day, The Politics of War

  The last campaign

  Peter Stanley, Tarakan: An Australian tragedy (Sydney 1997)

  Ooi Keat Gin, ‘Prelude to invasion: covert operations before the reoccupation of Northwest Borneo, 1944–45’, Journal of the AWM, number 35, December 2001

  Paul Ham, Sandakan: The untold story of the Sandakan Death Marches (Sydney 2012)

  Ronald McKie, The Heroes (Sydney 1989)

  Peter Thompson and Robert Macklin, Kill the Tiger: The truth about Operation Rimau (Sydney 2002)

  Lynette Ramsay Silver, from the research of Major Tom Hall, The Heroes of Rimau (Sydney 2002)

  Air war and politics

  Gordon James Odgers, Australia in the War of 1939–45, Air, Volume II: Air War Against Japan, 1943–45 (Sydney 1968)

  Gillison, Royal Australian Air Force 1939–42

  Laurie Oakes, Whitlam PM: A biography (Sydney 1973)

  Jenny Hocking, Gough Whitlam: A moment in history, volume I (Melbourne 2008)

  NAA, John Grey Gorton, A 9300 and A705, 163/34/154


  Nuclear ending

  Craig Collie, Nagasaki: The massacre of the innocent and unknowing (Sydney 2011)

  Paul Ham, Hiroshima Nagasaki (Sydney 2010)

  Prue Torney-Parlicki, ‘Whatever the thing may be called: the Australian news media and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki’, AHS, volume 114, 2000

  Peter Rhine, ‘Remembering Hiroshima’, Quadrant, September 1994

  NAA, Directorate of Prisoners of War and Internees 1939–1951, volumes 1 and 2. A7711

  NAA, Files of the Commission, A Report of War Crimes by Individual Members of the Armed Forces Against Australians, A10952 Argus, 19 September 1942

  Black saviours?

  Dan Leach, ‘An incident at Upper Ross: remembering Black American servicemen in Australia during the Second World War’, Overland, 2004

  Chan, War On Our Doorstep

  Peter A. Thompson and Robert Macklin, The Battle of Brisbane: Australians and the Yanks at war (Sydney 2000)

  Remaking the world

  P. Crockett, Evatt (Melbourne 1993)

  Tennant, Evatt, Politics, Justice

  David Lowe, ‘Australia in the world’, Beaumont, Australia’s War, 1939–45

  Mark Mazower, No Enchanted Palace: The end of empire and the ideological origins of the United Nations (Princeton 2009)

  NAA, Australia and the United Nations – Fact Sheet 88

  Evatt fights on

  As for previous section plus Charter of the United Nations at documents/charter

  UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights at

  After the sky fell in

  Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Day, Chifley

  Torney-Parlicki, ‘Whatever the thing may be called’

  ‘The bomb: what it meant to Australians’, AWM blog

  The retreat of women

  Patricia Grimshaw, Marilyn Lake, Ann McGrath, Marion Quartly, Creating a Nation: 1788–2007 (Perth 2006)

  Marilyn Lake, Getting Equal: A history of Australian feminism (1999)

  ‘National Health and Medical Research Council Reports on the Decline on the Birth Rate,’ November, 1944

  Thompson, Fair Enough

  The post-war nirvana

  Ann Firth, ‘The breadwinner, his wife and their welfare: identity, expertise and social and economic security in Australian post-war reconstruction’, Journal of Australian Politics and History, volume 50, issue 4, 2004

  Brett, Robert Menzies’ Forgotten People

  Starck, Proud Australian Boy

  Bretton Woods and all that

  Stewart Firth, Australia in International Politics: An introduction to Australian foreign policy (Sydney 2005)

  Day, Chifley

  Crisp, Ben Chifley

  Bell and Bell, Americanization and Australia

  Hansard, 13 and 17 March 1947

  Who will take the Jews?

  Suzanne D. Ratland, The Jews in Australia (Melbourne, 2005)

  Sol Encel and Leslie Stein, Continuity, Commitment and Survival: Jewish communities in the Diaspora (Westport, Ct. 2003)

  Jacques Vernant, The Refugee in the Post-War World (New Haven 1953)

  Communists: Friends? Enemies?

  Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Macintyre, The Reds

  Sir Robert Menzies, The Measure of the Years (Melbourne 1970)

  Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After

  E.B. Campbell, History of the Australian Labor Movement: A Marxist interpretation (1945)

  Edgar Ross, ‘Communism in the Best Interests of the Australian People’ (1948), pamphlets online at

  The war after the war

  Crisp, Chifley

  Day, Chifley

  Edgar Ross, ‘The Coal Front: The great coal strike of 1949 and the issues it raised’ (Communist Party pamphlet, Sydney c.1950)

  Australian Women’s Weekly, 9 July 1949

  Sydney Morning Herald, August 22 1949

  L.J. Louis, ‘The Cold/Class War and the jailing of Ted Roach’, Labor History, number 86, 2004


  Troy Whitford and Don Boadle, ‘Australia’s Rural Reconstruction Commiss

  1943–46: a reassessment’, Journal of Australian Politics and History, volume 54, issue 4, 2008

  Siobhan McHugh, The Snowy: The people behind the power (Sydney 1995)

  Margaret Unger, Voices From the Snowy (Sydney n.d.)

  United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 1943–48, Online Archive of California, No XX288

  Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, oral history interview with Henry van Zile Hyde, July 1975

  Mark Aarons, Sanctuary! Nazi Fugitives in Australia (Melbourne 1989)

  Michael Dugan and Joseph Szwarc, ‘There Goes the Neighbourhood!’: Australia’s migrant experience (Melbourne 1984)

  IM/14, Statement by Arthur Calwell, Minister for Immigration,

  When China goes Red

  Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After

  Menzies, The Measure of the Years

  Drew Cottle and Angela Keys, ‘Red-hunting in Sydney’s China Town’, JAS, issue 91, 2007


  War and rumours of more

  John Murphy, Imagining the Fifties: Private sentiment and political culture in

  Menzies’ Australia (Sydney 2000)

  Alan Renouf, The Frightened Country (Melbourne 1979)

  Sir Robert Menzies, Afternoon Light (Melbourne 1967)

  Menzies, The Measure of the Years

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Hazelhurst, Menzies Observed

  Alexander, From Curtin to Menzies and After

  Ben Chifley dies

  Crisp, Ben Chifley

  Day, Chifley

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Daily Mirror, Sydney, 14 June 1951

  The Golden 1950s

  Chifley and Menzies biographies as for previous two sections

  Murphy, Imagining the Fifties

  Brett, Menzies’ Forgotten People

  Crisp, History of the Federal Labour Party

  Renouf, The Frightened Country

  David Lowe, Australia Between Empires: The life of Percy Spender (London 2010)

  Vladimir enters

  Vladimir and Evdokai Petrov, Empire of Fear (Melbourne 1956)

  Tennant, Evatt, Politics and Justice

  Menzies, The Measure of the Years

  Nicholas Whitlam and John Stubbs, Nest of Traitors: The Petrov affair (Brisbane 1974)

  Hazlehurst, Menzies Observed

  Sydney Morning Herald, October 27 1954

  NAA, Professor K.F. Bailey’s Papers on Royal Commission on Espionage, M1507

  Assimilation and its rewards

  Russell McGregor, ‘Avoiding Aborigines: Paul Hasluck and the Northern

  Territory Welfare Ordinance, 1953’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 51, issue 4, December 2005

  Broome, Aboriginal Australians

  Bain Atwood and Andrew Markus, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights:

  A documentary history (Sydney 1999)

  Anthony Moran, ‘White Australia, settler nationalism and Aboriginal assimilation’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 51, number 2, June 2005

  Old culture, new weapons

  Broome, Aboriginal Australians

  Atwood, The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights

  F. Stevens, Aborigines in the Northern Territory Cattle Industry (Canberra 1974)

  Dorothy Hewett, ‘Clancey and Dooley and Don McLeod’, Collected Poems, 1940–95 (Perth 1995)

  Frank Hardy, The Unlucky Australians (Sydney 1968)

  Reynolds, North of Capricorn

  The woman labours

  Lesley Johnson and Justine Lloyd, Sentenced to Everyday Life: Feminism and the housewife (New York 2004)

  Lake, Getting Equal

  Zora Simic, ‘A new age? Australian feminism and the 1940s’, Hecate, volume 32, number 1, 2006

  Those nasty books

  Nicole Moore, The Censor’s Library: Uncovering the lost history of Australia’s banned books (Brisbane 2010)

  Nicole Moore, ‘Obscene and over here: national sex and the “Love Me Sailor” obscenity case’, Australian Literary Studies, 20.4, 2002

  Stephen Murray Smith, ‘Borstal Boy and the censors’, Overland, 15 July 1954

  ‘The Lady Chatterley case’, Overland, 19 December 1960


  Hal Porter, The Actors: An image of the new Japan (Sydney 1968)

  Sally Hone, ‘War and love’, Signals, 85, December 2008/February 2009

  Catriona Elder, ‘Digger’s waifs: desire, anxiety and immigration in post 1945

  Australia’, AHS, volume 38, issue 130, 2007

  Julie Easton, ‘Japanese war brides in Western Australia: immigration and assimilation in the 1950s’, Studies in WA History Journal, number 16, 1995

  Italian immigration

  Susanna Iuliano, ‘Donne e Buoi dai Paesi Tuio (Choose women and oxen from your home village): Australian proxy marriages in post war Australia,’ Australian Journal of Social Issues, volume 34, issue 4, 1999

  Helen Andreoni, ‘Olive or white? The colour of Italians in Australia’, JAS, issue 77, 2003


  The long shadow of Menzies

  Menzies works and biographies as above

  Frank Bongiorno, ‘The price of nostalgia: Menzies the “Liberal” tradition and

  Australian foreign policy’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 51, issue 3, 2005

  Donald Horne, The Lucky Country (Melbourne 1964)

  Lowe, Australia between Empires

  Dr Sandra Penrose, ‘Percy Spender and the origins of ANZUS’, refereed paper,

  University of Adelaide, 29 September–1 October 2004

  Pam Maclean, ‘An almost universal scheme of national service in Australia in the 1950s’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 52, issue 3, 2006

  The Canal

  Menzies biographies as above

  Menzies, Afternoon Light

  Lowe, Australia between Empires

  Alan Renouf, The Frightened Country

  Penose, ‘Percy Spender and the Origins of ANZUS’

  Timothy Benson, ‘Suez 1956’, History Today, volume 56, issue 11, 2006

  Again, our ice

  Klaus Dodds and Alan D. Hemmings, ‘Frontier Vigilantism? Australian and contemporary representations of Australian Antarctic Territory’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 55, issue 4, 2009

  David Day, Antarctica

  NAA, ‘Australian Antarctic Discovery and Research’, Fact Sheet 94, with reference to papers on 1957 International Geophysical Year and 1959 Antarctic Treaty

  Australian art and its friends

  Smith, Australian Painting

  Serle, From Deserts the Prophets Come

  Sarah Scott, ‘Imagining a nation: Australia’s representation at the Venice Biennale, 1958’, JAS, volume 27, issue 79, 2003

  Martin, Robert Menzies

  Fission, fusion and Australia

  J.L. Symonds, A History of British Atomic Tests in Australia (Canberra 1985)

  Robert Milliken, No Conceivable Injury: The story of Britain and Australia’s atomic cover up (Melbourne 1986)

  Roger Cross, Fallout: Hedley Marston and the British bomb tests in Australia (Adelaide 2001)

  Wayne Reynolds, ‘Loyal to the end: the fourth British Empire, Australia and the bomb, 1943–57’, AHS, volume 33, issue 119, 2002

  Report of Royal Commission, Volume 2 12.4, Operation Totem, Royal Commission, NAA, A6450

  ‘Oliphant, Sir Marcus Laurence Elwin (1901–2000)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, online edition

  J.O. Newton, ‘Ernest William Titterton, 1916–90’, Historical Records of Australian Science, volume 9, number 2, 1992

  Andrew Sinclair, The Red and the Blue: Cambridge, treason and intelligence (Boston 1982)


  As for previous section and especially Milliken, No Conceivable Injury

  NAA, R
eport of Royal Commission

  Cross, Fallout: Hedley Marston and the British bomb tests in Australia

  Meeting Soviet man

  John McNair, ‘Visiting the future: Australian (fellow-) travellers in Soviet

  Russia’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, volume 46, issue 4, 2000

  Mark McKenna, An Eye for Eternity: The life of Manning Clark (Melbourne 2011)

  Katharine Susannah Prichard, The Real Russia (1934)

  Betty Roland, Caviar for Breakfast (Sydney 1989)

  Geoffrey Blainey, Across a Red World (Melbourne 1968)



  David Ramsland and Christopher Mooney, Remembering Aboriginal Heroes:

  Struggle, identity and the media (Melbourne, 2006)

  Smith, Australian Painting

  Tim Rouse, ‘Assimilation and after’ in Anne Curthoys, A.W. Martin, Tim Rowse (eds), Australians from 1939 (Sydney 1987)

  Joyce D. Batty, Albert Namatjira: Wanderer between two worlds (Adelaide 1963)

  David Unaipon

  Ramsland and Mooney, Remembering Aboriginal Heroes

  David Unaipon, edited and introduced by Stephen Muecke and Adam

  Shoemaker, Legendary Tales of the Australian Aborigines (Melbourne 2006)

  Adam Shoemaker, Black Words, White Page (Brisbane 1989)

  The Movement


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